The Mr Green Kumaris

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abrahma kumar

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welcome over in this place

Post16 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:
mr green wrote:As an oldposter, I would like to be the first to welcome you to this forum ...

As a fourposter well bedded into this forum, I am sending you a warm welcome too. Pull up a chair beside our oven and have a taste of what it is we are cooking up together! New ingredients welcome.

And it is always my pleasure to lay down a soundtrack that beats in a way that you can get groovy to. So welcome over in this place.

pssssst: If you hear a rhythmic, thud thud thud thud thud, you can bet that 2 or more have found a mat to rest on, good ole fourposter bedded and baked into the fabric of the forum. Where's the chambermaid? Thanks to mr green and his Kumaris they'll be wanna be talking tantra next! Was that a cake or a bun in the oven?
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Post17 Sep 2007

How about the 'special brownies' ?!!! I have the recipe and there is no 'incarnation' involved but you sure feel intoxicated after one piece !! 8) 8) 8)
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in the night

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Post17 Sep 2007

maybek wrote:May be I better go for my currants elsewhere.

Please define conciousness. If god can come into the body of an Indian woman ... then why not into the fruit cake?? ... Please give a logical and supported answer.. :!:
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in the night

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Post17 Sep 2007

freedom wrote:how about the 'special brownies' ?!!! I have the recipe and there is no 'incarnation' involved but you sure feel intoxicated after one piece !! 8) 8) 8)

.. Sorry freedom but there is only one true incarnation of Shiva: the fruit cake ... come and join us for a 3 dimensional experience. You will get the brownies only after the Copper Age starts. :mrgreen:
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Post17 Sep 2007

in the night wrote:Please define conciousness. If god can come into the body of an Indian woman ... then why not into the fruit cake?? ... Please give a logical and supported answer.. :!:

It is only on the Path of Bhakti that the devotees believe that God can enter the non-living Fruit Cake.

On the Path of Gyan, we believe that God only enters the living Fruit Cake which we believe is the permanent Banana Loaf. Between the Iron Age and the Golden Age, new knowledge is given of a fifth age. It is called, The Tea Break.

Only during the Tea Break can we imbibe and have all relationships with the living Fruit Cake. The Fruit Cake has come.
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abrahma kumar

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A special-brownie-one-piece Tea Break

Post17 Sep 2007

freedom wrote:How about the 'special brownies' ?!!! I have the recipe and there is no 'incarnation' involved but you sure feel intoxicated after one piece !! 8) 8) 8)

It is only when Bhakti begins on the BrahmaKumaris.Info website that the devotees desire for just one piece of the 'special brownies' is fulfilled. Therefore, even as sweet child, freedom had the thought for "one piece" of those 'special brownies'. Devotee abbekay got a Fruit Cake touching - and so he came running.

It is on this basis that abrahma Kumar, the one time 1 in 10 soul, the instrument brownie who selflessly gives his bones in service for The Fruit Cake on BrahmaKumaris.Info, claimed his number as the numero uno special-brownie-one-piece-Tea-Break-pilgrim to freedom. Shall we skip the incarnation intro and imbibe the intoxicant?

The Mr. Green Kumaris first Murli transmission can be heard here. It is written in the drama that some of you were bound to have forgotten your fm radios so you can read the Murli here afterwards. Students are asked to imbibe all dharna points. Om Fruit Cake.

Before you go there is an announcement; Would all The mr. green Kumaris double foreign children who think they would like a break for tea feel free to do as they please in the upstairs dining room. But before that you all double foreign children are invited to come up onto the stage to take "The Nectar of Jannisder's Cherry-wine" from a dandy. Baba's bharatwasi children will have Tea Break anyway as it is their regular hourly practice.

Om Fruit Cake
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Re: A special-brownie-one-piece Tea Break

Post17 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:The Mr. Green Kumaris first Murli transmission can be heard here.

No, no, no! God has come again (so quickly?) ... the appointed brownie is starting to speak through me and I have am receiving a clarification of The Fruit Cake Murli.
The Supreme Banana Loaf sang not wrote:I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I am crying.

Sitting on a guddhi, waiting for god to come.
Corporate tee-shirt, stupid bloody Bhog-day.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I am the eggman, I am the eggman, I am the Fruit Cake,
goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob, goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo-oo

Juba juba juba, juba, juba, juba, juba, juba, juba juba. Juba juba ...

(The Beatles ... "more popular than Dada Lekhraj").

"When they reached the subject of religion, Lennon said, "Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. ... We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first-rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me."


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Post17 Sep 2007

Yes, come for my cherry and strawberry wine to make sure you all stay in Yoga and remember me so you will all come back for some more.

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Post17 Sep 2007

jannisder is surely "One of the 8" Cup Cakes ...

or may be "One of the 108" Broken Biscuits?
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post17 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:I'd just like to formally state that I am the leader of the Anti-Fruit Cake Baba Committee. I note that other commentators have suggested that the Baba has in fact left the Fruit Cake, is now in the Banana Loaf, and that the Banana Loaf Baba recipe is closer to the original one ... or may actually be the same.

Well that cannot be true! Where did you source your information, ex-l?

Last time I checked the Medium did not like bananas but God does so it causes a bit of an internal struggle on the stage. Or is it a simple case of open up and swallow?

I think we need a recipe for Nut Cake ...
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Post17 Sep 2007

There has been a development inside the kitchen cupboard, the cake has developed a mouldy corner!!! This can only mean the living Chariot still has some karmic accounts to settle. Shiva told me this, of course, from the slice as I had a quick look this morning.

The Shivalingum and the lingums are of course the memorial of the One slice and the many chocolate brownies.

When people eat freedom's special brownies (please understand if such items are bought into Global Cakeration House, they instantly become the property of the cake-in-charge [me]) ... and feel intoxicated. This is, of course, the fortune of said cake eaters' inheritance and they will feel a bit funny as they did last Cakepa.
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Post17 Sep 2007

I cannot stop laughing ... :lol:. This cycle of God searching and fruit (cake) of bakti made me intoxicated ... Hey, don't forget about the recipe for the tea. I know one made with lillies that will make your stage so high ... beyond sound ... flying birds ... or that was someone's TM already?
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Post18 Sep 2007

mr green wrote:Cakepa ...

Cakepa? ... do you mean Lobsang Cakepa, the mysterious saddhu that provided the raising agent for the original Fruit Cake?

I heard that he belonged to the Cheesie Crackers sect.
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in the night

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Post18 Sep 2007

mr green wrote:When people eat freedom's special brownies (please understand if such items are bought into Global Cakeration House, they instantly become the property of the cake-in-charge [me]) ...

Dear dandi mr green..

I hope you will reconsider allowing freedom´s special brownies to be be freely available to all ... you're kitchen will become a pilgrim place, I am sure! ... did i just say that?? :roll:

Can I be a dandi too? :), dandi in the night ..? :doubt: .. OK, I'll get the fruit cake to rename me :mrgreen:

(:!: special announcement: I have been secretly informed that there is a good amount of souls which are under the influence of fruit cake in the form of Maya. It makes you cake conscious instead of flying in the "fruit stage" ... allowing your timidness, seriousness and criticism to vanish away into the light of the absurd :shock: ).
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Post18 Sep 2007

Yes, it is absolutely true. I have proven without any doubt whatsoever that the original records actually state that we must maintain a Fruit and Nut Stage at all times and never fall into the mixing bowl of Cake Consciousness.

It is only through the bhatti of Gas Mark 4 that we can become at one with a supreme Fruit Cake.

No brownie is any more special than any other brownie. All brownies are equal.

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