BKs and the Bahai Religion

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BKs and the Bahai Religion

Post08 Sep 2007

The Baha'is (Bhai's) started out in 1840s in Persia. By the 1920s they were an international religious movement based in Israel. They were a break away group from Mohammadism who claimed to be leading humanity into a Golden Age via the living God on Earth (their prophet). They became very pro British on decline of Ottoman Sultanate. They stared out with Holy Enigmatic Leaders and much religious favour in 1900s. In recent years, with no original saints living, an elected administrative body overseas huge trust funds used for Teaching Drives and promotion of the Religion and converts, Real Estate Development, presevation of Scriptures and funding of permanent administrative corps.

The BKs often are involved with Bahai's via interfaith and UN programs.

With the original BK leadership dying off and becoming puppets (masks) for the fake trance mediums to channel (similar to ancestor worship and channeling, control and obedience over family in China, e.g. "the ancestors say this, so do it"); will the administration of BKs in next 50 to 100 years become an authorized priesthood dedicated to overseeing the trust funds and maintaining a moribund stagnant religion that has a constellation of dead saints as memorials?
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Re: Bahai Religion

Post08 Sep 2007

lalita wrote:The Baha'is (Bhai's) started out in 1840s in Persia ...

The word Baha'is comes from the Arabic word Bahá’, meaning "glory" or "splendour". Nothing to do with "Brother" (Bhai). But its true that the BKs and the Baha'is have both worked the Interfaith communities and the UN, both have a vision of a "one world" government. Its a strange relationship from a BK point of view because Bahá'u'lláh, the founder, would definitely be a Chariot for a new "religious founder" soul coming down near the end of Kali Yuga to start his own religion which currently has over 6 million followers. A small twig on The Tree.

To me it exhibits that two-facedness of the BKs where they will go along smilingly with anybody that is useful to them whilst privately believing all sorts of condemnatory things about the others and their beleifs. But then ... probably the Baha'is think the BKs are going to convert to them as well!!! Hence the crazy world of Interfaith meetings. It does make me wonder if the BK leadership is being influenced and "learning" the form from these other cult religions.

Do I think that the BK leadership will develop along the lines you suggest? Most certainly they already are. Its a wonder they are not already putting name tabs on the statues in Dilwara Temple.


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Post08 Sep 2007

The Bahai's stated off with a Godman, Chariot of God who sent many into visions just like Lekhraj. They believe he was Krishna of Hindus, Jesus of Christians ect.

Today, pukka Bahai's are supposed to contribute 20% of income to the Universal House of Justice (their admistrative corporation which overseas missionary work and PR).

They make a covernant with God (via Universal House of Justice) to obey God (via the Universal House of Justice).

Religions seem to start off as outsiders, with genuine Yogis' and Saints who inspire faith in a new religion and social change, and end up as fixed dogma that support the local rulers and law. As well as priesthood and administrators who live off the contributions of the the faithful.

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