The PBK Bhatti and Meeting Virendra Dev Dixit

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Post22 Jun 2006

I forgot the second question: A PBK is someone who considers him/herself to be the child of the Father (Prajapita) and the mother (Brahma) both together, as it is a family path. It sometimes occurs that some cannot do the bhatti, whether because of money problems, or especially when they are in bondage, the husband would not let them, but they have this love for Baba, and write letters to him, they are PBK in their heart, I would say.
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Post22 Jun 2006

Surya Bhai,

You where involved in the BK's for awhile i believe you typed 20 years. Over those years did you see more hints about Baba and the Advance Party or did you see some being hidden? How did you learn about the PBK's?




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how i became a PBK...

Post23 Jun 2006

dear atma,

thanks. I found The Knowledge first on the internet ... while looking for Murlis to read. As my time in BK life I never suspected anything I was brainwashed, now looking back I realized that I was.


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Post23 Jun 2006

Bhai Surya,

That is good it takes alot of courage to do what you did. I am so :D that you spent time with Baba.

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Post23 Jun 2006

bansy wrote:"This seems to be quite fresh from the BKs "

It is something like the million minutes programme organized by the BKs during my childhood, when we collected pledges from general public that they would spend some time in peace/silence/remembrance of God. But what Baba refers in the Murlis is a different kind of bhatti that used to be organized at Madhuban, but seems to have been discontinued by the BKs after Brahma Baba left his body.

Although the mini-Madhubans at Kampil village is a very small house, which looks very old from outside, with just basic facilities, thousands of souls have undergone the bhatti at various points of time and returned satisfied.

The above website of BKs inviting BKs for the volcanic bhatti contains the lectures by many BK Dadis and Brothers, but the Avyakt Vani which inspired the BKs to do this volcanic bhatti seems to have been marginalized. It finds a small mention in three lines, without mentioning whether it has been taken from an Avyakt Vani or a Murli, whereas the lectures given by the senior BKs have been given prominence. This is the difference between the BKs and the PBKs.

The PBKs try to follow the directions of one ShivBaba, whereas the BKs are sadly caught in a quagmire of human gurus, who have sent BapDada to the oblivion. When I was a BK, I too was caught in the illusionary world of these human gurus within the Brahmin family, but feel lucky that finally Baba brought me out of it.

The related point from the Avyakt Vani dated 14.3.06 narrated through Gulzar Dadiji is as follows:
"Create plans for self-progress in which you become your own checker and check that there isn’t the royal “I” emerging. Today, you have come to celebrate Holi and so BapDada is giving you this thought: Today, before you go you will burn the “I” of arrogance and of feeling insulted, of being disheartened. You will not take it back with you. You will burn something, will you not? Will you light a fire? The fire of Yoga which is as intense as a volcano - burn it in that. Do you know how to burn it? Do you know how to have such intense volcanic Yoga? Or, do you only know how to have ordinary Yoga? Become the ones who have volcanic Yoga, the light-and-might-houses. Do you like that? Attention please! Burn the “I”. "

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Has any Brothers hugged Baba?

Post28 Jul 2006

I’m glad here to share this experience to the Brahmin Brothers and Sisters,

When I had completed Bhatti in 21-2-06, I had only 27 hrs left to leave India. Rafiulla Bhai, the course instructor, Nagraj and everyone in Kampil would tell me ‘bacche aaye baap se milne aur baap na mile, yeh ho nahi sakta' (a child would come to meet Father, and Father wouldn’t meet him, it cannot be possible). This sentence would sound so powerful to me. Finally, when it was time to meet him, I was over-excited inside but no sooner Baba entered so typically with his old slippers and carrying his small bag, all my excitement was initially vanished. He was so so simple, even after doing bhatti I developed anischay buddhi at that moment.

To be honest, I was saying to myself, ‘you were wrong about Baba.’ Then, he sat in bed, and as he was looking into my eyes, I was like naked. I felt I was so untruthful to myself and to everyone. Then, gradually Baba began to seem so unnatural to me. I realised that meeting Baba in corporeal is completely different experience from watching him in the VCD*. (I also had an experience of a soul entering into my body which is so difficult to explain).

I couldn’t figure out why wasn’t I able to interacting with Baba normally? Maybe it was because of the vibration of the people inside the room or maybe my own negative thoughts, ‘I’m so disgusting and such an unreliable soul.’ This dilemma forced me to say him, ‘Baba I want to meet you personally.’ Having said this, all the people were out and it was just me and Baba inside the closed room. Now, I was able to look into his eyes naturally. There were not such talks of knowledge but rather about my feelings for Baba, my weaknesses, my inner experience in Gyan and so many things. He would appear so loveful and in a second, very lawful.

However, I was acting like a small baby to him, wanting to jump at him and cuddle him (but did not dare). This baby-instinct came out so naturally from inside, as if this nature had been always merged inside my soul and I was completely unaware about it before. I just talked and talked, he was there simply listening and sometimes smiling. It felt like he was there to perform his duty for his child. And sometimes, he seemed like a teacher, giving the best hints and suggestions to uplift in life. He could pass any moment just unaffected, as if the moment has bygone for him and will repeat only after 5000 years; such a nirakari stage he possess.

I remember one topic where I had explained about my subtle attachment(which is no longer now) with Brahma Baba and the audio Murlis imparted through him and asked him whether to stop listening to them. He just smiled at me and said, ‘no, keep on listening to them too.’ I understand now why he said this; it certainly takes time for a child to wean away the attachment for The Mother.

And before it was over, I hugged him again saying ‘Baba’. I knew I won’t be able to hug him in such a natural way due of my hesitation before the people there. To me Baba, at that moment, seemed so open and warm and wide. And later, we all dined with Baba having dahi and halwa. When it was time for him to go, he seemed so lovable as he waved his hand, ‘ bye bye.’

It’s almost 6 months since I left India. It is said that after a soul comes in Gyan, he has to go through the four stages. I fear of losing the intoxication when I would reach my tamopradhan stage. I wish this experience to everyone. I just want to make a humble request to take it just as an individual experience.

So, has any other PBK hugged Baba in corporeal meeting?
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Post28 Jul 2006

Raviraj Bhai wrote:So, has any PBK hugged Baba in corporeal meeting?

Thanks for that vivid description of your experiences. Yes, I was also fortunate enough to get a hug from Baba just outside the Kampil Ashram when our party was departing after undergoing the bhatti. Baba lovingly hugged me caressing my back with his hands. It was a wonderful experience which I remember till date.

Yes, Baba is so simple that anyone, on the first glance would naturally doubt, how could this person be the Chariot of the Almighty Father? But that is a fact and is to be experienced first hand. It is a different matter that everyone (500/700 crore souls) cannot be fortunate enough to experience that, but anyone who gets the Godly message must definitely make efforts to meet God if they feel The Knowledge to be true. The Knowledge is the proof for the giver of knowledge.
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Post28 Jul 2006


Thanks for your experiences. Yes, Baba is so simple. If one understands and has faith then they will not wait even for a moment to meet Baba. They will do what is necessary to make this unique and special opportunity possible. Who wouldn't? I know from my experience this is true.

One thing is when with Baba all these questions one might have seems to go away. It really is unique. I had so many before meeting Baba yet I was satisfied with the meeting. I love Baba's laughter it is so intoxicating.

So gentle yet so strong. The way he moves it is truely unique to experience.



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Post29 Jul 2006

I am glad the PBKs are sharing their experiences on this forum.

Would Baba hug a PBK Sister, as a BK Dadi hugs the BK Sisters ? I have seen some BK Dadis even hug some BK Brothers. Does Mama hug the PBK Sisters ? Would like to hear from Sister Aimee experiences.
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Post29 Jul 2006

Sister Bansy, Omshanti. I have not seen Baba hugging any Sister/mother, but my knowledge on this aspec is very little because I have met Baba very few times and even lesser times when He is meeting parties.
So may be other PBKs who have met Him more often can relate their experiences in a better way.

But when Shiv Baba could hug mothers/Sisters during the days of Brahma Baba, then I don't think that hugging of any Sister or mother by Baba should come as a surprise if the souls receiving the hug or observing someone being hugged by Baba are in a soul conscious stage. Even during the days of Brahma Baba, ShivBaba used to ask children whether they have come into the lap of Brahma Baba or ShivBaba? But, anyways, it is better to know the first hand experience from other souls.
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Re: Has any Brothers hugged Baba?

Post30 Jul 2006

RaviRaj wrote:I’m glad here to share this experience to the Brahmin Brothers ... has any PBK hugged Baba in corporeal meeting?

Good post Ravi. Thanks for making the experience personal. It is interesting also to read that the PBKs acknowledge that a Brahmin soul goes through 4 stages within the Confluence Age, i.e. the Honeymoon is only a Golden Age that soon declines. I have no recollection of the BKs warning one about that. What does "anischay buddhi" mean?

Is hugging such a terrible thing in BK life? Is it forbidden in traditional Hinduism? I thought that a lot of the prudishness in India culture was actually brought there by the British and Christians, or Muslims during their colonial periods and that India was naturally sensual.

Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is a famous female Hindu spiritual leader. They call her 'The Hugging Guru' and they reckon she has hugged over 20 Million people. She has also pledge $ 30 Million dollars towards the Tsunami victims alone. Sometimes within the Western New Age circles, the whole thing of 'hugging' can become too bit too much, too over stylised and not necessary geniune, but the idea is that it is too separate the kind, loveful activity of it from any potential sexual element. I would agree that there is a good argument for doing a good deal of it, with males and females, to exorcise any pent up sexuality that might pop up during a hug if one only experiences them seldom and return it to being innocent.

It is interesting too that despite the animousity the BKs show towards Virendra Dev Dixit, that Virendra Dev Dixit shows no animousity towards BB. You cant imagine the Dadis telling the BKs to just continue reading Murlis that came via Virendra Dev Dixit.
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Post30 Jul 2006

ex-l wrote:What does "anischay buddhi" mean?

Anishchay buddhi means a doubting intellect - one who does not have complete faith on God. I think this word has been adopted from Gita where it is written that those who love God through their intellect (preetbuddhi) at the time of destruction would gain victory and those who have a doubting intellect (anishchaybuddhi) would get destroyed.

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Post31 Jul 2006

I agree with arjun.

Anischay buddhi means doubt on the recognition of Father and his part. Baba gives an example of dhruvatara (polestar) who is completely nischay buddhi (stable), and rest of the stars circle around; some make a big circle and some small. Dhruvatara refers to Shankar who is always in a nirakari stage.

The rest of the souls of Rudramala are numberwise. They come into The Cycle of nischay and anischay. When a soul attains soul conscious vision through Gyan, faith on Baba’s part in Virendra Dev Dixit becomes firm, meaning nischay buddhi. And the moment it is coloured by company, the same soul comes in anischay because body consious vision never allows one to understand incognito Baba.


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Post31 Jul 2006

I am no expert in the hugging within different cultures, just an observer. In some parts of the world hugging (and sometimes kissing on both sides of the cheeks) is very open, whilst other cultures, there is little or no touching of the other person.

For example, in Japan, there is no handshake but a bow when meeting another person, a bow is also made during a farewell. Also touching on the heads of small children, is usually not done. So if one is not accustomed to this practice, it may seem "distant and unfriendly". On the contrary, many people have often said that Japanese people are very polite. The reasons for them not hugging is the sign of respect for the other person's space and usually an indication of the maturity of being equal to the other party. So although they may appear unfriendly if one is not used to not receiving a hug, it is the lack of bodily contact that makes their heart the more affectionate.

On the news, we have seen Gerhard Shroeder (ex-German Chancellor) hug Jacque Chirac (French President) but because of the difference in height and size, it seems very physical and seems like Chirac overpowers Shroeder when Shroeder rests his head on Chirac's shoulders.

So hugging can lead of one being biased to the other, unless you are consistent and hug every soul that comes in front. Hence in complete soul consciousness. When I often work with children, I find that when I hug one child, I need to do the same to all the friends. And it's nice to get plenty of hugs back !

I am told BKs do not hug BKs (at least in public), though in public hugging tends to be from a more senior BK to a junior BK. Are PBKs allowed to hug other PBKs in public ?
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Post01 Aug 2006

Sister Bansy wrote:I am told BKs do not hug BKs (at least in public), though in public hugging tends to be from a more senior BK to a junior BK. Are PBKs allowed to hug other PBKs in public ?

As far as I know hugging anyone from the opposite sex is not allowed among the PBKs, but hugging between members of the same sex is allowed if it is done purely in a soul conscious state. I have seen PBKs of same sex hugging each other out of spiritual love, when they meet after a long gap. ShivBaba has spoken about about this topic in one of the recent VCD* (VCD* no.440), but since it is a sensitive topic, I cannot quote from the VCD* unless the official Hindi/English script of the same is released.

But as far as Murlis are concerned, ShivBaba has said in one of the Sakar revised Murlis that Rajyogis should sit in Baba's remembrance in such a way that the organs of one person do not touch the organs of another person.

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