Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post31 Aug 2007

The Pointer Sisters have a song "We Are Family", maybe they did not ask mum and dad to join and left them out.

Could the BKs simply be leaving out Father and Mother ? Surely the statement should be along the lines of "BapDada has decided that XXX will be the new (physical) administrative head of the BKWSU" or something of the similar word that does include BapDada in it.

So if this last suggestion comes out in an official statement, you will know where you first heard it. Or even better who suggested it 8) :lol:

BK-TIPit wrote:Who is "the family"? No one asked for my opinion.

Mohinibhen has mentioned that "the family" are those who were called to the Subtle Region. The term used is "emerged", whatever that means. It seems not many BKs are of sufficient quality or simply not allowed to be "emerged" into the Subtle Region. Tough luck.


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Post31 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:Now your opinion please.

My opinion is that I would have liked BapDada to take responsibility and directly appoint someone. He might have chosen Janki anyway and I guess we will have to live with it.

Honestly, I do not trust her so much. I do not know the others much and I am not sure that I could have full trust in any of them anyway but I would probably have been more comfortable with Ratan Mohini. She seems more humble. I would prefer Gulzar to just stick to her role as BapDada's Chariot and stay away from politics, thus keeping her record clean.

I think that what I am looking for is humility and the ability to listen with an open mind, as well as benevolence and a good sense of justice, honesty and straightforwardness.

As I am writing this I wonder if this organization has not become so corrupt that it could not be run by someone like that anyway. Maybe the disease has gone so deep that the patient can not be saved. Maybe God already gave up on it...
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Post31 Aug 2007

I would support a "back to basic" approach, just being and doing BK qualities as above. It would be interesting to know just what those qualities she has been chosen for, beyond pulling in the money, as a way of understanding what BK was all about. Otherwise, it all just look very formal and worldly. "Samo samo ..."

I just flag up how strange it is that a whole flock of followers put their lives and minds into the hands of a few ... that they do not even know who or how they work.
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abrahma kumar

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Well, well, well Congratulations Dadi J

Post31 Aug 2007

The family has gotten together to make Dadi Janki the administrative head as well.

How could i miss this! I remember having posted a DadiJ class that had been presented with a tiny hint of the BapDada Sakar Murli layout style, i.e. a song prior to her words of wisdom. At the time I asked a rhetorical question about how long it would be before we had a couple of questions, dharna points and blessings etc added to her so-called classes.

Now that "the family" has nominated her as administrative head I wonder if the glorification of her classes will be pushed with even greater ardour? Anyway this is not a serious question. ex-l's is much more pertinent: how strange it is that a whole flock of followers put their lives and minds into the hands of a few ... that they do not even know who or how they work.
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Post31 Aug 2007

"Beach ball Mohini" (as I heard an aussie BK call her once) is a trance messanger only, ex-l.

It is a different job from being the medium. There is no twitching involved in this. Don't forget at one time nearly every centre had a trance messenger who would go to the Subtle Regions every thursday and sunday when offering Bhog, and they used to bring a message back every time!!!!!! ... there are a few still left in this country that used to do it every week until the order was given for it to stop.

The twitching is a different thing.
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Post31 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:a trance messanger only, ex-l. It is a different job from being the medium.

OK ... file under "faked". That is a little bit cruel but I always thought those Bhog ceremonies in every center were some sort of ritualistic replication of what went on for real in the likes of twitchers, such as Jayanti. It was like they had to allow other Sisters to pretend just to make them feel as if they were doing something important ... and possible to cover their asses in case they needed to train one up for doing the real thing at a later date.
    Who teaches and controls the rare "Medium Wing"? A question we have not had answered yet.
Correct me if I am wrong but most folk/therapists would call it mental "free association". I know a few oldtimers who still say Baba is making them think (" ... the thought came to the soul" ... "Baba gave the soul the vision ..." etc). It used to do everything from embarrass me to make me want to puke.

Or should I say, "Baba the soul the experience of puking ..."
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abrahma kumar

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Bring the Family Back

Post31 Aug 2007

On the Official Contact with Sister Jayanti (BKWSU) topic in the BK part of the forum, there is also some wonderment about the family wot got together to nominate DadiJ as the administrative head of the BKWSU. I recall that there is a song made famous by Billy Paul in which he sings bring the family back.

The BKWSU is very hot on promoting ideas about family and unity etc etc and i notice that earlier on somebody posted about the family having been emerged in the Subtle Region blah blah blah. Now I am beginning to realise how convenient the Subtle Region, Advance Party and all this talk of souls being emerged really is. No proofs nor explanations nor even knowledge of how it works required. Just frothy utterances designed to leave us feeling nice and special and observed by BapDada so that we acquiesce to everything... as those made into being The Family's Followers. Wasn't it alladin who posted some thoughts in which the whole BK setup was likened to that as pervades the Mafia. How accurate is ex-l's contribution as follows: The Family ... what a euphemism for the totalitarian power of a few over many!

Jesus! I am laughing my head off! What a lot we are. This mass buy-in to such unexplained phenomena is really mind blowing. Is it a form of voluntary hysteria? Do we really have to resort to blind faith over these matters?

Maybe I too was emerged up there together with my jukebox spinning a few tunes for the gathering.
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abrahma kumar

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Sr. Mohini’s class: “A Life of Virtue is a Life of Service”

Post03 Sep 2007

New York – Peace Village – 1 September 2007

Every action that depicts a virtue or an attainment is a memorial. Every action should be like an art form. Ever since Dadiji changed her image, every one is talking about her virtues and qualities. She was an image of virtues in a natural way.

Dadiji did not just do service for the sake of service. For example if she gave Gyan, it didn’t come from the feeling that "I have to give knowledge", but rather from the feeling "I love Baba so I have to share His knowledge." She was sharing the experience of love of Baba. She made sure that that every child got proper sustenance. She was a trustee of God's children.

It takes a lot of power to break a pattern. Once a soul made a mistake – a serious mistake. Dadiji said, "I am giving extra love to this soul so she will not become distant and will begin to take sustenance." Whatever one does there should be an expression of virtue in it. Those virtues are the future memorials. Today we become praiseworthy; later we become worship-worthy. When you are doing an action, think of the virtue that needs to lie within it.

One time I was supposed to go to Guyana, but I didn’t want to go. I went to Dadiji and told her that I did not want to go. Dadiji thought for a moment and said, "OK. Suggest who should go." She did not tell me to go, she allowed me to use my own core values. After thinking about it, I realized myself that I had to go back to Guyana. She could have told me to go, however within that exchange she made me feel equal.

One of the most beautiful qualities of Dadiji, and one that was unbroken throughout her life, was that her intellect was never influenced by others. When there is a situation, most of us blame the situation and take fear: "This might happen, that might happen." Situations often cause fear and doubt.

Dadiji was not only loving, but also affectionate. There was so much purity in her, but no fear. Fear comes from body consciousness. She allowed people to come very close to her, because she was so detached. She was kind and firm. Once she was leaving from the train station. I had gone to the train station with her and I asked her, "Dadi, could I go to such and such a place for two days?" She said, "No," and I accepted. Her firmness came from her deep honesty. She loved the Maryadas and behaved with royalty.

Remember that at present we have Godly virtues. In the future we will have divine virtues. Why is this? In the Confluence Age we are the children of God so we have Godly virtues. There we are the children of deities so we will have divine virtues. With Godly virtues, I feel I inherit these qualities because I am God’s child. Godly qualities are higher than divine qualities. At the Confluence Age our sanskars should be of God's qualities: royalty, purity, and elevated character. It is what I inherit from God. When I have Godly sanskars, they become so natural that my old sanskars do not affect me.

There is only one right way to think and act. Good people don't have a choice in how they behave. Dadiji allowed everything to happen around her, but she wouldn’t participate in conversations that were critical. She did not ask people to stop; she just remained detached. You can force certain things to happen around you, but when you are no longer around, those people will revert to the way they were behaving before. She would allow people to be what they were, but she would remain true to her elevated nature. When you are showing your like and dislike, you are showing attachment. She would allow us to talk, but would herself remain untouched. Dadiji was also not very sensitive. She was not affected by what people might have said about her. She remained soul conscious and sensible.

After Baba designated her as head of the organization, she decided she had to call the other Dadi's in Delhi to make sure they were OK with this decision. She did not have to do this, of course. However in doing this she was getting their blessings. When you respect everyone's idea, you get their cooperation and enthusiasm. When you get everyone's blessings at the start, then you get their cooperation later. The current habit of many people is to say, "I got the idea and I did it." Baba was the same as Dadiji with this. Baba would ask us, "Child, what do you think?" They were teaching us how to give respect.

She lived for virtue, not for service. If you live for virtue, virtue serves. Those who are honest and truthful, serve. A life of virtue is a life of service. We will continue to be inspired by Dadi's worship worthy form.
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Post04 Sep 2007


Some latest news on Dadi Maa's front:
    1. I have come to know from a BK residing near our house that the local BK center has started displaying a large photograph of Dadi Prakashmani titled 'Dadi Ma'. I don't know if this is being followed by all the BK centers.

    2. I have also come to know that BKs have released a CD containing the video recording of Dadi Prakashmani's funeral.
With regards,
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abrahma kumar

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Dadi Ma and more besides, allegedly

Post04 Sep 2007

arjun wrote:1. I have come to know from a BK residing near our house that the local BK center has started displaying a large photograph of Dadi Prakashmani titled 'Dadi Ma'. I don't know if this is being followed by all the BK centers.

2. I have also come to know that BKs have released a CD containing the video recording of Dadi Prakashmani's funeral.

Can any of this be verified, please?
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Post04 Sep 2007

abek wrote:Can any of this be verified, please?

The BK friend who told me about the CD has seen it at his home. But I will confirm once again if that was an official BK CD or was it a from a private collection of a BK, who might have recorded it on his digital camera.
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Post04 Sep 2007


Just out of curiosity, I had a look at the only official discussion forum for BKs (the Aussie forum) after many weeks to see how many posts or topics are dedicated to Dadiji's demise. To my surprise, I found that there is only one thread with three posts about Dadiji's demise.

The link is here: Official Brahma Kumaris Forum; Tribute To Dadiji.

While the news about Dadiji's demise (including the official news bulletin of BKs) was posted on this forum within few minutes/hours of her demise, the same was posted on the above mentioned official discussion forum after two days.

Apart from this there is a class each of Dadi Janaki and Dadi Gulzar in which there is a brief mention about Dadi Prakashmani. Anyways, most of the threads in that forum contains only classes by various Dadijis and Sisters.

With regards,
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Mr Green


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Post04 Sep 2007

What does Maa mean, is it just Mum?
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Re: Sr. Mohini’s class: “A Life of Virtue is a Life of Serv

Post05 Sep 2007

Maa ... "divine mother". Used a lot in conjunction with Goddesses, e.g. Kali Maa, Durga Maa.
abrahma Kumar wrote:New York – Peace Village – 1 September 2007

Every action that depicts a virtue or an attainment is a memorial. Every action should be like an art form. Ever since Dadiji changed her image, every one is talking about her virtues and qualities. She was an image of virtues in a natural way.

abek, who spoke that Peace Village lecture? Big Mohini?

Wasn't Prakashmani ultimately responsible when the paedophiles were groping and exposing their way around Dehli and Madhuban, and wasn't she part of the cover up and rebuttal to the effort to institute some child protection policy? Wasn't she party to passing the buck on some taxi driver rather than accepting it was regular BK followers, the re-writing of history and to the PBK beatings?

Was it Baba or Ramesh Shah that appointed her as trustee? If Baba did not so until after his death via the medium Gulzar, then Ramesh did it beforehand on the 16th January 1969 ... and did not she sign those papers?

I learnt this new word recently, "hagiographies"; a biography that idealizes or idolizes the person (especially a person who is considered a saint). And I am sick of them. The BKWSU is in love with them, as they reinforce their myths ... and their position of power and influence in the minds of their followers.

I am sure the old dear had some virtues but, at this stage, I would appreciate a little "salt of reality" to balance all the saccharin sweet drivel we are force fed. Let's hear of some of the closed door meetings, the power broking between big Sisters ... and document what went on in them. The real BKWSU history.


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