Is this the beginning of the end of Kaliyug?

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Is this the beginning of the end of Kaliyug?

Post15 Sep 2007

I have been following these discussions for some time and it looks to me as though the final days or years of Kaliyug are approaching.

The legal case against this site, which promotes free speech and discussion of ideas by the Brahma Kumaris institute, is very funny. I am sure it will all be over and all parties involved will have to start the real challenge of standing alone in truth, peace etc, as a pukka soul/Brahmin.

I would like to ask Arjun, has Virendra Dev Dixit given any indications of time? In light of much talk of the revelation of the third personality, I would further like to ask when will he/she be revealed?

Om Shanti
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Post15 Sep 2007

The end has been coming and predicted by BKs since around 1950. All those that speculate and predict always end up with 'egg on their face', as we say in the UK.

If you look for signs of end times you will see them everywhere, just as the christians did some 2000 years ago. I think PBKs predicted the end in 2000, 2004 and the latest, 2007 (and a half) but the end of what? If a prediction is made and it doesn't arrive, what will be said? 'It was a prediction of a subtle Destruction of such and such' :lol:.
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Post15 Sep 2007

Dear Brother John,

where did you get the predictions of the PBKs from? It is only due to some heard-narrated, half-understood, half-interpretated stories that there comes misundertsandings. When we'll be the end we can only know for sure afterwards. But as in buisness and evrything also the ones who can forsee win.

But you also turn away the things. It is not that the prediction fails and there needs an explanation to be found. No, the explanation is OK, but of course it can come only after the occurance.

Many are not even capable to come with proper explanation, but we should not use the situation. These are separate the situation and explanation. We are not thought some words by heart to recite. We have to learn the principles, like in any situation we should be able to find out by ourselves what is the meaning. Then it is a matter of tunning of the mind.

Under the face of a good covered crime you undercover the secret everywhere that it is all about keeping up the face. It is said that as our vision so our world. Whatever we see this is what we are. Where is the need to keep face when it is already full of a lot of eggs from the past. We start with this, we don't start with clean face.

I believe the beginning of the end of Kaliyuga has started with the start of the Confluence Age.
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Post16 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:where did you get the predictions of the PBKs from? It is only due to some heard-narrated, half-understood, half-interpretated stories that there comes misundertsandings.

The predictions have been spoken about on the forum, again it pays to have a good memory.
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Post16 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:where did you get the predictions of the PBKs from?

If the PBKs want to establish credibility and avoid following down the same path as the BK they MUST avoid re-writing and cover ups. Dr John Walliss, Director, of the Hope Centre for Millennialism Studies, documents some in his book on the Brahma Kumaris and the tense, irrational even aggressive relationship of the BKWSU towards the PBKs.

It is no longer possible to tell folkstories and have them disappear into the mists of times. The move from verbal, to written, to digital communication has largely removed that. We are all heard liable for every good word AND brainfart we utter.

Look at this business of the early documentations and historical revision, previous successfully hidden, now know globally; or the BKWSU putting out message to stop BKs making erroneous and exaggerated claims ... it is better to document and then admit up and confess. Every one makes mistakes, it is how we handle them that makes the difference.
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Post16 Sep 2007

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Post16 Sep 2007

Amar wrote:I would like to ask Arjun, has Veerendra Dev Dixit given any indications of time? In light of much talk of the revelation of the third personality, I would further like to ask when will he/she be revealed?
John wrote:If you look for signs of end times you will see them everywhere, just as the christians did some 2000 years ago. I think PBKs predicted the end in 2000, 2004 and the latest, 2007 (and a half) but the end of what? If a prediction is made and it doesn't arrive, what will be said? 'It was a prediction of a subtle Destruction of such and such' .

Yes, like the prediction about 1976 by BKs (i.e. through Brahma Baba), the many PBKs thought that the world would end in 2000, but that did not happen. Then, there was mention about 2004/2005 in one of the Avyakt Vanis and then the time period for shooting of various Ages within the Confluence Age was revised to 2004. But this time most PBKs did not take it in literal sense and thought it to be metaphorical.

As regards 2007/2008, it has been clarified that the soul playing the role of Vaishnavi or Vishnu may become revealed, first in the Brahmin family around 2008 and later on in the world. Well, whether this too is in literal sense or in metaphorical sense is yet to be seen.

One thing that has to be kept in mind, is that it has been said several times in the Avyakt Vanis, Sakar Murlis and in clarifications that destruction would take place suddenly and no date could be given for that.

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Post16 Sep 2007

arjun wrote:no date could be given for that.

No date meaning a SPECIFIC date. But plenty of general dates to within a one or a few years.

I am very strict on this because BK all to easily glaze over and say, "Baba has never given a date for Destruction" ... well, he damned well has to with a year or two years and to my mind that is pretty specific with even a 5,000 years framework.

This is not aimed personally towards yourself arjun. You have always come across as very accurate according to the Murli and reasonable about this issue and others.
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Post17 Sep 2007

It is never said that the world will end in 2004 or 2007. 2004 is said to be the end of the role of Shankar and 2007 the revelation of the third personality.

It should also be clear what are we talking about when we talk about the End of the World. As we are dealing with spiritual matters it can mean finishing of impurity, revelation of the Father etc, something related to The Knowledge etc. No matter whether it is made in 1950 or 2000, it will always mean something like this. We are not the ones responsible to drop atomic bombs, so it will never mean this.

Nevertheless it is said that those who are responsible for dropping phisical bombs do not have the courage to do it, so we'll be entering them to inspire them.
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Post17 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:Nevertheless it is said that those who are responsible for dropping phisical bombs do not have the courage to do it, so we'll be entering them to inspire them.

Murli quotations please. Its hard to believe. Does it explain how we will enter them to inspire them?
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Post17 Sep 2007

I cannot supply exact quotation, but there in a Murli it is said that at the end you'll also play the part of entering. This will be the mode of service. I remember Baba (via Virendra Dev Dixit) clarifying something that it will be like entering with the mind and intellect like influencing their mind and intellect.
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Post18 Sep 2007

I believe it is possible in theory. Non-BK mystics call it "over-shadowing" of one soul in a body by another soul and suggest that "masters", "ascendended saints" or yogis can do it.

They say individuals of the (Avyakt) advanced party/Seniors do ... I just have not heard about it directly from the Murlis.
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Post18 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:I believe it is possible in theory. Non-BK mystics call it "over-shadowing" of one soul in a body by another soul and suggest that "masters", "ascendended saints" or yogis can do it.

They say individuals of the (Avyakt) advanced party/Seniors do ... I just have not heard about it directly from the Murlis.

Crowley used to do it too :lol:.


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Post19 Sep 2007

Om Shanti. I want to clear up question about the advanced party as it considered by BKs and by me also. Advanced Party are those souls who were BKs in their 83 rd birth and left their bodies. Now they are in their 84 th birth (last one in this Kalpa). Only one soul is in the Subtle Region now - Brahma Baba.

With regards, Shankar


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Post19 Sep 2007

Every one makes mistakes, it is how we handle them that makes the difference.

Even God can make mistakes ... I can handle that but what bothers me is the cover-ups.

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