Newcomer ...

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Newcomer ...

Post02 Jan 2007

:D Just to introduce myself (Stone) and to wish you all a Happy New Year 2007 - I was introduced to this forum by a friend.
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Re: Newcomer...

Post02 Jan 2007

Stone wrote::D Just to introduce myself (Stone) and to wish you all a Happy New Year 2007 - I was introduced to this forum by a friend.

Hi Stone, don't be shy, dive right in. We are actually a lot more friendly than we might look ... and I write as the forum bad boy!

What is your interest in the BK or Raja Yoga? Lay it on the line.

You'll receive an interesting varieties of responses, depending on who is awake enough to answer at any given time. And if you get lost ... follow the white rabbit.


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Post02 Jan 2007

Hi Welcome to the forum Stone

Share with us here.
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Post02 Jan 2007

Hi stone!
nice name. Have you got in touch with BKs and ex-BKs with stone intellects?
Welcome anyways.

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Re: Newcomer...

Post02 Jan 2007

Stone wrote::D Just to introduce myself (Stone) and to wish you all a Happy New Year 2007 - I was introduced to this forum by a friend.

Welcome, Stone!

If you've got anything to say related to BK'dom, there are plenty of understanding people here to read, concur, or if in sharklike mood, tearing at certain fleshy bits. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt.

There are lots of archives to read through, here and also at if you want to know more before posting.

Don't worry about the sharks, tho, I was ... mostly ... joking. Now where are my legs??
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Happy New Year

Post02 Jan 2007

Hi Stone,

Welcome to this forum.

You can read my story through various posts. I started out on the forum as a BK and now I am an ex-BK. Some of my reasons you can read about in "Classic Posts", many of my reasons are similar to others on the forum. Basically my reason for leaving the BKs is that I do not like being told what to do and what to think. When I joined this forum it gave me an opportunity to have an open discussion on many topics. Open discussion is not encouraged while being a BK, and this forum is a breath of fressh air. Since reading the posts, exchanging Private Messages and emails, and meeting some of the Ex-Bks in person I found many more reasons to leave and go my own way.

You have already been advised to take us as you find us and not to be scared off by blunt and forthright discussion. I will add my voice to that. Not everybody will agree with you all the time, but don't be shy, we just like to be open in our opinions after having stifled them for so long.

All good wishes and a hearty welcome.
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abrahma kumar

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Re: Newcomer...

Post07 Jan 2007

Stone wrote::D Just to introduce myself (Stone) and to wish you all a Happy New Year 2007 - I was introduced to this forum by a friend.

Hi Stone. Welcome.

peter de


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Post23 Aug 2007

Hi Proy,

I did not see you so far.
proy wrote: I started out on the forum as a BK and now I am an ex-BK.

I don't hope it is not representative for BKs in general ...!
I do not like being told what to do and what to think

That's normal. But I fear that it is always like that. When it is not Baba who tells us what to do than it is definitely someone or something other that tells us. In other words, we always are under some or the other influence. We follow Shrimat, manmat or parmat or the guidelines of nature (and look in what shape nature is ...).

So it's good that we go our own way. But in what consciousness?
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Representative from ...

Post31 Aug 2007

peter de wrote:I don't hope it is not representative for BKs in general ...!

...and I appreciate the double negative ... :lol: BTW lol means Laugh out loud, or maybe lots of laughs.

peter de


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Post01 Sep 2007

What is BTW? Here in Belgium it means tax on products. And sure, I meant; I don't hope that it is representative ...

The only experience I have with being ex-BK is that I totally lost all contact and interest with and in the subject. So, it is new to me to 'meet' souls who are ex but are still truly involved ...
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Post01 Sep 2007

peter de wrote:What is BTW? Here in Belgium it means tax on products. And sure, I meant; I don't hope that it is representative ...

The only experience I have with being ex-BK is that I totally lost all contact and interest with and in the subject. So, it is new to me to 'meet' souls who are ex but are still truly involved ...

BTW means By The Way. Product tax in the UK is VAT. I thought you were a BK? Are you saying you are ex?

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Post01 Sep 2007

No, I WAS several times ex-BK ... 4 times ... I ended in hospital with a vital depression and so for half a year each time my world was so dark that there was not a trace of spirituality in me.

Now, for the last 4 year and a half I am becoming carefully a BK again, although - for speaking with Baba - it will always be numberwise, and for the time being, up and down ...
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Ex or BK

Post01 Sep 2007

OK Thanks, I understand. So you say that when you were ex you lost all interest, and you hope that going back in will re-kindle your spirituality? I see now why you make the remark about "meeting" people who are ex but still interested in the subject and in spirituality in general.

I know some Belgian Dutch speaking BKs/ex-BKs. I will send you a Private Message (PM) and ask if you know them. Who knows, we may have mutual friends. That has happened to me several times already on this forum. The BK world is a world where we tend to all keep meeting up with the same people. Many of my friends are ex-BKs, one or two still BKs, one or two are now PBKs (No doubt you will know who they are from this forum). It might be best if we shift to PM anyway, as we are well off topic in this thread.
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Post01 Sep 2007

peter de wrote:No, I WAS several times ex-BK ... 4 times ... I ended in hospital with a vital depression and so for half a year each time my world was so dark that there was not a trace of spirituality in me.

A surprising number of BKs and ex-BKs appear to suffer from depression and suicidal impulses. I have been quite shocked by the type of individuals that I have discovered do. Individuals with much more to live for than I have. We also know of tragic incidents within the fmaily where souls have been successful in taking their lives.

Do you connect the influences you experienced as a BK with those feelings, or your leaving? Or do you think that the feelings were just therefore? Was your world view darkened by the BKs and is the only way out to join again?

peter de


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Post02 Sep 2007

Hi Proy,

I don't know the person you mailed me.

My experience is that it seems that it is not wholly me who is making decissions ... The last time I quit it was for six years. Maybe because I am raised as an atheist - it was not common in the sixties in Catholic Flanders - that the sanskar often becomes at the foreground and so in those six years I instinctively kept away from spirituallity. Sometimes I watched a Dutch-Hindi program on TV but that was all. But then suddenly, in a talk with a man in the pre-Iraq war period, when he said: "I believe that God is using the Americans to wipe this dirty world clean", I awoke! Six year there was no Baba and in one second he was back again. It looks like he pulls me but who or what chooses the moment? Karmic balans?
ex-l wrote:Do you connect the influences you experienced as a BK with those feelings, or your leaving?

I did not get depressed because of leaving. I got depressed and then I had to leave because I was so ill I even couldn't manage to put my clothes on! BK life in combination with the busy lokik life was to much for me because of my nerves. We, in our family, are very nervous; there is a lot of stress in even little matters. I have to accept that as a BK I am limited, that I can not be as perfect as Baba and the teacher want it to be.

My depression tendency is much older than my BK period. But I was stabilised for 5 years before I met the BK. Vital depression has a lot to do with exhaustion, I think. It is very important for yogis, and especially those with such a huge mission as BKs, to take enough rest. If we reduce our sleep without learning how to take that recuperation out of Yoga, like I did, then there is a problem.

In those early BK years the depression became a manic-depression syndrome (because of Baba pulling me up high again and again ...).

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