Symbolism and metaphoric meaning

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Symbolism and metaphoric meaning

Post29 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:In the coat of arms of India also there are three lions (representing the Trimurti).
Supreme Father has not created the symbol. Those who have created do not know, put or extract different meanings. The same way as film songs are used in the beginning of the Murli but in them points of knowledge are revealed. Baba (via Veerendra Dev Dixit) also says that in the Trimurti there is in fact only one lion.

The chakra called swaradshanchakra is also show in the hands of Krishna through which he has cut the heads of the devils in Hinduism.

Actually, it is a Buddhist emblem. A depiction of the Sarnath Lion Capital of Emperor Ashok. The top placed on one of the pillars the Emperor placed all over India.

The emblem depicts three lions of four (the fourth which stand backwards) looking to north, south, east and West on the original capital stone.

On the pillar were Buddhist edicts. The Sarnath pillar bears one, an inscription against division within the Buddhist community, which reads, "No one shall cause division in the order of monks". Its a wonder because the flag has another Buddhist symbol, the chakra or wheel. Not a Hindu symbol.
andrey wrote:in them points of knowledge are revealed.

How would we describe that? The entire knowledge appears to be based around taking commonly place, already pre-programmed and existing items, and giving them new meanings.

It seems to be a system based on ciphers and mnemonics.
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Post31 Aug 2007

How would we describe that? The entire knowledge appears to be based around taking commonly place, already pre-programmed and existing items, and giving them new meanings. It seems to be a system based on ciphers and mnemonics.

Yes, you know Baba (Brahma Baba) used to pick some flowers (roses) from the garden and the Murli used to be based on this. How some flowers are closed, some are full open etc. That there are various flowers with various colours and fragrances. Also when the electricity used to go down, there were some mention and parallel used to be drawn with something related to The Knowledge. It is different to the dead, limited knowledge closed in the internet or books. We never can know what he knows and what he will tell.

Dear Brother BKDimOK,

We cannot decide who is who. I have just quoted how it is described in the Murli - Vishnu, then we can judge ourselves. However it seem that you say who is who - who will come where and what will he become. In the Murli it is said that Baba (SivBaba) would not declare or write on the board.
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Post31 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:Yes, you know Baba (Brahma Baba) used to pick some flowers (roses) from the garden and the Murli used to be based on this.

Yes, it is the way quite a lot of mediums work. We need to be clear about what is reality and what is free association or inspiration.
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Post01 Sep 2007

We need to be clear about what is reality and what is free association or inspiration.

What do you mean by "reality"? How can we be clear?
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Post01 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:What do you mean by "reality"? How can we be clear?

We should be honest about what are "sweet encouragements" and baby talk, and engage our minds in learning something about the real world, not depending on Lekhraj Kirpalani to filter it through his awareness of it.

An unfortunate side effect of BKs becoming a "Master Almight Authorities" is the willingness to stand up and spout complete non-truths as if they were truths. And Lekhraj Kirpalani was a bad as the rest of us. Perhaps he realised that it was just baby talk ... it has been taken and made concrete by those unwilling to grow up from being those babies.
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Post02 Sep 2007

You should give examples if you would like to discuss concrete examples.
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Post02 Sep 2007

The example above is one such ... Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says the crest of India is the Trimurti. No, it is not. It is a Buddhist symbol relating to the nearest thing to the first Indian Empire. That of the Buddhist convert Ashoka.

Practically all of my posts refer to others ... in a sense, what I was saying here was broadly in agreement with the idea behind the Advanced Knowledge, that there is some deeper meaning to all of the trivia of Gyan. Past experience, and the fact, suggest it is not real, not as said, mutable and revised.
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Post02 Sep 2007

Is it possible that Buddists have borrowed the symbol.

It is also said in the Murli that cinema is created for the purpose that Baba could explain the drama and use it as example. Now you know that no one has had this idea when creating the bioscope, but it does not make the statement false. Could be that when taking the coat of arms they did not meant the Trimurti but in fact this may represent the Trimurti. Man can do something and something else could come out of it. Like now we boost with advancement and someone should come and say that in fact you are going towards your own destruction.

It is also said that the three colors of the flag also represent the Trimurti. It is not possible when choosing the flag in the past that someone knew Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar as living persons as we know now. One could also argue each time, "why would white represent purity, i say white represents the snow". You understand it is different. We don't aim such knowledge that is easily available through google search, that if we cannot find we are helpless.This knowledge is already available and having it there are no signs of improvement.

We need new way of perceiving things, like when there are husband and wife Baba says live together like Brother and Sister or Brothers, now did they marry their own Brother or Sister, no, in fact they are not Brother and Sister, they are husband and wife and it can be proved with documents, but does it make the effort to live like Brother and Sister false, are they not Brother and Sister, or Brothers? If they have awareness of one mother and Father they are, if not they are not.

Like if you did not know the Buddhist thing about the coat of arms you would accept the explanation that it represents the Trimurti. For someone ignorant for both, he would just see three lions with no meaning. (there is no forth visible). Now which is reality. For us it represents the Trimurti. Similarly everything changes, but not externally but its meaning, its essence. Like the whole world has changed. There is no past for us as usual. Past is for us the future. There are no Buddhism for us, for us we are all one family and there is no religion at all. Same is with The Knowledge. You may say it comes from Lekhraj Kirpalani or Virendra Dev Dixit or some minor ghost, we say it is the Supreme Soul Shiva speaking that no one will ever see. Which is reality? Just because it cannot be proved it does not make it less real.

Like now big scientists gather for conferences and have come to the conclusion that in the time space continuum there are 10 realities, but with our limited perceptions we can only see very little out of it, others who live in others may know others. It is as good as not knowing they exist. And how did they knew they exist? If you want speculations you can find it on every step. We are in The Knowledge just because we like to be free from it.

We are thought exactly the opposite to what you say - that we should inform ourselves, we are thought to study just one study, only from one. You may say exactly it is to put us to sleep, but no, despite the other information, we can have it, learn it, but it is of no use or interest to us. It is a mind game. You know mind is like a horse. If we constantly feed it, he will have energy to run. To gallop is very OK, we aim to become good riders, we don't aim killing the horse. But we need such food that will make it tame. And you know for this there is only one practice and one mantra Manmanabhav.

Like Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that if we have reached such a stage that when hearing the news, we can understand that these news reflect whatever happens in the Brahmin family,and we may read between the lines and understand then it is OK to listen to news. so this Buddhist thing also may mean something. could be that a Buddhist child has revealed the Trimurti, and also about the forth lion. That's why the more complicated and difficult questions are put to Baba (via Virendra Dev Dixit) the better, the answer will be accordingly. He does not seem to fear any question and i have witnessed very difficult questions with very fine explanations.
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Post02 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:Is it possible that buddists have borrowed the symbol ... It is also said that the three colors of the flag also represent the Trimurti.

You see Andrey, the sub-text that runs through out, and which you often bring up, is that India is special, India is great, India is God's own (only) ... the persistent undertone of Indian nationalism within Gyan enforced by such benign, inspirational ... fantasies. The problem is, a lot of BK types are not educated and stop educating themselves, and lose themselves in the fantasy. May be Indian born BKs need this to improve their self-esteem ...

The "Lion" was Ashoka's symbol, the roar of he lions was the voice of the Buddha spreading in all directions. They stand on an abacus on which there is a flower in full bloom, exemplifying the fountainhead of life. This pillar marked the site where the Buddha assembled the Sangha of Arahants and exhorted them to go in different directions to spread the Teaching. On the pillar is an inscription, which says: "Let no one cause a division in the Sangha."

The four running animals around the capital symbolise the Bull representing the Buddha’s birth sign; Elephant representing his conception as Maya Devi dreamt that an elephant entered her womb; Horse representing the Bodhisatta’s renunciation as he left home on his horse Kanthaka; Lion representing his First Sermon. The four lions that surmount the Capital represent the roar of the Buddha in the four directions.

As far as the flag goes Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who later became India's first Vice President, clarified the adopted flag and described its significance as follows:
    Bhagwa, or the saffron color, denotes renunciation of disinterestedness. Our leaders must be indifferent to material gains and dedicate themselves to their work.
    The white in the centre is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct.
    The green shows the relation of the people to the soil, their relation to the plant life here, on which all other life depends.

    The "Ashoka Chakra" (Buddhist again) in the centre of the white is the wheel of the law of dharma. Truth or satya, dharma or virtue ought to be the controlling principle of those who work under this flag. Again, the wheel denotes motion. There is death in stagnation. There is life in movement. India should no more resist change, it must move and go forward. The wheel represents the dynamism of a peaceful change.
Although the first Indian flag is said to have been made by an Irish woman, a follower of the Mason and Theosophist, Swami Vivekananda in 1931, the current one dates back to 1947 when India got independence and after pressure by the Sikhs to change its colors.

You see ... real history.

OK. I will quit the PBK section and leave you alone now.
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Post03 Sep 2007

India is birthplace of God.

It is said that we should take every word in the Murli as written on stone. If not today - tomorrow it will be proven true. There cannot be any matter of free association.
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Post03 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:India is birthplace of God. It is said that we should take every word in the Murli as written on stone.

No, Bharat is the birth place of God ... honestly andrey, it should not be me correcting you. Was it not Bharat the person?

If the Murlis are written in stone, then no wonder they are so ponderous heavily at times. It is impossible for me to unreservedly agree with that statement because, a) they have been revised and re-edited so often now ... and b) we lose so much reading them in English. Obviously, for me, I have no faith it is "God-God" at present, so such unverifiable statements are just a pain really. Faith is not enough without documentation and proof.
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Post03 Sep 2007

Could it simply be that Virendra Dev Dixit got it wrong?

How to get out of being wrong - tada! ... "It is all symbolic, Baba did not mean in a literal sense", the truth is being stretched further than Mr Fantastic of the Fantastic Four.
It is said that we should take every word in the Murli as written on stone.

Surely something written in stone can not be refined and changed.
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Post03 Sep 2007

Dear br. John,

Why should he have got it wrong? Did you get it right? What is your point of knowing right and wrong? Do you know what Baba has meant? Where from? Baba (via Virendra Dev Dixit) makes just this he says what Baba means here and there. We can judge that we did not know such fine explanation ourselves and this is the most fine explanation to such an extent that it can come form only Baba himself.

Now you seem to not believe in the Murli at all. Can you give an example where something from the Murli has been change to mean the opposite in the Advanced Knowledge? Refining is OK. It is like when you write on stone at first you just make holes, no writing is visible then with refining words become clear. So the refining, clarifying is that information of the Murli comes understandable (readable) for us. There is no change in it.

Dear br. ex-l

If you look every human being lives and then dies. No history or document says where did the soul come from and where did it go, whether there is such thing as soul and what it is like. However, every person is interested in these matters and it is possible that for such matters there can be as clear and precise information as any other matter as, e.g. that Australia is xyz sq. km in size. But who can know or tell or verify this information? It is called spiritual knowledge because it concerns these spiritual "facts" because they are not provable and subtle. Does it mean that they cannot be real?

I think we will only confuse ourself when we compare this knowledge and worldly knowledge because they are from different areas. I am also not sure if this word Gyan is used for the wordly knowledge also. Gyan as described in the dictinary can also mean perception, understanding - the way we read things. It is not to oppose the wordly knowledge, but to read some new, valuable meaning and information, some other reality in it (in these same old knowledge).

Symbolism is also used in psychology, certain object are associated with the male certain with the female etc. For example, the mountain looking at it in a normal way it is granite, stone but it is also a symbol; it could be male or female.

This is the difference that we change ourself, our perception. We don't create heaven with bricks and stones. He has not come to narrate information that will make us turn ourselves around completely. How many times it is said that it is very easy, he does not give any difficulty, we live the same life, but if we willingly submit and expose ourself to this programming then there is some change in our internal self. As if he makes some trick with our mind, steals it and we are not the same anymore.

So in this light there cannot be right or wrong, because to this information there is not alternative. There is nothing of the same to compare. Yes we humans know right and wrong, animals don't know right and wrong. If you put a dog to register the historical events (some magic dog with memory) he will recite the facts and that's it. There cannot be any thinking about them. But there can be only one reality of right and wrong, that concerns humanity, only one right perception or Gyan, nomatter there can be different practices and traditions. Now these are to merge in this one perception, or filter or glases we put, so that we can see the world in the same way, to unify our knowledge (perception, understanding) so that there can be peace. Peace of mind first. We will receive it when we have clear knowledge, otherwise it jumps questioning, e.g. who am i what am i what is my history, my past and my future can there be more than one answer to this. We forget that we are in fact interested in this and there is happiness when we are engaged with ourselves, knowing ourselves.

This is also knowledge to make the soul, the mind and intellect think and debate and the forum is a proof. What debate can it be to historical facts, you know even God stays silent in front of facts, Mind does not move, does not go up, does not reach anywhere, there is no stimulation. But because these spiritual facts are such that cannot be pinned at once, there can be debate, because they enter another territory of belief, of perceptions of attitude of right and wrong.

In fact, there is no right or wrong, call it the drama, there is right and wrong in its interpretation. Now there is debate, not because there is disagreement on the facts, but to their interpretation, to the way we look at it. For example we all live on one and the same planet, then why some develop racism and cannot tolerate the other and why others can tolerate. Objectively the circumstances are equal.

Why not create a universal familly, The Knowledge is for this. It is not to show our ability to think, to demonstarte our intellect, the ability to discriminate right from whon, true from false. It is for there to be one controller, one knowledge, one perception, one way of life. It could be that this is the best way of life the best attitude why not adopt it. This attitude that we are not meant to fight one another, but live together peacefully. Will this be possible if we live together but have differences.

It is like a good piece of art like film or book that makes one think, poses some deeper questions and stimulates some such level of the identity of human being that feels that he does not find contentment in temporary matters, temporary knowledge, temporary achievements, and there is some innate desire to explore and maybe finally reach to some point of enlightenment. It is such knowledge that makes one think about. There is also this example from the mythology of the player that plays so well that the whole world peoPle, and animals stop to listen. We can be impressed, applaud, sleep, cough or talk amongst ourselves because we don't like the misic, but we are all in the audience of the concert and those who like to rise voice, or go and step on the stage, you know there are such some cases that some people with mind problems cannot stay still and like to attract the attention. It is just disturbing.

first we may agree on some basic points that OK the world does not rotate arround me, I am not the cneter of the universe and this is OK, bu lets find some point arround wich to turn around our common world of perceptions, could it be The Knowledge of the soul or any else, some way to cool our own selves with our own ways and organise us in some complete form. This is the way i see we can live in peace i see no other way. If we have some important point for all of us, that is one and the same.

What is also new in this knwoeldge is that it is new but along with it likes to wipe out everything old, everything else, but it is not like confroning it but rather like envelop it, include it, melt it. We are meant to forget everything and remember only one think. Like in the Gita God says to Krishna Arjun now you forget everything whatever you have studied up to now and listen to what i tell. You don't know your own births, i tell you about them. We can be very sharp in all matters, but in these spiritual matters we are all like babies, students, ignorants. That's why i complain that to this knowledge other, different type of knowledge is opposed. That's why i complain, because i know that about these matters no one can know anything, there is no way to have information about, there is nowhere to take it from. Like it is said that no one has come back from dying to tell how it is like.

That's why there is no point in confronting this spiritual knowledge with wordly knowledge. It cannot be proven wrong in this way. And we cannot prove it right or wrong in any way, because we have no sourse of this type of knwoeldge, no way to know and claim if these matters are right or wrong, because we are not knowledgeful by definition. We learn and then know. To this the idea of a knowledgeful soul - God is opposed and he is knowledgeful in his own (spiritual) area without competition, he is single there. No one else can know it. At other hand he does not know what we know, our wordly matters. He is himself superwordly, from above this world, in the knowlegde in the perceptions, he is ignorant in anything wordly.

Of course there is many time of spiritual knowledge available, but it all comes from human beings so it is false. There are even different ideas that clash amongst themselves. That's why amongst all the ideas, there is only one correct, right, true idea. We cannot know whcich one it is, because we are not ourselves embodiment of this idea, but we can recognise. The more we recognise and become close to this idea we become the same. If we recognise the falsehood as true we will become false. There is only one way, only one shop etc. It is external to us all, but we all imbibe to different extent, we all walk different way (in this one way) we all buy in our own way, that's why we are all called numberwise and God is not counted in the numbers, because he is the embodiment of this idea himself, the truth himself.
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Post03 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:there is no point in confronting this spiritual knowledge with wordly knowledge. It cannot be proven wrong in this way. And we cannot prove it right or wrong in anyway

That is about as classic as your "even when they are right, they are wrong" quote. So, what are you suggesting? Blind faith? So explain this ...

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit, when asked, "why Bharat was the most degraded of all?" said it was because of India's debt. Now, putting aside that "debt" is a complex subject measured in many different ways, if we look at countries with the highest National Debt, we have;
    1 Brazil $232,004,000,000
    2 Russia $183,601,000,000
    3 Mexico $159,959,000,000
    4 China $154,599,000,000
    5 Indonesia $150,875,000,000
    6 Argentina $144,050,000,000
    7 S. Korea $139,097,000,000
    8 Turkey $102,074,000,000
    9 India $98,232,000,000
    10 Thailand $86,172,000,000
So, India is not the most degraded of all according to what he says. But you say he cannot be proven wrong in this way?

International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank keeps a list of 37 least developed countries with the highest levels of poverty and debt overhang, they are;
    Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
No India.
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Post04 Sep 2007

andrey wrote:Can you give an example where something from the Murli has been change to mean the opposite in the Advanced Knowledge?

I think we went down that road last year and you did not like it then, so I shall refrain.

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