Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post08 Sep 2007

Here's the offical Bhog message :
Madhuban 06/09/07 – 6.30pm Dadiji's coming here and Dadiji's elevated versions and BapDada's divine message via Dadi Gulzar.

(Dadiji had come in Dadi Gulzar's body for some time and had made her corporeal form emerge by engulfing everyone in huge embraces and then shaking hands with some senior Brothers and Sisters. Dadi was offered Bhog of the Yagya. Dadiji then spoke some elevated versions and flew to the Subtle Region.)

Dadiji said: Constantly give respect to one another, and while maintaining your elevated self-respect, continue to give yourself and the souls of the world liberation and liberation-in-life. Reveal your form of being loving to all. The world also needs love, real love. So remain loving and continue to give everyone a drop of true spiritual love. This is my remembrance. Achcha.

(Dadi, Brothers and Sisters from this land and abroad have sent lots of remembrance together with their wishes.) It reaches the Subtle Region in advance. I continue to receive everyone's love. Everyone has given the proof of love from their heart and on my behalf, special, special, special love and remembrance from me. Saying this, Dadi flew to the Subtle Region.

Divine message from the Subtle Region via Dadi Gulzar:

Today, I went to Baba and met Baba from a distance. Dadi was not with Baba. I asked Baba: Baba, where is Dadi? Baba said: Everyone is clinging so much to Dadi from all around, they are not letting go at all. This is why Baba would definitely come to welcome the children. This is why Baba came, but no one is letting go of Dadi because everyone knows that today Dadi is going to go from the Subtle Region. Baba said: Do you want to see how Dadi is being welcomed? I said: I would definitely like to see it.

I went with Baba and when Dadi saw Baba, she was smiling very sweetly. She said: Baba, what game have you created? You do everything and then You hide away. What game have you created? Baba said: I have not created any game. I am playing in this eternal game that has been created: you are playing it and I am also playing it.

What did I see then? It was as though everyone had hidden Dadi completely. From four sides, Dadi was being welcomed by four groups. On one side were the five elements, completely like the servants around an emperor sitting on a throne. The elements were standing just around the throne. The five elements were on one side. On another side were those from the Advance Party. On the third side there were some Brahmins from Madhuban of the corporeal world and on the fourth side there were some deities. On all four sides all of them were making their own preparations. Dadi was seeing all of this and smiling.

Baba said: Celebrate as much as you want. Baba was seeing all of this and becoming pleased because: This one is My number one, specially beloved son. Father Brahma is the Father, but in the form of a son, this one is my specially beloved son seated on My heart-throne. Welcome as much as you want. So, everyone began what they had to do from their side. I already spoke of how the five elements were standing just around the throne. The deities had created a very beautiful throne in the form of a swan. It was studded with tiny diamonds. The diamonds were not big; they were of a variety of colours, but there were more red diamonds sparkling like souls sitting in Paramdham. They decorated the throne, and then the Advance Party had made a crown. They said: Dadi is the crown on our head. They were very happy. Mama and Didi were more at the front. Mama and Didi together put the crown on Dadi. It was a crown of light, and in that light it was like small souls sparkling, and on the fourth side were the Brahmins.

The Brahmins had created a garland of divine virtues. It was a diamond garland and in the middle of each diamond, there was a virtue written. So, huge garlands, reaching her feet, were put on Dadi. Everyone decorated Dadi and sat her on the throne, crowned her and garlanded her. Dadi was sparkling so much, because there were tiny diamonds in everything. It felt as though Dadi was decorated with diamonds, as though she is sitting in the middle of diamonds. Then Baba said to Dadi: O My faithful, obedient, honest, worthy child who gives the proof, Baba has given you a prize. Wherever you stay, you will continue to come and go. Dadi said: Baba, this is just the prize that I want. Wherever You send me, I will continue to come back to the Subtle Region. Baba said: Child, do not leave the Subtle Region and do not leave Madhuban. Continue to come and tour around both places.

Dadi said: I am going just for name's sake. Baba said: Dadi will go in the form of a son, but where she is going, they haven't even dreamt that they could have a child. They are devotees, and have already passed half their life. They are a little older than the child-bearing age. This is why they don't even have it in their dreams that they could have a child, but their will be a little movement when Dadi enters. When this movement takes place, she (the new mother) will feel that something is happening.

Now, Dadi was in the Subtle Region, but when that movement takes place, the mother will wonder what it is. Baba showed that that mother and Brother (new parents) were great devotees, very devoted. Even if they drink water, first they will offer it to God and then drink it. Such is their intense devotion. When Dadi takes birth, they will feel that God has sent them some incarnation, not a son, but an incarnation. Something is to happen and so Dadi will go in this form. Dadi will constantly continue to give inspiration to the Advance Party, the scientists and you Brahmins. Whenever the scientists become confused, thinking what will happen, how will it happen, will it happen or not, Dadi will make it so clear for them that they are able to make their preparations intensely. Brahmins will also not ask why or what, but just, we have to do this. And the Advance Party was dancing.

Mama and Didi were each holding Dadi's arms and saying: Dadi, now, we will show wonders. Such heart-to-heart conversation was taking place. Then I offered Bhog to Baba and said: Baba, today, everyone has sent sweet sugar pieces (given at the time of taking leave) and cardamon seeds. Baba said: I have already given her the sugar pieces and filled her with the fragrance of the cardamon seeds. I have also applied the tilak to remain stable in self-respect having made her one who is stable in her self-respect. Doing all of this Dadi was completely decorated. Then, everyone who was in the Subtle Region sat down in such silence, as though they became bodiless in the incorporeal stage. Dadi was just sitting on the throne, but she then got up and went in front of Baba. Baba said: She is the elder Brother and this is why she will embrace Baba while standing. Baba embraced her, gave drishti and Dadi flew away from the Subtle Region from amidst all of us.

Dadi asked me how I was; she asked about Dadi Janki: How is she? She hasn't become heavy, has she? Baba said: Let everyone see her in My form (see Dadi as being Bapsamaan) and give her respect and enable her to have the right to the respect of the position. Dadi specially met Dadi Janki asking her how she was, like she used to do here. She met in that way and, lastly, Baba bade farewell. Dadi also met me and said: You must also continue to ask about each one's welfare. (Neeluben said to Dadi Gulzar when she returned: Dadiji came here.) That I don't know. But Dadiji gave everyone drishti filled with love. There were some groups there, but Dadi's drishti was filled with love. Dadi just remembers a lot the two words 'self-respect' and 'regard for all'. Again and again, she was repeating just these words. Om Shanti.


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Post08 Sep 2007

Here's the offical Bhog message :
Madhuban 06/09/07 – 6.30pm

Dadiji’s coming here and Dadiji’s elevated versions and BapDada’s divine message via Dadi Gulzar.

(Dadiji had come in Dadi Gulzar’s body for some time and had made her corporeal form emerge by engulfing everyone in huge embraces and then shaking hands with some senior Brothers and Sisters. Dadi was offered Bhog of the Yagya. Dadiji then spoke some elevated versions and flew to the Subtle Region.)
Dadiji said: Constantly give respect to one another, and while maintaining your elevated self-respect, continue to give yourself and the souls of the world liberation and liberation-in-life. Reveal your form of being loving to all. The world also needs love, real love. So remain loving and continue to give everyone a drop of true spiritual love. This is my remembrance. Achcha.

(Dadi, Brothers and Sisters from this land and abroad have sent lots of remembrance together with their wishes.) It reaches the Subtle Region in advance. I continue to receive everyone’s love. Everyone has given the proof of love from their heart and on my behalf, special, special, special love and remembrance from me. Saying this, Dadi flew to the Subtle Region.

Divine message from the Subtle Region via Dadi Gulzar:

Today, I went to Baba and met Baba from a distance. Dadi was not with Baba. I asked Baba: Baba, where is Dadi? Baba said: Everyone is clinging so much to Dadi from all around, they are not letting go at all. This is why Baba would definitely come to welcome the children. This is why Baba came, but no one is letting go of Dadi because everyone knows that today Dadi is going to go from the Subtle Region. Baba said: Do you want to see how Dadi is being welcomed? I said: I would definitely like to see it. I went with Baba and when Dadi saw Baba, she was smiling very sweetly. She said: Baba, what game have you created? You do everything and then You hide away. What game have you created?

Baba said: I have not created any game. I am playing in this eternal game that has been created: you are playing it and I am also playing it. What did I see then? It was as though everyone had hidden Dadi completely. From four sides, Dadi was being welcomed by four groups. On one side were the five elements, completely like the servants around an
emperor sitting on a throne. The elements were standing just around the throne. The five elements were on one side. On another side were those from the Advance Party. On the third side there were some Brahmins from Madhuban of the corporeal world and on the fourth side there were some deities. On all four sides all of them were making their own preparations. Dadi was seeing all of this and smiling.

Baba said: Celebrate as much as you want. Baba was seeing all of this and becoming pleased because: This one is My number one, specially beloved son. Father Brahma is the Father, but in the form of a son, this one is my specially beloved son seated on My heart-throne. Welcome as much as you want. So, everyone began what they had to do from their side. I already spoke of how the five elements were standing just around the throne. The deities had created a very beautiful throne in the form of a swan. It was studded with tiny diamonds. The diamonds were not big; they were of a variety of colours, but there were more red diamonds sparkling like souls sitting in Paramdham. They decorated the throne, and then the Advance Party had made a crown. They said: Dadi is the crown on our head. They were very happy.

Mama and Didi were more at the front. Mama and Didi together put the crown on Dadi. It was a crown of light, and in that light it was like small souls sparkling, and on the fourth side were the Brahmins. The Brahmins had created a garland of divine virtues. It was a diamond garland and in the middle of each diamond, there was a virtue written. So, huge garlands, reaching her feet, were put on Dadi. Everyone decorated Dadi and sat her on the throne, crowned her and garlanded her. Dadi was sparkling so much, because there were tiny diamonds in everything. It felt as though Dadi was decorated with diamonds, as though she is sitting in the middle of diamonds.

Then Baba said to Dadi: O My faithful, obedient, honest, worthy child who gives the proof, Baba has given you a prize. Wherever you stay, you will continue to come and go. Dadi said: Baba, this is just the prize that I want. Wherever You send me, I will continue to come back to the Subtle Region. Baba said: Child, do not leave the Subtle Region and do not leave Madhuban. Continue to come and tour around both places. Dadi said: I am going just for name’s sake.

Baba said: Dadi will go in the form of a son, but where she is going, they haven’t even dreamt that they could have a child. They are devotees, and have already passed half their life. They are a little older than the child-bearing age. This is why they don’t even have it in their dreams that they could have a child, but their will be a little movement when Dadi enters. When this movement takes place, she (the new mother) will feel that something is happening.

Now, Dadi was in the Subtle Region, but when that movement takes place, the mother will wonder what it is. Baba showed that that mother and Brother (new parents) were great devotees, very devoted. Even if they drink water, first they will offer it to God and then drink it. Such is their intense devotion. When Dadi takes birth, they will feel that God has sent them some incarnation, not a son, but an incarnation. Something is to happen and so Dadi will go in this form. Dadi will constantly continue to give inspiration to the Advance Party, the scientists and you Brahmins. Whenever the scientists become confused, thinking what will happen, how will it happen, will it happen or not, Dadi will make it so clear for them that they are able to make their preparations intensely. Brahmins will also not ask why or what, but just, we have to do this.
And the Advance Party was dancing. Mama and Didi were each holding Dadi’s arms and saying: Dadi, now, we will show wonders.

Such heart-to-heart conversation was taking place. Then I offered Bhog to Baba and said: Baba, today, everyone has sent sweet sugar pieces (given at the time of taking leave) and cardamon seeds. Baba said: I have already given her the sugar pieces and filled her with the fragrance of the cardamon seeds. I have also applied the tilak to remain stable in self-respect having made her one who is stable in her self-respect. Doing all of this Dadi was completely decorated. Then, everyone who was in the Subtle Region sat down in such silence, as though they became bodiless in the incorporeal stage. Dadi was just sitting on the throne, but she then got up and went in front of Baba. Baba said: She is the elder Brother and this is why she will embrace Baba while standing. Baba embraced her, gave drishti and Dadi flew away from the Subtle Region from amidst all of us.

Dadi asked me how I was; she asked about Dadi Janki: How is she? She hasn’t become heavy, has she? Baba said: Let everyone see her in My form (see Dadi as being Bapsamaan) and give her respect and enable her to have the right to the respect of the position. Dadi specially met Dadi Janki asking her how she was, like she used to do here. She met in that way and, lastly, Baba bade farewell. Dadi also met me and said: You must also continue to ask about each one’s welfare. (Neeluben said to Dadi Gulzar when she returned: Dadiji came here.) That I don’t know. But Dadiji gave everyone drishti filled with love. There were some groups there, but Dadi’s drishti was filled with love. Dadi just remembers a lot the two words ‘self-respect’ and ‘regard for all’. Again and again, she was repeating just these words. Om Shanti.
* * * * *
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Post08 Sep 2007

Extracts of the official Bhog message dated 6.9.07 delivered through Dadi Gulzar as communicated by Sister Bansy above:

"Baba said: Dadi will go in the form of a son but where she is going, they haven't even dreamt that they could have a child. They are devotees, and have already passed half their life. They are a little older than the child-bearing age. This is why they don't even have it in their dreams that they could have a child but there will be a little movement when Dadi enters. When this movement takes place, she (the new mother) will feel that something is happening.

Now, Dadi was in the Subtle Region but when that movement takes place, the mother will wonder what it is. Baba showed that that mother and Brother (new parents) were great devotees, very devoted. Even if they drink water, first they will offer it to God and then drink it. Such is their intense devotion. When Dadi takes birth, they will feel that God has sent them some incarnation, not a son but an incarnation.

Something is to happen and so Dadi will go in this form. Dadi will constantly continue to give inspiration to the Advance Party, the scientists and you Brahmins. Whenever the scientists become confused, thinking what will happen, how will it happen, will it happen or not, Dadi will make it so clear for them that they are able to make their preparations intensely. Brahmins will also not ask why or what but just, we have to do this. And the Advance Party was dancing. Mama and Didi were each holding Dadi's arms and saying: Dadi, now, we will show wonders."

The above extracts gives hints about the family where Dadi Kumarka/Prakashmani would be taking rebirth.

I heard from a senior BK that when Didi Manmohini left her body in 1983, similar hints were given about the family where she would take rebirth. It was told that she would be the only Sister after seven Brothers.

Now it is being hinted that Dadi Kumarka would take rebirth as a son to a childless middle-aged religious couple. This also indicates that Dadi Kumarka's karmic accounts are not yet over.

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Post08 Sep 2007

arjun wrote: Dadi will constantly continue to give inspiration to the ... scientists ... Whenever the scientists become confused, thinking what will happen, how will it happen, will it happen or not, Dadi will make it so clear for them that they are able to make their preparations intensely.

What is meant here ... the scientists that are preparing for Nuclear War

How much "service" of scientists has ever gone on during the history of the Yagya and how?
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Post08 Sep 2007

Regard for all, respect for all and self-respect ... maybe they are not getting this message very well for quite some time, or giving respect to unnecessary people (VIPs, etc) ... whatever, just a thought ...



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Post09 Sep 2007

I am so sorry but what a bunch of bullsh**.
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Post09 Sep 2007

BKTi-Pit wrote:I am still waiting for the official English translation of the last Bhog message but I cannot recall any clear indication from BapDada as to which role Dadi P will play. The only thing that seems clear is that Dadi left the Subtle Region and is likely going to take rebirth. Otherwise, as I said before, the only thing that is meaningful to me in all this paraphernalia is the inspiration to maintain self respect and give respect, be humble and have real love for all. Everything else seems to me more like a fairy tale to entertain the children and not to be taken too seriously. Should we call it confusion, I don't know, but it surely is not clarity. Or is it that I am not soul conscious enough to understand the deep significance? Would the PBKs get some clarification from Baba VD Dixit?

Omshanti. Although it is obvious from the trance message dated 6.9.07 delivered through Gulzar Dadiji that Kumarka Dadi's soul would take rebirth, but from the PBKs point of view, it is not yet clear if this means actual rebirth or a metaphorical meaning, because it is generally believed by the PBKs that such senior BKs like Dadis, after leaving their bodies, do not take rebirth and remain with their subtle bodies till they get birth in the Golden Age and do service by entering into Brahmin souls to do Godly service.

So, I shall convey your question to ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) and let you know His response.

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Post09 Sep 2007

BKTi-Pit wrote:Otherwise, as I said before, the only thing that is meaningful to me in all this paraphernalia is the inspiration to maintain self respect and give respect, be humble and have real love for all. Everything else seems to me more like a fairy tale to entertain the children and not to be taken too seriously. Should we call it confusion, I don't know, but it surely is not clarity.

You see, one way to make a rotten pie looks good is to cover it with good icing. It is a BK strategy to inject virtue teaching to camouflage the lie and confusion it has promulgated.


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Post10 Sep 2007

arjun wrote:The above extracts gives hints about the family where Dadi Kumarka/Prakashmani would be taking rebirth. Now it is being hinted that Dadi Kumarka would take rebirth as a son to a childless middle-aged religious couple. This also indicates that Dadi Kumarka's karmic accounts are not yet over.

Om Shanti. In my opinion, it doesn't indicates that that soul has any karmic accounts. Look how she will take birth. It is incarnation not ordinary birth. Deities take birth in such a way.

With regards, Shankar
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abrahma kumar

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Dadi Prakashmani's Death / Krishna's birth ...?????

Post10 Sep 2007

BKdimok wrote:Om Shanti. In my opinion it doesn't indicates that that soul have any karmic accounts. Look how she will take birth. It is incarnation not ordinary birth. Deities take birth in such a way.

Shankar, do you mean that you think Dadi will take birth as Krishna?
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Post10 Sep 2007

BKdimok wrote:Om Shanti. In my opinion ... Look how she will take birth. It is incarnation not ordinary birth. Deities take birth in such a way.

Instead of theorizing, why not just ask those "in the know" and keep asking until you receive a distinct, definite answer?
    Oh, sorry, I forgot ... that is not a Brahmin/royal/Gyani thing to do ...
Is not it funny how we as BKs in the BKWSU accept vague, unsubstantiated speculations projecting and exaggerating them of our own according amongst ourselves? This, encouraged by most teachers, then becomes the thick soup of beliefs and half-beliefs that make up the folklore and legend of the BK creed.

Excuse me for interrupting abek's reasonable question but let's read the message again ...
"When Dadi takes birth, they will feel that God has sent them some incarnation, not a son but an incarnation."

They are saying the devotees "will feel". They do not that "IT IS" an "incarnation" ... whatever that might be.

Let's face. 70 years of cuddling up to Lekhraj Kirpalani ... and, may be, 50 years of thinking about Shiva now and again ... even the Super Dadis still have karma that brings them back to Earth. What hope do the rest of you have!?! She is off to the prison of an impure womb, to be born into ignorance and suffering amongst blood, **** and **** to a couple of middle-aged, fornicating bhagats ... to start doing Bhakti again!

None of this was planned for in the BK philosophy because they never thought the Yagya would last this long and the Dadis die off, so now they have to make up another layer of stories on top of the basic Gyan. So, do the mathematics ...

She is re-born now. OK, Start of Golden Age 2036-ish ... when will Destruction be (it has been re-written so many times to date)? How will she regain consciousness enough as a child to do service or have rememberance? She will incur fresh karma, attachments. According to the BK, is she now going to have to die again to be reborn along with Krishna? What karma must she have to die before she is 30 in her next birth?

Was that her 83 life just over? So, who was BapDada addressing when he spoke of those who took 84 births ... not her. Many she WONT be born aongside Krishna after all ... may be she is just another tinpot Silver Aged Emperor like the rest of them!?! May be not even that ... frankly, who can tell!?!

The BKs in the audience just glaze over, head for the hills and disappear into a dizzy, romantic bliss of fairy story illusions. In short folks ... make a practise of demanding and facing the hard facts ... it all just does not add up.
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Post10 Sep 2007

As far as I can tell she is considered the 2nd Narayan by PBKs, therefore will take birth somewhere around 100 - 150 years into the Golden Age. I think coronation will be at 150 years.
BKdimok wrote:Om Shanti. In my opinion ... Look how she will take birth. It is incarnation not ordinary birth. Deities take birth in such a way.

A Diety birth in that sense would have to be an immaculate conception or conception by Yoga power in Gyan terms.
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abrahma kumar

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A flexibility as legendary is their unlimited imaginations

Post10 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:... The BKs in the audience just glaze over, head for the hills and disappear into a dizzy, romantic bliss of fairy story illusions. In short folks ... make a practise of demanding and facing the hard facts ... it all just does not add up.

Agreed. If as BKs we feel no compelling reason to count beyond 5000 years, then where on earth are we going to find the inspiration to ask for explanations from? Maybe some brave child is going to break the spell by asking mommy or daddy some elementary questions about EVERYTHING.

Lest i go off at too far a tangent, I take this chance to invite any BK who was there to share with us what BK get-together at the Alexandra Palace (in London, England) was all about. And on that expectant note I happened to observe that the Alexandra Palace website bears the motto: Our flexibility is limited only by the imagination.

Maybe we can coin new BK motto - i know that it wont catch on - "Our intellects possess a capacity for flexibility that is way beyond the limits of our imagination. And so, as a sign of our committment to the BKWSU MotherShip, we give full-rights over our imaginings to them."
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Post10 Sep 2007

Condolence Ceremony held for Rajyogini Dadi Prakashmani
Kathmandu, Nepal, 6th September 2007

A condolence Program was organized in the respect of revered Dadi ji on ascending to the abode of angelic world on the 13th day of her ascendance at Vishwa Shanti Bhawan premises. Large no. of people from different sectors of society assembled to pay their rich tributes to respected Dadi ji.

Chief Guest Hon'ble State Minister for Labour and Transport Management Mr. Ramesh Lekhak said that birth and death are truth of life everybody has to accept. Nevertheless, the passing away of great person inspires people through their knowledge and dharan to become like themselves. In the same way through her life revered Dadi ji showed us how to inculcate moral and spiritual values in life to make it worthy to human being. He further added if we follow her teachings accurately then only it is deemed true condolence to her.

Member of Legislative Parliament Mrs. Uma Adhikari also shared her memories of meeting Dadi Prakashmani and due to her inspiration, her life was changed tremendously. She further added that Dadi ji has inspired millions of women to become virtuous and become leaders in their respective profession which itself is great achievement.

Speaking as chairperson Director of Brahma Kumaris Nepal Raj Didi said Dadi ji has loved Nepal and Nepalese through her heart. Dadi ji inspired me and due to her selfless, spiritual love, thousands of Nepalese Brothers and Sisters became able to surrender their life to uplift humanity to elevated stage.

Speaker of Nepali Dharma Sansad Mr. Jaya Prakash, Ex Minister Mr. Radha Krishna Mainali, Aishwrya Lal Pradhnanga, Chairman of Nepal Buddha Samaj Mr. Prem Shakya, Chairman of Shanti Dharma Pratisthan Mrs. Indira Manandhar, BK Ram Singh and BK Tilak also shared their memories of Dadi ji and paid their respective tribute to great soul Dadi ji in the program. Earlier hon'ble State Minister for Water Resource Mr. Gyanendra Bdr. Karki paid his hearty tribute to Dadi ji Program organized by Budhanilkantha Centre.

The entire guest watched Documentary video "Jewel of Light" in program and everybody was presented one each "Jewel of Light" CD as Godly gift and everybody accepted Bhog with respect.

Image Channel, Sagarmatha Television and National Daily Newspaper covered this news. Please circulate this news in Rosary.


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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's Death / Krishna's birth ...?????

Post10 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Shankar, do you mean that you think Dadi will take birth as Krishna?

Om Shanti. Nope. Krishna is the first deity of the Golden Age. But he is not the first deity. His parents are also deities. Birth without sex is an indication of deity birth.
John wrote:As far as I can tell she is considered the 2nd Narayan by PBKs, therefore will take birth somewhere around 100 - 150 years into the Golden Age. I think coronation will be at 150 years.

It doesn't matter. What do you get from this calculation? Also it doesn't matter what PBKs or BKs think about her status in the Golden Age. She made her efforts. As for me I prefer to concentrate on MY status in the Golden Age.

With regards, Shankar

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