Use of hallucinogens and other drugs

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Mr Green


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Post29 Aug 2007

Just be careful you don't get caught up in the old. There is much more validity in some tribal bloke in a loincloth turning on than some bloke with spots in Chelmsford turning on ... heheh.

True story!! I was once giving the course to a young man who was full of it, albeit exploring 'spirituality' (I hate that word) ... Well, we did the first lesson, he had no problems with it ... then he turns to me and says, 'You know, I was hoping for an eldely Indian man to teach me!!!!'

You know what I did? I sent him to Satish in Ilford (now deceased). Probably the worst Karma I've ever done, heheheh.
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Post29 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:You know what I did? I sent him to Satish in Ilford (now deceased). Probably the worst Karma I've ever done, heheheh.

I had to laugh at the cruelty of that!!!
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button slammer


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life long freak...

Post29 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Do you think it was good to get it out of your system? Do you think that being straight for all of your life is more damaging than freaking out once or twice?

Its more the other way around, ie being straight once or twice was probably more damaging than being a full blown party animal ...
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Post30 Aug 2007

ex-l so poetically scribed :
We all start off dressed all in white sitting in a fake BK center ... and end up re-enacting the Last Days of Rome. I'll be in charge of 'feeding the BKs to the Lions'. Then we sell the DVD on the internet ... and you see, I can come up with this stuff sober for decades.

Those "Last Days of Rome" (Big Sigh!). Now that was decadence at its best and a good birth or two to enjoy, unless you was a slave thrown to the big cats of course!

Now ex-l is offering to be Emperor of this new life - oh well first come, first served I reckon ... Sounds like the title of an 'adults only' movie to me ...

(Another Big Sigh!) Ooooh Colin oopppss, I mean to say "Alexander, where to now my beloved" ...?
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Post31 Aug 2007

Last Friday I saw a BBC documentary about early Indian civilisation. Apparently the Aryans, who originally composed the Vedas, habitually drank Soma. The archaeologists have discovered that Soma was a brew of cannabis, poppy, and ephedra. In other words - dope, opium, and speed. They found it very inspiring when composing their poetry, by all accounts!

The programme was part one of six, "The Story of India". On every Friday 9pm BBC2.
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Post31 Aug 2007

Hello proy,

I also saw and enjoyed the first episode in Michael Wood's series on The Story of India. It ranged from northern India to Turkmenistan which was one of the places the Aryans were meant to come from. I looked at the BBC website BBC The Story of India: Pakistan and North India. Not much info here, but noted the reference to a book "India: A History of the Indian Sub-continent from C. 7000 BC to AD 1200 by Burjor Avari" so nearly two cycles ago! I find this stuff so much more interesting than the BK version of history ...

Very best wishes,


That's also why I found ex-I's postings under Lokik or Orthodox view of History so enlightening ...
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Post31 Aug 2007

pilatus wrote:I find this stuff so much more interesting than the BK version of history...

My theory, and I have written about this elsewhere on this forum, is that the Lekhraj Kirpalani version is a combination of the oral traditions outlined in these films and simplified Hinduism. In other words, for the Aryans their world did end 5,000 years ago. Then they underwent the fire ceremony on top of the mountain that I have written about elsewhere. Then they became Brahmins and rulers of Rajasthan. (Before the fire ceremony they were warrior caste). To this day there are different tribes of Rajputs who trace their ancestry to either the sun or the moon, and the fire god figures largely in their stories.

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