Left the so called Knowledge

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Left the so called Knowledge

Post17 Aug 2007

Seems strange to me how so many of us can fall for this unadulturated offel that is called Yoga. What an insult to the ancient science.

Personally, i feel embarrassed for even allowing myself to enter the snare of such a lot of nonsense. Does anyone feel as I do? Even now I still see a spark of light when i open the door or something and think its Baba (BapDada) following me. What to do? When will it end?
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Mr Green


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Post17 Aug 2007

How long ago did you leave and how long were you a member friend? It will get easier

Many of us experience embarrassment over our time there.

I often experience situations where I am talking about something culturally that I have no reference to as I was living outside the world ... this often causes awkward moments for me.
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Post30 Aug 2007

~ Hello Jakeyboy ~

Welcome to the forum, I hope you find our 'sparkling' company a healing and enlightening event in your life. There's no need to feel embarrassed about what happened, the point is you've made it through this far and can now see deeper than before, thats whats important! ...

Looking forward to you sharing your viewpoints, at least its fair and open discussion on this forum, unlike aspects of our 'supressed' past eh? Rock on ... and say your say!

To copy another famous member,method of posting~ our resident musical expert and lyricist Abrahma Kumar ~ I am letting you know that Bob Marley is currently playing on my radio - he's singing to you: "One Love - One Life - Lets get together and feel alright"

The words are great and in total synchronicity ...

With warm wishes
P xxx
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abrahma kumar

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One Love - One Life - Lets get together and feel alright

Post30 Aug 2007

Soooo look who pops up ... :wink:

Guys, i am so :oops: that had i a mirror I am sure that I would observe a blush of redness shining through my cheeks - and emotions making my eyes water - notwithstanding my brown complexion. One love indeed.

The forum seems to be a place in which relationships of genuine regard and acceptance are formed and shared; and all this without the majority of us ever having set eyeballs on each other! How subtle and elevated is that? Maybe we are at the vanguard of a whole new ballgame in terms of spiritual outreach and spiritual 'social' support networks.

This element of our interactions often provide me with scope to explore additional dimensions of what we read in the Murli's described as "Avyakt sustenance". For amongst other things the forum seems to be about Inity beyond man-made frontiers so that all soul's can fly, if they want to. BKs eat your heart out!
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abrahma kumar

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Suppression ...

Post30 Aug 2007

I do not want to digress too much from any direction that jakeboy would like the topic to go toward, so as an aside I can share that the issue of suppression is uppermost in my mind right at this very minute. It appears to have been a feature of my way of not dealing with things for far too long. On some clear days it seems like a miracle that there remains a spark of survival instinct sufficient enough to at least keep the soul conscious and aware of its responsibilities to self and others.

The human psyche seems so very, very complicated. As I look backwards I see that I have made so many so-called 'life choices' but as the days go by i also see that for much of the time i was being led by a fear of upsetting the proverbial 'apple cart'.

I recently saw a graphic illustration of how suppression prevents us from seeing reality. The 'soul-disability' aka suppression was evidenced in the life of someone so young that it made my heart ache, but it did not disable my soul sensitivities.

As the scene unfolded I became uplifted by witnessing how another soul 'broke the spell' by pointing out that whatever the circumstance looked like, all need not be doom and gloom. We were reminded that just across the way there was an example of success under similar so-called 'dire' circumstances. Wah drama! To observe the light of recognition dawn in a soul under these circumstances was remarkable.

This simple realisation unblocked a dam behind which there was some much emotion and more importantly things that needed to be said. It seemd to be all about re-cognising and then tuning into one's its own possibilities for living the life we wwant to lead by remembering that there are positive role models close at hand. Without this ability it was as if suppression bred a silence that was an eloquent expression of helplessness. Of feeling that life is being DONE to one; rather than living a life that could be fashioned for oneself. I am certain that Raja Yoga is NOT the only tool for this form of empowerment.

We do not have to stay locked away nor do we have to always bend to others so that they may take advantage of us. Every day is a new day. A day not yet lived and so not yet experienced. Since we are the one living the life, we can - and must find a way - to muster the power to break out of the ties that put us in bondage. And so the first bit of the journey may be our own work. Others may well be around to remind us of what we look at but fail to 'see'.

Upon reflection all of the above sounds very BK doesn't it? True there are some people whose life expereinces are so dire that these words may appear nothing more than oblox. To which i say, that too may be true. It's up to you. Fortunately, personal experience now leads me to avoid the way that we, as BKs, bought into a world view in which ALL that is good in life and the human soul stems from Gyan and the Confluence Age.

As paul shared: "One Love - One Life - Lets get together and feel alright"
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Re: Suppression ...

Post30 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote: On some clear days it seems like a miracle that there remains a spark of survival instinct sufficient enough to at least keep the soul conscious and aware of its responsibilities to self and others.
The human psyche seems so very, very complicated. As I look backwards I see that I have made so many so-called 'life choices' but as the days go by I also see that for much of the time I was being led by a fear of upsetting the proverbial 'apple cart'.

Yo Abek!

I think once again you've hit the nail hard on the head and gone straight to the point. It's that same spark of survival that we should all be looking for inside. When I say looking for, I mean recognising it.

So many cult members (as we were) are taught to ignore this little spark, its called one's intuition and its there for a purpose, we were taught that this is ego and that ego is bad news and evil. so we fought it for so long did not we?

But if everyone listened to that inner call - then a cult (or anyone for that matter) wouldn't have power over anyone would it ... so hope you don't mid me saying well done to you for recognising this ... All we would be doing if we listen to that little 'spark' of knowing is obeying a built-in self-defence mechanism wouldn't we? hmmm, things to think about, unless of course we choose no to ...

One life!
xxx p
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Post31 Aug 2007

paulkershaw wrote:So many cult members (as we were) are taught to ignore this little spark, its called one's intuition and its there for a purpose, we were taught that this is ego and that ego is bad news and evil. so we fought it for so long did not we? But if everyone listened to that inner call - then a cult (or anyone for that matter) wouldn't have power over anyone would it ... so hope you don't mid me saying well done to you for recognising this ... All we would be doing if we listen to that little 'spark' of knowing is obeying a built-in self-defence mechanism wouldn't we? hmmm, things to think about, unless of course we choose no to ...

Well, I could never completely silence that inner voice of intuition/reason hence I could never really believe the dogma ... my own defence-mechanism in action as you say, paul :) .

Of course, in BK-speak that automatically means a negative! Its simply the fault of those doubting sanskars keeping you from the blissful ignorance of blind-Baba-belief :D.


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Post31 Aug 2007

What cult leaders do is study! Like ... "How can i get to the mind of a person ... and how do i get them hooked on my beliefs and be mine"? The way our brain works is for scientist the greatest challenge to explore, even today.

It is really simple though ...Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.

We are what we have been made, and become what we want, if we can and if you know your inner self. When you know that you, and only you are in control of the self then you learn and become who you want to be and where you want to be. Trust in some source, a Baba, an other God or the universe ... it is just in your own mind. Thank Baba or God???? ... Thank yourself!!! You make it and can even break it.

To silence your inner voice that is driving you nuts is to TELL it to STOP!!! You, and only You are in control so control it!!! Your true inner voice gets some space and you get in touch with the real inner voice called intuition. Practise and see how strong you are.
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Post31 Aug 2007

Strangely enough; I see the same thing in a similar vein of experience in my Well-Being massage practice, where so many people I come across do not know how to listen to their bodies and to that inner voice telling them how stressed they are. Its as if many people have become blind and deaf to their needs and can no longer recognise the signs of stress and tension, although all external reactions are showing on many levels. Its as if there's a disbelief in their own needs and a non-recognition of where they're at, physically and emotionally. I see that they seem to be trapped in a cycle of despair and ill health and do not know how to take responsibility to change that situation.

And these are the 'general public' with no specific spiritual or meditative 'training' so to speak - I can only imagine the fireworks going on inside many BKWSO members who are denying their body and only focussing on feeling the 'soul'. By what I see of late, the BKWSO are training people to explode at some point and by the look of the ill-health and body-size of many of these so-called 'yogis' a time-bomb cannot be far off, physically speaking.

Deny that little inner voice and one is denying one's self-happiness.
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Post31 Aug 2007

I have done some bodywork on BKs and dealt with related health issues (constipation is one that comes to mind).

It would appear to me that the denial of the body, to the point of maintenance and care, is as an extension of the larger world-denying mentality, e.g. "what is the point if it is all going to be destroyed?". Our RCO was Janki and I find it funny that she of all people has a healthcare foundation. I would return the "beat your body until it dies with Maryadas and service" mentality back to her. Part of her own psychological make up for being late, and sinful, turning up for the Yagya. That, and the sort of "Yoga cures everything" faith that Hansa and others were promoting.

I have personally heard simple bodycare put down as "Bhakti" and dismissively brush aside as something "may be next Kalpa" by the SS whose own bodies are wracked. Individuals doing sports or exercise were looked down upon for not doing service in their spare time, or had to do it covertly.

It may have gotten better, I don't know.
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Post31 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I have personally heard simple bodycare put down as "Bhakti" and dismissively brush aside as something "may be next Kalpa" by the SS whose own bodies are wracked. Individuals doing sports or exercise were looked down upon for not doing service in their spare time, or had to do it covertly. It may have gotten better, I don't know.

When I started running and working out (towards the end of my demonic BK incarceration) it was looked down upon and I was told not to swim ... idiots.

They actually do attempt to give healthy choices in the London canteen now.
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Post31 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:When I started running and working out (towards the end of my demonic BK incarceration) it was looked down upon and I was told not to swim ... idiots.

Did not anyone tell you? You are meant to give the swimming pool dhristi to purify it first. In fact, if you are thinking of swallowing any of it, you ought to have offered it up in a Bhog dish to Baba first.

All those impure souls ... half-naked people with "bits" on display through their costumes ... water running down their thighs as they stand ... firm bollocks ... all that water swirling around their active genitals ... . Gosh, it sounds just like a scene from a Bollywood movie but without the song and dance. No wonder swimming is banned for BK.
    But what was the official line, or was it just "unsaid"?
Well, that confirms about 20 years of the same old story ... Is a good job the Sisters do not know that in every major city, tap water is recycled through half a dozen pairs of kidneys and toilets before you drink it.
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abrahma kumar

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Left the so called knowledge

Post01 Sep 2007

Been waiting all day to make this post. As I sit before the keyboard I have a broad grin on my face. Jakeboy, mr. green, paulkersahw, zhuk, jannisder, ex-l thanks to you all for sharing.

jakeboy, for want of a better expression, I have recently been "outed". Yes folks, abbeykay has had the dreaded 5 word epithet spoken in his remembrance amongst the so-called family members. I take my hat off to you jakeboy, because your post taps, synchronously, into my present Godly student-life situation. The BKs have borrowed 2 of the words you used in the title of this topic and composed the following denouncement for uttering in memory of abbeykay:

The soul has left Baba.

Need any more be said? Jakeboy, can you see what a horrorshow it really is? I ponder upon those 5 words and little-by-little I find myself gazing into lowly, lonely depths of banishment that is implicit whenever they are spoken by one BK of another ... what ... family member?

Truth is, that it would be a perverse act of mercy for a BK to see us as only having left the so called knowledge. Need any more be said? Jakeboy, sad to say that to my nostrils, the unadulterated BK offal to which many students appear to remain felled by, has begun to stink to high heavens (I guess that i ought to apologise for polluting the seemingly endless expanse of the universe beyond, with the imagery of offal. Or is it the BKs that should apologise for misappropriating mankind’s celestial wonderment?!

When uttered by a BK, the words, "The soul has left Baba" are never, ever accompanied by a pregnant pause. They are spoken in a way that says it all really, aren't they? Do we notice how they protect their precious knowledge by laying, what is in BK iconography, the most heinous charge against the exiter. The soul has left Baba. Oh to be spoken of as the principal actor in the unfolding of one's doom. Need any more be said?

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Re: Left the so called knowledge

Post01 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:The soul has left Baba.

Is that "The Family" which has decided that?

It make membership of God's family sound somewhat conditional ... less of a family and more of a closed members club.

Have you been black balled by The Committee? How does it feel to be a free soul again?
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Re: Left the so called Knowledge and the soul has left Baba

Post01 Sep 2007

jakeyboy wrote:Personally, I feel embarrassed for even allowing myself to enter the snare of such a lot of nonsense. Does anyone feel as I do? Even now I still see a spark of light when I open the door or something and think its Baba (BapDada) following me. What to do? When will it end?

Yes. I do feel terribly embarrassed. I do not know when it will end. I am still waiting. Wish me luck. What is even more difficult is talking to people who still believe. If I tell them that I feel like an idiot for believing then I am effectively saying they are idiots.
abrahma Kumar wrote:Been waiting all day to make this post. As I sit before the keyboard I have a broad grin on my face.

So its official? How did it happen? May you grin broaden and shine.

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