The Mr Green Kumaris

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Post18 Sep 2007

Hey Abek are you not going to respond to this?

This lot are busy mixing up Fruits, Nuts and Brownies. Quite a mix indeed ...

I am sure I'd feel a song coming on ... but cannot quite trace the right one. Any idea? ... :wink:
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Post18 Sep 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I am sure I'd feel a song coming on ...

Easy. Do you not remember that devotion hymn from one of Lobsang Cakepa's earlier incarnations as a piece of confectionary? All together now ...Everyone's A Fruit & Nut-Case*
Everyone's A Fruit & Nut-Case
Its keeps you going
When you toss the caber
What ever you are doing
Punting or canoeing
Its delicious and pretitious
To be judicious-ly chewing
Everyone's a Fruit and Nut case,
If only it could help my singing
For healthy recreation
What a combination
C******'s Fruit And Nut.
We make these up as we go along you know!

* And for our readers in the legal profession ...
    Official External Link Disclaimer Small Print Notice
The author of this will not be held liable for the completeness, the correctness, topicality, or quality of the published information. Seek professional advice from your medical practitioner before eating cake, biscuits or chocolates. The publishers of this website do not recommend nor seek commerical benefit for recommending the products competitive confectionary companies.

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No fruit or nut trees were hurt in the making of this website.
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abrahma kumar

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Brownies forbidden in favour of Fruit & Nut Cases ...?

Post18 Sep 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Hey Abek are you not going to respond to this? This lot are busy mixing up Fruits, Nuts and Brownies. Quite a mix indeed ... I am sure I'd feel a song coming on ... but cannot quite trace the right one. Any idea? ... :wink:

Om! On the basis that child freedom, conqueror of external influences & temporary urges, has taken courage in her taste buds and expressed the pure desire for brownies and NOT the illusion offered by assorted Fuits & Nut cases I, abeK, shall continue to maintain a stable stage as an example and encouragement to all students who battle so, so much with the pull of forbidden brownie's. Van Morrison did not sing about Brown-eyed Kumaris.
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Re: Brownies forbidden in favour of Fruit & Nut Cases ..

Post18 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Van Morrison did not sing about Brown-eyed Kumaris.

Hey where did we go,
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow,
Playin' a new game,
Laughing and a running hey, hey
Skipping and a jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a thumpin' and you
My brown eyed girl.

So hard to find my way,
Now that I am all on my own.
I saw you just the other day,
My how you have grown

Fie ... Fie Kansa Demon. Brothers and Sisters, beware the evil eye wash of brown sugar where ever it appears in Fruit Cakes, Babana Loafs, Special Brownies or Cheesie Cookies!!! :evil:
The Satanic Majesties sang not wrote:Drums beating, cold English blood runs hot,
Lady of the House wondrin' where its gonna stop.
House boy knows that he's doin alright.

Ah brown sugar how come you taste so good ...


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Post18 Sep 2007

Everyone's A Fruit & Nut-Case*

How about "Nuts oh Hazel Nuts, Cxxxxxy's take them up and cover them with chocolate".

(You know, watching UK commercials are funny, half the time don't seem to have a clue what they are selling).

Is "Rolliing Stones/Brown Sugar" not the meaning of a coloured lady? Or is it not the heroin drug as in "Stranglers/Golden Brown" ?

Oh well, never mind, ignore me. I had to search google to find out the meaning of "brownies", ranging from girl guides, to scottish folklore goblin creatures, to skimpy costumes. Anyway, here's a whole website of brownie recipes for the those with unlimited disinterest :
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Post18 Sep 2007

bansy wrote:Anyway, here's a whole website of brownie recipes for the those with unlimited disinterest : Brownie Recipes

Manmat ... or at least womanmat actually.

Do not be deluded. Only one Fruit Cake can be the imperishable Fruit Cake! Brown Sugar is about a slave girl taken from Africa sold in the USA but for those that know, there might be unlimited proofs in video.
    Aunti ex-l says, its always best to keep a junior BK; barefoot, celibate and in the kitchen.



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Post20 Sep 2007

Dear mr green ji, abrahma kumarji, ex-lji, freedomji, in the nightji, bansyji and other respected members of Green Cake Kumaris WSU,
in the night wrote:'Please define conciousness', which same i will now do by sharing my experiences of cake Subtle Regions... as experience is the only method of understanding consciousness ...

We have now supreme fruit cake, banana loaf, (?chelsea) buns and special brownies ... but i must inform you all of a development ... in fact, it is a pre-development and it happened: ...

Yes, as I sat for Amrit Vela one morning, in 1997 (or was it 1996?), I was taken immediately into what I now believe to be Cake Subtle Regions. By vision of 'double chocolate cake' slice, I was held for 45 minutes in sweet, delicious, trance remembrance of chocolate iced gateau, bathed in such colours of subtle light ...

It was following this that I started practising Chocolate Chip Bestower stage, Complete Surrendered Brownie, Master Utter Nut and Total Fruit-Sovereignty ... and beyond.

As the, I now believe, Original Cake Kumari (OCK) trance messenger and medium, I must inform you that I now believe, and this is to decorate the icing on the cake, that any Cake Kumari's aim is to be;
    sliceless and
    inchocoreal ...
with much regards.
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Post20 Sep 2007

maybek wrote:Yes, as I sat for Amrit Vela one morning, in 1997 (or was it 1996?), I was taken immediately into what I now believe to be Cake Subtle Regions.

Nah, Cake Puri is only the first tray of the Unlimited Dessert Trolley.

Above that you have Cheese and Crackers Realm and then at the top, the seed-like stage of the Fruit and Nuts and then the Supreme Gulab Jamun Bowl ... only no one that has ever merged themselves with Gulam Jamun has ever come back to tell the story. It trully is to die alive ...

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abrahma kumar

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Cake Puri & the Unlimited Dessert trolley

Post20 Sep 2007

freedom wrote:How about the 'special brownies' ?!!! I have the recipe and there is no 'incarnation' involved but you sure feel intoxicated after one piece !! 8) 8) 8)

Hi maybek & all, I do not deny anyone the freedom to experiment with whatever puri, jamun, cheese and crackers, dessert trolley or whatever else it is that their taste buds fancy. In fact, I support them wholeheartedly if that is what they want for themselves.

I will hold the minute spoonfulls of the stuff to their mouths for them so they can sample a nibble. And i will even wipe away the crumbs and/or runny cream as it trickles down their chins. But I for one will hold out for the 'special brownies'. Ah!

So I will read your experiences of those other "false idols & prophets" with interest but no desire :). As long as The Mr. Green Kumaris can serve 'special brownies', i will want for nothing. Therefore I will quickly reach the desireless, brownie-teet, stage. Yes, eat your hearts out you effort-makers :lol:.

Talking of which, has anyone ever sampled the Hare Krishna desserts? Wow, very, very yummy. I remember being invited to one of their restaurants one evening and the recipe was all desserts. Six courses of the most delightful 'sweet foods' one could imagine. They had invited me to the 'by special invitation only evening' because over the months i had proven to be such a sweet Baba's child who served them so well by talking of Krishna and having Yoga in the upstairs room etc. So I am sure that i can fit in with the Mr. Green Kumaris with no problem at all. maybe i will share how a soldier saved me from a

ex-l, where is BKdimok? Maybe he is in Cake Puri after all.
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Re: Cake Puri & the Unlimited Dessert trolley

Post20 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:ex-l, where is BKdimok? Maybe he is in Cake Puri after all.

Definitely 'fingers in the mixing bowl', whatever is going on. Lucky soul. Who's cake has 108 candles on it?
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Post25 Sep 2007

Haven't dipped into this topic since mid-Sept and what do I find - the usual story with (ex)BK nutters!

Mr Green quite reasonably observes that the one true God (or at least Chariot) is the piece of fruitcake in his fridge and the rest of you go off on one - no! I prefer the gulab jamun, or I've found the one true God/Chariot and it's actually Christmas pudding/raspberry cheesecake/lemon meringue pie etc (I've added my own favourites to join the fun).

It's all very reminiscent of the gourd and sandal cults in Life of Brian ...

No wonder the world's such a mess and the BK authorities think we're completely off our (cake) trolley!

Love, joy, JSK and namaste, :P
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Post25 Sep 2007

pilatus wrote:No wonder the world's such a mess and the BK authorities think we're completely off our (cake) trolley!

And anything you write will be taken down by a BK and used against you in a court of law ... given half a chance.

Anything you write in this topic will be taken down and used in a future cookbook.
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Post25 Sep 2007

You have to mix your own ingredients. You could put tumeric if you are a mouse. You can use bread and honey if your in the army. You might have to churn the milk to get the butter. Be careful your bricks don't come half baked. And may there be a gulab jamming in your mouth.
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Post27 Sep 2007

You lot are still on about nuts, fruits, cakes and brownies, are you all hungry or wot?

Let's change the subject: How about my special muffin mix ...
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Post27 Sep 2007

Muffin' the mule is definitely off topic AND against the Maryadas. Best stick to overeating confectionary.

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