So what all of you are doing here?

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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reforming BK

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So what all of you are doing here?

Post17 Aug 2007

Dear souls, Om Shanti. Please share with us what makes you spend your time here, on this forum? What is your personal aim of this conversation? Honesty is most welcome.

Shiv through Shankar
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Post17 Aug 2007

RTFF ...
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Mr Green


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Post17 Aug 2007

You want honesty?

My friend you need medical attention
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bye, once again

Post31 Aug 2007

I have given out a fair bit as have others over the Internet Both to the "BK" world and the world at large. I am changing now, I cannot handle my present existence. My friends are becoming actively anti spiritual, though, probably out of attachment and fear of either losing me or simply not being able to manipulate me as they can do.

I can be gullible and easily used/influenced and need to trust those around me. Support and protection even if that is not going to far. I also suspect they are being possessed/influenced by spooks to pull me down and hold me back. I cannot let this go on any longer. I have learnt from it and in future may spot predators, hangers on, people who want to hitch their wagon to my engine, social climbers, manipulators, ambulance chasers and the likes. An honest heart is a very, very rare thing in this world. Having said that, I accept full responsibility for where I am, and WHO I am.

I am shutting everyone out of my life to re charge. I have chucked out the negative things and am detoxing, not to mention drained. When I get my full physical and spiritual energy back, I aim to get out teaching at some point, as an independent. If I collaborate in any way with BKWSU then so be it. I have not "belonged" to the "BKs" for some time though cannot argue that I may be "Brahmin".

I value souls such as "BKs" who are at least making effort or have done in the past compared to those who have given up or not even started and no intentions of doing so, just the way I am I guess, they are not worthy of my time/ life. Dead energy, which is no good to me any more. Perhaps I have not been a good example.

I will not be making any more, or, as many posts on the net therefore. Partly because I refuse to give all my ideas and awareness away to spiritual predators so that they can capitalize for name and fame, status or even money. That may be a touch arrogant. If people are interested in any way in hearing what I have to say, they can invite me to talk, or something. I want to deal with real people in real situations and not just words on a screen. Call it "love bombing" if you like, it is better than bombing love.

I aim to organise my own programmes, that way, no one can manipulate in a predatory, sly or any other kind of selfish way. I am not trying to start a new organisation. I have my own printer now. The drama also preferred that I fit an electric shower than spend it on music equipment. Do I smell a rat?

It all changes now and those who have been persecuting me in the past be they BK or, in particular those outside, some who clain to be my friends, will have to take what comes. I hereby forgive myself for any regrettable actions I may have performed in the past. We need to stop polluting the air with guilt or hate, regret and grudges. Forgive the self and others, and move on. We have work to do, it must be done, and will be done. Keep up the good work and don't fight too dirty.

And, whatever your feelings towards Dadi Prakashmani who has just passed on, or so I just found out here, she gave her life to making the world a better place, that puts her above almost everyone I have ever met.

Love and best wishes to all :P
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abrahma kumar

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thank you sparkal

Post01 Sep 2007

Thanks for sharing sparkal and spending some of your time over here. I always enjoy reading your posts. All the best.



reforming BK

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Re: bye, once again

Post01 Sep 2007

sparkal wrote: That may be a touch arrogant. If people are interested in any way in hearing what I have to say, they can invite me to talk, or something. I want to deal with real people in real situations and not just words on a screen.

Om Shanti. I am interested. So I invite you to talk (ICQ, e-mail). In the beginning, it will be only words on the screen, but it is only beginning. So if you are intrested let's start. As for arrogance it's OK because I also have problems with that thing.

With regards, Shankar.
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Post07 Sep 2007

Why am I here?

In a word, Love.

I have no family. My BK after life ‘friends’ have the spiritual intelligence of lemmings. My before BK life friends are all evil, stupid or just avoid spirituality like the plague. I am not rich so can’t drown my sorrows with ravishing indulgences and the cheap pleasures small to moderate amounts of money can buy are not enough for me.

I have a deep obsession. It possesses me. It is my curse. Perhaps it is my blessing. But I need to know what is real, what is the truth. This could be so dominate in my mind and heart because of the tremendous insecurity I experienced growing up and have fought to suppress relentlessly. It could be from the joy I first got when I learned about psychology and philosophy. But I need to know, to believe, without a doubt, what is real, what is true, why I am, and what is my mission.

Sharing my thoughts, research and realizations here has helped me to clarify so much for myself and I hope have enabled others to see a different perspective then their own. I wish I was totally independent of the need for others approval and support, but the god honest truth is that when supported by those I feel akin too the caliber of everything I do is improved greatly. Also, I don’t believe any one person can see every angle of what is, so the perspective of others that have shared here have given me more then just inspiration, it has given me a new life.

We here all share a common bond; a lot of us have sailed on the same ship. We have crashed and have struggled in a cold relentless sea filled with sharks and ghosts. Despite this we are then cast into the harsh flames of hell where Satan himself apposes us in hand to hand combat. It is not easy to thrive in a world like this for me.

To have love for everyone, at lest in a worldly sense, IMO is ludicrous, but acceptance, tolerance, and setting clear and definitive boundaries are aspects of self respect (love) just as important as love for others. The love I get and give in this forum and the clarification of reality I get from our sharings is why I am here.
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Post07 Sep 2007

I am here to laugh at some humorous posts, to cry and let it go of my past experience as a BK, to talk openly about my beliefs now and expect only enriching answers from all of you ... I already made friends here ... although I haven't met them personally yet and I am open to have more and really hopeful to meet physically one day ... 8). :cry: :wink: :roll:

I love you all ... thanks for being here ... :!:


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