How to re-market yourself and the BKWSU

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How to re-market yourself and the BKWSU

Post28 Jul 2006

This is a good exercise is seeing how BKs or the BKWSU manipulates its public front as done by one of the individuals that was key in that public re-writing; Nikki de Carteret. In public, Nikki writes that she;
Nikki de Carteret wrote:served prominently on the committees of international NGO projects. As one of the international coordinators of Global Cooperation for a Better World, a United Nations Peace Messenger Initiative (1988-1991), she was responsible for project design, training, and implementation of this program in 122 countries.

Sounds great, doesn't it? It means she was a BK working on a BKWSU front service programme. [ Is being on a committee more important than washing the pots and handing out leaflets? I mean you could not put the latter on a CV, could you? ] And that she;
currently serves on the board of Living Values Education Canada.

Yes, another BKWSU front.

Here are some simple practices that "work" for Nikki de Carteret, scion of some posh old Channel Island family and key person in the re-marketing of the BKWSU along with the early Julian Boles, Mike George and the likes [ allow me to make comments in italics ];

    Getting up early in morning - BK Amrit Vela at 4 am?
    Loving what I do - hmmn ...
    Knowing my mission - Destroying Kali Yuga via Raja Yoga?
    Being connected to a network of people who are making a difference locally and globally - ah, the BKWSU
    Having a strong personal brand - how does that fit with egoless? But I guess it sells to corporate clients
    Dovetailing assignments - selling to corporate clients again?
    Being around people who tell me the truth - you have come to the right forum here Nikki, or do you mean the BKs?
    Silence - BK Raja Yoga meditation
Does anyone know if she has left the BKs or has she just been given the greenlight to re-sell BK philosophies for financial gain? Or, at least, like Mike George and others be allowed to blur the edges a little?

It says elsewhere on Martha Stewart that she is a "consultant, lecturer, author, and facilitator" from Vancouver, British Columbia, and director of the Vancouver branch of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. Does "director" mean something different from centre-in-charge? Like she does not have to do the daily BK stuff, or is she stull a pukka BK Brahmin?

She writes that she ;
came across women yogis who taught the ancient Raja Yoga of India
Well, that is not exactly true is it? BK Raja Yoga is not at all the same as the ancient Raja Yoga as taught by Patanjali, Vivekananda and so on. Basically, this is an outright lie, albeit white lie if you take on board - as she is is secretly saying - that BK Raja Yoga was taught 5,000 years ago and that 5,000 year is the longest and oldest ago that you can get. It is a typical romanticisation / historical re-write by a BKs that sounds so cool ...

She goes on to say ;
She spends nearly five months of her year in the Middle East working specifically with Jordanian businessmen and women who play pivotal roles in affecting major change in education, business, and governmental reform.

Does that mean with the BKs for some BK centre? It is vague but seems very worthy.

Nikki de Carteret:]Soul Power Seminars

Now this is a mixture of stuff she has done professionally spiced up by the oportunities doing service as a BK has given her. I would say that she is selling herself and services a little on the basis of what the BKWSU have given her too. The two seem very intertwined
Nikki de Carteret is an international corporate consultant, transitions facilitator, lecturer, and coach who specializes in management training, professional and personal development and strategic planning processes. Based in Vancouver, Canada, Nikki has worked and lectured in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Her clients include Fortune 500 companies, international agencies, governmental, and non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Nikki has organized and spoken at high-level dignitary and celebrity functions in New York, Washington, London, Athens, Amman, and at the United Nations. In January 2003 she co-facilitated a course in "Managing the Conflict Within" at the Justice Institute's Center for Conflict Resolution in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Since 1992 Nikki has worked in the Middle East, extensively in Jordan, with key catalysts involved in human development, education, business, and governmental reform. In 2001 she headed a team in the design and facilitation of the first Arab Regional Forum for Young Entrepreneurs sponsored by the European Union and the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Jordan. After September 11th, she facilitated a high-level dialogue among Arab business leaders sponsored by the Young Presidents Organization on "Building Bridges Across Cultures and Faiths."

Nikki began her career as a journalist and producer working with BBC TV in London. Later she worked as a freelance reporter for BBC World Service where she specialized in development and women's affairs and contributed to Radio 1's first documentary on AIDS. Nikki uses her media background to assist clients with their PR and corporate presentations.

She has also served prominently on the committees of international NGO projects. As one of the international coordinators of Global Cooperation for a Better World, a United Nations Peace Messenger Initiative (1988-1991), she was responsible for project design, training, and implementation of this program in 122 countries. Aspects of the training methodology were aligned to Appreciative Inquiry, a method for organizational transformation that Nikki now uses in some of her training.

Nikki currently serves on the board of Living Values Education Canada, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting values education among professionals working with children and youth.

Nikki is also one of a team of writers and compilers of Visions of a Better World - A United Nations Peace Messenger Publication, and articles that have appeared in several books. - BKWSU front book She has a Masters Degree from the Sorbonne.

Also ;
Nikki’s own spiritual journey began when she took up meditation at the age of eighteen to find inner calm and balance. As a student in Paris she went through a dramatic ‘out of body experience’ and encounter with the Light that altered the course her life. Later while working as a researcher on a program for the BBC in London she came across women yogis who taught the ancient Raja Yoga of India. A meditation experience linked her back to the Light.

As a meditator with 27 years experience,

Now let us be specific here, a BK Raja Yoga Practitioner. And she appears to adding in a few year prior because this year, here at the Mind Body and Soul exhibition lecture, she says 24 years which must be her BK Raja Yoga count; -

    * Are you being drained by people taking your energy?
    • Do you have tools to do less and achieve more?
    • What practices help you re-energize in times of chaos?
    • Learn how to tap into spiritual intelligence and be 'in the flow'

Nikki’s passion is to facilitate processes that help people to “ground” their spirituality in a way that becomes integral to their everyday living. Nikki does not advocate a quick route to spirituality, rather she encourages a lifetime deepening of self-awareness and soul appreciation.

Nikki’s professional and mystical journeys intersect in business, media, and spirituality. She works as a transitions consultant and coach to businesses, governmental organizations and non-profits focusing on management and personal development. She spends nearly five months of her year in the Middle East working specifically with Jordanian businessmen and women who play pivotal roles in affecting major change in education, business, and governmental reform. In March 2002 she witnessed first hand the emotional trauma of conflict as the citizens of Israel, Palestine and Jordan went through a collective outpouring of grief, anger, and fear. “During those days of extreme chaos I understood that words have no meaning,” she says. “There is nothing one can say to people in trauma. One can only be there and provide a supportive and loving presence.”

Since that experience Nikki has become fascinated with the ‘power of soul presence’ as a tool for personal and organizational transformation, especially in areas of conflict and stress.

From: Her book is called "The Nine Keys to Soul Power" and is the usual mix of BK Gyan and New Age window dressing.
The following Nine Keys represent a summary of the wisdom of Soul Power. You can use these keys to unlock your own soul potential. Take time each day to reflect or mediate on one of the keys. Then be conscious of how you can make this spiritual wisdom a genuine part of your life.

    1. Soul Power lies within you. It is the ultimate spiritual intelligence.
    2. God is the Source of all spiritual power.
    3. See the beauty in others. Behind the mask of each man, woman, and child lies a potentially powerful soul.

    4. Tread lightly on this earth. Give love, respect, and kindness to all.
    5. Your consciousness creates your reality.
    6. Pay attention to everything you think and do. Like a boomerang your thoughts and actions will return to you.
    7. Accept your challenges. They are lessons in disguise.
    8. Trust in the process of life and all will be well.
    9. Sit in silence and silence will teach you everything.

Again, I think that it is presenting the usual BK thing of saying "God", so people have a positive image of what they are talking about Shiva.

She even gets to advertise gigs at the BK Raja Yoga centre as part of book signing and speaking tours ;
September 14th, 2006, 7pm Global Cooperation House,
65 Pound Lane, London NW10, UK
Talk: “Love Who You Are, Love What You Do"

With a nice bit of cross branding for BK musicians and marketeers called Bliss on her links page.

Ha! She even goes on to Copyright stuff like this "All rights reserved";
Think of silence as the power of soul filling each action, each connection, with a loving and peaceful presence.
2006 © Soul Power. All Rights Reserved

Soulpowerseminars weekly message. If someone has the time, go through the thoughts for the week - or is that weak? - and call Shiva's lawyer, he might have a good case to sue here! Seminars and retreats here ; Seminar details.

“Soul Power is the spiritual energy that comes from within, rooted in the essential self, and nurtured through one's unfolding relationship with the Divine. The heart of Soul Power reveals the spiritual journey to be a constant and evolving process of change and not a quick route to enlightenment.”

That sort of sounds familiar to me too.
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Post28 Jul 2006

Here,, in a quote from her book Soul Power writes ;
3. The mind can never be used for personal gain.

As people progress spiritually they can be tempted to use their spiritual powers for their own advancement, professionally or spiritually. This is a misuse of energy. In addition, along with spiritual advancement comes the ability to understand more clearly the hearts and minds of others. I am not referring to psychic abilities, but to natural soul-perceptions. Yet spiritual insights such as these cannot be used to manipulate people emotionally or have them become dependent on us. If we come to know another person's situation or feelings it is so that, through our link to God, we may send the healing power of light. Our aim is for each person to find their strength and support through God, not through us.

So how does she sit now with the BKWSU?
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Post28 Jul 2006

Apologies to the admins if this brings a load of heat down on the website but, if you want to know the truth, that is the price you have to pay ...

From, Brian Bacon is or was another high level BK that has been engaged in re-marketing the BKWSU. Does anyone know if he is still in? The rest all are.

To quote Andrew Cohen's Enlightenment magazine, from ;
Brian Bacon, strategic advisor to some of the world's largest multinationals, began to offer his highly regarded leadership trainings gratis at the Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University. And Joseph Jaworski, founder of Generon Consulting, credits Dadi Janki with the inspiration for his Global Leadership Initiative, designed to tackle the biggest challenges facing humanity.

Brian has also gone on to employ very high level BKWSU followers such as BK Ken O'Donell and BK Mike George. I find this challenging. It used to be part of the Maryadas that BK were not allowed to discuss business together and yet Oxford Leadership Academy does not seem to be a service wing for the BKWSU - yet - nor a charity.

Frankly, given that he, or they, are now advising to such projects as the International Institute of Democracy for strengthening of Balkans Stability Pact. I find it quite frightening if they are sitting their meditating on Baba thinking "you are impure, I am pure" and considering that the world is going to be Destroyed in 1986, 1996, 2000 or this year and that they will soon be dancing around Krishna as Gopis in a Golden Age ... These people must be like double agents. What do you do if you go into a meeting with a Fortune 500 company or government and the CEO or PResident says, "where do you think we will be in 30 year times?". The honest BK answer would be dead, gone and out of the way for our Golden Age. So one would have to practise intense dishonesty in such a situation. Schizonphrenic, in my opinion. Still, I suppose the money is good.

Brian Bacon : Founder and President of the Oxford Leadership Academy

Brian Bacon has led numerous deep-system culture change assignments in multinational corporations, governments and public sector agencies over a 25 year career. His corporate clients have included Ford, Ericsson, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, GE, Goodyear, Pharmacia, Proctor & Gamble, SAAB: British Aerospace, Volvo and numerous other Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 corporations throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. He is presently engaged as key consultant and mentor to the CEO & President of a Fortune 50 corporation with USD50 billion in annual sales and 1.6 million employees in 119 countries.

Brian is a strategist and advisor to the heads-of-state of 3 nations. He is presently engaged as a consultant to the Swedish Government in modernization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Foreign Service, involving alignment of all ministerial and ambassadorial staff around core values and guiding principles in addition to structural reform. He is also a special advisor to the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secretariat for the Prevention of Violent Conflict in the Department of Global Security and has been an advisor to the International Institute of Democracy for strengthening of Balkans Stability Pact

He was special advisor to Mexican President Vicente Fox and the Presidential Office of Government Innovation responsible for Strategic Focusing and Government Reform initiatives in the Ministries of Education, Energy, Transport and Communications. He has been a key lead advisor in the organizational reform and culture change within the Mexican Federal Ministry of Education where these efforts were recognised with the Presidents 2002 INNOVA Award for Innovation in Government.

He has been an advisor to the Australian Federal Government departments and public sector agencies for organizational restructuring and culture change as part of micro-economic reform. His Government Sector experience includes energy, defense, telecommunications and transport. He lead the culture change process within the New South Wales (Australia) Police Service and Victorian State Police. He headed the development of Australia’s first ever Strategic plan for Policing. He has been a special advisor to the Director of the International Institute of Labour Studies (IILS) regarding culture change process within the International Labor Organization (ILO) headquarters in Geneva.

He has been an advisor in innovation and organizational reform to the Governments of Australia, Chile, Mexico and Sweden as well as to the ILO and UN in Geneva.

He is presently leading the establishment of the Leadership Academy of Peace (LEAP) in the Middle East in Doha. He is a member of the EU steering committee on the Balkans Stability Pact Initiative in Brussels. He was a member of the Danish Government's International Think Tank on Social Cohesion.

He is a Member of the British Institute of Directors and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management (FAIM). He is a Founding Trustee and Former President of the World Business Academy, USA. He is the creator of Strategic Focusing ©, the Oxford Leadership Program and Oxford Leadership MASTER © Executive Development Programmes and the Self Managing Leadership (SML) one of the worlds most successful leader development courses with over 100,000 alumni from 56 countries.

He is a celebrated international speaker on leadership and the driving forces that shape our future.

Description: Founder of the Oxford Leadership Academy.
Expertise: Leadership and Change
City: Oxford
Country: United Kingdom
Languages: English

Name: Ken O'Donnell
Description: Director of Oxford Leadership Academy in Latin America
Expertise: Quality, Strategic Management
City: Sao Paulo
Country: Brazil
Languages: English, Spanish, Portugese

Name: Mike George
Description: Course Leader and senior consultant with Oxford Leadership Academy in London
Expertise: Liberating Leadership
City: London
Country: UK
Languages: English

Ken O'Donell was one of the first Western BKs and a giant amongst them who pretty much started the BKWSU South America service expension. Mike George used to work in advertising in Slough.

Funnily enough, to get a cut of what the BKWSU people are mixing with, the same article quotes Tex Gunning, president of Unilever Bestfoods Asia saying;
“Her leadership is not based on any formal position that she holds. Her power comes purely from her spiritual credibility. As a leader, the more I've searched for role models, the more I've come to realize that this is the most profound power. If my boss asks me to make a meeting, I look at my agenda first. But if Dadi Janki, with whom I have no formal relationship, tells me to be in London, I just get on the plane!”

Dadi Janki: The Real Business Gurus An article featuring Dadi in "What is Enlightenment?" Magazine, Co-Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. A spiritual guide to Brian Bacon, Tex Gunning, Joseph Jaworski, Charles Handy, Peter Senge, David Cooperrider, Rita Cleary, and others.

Dadi says, “It's God's task to purify the impure, to transform the world,” Dadi Janki tells us. “But He cannot do it alone. He says, 'I've got to get it done through you. You've created hell in the world, and so you have to be the instruments to create heaven. Then you can be the masters of heaven.'”

You will remember the name Unilever for the Child Labour in India Scandal that the BBC blew the whistle on a year or so back. Unilever, refusing to disclose to BBC News Online any ideas it has to help the children, claimed it did not. Only its subsidiary Hindustan Lever was involved ...

The report, published by the India Committee of the Netherlands, said Unilever buys hybrid cotton seeds from farmers who pay children a handful of rupees to work long hours in hazardous conditions.

It said about 90% of all labour in the Indian cotton seed market was carried out by 450,000 children, some of them as young as six and most of them girls. "These girls work long days, are paid very little, are deprived of an education and are exposed for long periods to dangerous agricultural chemicals," the report said.

India Committee of the Netherlands It accused farmers of securing the girls' long-term labour by offering their parents loans, which took months or years to repay. The report said children were offered biscuits, chocolate and other inducements to encourage them to work harder.

Narasamma, 12, told the report's authors she had worked in the cotton fields for the last five years. She sleeps in a cattle shed, and works more than 13 hours a day, with two breaks. For that she is paid 30 rupees, less than $1 a day. The average child wage on a cotton farm is 18 rupees.
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Post28 Jul 2006

Brian Bacon gets top billing with Janki and Jayanti Kirpalani at Asia Pacific Global Executive Retreat, " a rare opportunity to hit the pause button ... to observe and reflect on your life's impact ... experience [Raja Yoga] meditiation and take time out." Looking at the biodata there, personally, I'd find it hard as a BK to consult for the likes of McDonalds but if the perks were some suits from Ermenegildo Zegna then it might be worth it.
The program will inlcude the following:

Learning the method and wisdom of Raja Yoga Meditation directly from one of the the world's most accomplished meditation teachers. No postures, no mantras - just learn to use the mind more effectively

Reflective exercises to help identify adjustments necessary in how you are dealing with stress, handling problems, managing yourself and leading others - instructed by the personal mentor to Prime Ministers and Presidents

Dialogue with a group of senior level peers who share a common interest in how to remain true to their core values - being spiritually healthy, aware and centered - amidst the frenetic pace of the leader's life today

Time out to refresh and reflect in the magnificent bushland of the Centre for Spirtitual Learning. Situated in prime natural bushland in the world heritage Blue Mountains National Park at Leura

Superb vegetarian food, prepared in an atmosphere of meditation

World class live music and cultural entertainment in the evenings

The Centre for Spiritual Learning is run by the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centres Inc in Australia, a branch of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, international headquarters, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India, who are known worldwide for their work in the field of lifelong learning and developing values. The centre is staffed and managed by volunteers who are also teachers of meditation, experienced in creating a reflective and peaceful atmosphere.

It is the atmosphere of silence and lightness that leaves a deep impression - even after a few hours, the peacefulness of the place helps to restore an inner state of calm
Here is how they sell Janki Kirpalani ;

I am not sure about "first female spiritual leaders". India has a tradition of female spiritual leaders going back as long as Hinduism. I suppose the "unrelenting search for honesty" only counts for God.
As a founding member of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, joining in 1937 at the age of 21, she became one of India's first female spiritual leaders ... With an unrelenting search for honesty and cleanliness in her relationship with God as the cornerstone of her life of service, so that her being as well as words should reveal the Divine, Dadi Janki developed an inspiring vision of the unique potential of every human being. This has enabled her to become a highly effective spiritual entrepreneur.
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Post28 Jul 2006

You will remember the name Unilever for the Child Labour in India Scandal that the BBC blew the whistle on a year or so back. Unilever, refusing to disclose to BBC News Online any ideas it has to help the children, claimed it did not. Only its subsidiary Hindustan Lever was involved ...

There are three ways in which power structures suspected of human rights abuse are commonly dealt with:-

    1. Turn a blind eye
    2. Diplomatic influence
    3. Bomb the bastards
What’s your preferred option ex-l?
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Post28 Jul 2006

Nice work ex-l :).

The shadowy web BKWSU "front" organisations continues to expand as they weave an ever-greater web of deceit, and shamelessly dance with the devil. Where is the "honesty" that BapDada preaches ? Not that Brahma Baba was ever a paragon of honesty himself mind you - so I guess they are just "following the Father"... Why is everything so cloak and dagger? How can virtue and Godliness be promoted by hiding, misleading, and deceiving? What a bunch :!:

The BKWSU continues to convince me that it is now a place for "Copper Aged" souls - the merchants and power mongers of the world - those into authoritarian power structures, the twin dark towers of politics and religion. :(
ex-l wrote:Brian Bacon is or was another high level BK that has been engaged in re-marketing the BKWSU. Does anyone know if he is still in?

I believe so.
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Post28 Jul 2006

Hi, all ...

I was 'in Gyan' when Nikki arrived ... and my feeling is that because she was so "intelligent" they all (Dadis, etc..) gave her so much attention, so much ... you know: going to Madubhan 3 times a year, etc.. (when for someone from South America it was just a dream to go once in a lifetime ... because we were ignorants?!??).

... Ken went to Brazil and could not get a job, being an immigrant and not speaking the language well. So Luciana (in charge of Brazil, no comments) with all her knowledge and 'attachment' (sorry, it was too visible) helped him with how to make some money so he could go to India every year not using Baba's money ...

It is a loooooooong story ... but in 1982, it was strictly forbidden to talk about business or money in the centers ESPECIALLY MAKING BUSINESS WITH OTHER BKs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :shock:

Have a nice day everyone ... :wink: I need to go to work ... :D
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Post28 Jul 2006

jamesy wrote:What’s your preferred option?

There are three ways for rats on a sinking power structures suspected of unethical or hypocritical behaviour to commonly act ;
    • head for the hills
    • head for the hills
    • head for the hills
Me, I am a poor little church mouse but I vote with the rats.

a) you want to make sure that you are off the ship so that the mast and funnels do not fall on you when they collapses

b) you want to be well away from any Titantic as it goes under, or else it will drag you down.

But, I do not think that the BKWSU is over yet. Far from it. Personally, I think that it is just building up steam, heading out on its maiden voyage, still picking offering wealthy passengers the best rooms and filling its steerage with the poor, need and destitute.

Here, for those that require to learn the lessons of history again, in full "Bun-o-Vision", is the abridged story ;

May be just like Bill Gates and his Billions, taken from companies that have been cost Billions due to his company's terrible software, they can turn around and give back everything. [BTW, I still don't think Gates is really doing enough to make good the damage his company did BUT something is better than nothing ]. And likewise, I don't know if the BKWSU are doing anything good except costing individuals Millions for their tickets to the "Land of the Free". That is about the only thing that we can be sure of.

I suppose we will just have to wait until after "Destruction" to see what happens. As one well known and original ex-BK said, "start practising screaming now!"
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BK Nuclear Bomb consultant

Post28 Jul 2006


I must apologize for my language in advance. But, hey you know, its the End of The Cycle and I am completely degraded. And may be there were some 7 Days course lessons that I missed, or did not pay attention to, because I was in some wierd, hypnagogic trance with all the red lights going on at the time.

I really don't know anything about all this ****. I am just some ******* with an internet connection who knows how to use Google.

BUT ... I just checked out some of this stuff and you will never guess what !!!!!!!!

GE, ... "We Bring Good Things To Life" ... , is the United States' third largest producer of nuclear weapons systems and stars in the famous documentary called "Deadly Deception" over here. A documentary of which the respected and right on Utne Reader said, "You'll never again be able to calmly view a GE commercial after watching this compelling video .. a sickening and powerful story of 45 years of lies and corporate crime."

Now, of course, it probably makes a whole load of lightbulbs and fridges too but add this equation up ;

    • consultant to Nuclear weapon producer,
    • trusted high level representative of Doomsdays Om Shanti Cult on equal billing with Janki and Jayanti Kirpalani,
    • Peace in the Middle East and
    • Balkans Stability Pact ... :shock:
This is becoming like like Kubrik's Doctor Strangelove movie aka 'How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb' (1964)... or may it should be called " Carry on Shiva "!!! ;-) (check the link if you don't know)
Brian Bacon has led numerous deep-system culture change assignments in multinational corporations, governments and public sector agencies over a 25 year career. His corporate clients have included ... GE ... He is presently leading the establishment of the Leadership Academy of Peace (LEAP) in the Middle East and a member of the EU steering committee on the Balkans Stability Pact Initiative in Brussels.

Do you think there are any business tie-ins with Nikki De C, her leadership programmes and Middle Eastern connections, and BKWSU activity? She and Mike George were always pretty tight?

I suppose that if they think that they were Emperors and Empresses in the Golden Age, and have taken 84 birth in India which, of course, some of them must have been as Rajput, Mogul and even British Empire rulers then maay be they think that they have ever right and ability to teach the Emperors of a stinky old Iron Age like today. They ought to put that on their CVs too!

File under "Looking after Business".
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Post28 Jul 2006

ex-l wrote:There are three ways for rats on a sinking power structures suspected of unethical or hypocritical behaviour to commonly act ;
• head for the hills
• head for the hills
• head for the hills

Me, I am a poor little church mouse but I vote with the rats.

Good of you to deputise a response there ex-l.
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Post29 Jul 2006

jamesy wrote:Good of you to deputise a response there ex-l.

Well, sorry to butt in but I agree with that stuff. It brings up a lot of issues for me ... aside from the desire to channel ascended spiritual masters, or the CEO of British American Conglomerate, Incorporated.

You know, there might be good business in that. Forget channelling " Wa-Chee-La from Planet Zorg ", or some Hindu demi-god, those psychic mediums ought to tap into the Subtle Regions and pull down the soul of Henry Morgan, Rothschild or Rockefeller.

The consultancy fees are going to be a lot higher.
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Post29 Jul 2006

Crucial posts there bro. on the BKWSU PLC stuff.

Could it be that the game is rigged and that all this buddy wuddy stuff with very dangerous and violent contacts is to ensure a safe handover of power (ahem).

Otherwise, thanks for openning this stuff up and bringing it into the open. Can we expext to find a meditation room in every McDonalds?
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Post30 Jul 2006

ex-l wrote: He has been an advisor to the Australian Federal Government departments and public sector agencies for organizational restructuring and culture change as part of micro-economic reform. His Government Sector experience includes energy, defense, telecommunications and transport. He lead the culture change process within the New South Wales (Australia) Police Service and Victorian State Police. He headed the development of Australia’s first ever Strategic plan for Policing.

Hmmm, micro-economic reform. In other words pollie-speak for "economic rationalism"?? (the old Thatcherite "sink-or-swim-there-is-no-such-thing-as-society"?) oh dear lol :shock: :roll: :lol: for cultural-change in the NSW&VIC police forces...well did not that work out a treat :?
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greasy spoon

Post05 Aug 2006

I do hope that Mr Bacon does not end up with egg on his face. I do not know him so wont judge (ahem!) I am sure he has not used his FLESH and blood to get any favours in this world. I am curious as to what goes on in the minds of the BK heads of state. I mean, does Dadi J know to what degree the UN and terrorism go hand in hand? At what point do we get Kofi and and and HIS circus rolling into town. Oh, I see, they have already been. Nothing like hanging out with the right people in this world. You know, souls who nourish with Godly intent.

Still, there would be no shortage of takers were the BK's looking for souls to run the military and police depts. Things which are to be gone in the coming New Age, or has that become just a thumb shaped myth in this day and age? Psst! Anyone want to buy some arms.

do not worry you souls in higher places, WE will give you the benefit of the doubt to prove that we are wrong about you all, but the DRAMA may not, forever.
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BK Brian Bacon, Inc

Post23 Aug 2006

I was looking at this Oxford Leadership website again. How many of these folks are BKs then?

[Paco] Francisco Giménez Plano of Augere Foundation/Augere & Associates, comes with a BKWSU credit. Enrique Simó could be another as "THE SPIRIT OF HUMAN DIGNITY" was a BK thing. It is funny but some of the BKs are listed as such and some not, e.g. Mike George and BK Ken O’Donnell - the guy that took BKWSU to South America is not, just " Fellow of Oxford Leadership Academy, Latin America." By "internal consultants" don't they mean BK? Is this just one big front or have they just worked out a way to make money out of Gyan. Where is the cross over point?

It strikes me that they are listing their BK experiences as corporate experiences and the buzz words are "leadership coaching", "consulting services". "Strategic partners" and "consultants" have taken over from Bhai and Bhen; government ministers, CEOs and top-managers of international and companies, cultural institutions, state-owned broadcasting companies, specialist journalists and television presenters replace the poor, weak and suffering for service areas.

They have some Self Management Leadership course coming up soon at the House in the Country ; From the Oxford Leadership website ...

Ken O’Donnell is renowned throughout Latin America as a best-selling author and specialist in leadership development and advanced quality management. [Actually, I thought his books were about BK Raja Yoga, no mention of that here].

From his base in Brazil he has run consulting and training programs at many large corporations and government departments at federal, state and municipal levels throughout the Americas. These include Dupont-Merck, Fiat, Mercedes-Benz, Goodyear, General Motors, Petrobras, Bank of Brazil, Central Banks of Brazil, Bolivia and Costa Rica and many others. Some of the government departments which have benefited from his advanced quality management work include the ministries of Education, Health, Social Welfare, Finance and Regional Integration in Brazil and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombia.

Australian-born he is fluent in both Spanish and Portuguese and has written ten books on personal and organizational development that have sold over 300,000 copies.

He is creator of the Self-Management and Quality of Life program that has been run successfully in 29 countries. He successfully trained the group of internal consultants who were responsible for the SML and Strategic Focusing program within the Ministry of Education of Mexico.

He is a frequent guest speaker at congresses and symposiums throughout the Americas on themes ranging from advanced quality management, the human factor in organizational development and ethics in the workplace. He has conducted course at 20 leading universities throughout the region.

At present he is working on a project with the Brazilian Development Bank in 110 cities throughout the country.

No mention of BK then?

The "what is SML info" is here ;

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