Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post27 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:The "Dadi Maa" website - for Prakashmani's last rites. Is that a new status?

Yes, I forgot to mention about this. The commentators and many of the speakers were referring to Dadiji as 'Dadi Maa'. May be a new title.

The photo you have uploaded does not show Dadiji with the Shaivite tilak. So, it is possible that it was applied later on. Since, some of the Hindu gurus were also present on the occassion, it is possible that they might have applied it with the permission of other Dadis.

Nirwair Bhai, while thanking the Rajasthan Government for the arrangements/facilities, also thanked the Hindu gurus from various Akharas (a kind of Hindu monastries).

I also forgot to mention that just as Brahma Baba was cremated in the Pandav bhavan complex, Dadiji was cremated in the Shantivan complex, just outside the main entrace to the Diamond hall.

Also conspicuous by her absence was Dadi Nirmalshantaji. I heard that she came a day earlier, paid her respects and departed. May be her health did not permit her to stay till the funeral.



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Post27 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:She was responsible for the organization that was apparently given the God and truth and turned it into string of falsehoods.

You have a good point here ex-l. Despite my love and respect for her, I agree that she must bear some responsibility for what happened to the organization during her rule as chief administrator.

I wish her well anyway but like many others had no desire to take any part in the pomp and show. It is so easy to spend money earned by someone else. I am glad it is over. As far as I am concerned; life goes on.
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Post27 Aug 2007

I wish her well anyway but like many others had no desire to take any part in the pomp and show. It is so easy to spend money earned by someone else.

Had you been there or seen it on TV you would know how 'wisely' the money was spent. I had seen Manmohini Didi being cremated in Mount Abu. Pieces of sandalwood were placed on her funeral pyre too, but the difference now was that they were first being dipped in ghee and then being placed on the funeral pyre of Dadiji. And when the pyre was lit, big mugs full of ghee were being poured on the pyre to increase the intensity of fire. Normally, ghee is poured either by the rich ones or only when the atmosphere may be moist due to rains, etc.

Now it remains to be seen whether another tower/structure is erected at the place of her cremation to keep the memories of her funeral alive for times to come.

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Post27 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:Yes, I forgot to mention about this. The commentators and many of the speakers were referring to Dadiji as 'Dadi Maa'. May be a new title.

She is also being heavily promoted as an "emperor" in the obituaries. This would appear to be a little preemptive as no numbers have been given and it contradicts Gulzar's messages of not recognising the faces of the rosary
    ... although I suppose there is plenty of room for Silver Aged or Islamic Emperors at a later date in The Cycle.
I appreciate your level headedness BKTi-Pit. I can understand the feeling and desire to become involved in the rush of a big event, VIP service and the media machine ... these things is managed properly have a momentum of their own that is, ultimately, body-consciousness and worldly. My sentiments "the day after" such events were generally a kind of empty, hangover type of feeling and one has to wonder at the return on such an investment of energy.

Personally, I would have been much more impressed if they have just done it quietly, in a pure manner, with a handful of genuinely close and high minded individuals and without any ceremony at all. For a true yogi, surely the internal stage is much more important than external show and NO MEMORIAL is the BEST MEMORIAL ... or at least leave it until the Copper Age!

Well, we are now at the day after. BKs will be saying their good byes and returning to their centers to impress students with their accounts, VVIPs will be back at the desks and a stack of paperwork ...
    Who is the new boss and what policies are they going to bring in?
    Has BapDada instructed or have the mighty council meet to decide?
    When will the Seniors hold their trance sessions and meet with her?
I have to say this sentiment and self-affirmative, "Dadi Maa has gone to the Subtle Regions" is unproven to me. Has she gone? Is she staying? 83/84 birth? Wont she create more karma in her next life and then not be able to undo it because she is too young before Destruction comes? All those contradictions. Let the speculation begin ...
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Post27 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Personally, I would have been much more impressed if they have just done it quietly, in a pure manner, with a handful of genuinely close and high minded individuals and without any ceremony at all.

I think probably all those in the photo you posted have deep feelings of family, and of the significance of the send-off for Dadi K. I think they all consider themselves to be close and high-minded. They also consider such ceremony as serving others.

I haven't seen many photos lately. Seeing those I knew, such as Rajni and Usha, I am reminded of their dedication, faith, sense of family and belonging.

I too wanted to belong. Fortunately I have found other intimates (including my own family!) that I can consider as 'family.'

I would advocate seeing the legitimate social function of the group as well as the shadow of ambition, manipulation, spooky revelations, groupthink, etc.
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Post27 Aug 2007

joel wrote:I think probably all those in the photo you posted have deep feelings of family, and of the significance of the send-off for Dadi K. I think they all consider themselves to be close and high-minded. They also consider such ceremony as serving others.

I would advocate seeing the legitimate social function of the group as well as the shadow of ambition, manipulation, spooky revelations, groupthink, etc.

What is this sense of very wide contradictions I am feeling within the organization? Or more the point, what is the effect of it onto individuals minds? More than just a simple "don't do what we do, do what we say"? Do they not realise that people took/believed them and took it literally? May be one needed to be Indian to understand it and be at ease with it ...

Apparently Prakashmani was sent "home" to die by the doctors. She was on life-support machinery. They say the Seniors kept her until they were all there, gathered around and then unplugged the life support machine. An interesting new ceremony.

They did not follow the tradition of putting out all the cooking fires, so it was hot dinners all round.
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Post27 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Personally, I would have been much more impressed if they have just done it quietly, in a pure manner, with a handful of genuinely close and high minded individuals more important than external show and NO MEMORIAL is the BEST MEMORIAL ...

Correct, at least for any of us that have or had any interest in simplicity and Yoga. But ... I told you the BKWSO has little to do with Raja Yoga meditation, these days ... :roll:.

Funny how, even despicable horrid lokiks, often opt for private ceremonies, the stronger the feeling of bond, the less ostentatious the ritual; whether it's a wedding or a funeral!

I think we can kiss Raja Yoga good bye, or make a small funeral pyre for it, in order to finally officialize what happened in the "Spiritual University" ... then, it can be reborn!
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Post28 Aug 2007

Omshanti. I have come to know that BK Mohini Bhen and BK Gulzar Dadiji brought Baba's trance message yesterday evening. I do not know the exact details, but what I gathered is that Dadi Prakashmaniji has expressed her desire to stay in the Subtle Region for 12 days. So, Baba would keep her there for 12 days before sending her to the Advance Party for further Godly service for the establishment of the Rajdhani (capital) of heaven. Although Rakhi celebrations have been cancelled at BK centers worldwide, Bhog would be offered for 12 days as a mark of respect to Dadiji who would be residing in the Subtle Region for this period. Any BK who has heard/read the actual trance message may kindly correct me if I have erred.




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Post28 Aug 2007

Brief Bio-Data - Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Dadi Dr. Prakashmani

Born in Hyderabad, Sind (now in Pakistan), Dadi Prakashmani’s childhood name was Rama. Her Father was a renowned astrologer and foresaw his daughter’s destiny to lead a spiritual life in the service of humanity that would span eight decades and reach across all continents.

In 1937, when the Brahma Kumaris organisation was being established as a small trust in Sind under the name ‘Om Mandali’, 14 year old Kumari Rama decided to join it and dedicate her life to the spiritual upliftment of humanity. Chosen as one of its original eight trustees, she was given the spiritual name ‘Prakashmani’ (‘Jewel of Light’). Her extraordinary talents, vision, values and qualities of leadership enabled her to take up the challenges of starting spiritual service centres in Mumbai and Maharastra and become the organisation’s Chief Co-ordinator of Maharastra, Gujrat & Karnataka zones in the 1950s and 1960s.

In 1954, Dadi led a delegation to the Second World Religious Congress in Japan. She then embarked on a six month tour of Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, delivering spiritual talks and lectures and promoting Raja Yoga meditation, to help people restore inner peace, power, harmony and happiness in their lives. After the organisation’s founding Father, Brahma Baba, died in 1969, she became its Administrative Head, endearingly called ‘Dadiji’. With her generosity of spirit and unlimited vision, she was able to guide the Brahma Kumaris through their huge growth since that time.

Since 1969, Dadiji chaired and addressed countless national seminars and meetings in India, as well as international conferences in over hundred countries. In 1985, she organised the All India Bharat Unity Youth Padyatras and Rallies and in 1989 the All India Holistic Health Awareness Campaigns. She served as President of the annual Universal Peace Conferences at Mount Abu from 1983 to 1993. It was under Dadiji’s dynamic leadership in the 1980s, that the Brahma Kumaris was designated an NGO in the United Nations Department of Public Information, with consultative status with the UN’s Economic & Social Council and with UNICEF. In 1986, designated UN International Year of Peace, she launched the Million Minutes of Peace Appeal project in over 88 countries and presented a collection of one billion minutes of positive, peaceful and prayerful thoughts to UN Secretary General during the UN’s 40thAnniversary. In 1988, she became the President of an International Peace Messenger Initiative entitled Global Cooperation for a Better World - a project dedicated to the UN and implemented in over 129 countries. Inspiring thousands of community activities at local levels, it was based on individual and collective ideas for a better world.

Dadiji’s main concerns were to promote the potential of women in society, create opportunities for young people, research the hidden resources of the mind, transform consciousness through meditation, re-activate moral and humanitarian values and work to bring unity among people for world peace. She believed that progress for the self lay in having no expectations and no desire for praise or reward. Success, she felt, is built on love and respect for all human beings and what was needed was lightness of nature and independence of spirit, so as to attract the love of others and the love of God. This, Dadiji was convinced, is what brings the greatest happiness and will constantly inspire us.

Dressed in plain white cotton, Dadiji epitomised simplicity, while at the same time radiating the authority of a woman administering a global organisation with over 8,500 service centres in India and 129 other countries. Dadiji described herself as an instrument who loves to serve human beings by reminding them of their innate goodness – and that it is through the awakening of this goodness that we can collectively transform our world. Dadiji remained a spiritual ambassador whose wisdom has always echoed her own experience.

At 10:05am local time on 25th August 2007, the soul of Dadi Prakashmani passed away at the organisation’s Shantivan complex on Abu Road in Rajasthan, India. She was in her mid-80s.

Honours conferred on Dadiji include:
    • Dharma Chakra Medal (1984)
    • Key to city of Los Angeles (1984)
    • City Medals of Sao Paulo and Frankfurt (1984)
    • United Nations International Year of Peace Medal (1986)
    • International Peace Messenger Award from the UN Secretary General (1987)
    • Honorary Doctor of Literature from Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India (1992)
    • Giant Award for Social work from Giant International, Mumbai (1994)
    • ’Dharma Ratna’, by World Religious Parliament, New Delhi.
    • ’Priya Darshini’ award from Priya Darshini Academy, Mumbai, for outstanding contribution towards Human Welfare and Global Peace.
    • UNESCO special award for collecting 35 million signatures from all over India and 120 other countries in support and promotion of the UNESCO’s ‘Culture of Peace’ Project entitled Peace Manifesto-2000 in the International Year of Culture of Peace -2,000 as proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in the year 2,000.
Some words of Dadi Prakashmani ...

“Like a family, the basis of this organisation is love, and it flourishes because it is nourished with trust and respect”.

“Only a powerful soul can offer love. Only a powerful soul can afford to be humble. If we are weak, then we become selfish. If we are empty, we take; but if we are filled, we automatically give to all. That is our nature.”

“If you have the feeling that you belong to everyone, and look after everybody as a trustee, you are enabled to do right actions. By having love, rather than attachment, you learn discrimination.”

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Post28 Aug 2007

Sister Lalita wrote:Rakhi functions cancelled Tribune News Service Chandigarh, August 25

The local unit of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishva Vidyalya today cancelled all raksha bandhan programmes scheduled for the next three days following the death of the chief of Brahma Kumaris Dadi Prakashmani.

Tribune India
alladin wrote:There is one thing I would like any wise person to explain to me, if possible, because I might have misunderstood the meaning of Rakhi for all these years! I always thought that Rakshabandan was the occasion for BKs to renew their vow of purity, like a big commitment, a serious time, not so much like a festival (party).

Since Dadi Kumarka was always stressing the importance of Purity in her classes, wouldn't it have been an appropriate way to pay respect to her, not cancelling Rakhi programs for all this mourning pomp and show? Or are we seeing how diplomacy, façade, PR, politics & co outrun everything else; including the Festival of Purity which is supposed to be the main virtue and foundation of everything else in BK life??

· "Patit paavan Baap kahtey hain – tum pavitra bano toh tumko rajtilak milega. Yah baat hai sangam kee. Jabki manushya pukaartey hain patit-paavan aao. Yahaan toh raajaai hai nahee. Baap kahtey hain tum patit bhrashtaachaari say paavan shreshthaachaari banengey toh raajaai kaa tilak tumko milega. Tilak koi diya nahee jata hai, yah toh samjhaya jata hai. Patit duniya may toh hai hee patit ka patit par rajya. Ab paavan ban-ney kee pratigya karo. Pratigya akshar bhi kahney may aataa hai, lekin hai gyaan kee baat. Bachchey jaantey hain ham patit-paavan, gyaan saagar Baap kay bachchey baney hain toh jaroor hamko paavan ban-na hoga. Baaki toh rakshabandhan kay din rakhi baandhney va tilak deney ka sawaal nahee uthtaa hai. Tum tilak kahaan detey ho? Bhakti marg may rasam nikaal dee hai, arth toh kuch bhi samajhtey nahee hain ... Bhagwaanuvaach mamekam Yaad karo toh is Yoga agni say tum pavitra banongey. Ismay toh rakhi kee koi baat hee nahee ... Tyohar jo manaatey aatey hain, vah andhshraddha say kar letey hain, paisa kamaaney ke liye. Aagey Brahman log toh ek hee kisam kee rakhi ley jaatey thay. Male-female sabko baandhtey thay. Ek paisa mil jaata tha." (BKs dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli taareekh 31.07.07, pg 1&2)

· "The Father, who is the purifier of the sinful ones, says – If you become pure, you would receive the raajtilak (royal vermillion mark applied on the forehead at the time of coronation). This is a matter of the Confluence Age, when the human beings call (God) saying – O purifier of the sinful ones, come! There is no kingship here. The Father says – If you get transformed from a sinful unrighteous one to a pure righteous one, you would get the tilak of kingship. Tilak is not applied; it is just explained. In the sinful world, it is only the rule of the sinful ones over the sinful ones. Now take a vow to become pure. The word ‘pratigya’ (vow/pledge) is also uttered, but it is a matter of The Knowledge. The children know that we have become the children of the Father, the purifier of the sinful ones, the ocean of knowledge; so, we would have to definitely become pure. As regards the question of tying rakhi or applying tilak on the day of Rakshabandhan, it does not arise at all. You do not apply tilak. A custom has been started in the path of worship; but they do not understand the meaning ... God says – Remember only me, then you would become pure through this fire of Yoga. There is no question of tying rakhi in this ... The festivals which people have been celebrating, they celebrate it out of blind faith for the purpose of earning money. Earlier the Brahmins used to take only one kind of rakhees. They used to tie it to males as well as females. They used to get one paisa." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 31.07.07, pg 1&2 published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK)

Today is Rakshabandhan. Although we cannot tie Rakhi, we can at least take a pledge/vow of purity in mind, words and deeds.
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Post28 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I have come to know that BK Mohini Bhen and BK Gulzar Dadiji brought Baba's trance message yesterday evening . I do not know the exact details, but what I gathered is that Dadi Prakashmaniji has expressed her desire to stay in the Subtle Region for 12 days. So, Baba would keep her there for 12 days before sending her to the Advance Party for further Godly service for the establishment of the Rajdhani (capital) of heaven. Although Rakhi celebrations have been cancelled at BK centers worldwide, Bhog would be offered for 12 days as a mark of respect to Dadiji who would be residing in the Subtle Region for this period. Any BK who has heard/read the actual trance message may kindly correct me if I have erred.

I do not have my notes with me; so will post something later. Dadi had the desire to be like Brahma and serve in the Avyakt form. I got the impression that it was Baba who said she would be staying for 12 days; he also said that when she was in a coma she was in fact in the Subtle Regions at that time also. She invited everyone to come and meet her in the Subtle Regions.

He did emerge the Advance Party and they had a meeting, but he didnt mention the establishment of Rajdhani in the translation we had from Denise, which I understand from a Hindi friend was pretty accurate. I also do not remember hearing about Bhog being offered for 12 days either. We should get the full message sent out soon, I will try and post it here then.

I do remember that Dadi gave 2 inspirations for us to practice; to stay in self respect and give respect to others, whoever they are or whatever they are doing. Dadi Gulzar also asked Baba why there was no one in the Subtle Regions when she went to offer Bhog on Thursday. Apparantly Dadi was being welcomed to the Subtle Regions by the 5 forms of matter, because she had become a conqueror of matter.

The funeral was broadcast on the internet, as was the Bhog message from Dadi Gulzar yesterday.
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Post28 Aug 2007

Sister Yudhishtira wrote:I do not have my notes with me; so will post something later. Dadi had the desire to be like Brahma and serve in the Avyakt form. I got the impression that it was Baba who said she would be staying for 12 days; he also said that when she was in a coma she was in fact in the Subtle Regions at that time also. She invited everyone to come and meet her in the Subtle Regions.

He did emerge the Advance Party and they had a meeting, but he didnt mention the establishment of Rajdhani in the translation we had from Denise, which I understand from a Hindi friend was pretty accurate. I also do not remember hearing about Bhog being offered for 12 days either. We should get the full message sent out soon, I will try and post it here then.

Omshanti and thanks for posting the details. It would be interesting to read the actual Hindi text of the Trance Message of yesterday (27.08.07).

As regards the decision to offer Bhog for 12 days, it might be the decision of the BK Administration and not based on the Trance Message because I don't think Baba has given any such direction so far nor would ever give any such direction.

It would be interesting to know the unique points of each of the Trance Message that was received through Dadi Gulzar and BK Mohini Bhen respectively. Has anything been said about the soul which would be instrumental in running the Yagya after Dadi Kumarka?

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Post28 Aug 2007

Can anyone confirm? I understand that the life support machine was switched off at 5.30am yet the official press releases said the time of death was 10:05am. It seems it took 4 days from her being sent home to die until they pulled the plug allowing them to do the full PR job and assemble all the SS and VIP etc. Once she dead, she was kept in a fridge. That glass box others mention. I wondered if it was hired or they bought it ... it could well get regular use from now on ... and how much it cost to ship her about? May be they get it all for free.

The other point that seems to have arisen is that there was a lot of concern at Prakasmani going "so early", i.e before Destruction and they asked BapDada what was happening. He is reported to have said that BKs are not to think Destruction will be gradual, but that it will happen, "In the blink of an eye." A standard Murlis point often being used again to string BKs along in fear and hopelessness (... or hope, depending on how you see it).


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Post28 Aug 2007

On the weekend, one Senior BK Brother who spoke out to the BK family, "It's just an old boot, no need for tears or a big show ", was told very directly by the local Didi when the family was gathered to make service plans for Dadi's Death ...
    "You are not wanted here, we don't want you to participate in this meeting."
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Post28 Aug 2007

Interesting insight. Do we know who was that? It appears we have a true BK in their midst.

Is it possible to have names or sources to avoid the BKWSU accusing us of making things up?

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