Use of hallucinogens and other drugs

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Post22 Aug 2007

Can I come? Do they make 'caipirinhas' in England ??!! :lol: 8)
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Post22 Aug 2007

Sure they make all sorts of cocktails in the UK, they love spirits! But in case we organize some private party, limes are easily available for caipirinhas, cuban mojitos, whatever. Since I am learning not be jump into things, for the first meeting, I think I'll have just a "virgin" pinha colada ... rigorously fresh pineapple and plenty of coconut milk!
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Post27 Aug 2007

Your all going to have to drink at least one Flaming Lamborghini, I insist. :)
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Post27 Aug 2007

Hey, some of us are still on the green stuff ...
    Make mine a tea ceremony!
And none of that cheap brown Indian muck we are used to. No, tea is tea and not some weird acronym for some street drug. Did you know though that there is a word coined for the morbid condition brought on by excessive tea-drinking? It is "Theism". Yup, India's God were born of too much charas and tea leaves.

Back on topic, many of the modern and traditional psychoactive drugs, whether the likes of Ayahuasca and Ibogane or modern formulas like LSD and DMT, open users up to other worlds and other spiritual entities. In the case of the raw plant extracts, the local shamans claim that they are the spirits of plants. The universal nature of experience, even of individuals not born into the tribes that use them, suggests that there is some emperical ground for suggesting that the experiences ARE valid, the effect benign and not just projection or belief.

Where are these spiritual worlds and who are these spiritual beings. Obviously they have been cut out of the BK view of the cosmos. I, personally, feel that ALL and ANY discussion of psychic matters are removed from the BKWSU to deflect inspection of Shiva/BapDada under the same light, i.e. he/they are some kind of channelled entity or deity and not necessarily "God".

I am at a loss here because I have never tried any of these stimulants.
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Post27 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:...many of the modern and traditional psychoactive drugs, whether the likes of Ayahuasca and Ibogane or modern formulas like LSD and DMT, open users up to other worlds and other spiritual entities. In the case of the raw plant extracts, the local shamans claim that they are the spirits of plants. The universal nature of experience, even of individuals not born into the tribes that use them, suggests that there is some emperical ground for suggesting that the experiences ARE valid, the effect benign and not just projection or belief. [...] I am at a loss here because I have never tried any of these stimulants.

Presuming validity is a much healthier attitude, in my opinion, than categorically assuming such practices are harmful, impure, etc.

Incidentally, stimulant effects are only one mode of psychopharmacological action. The substances you list are generally not considered stimulants. There are other ways to get to similar visionary states without drugs; holotropic breathing, hemisync sound and LED flashing glasses, hypnogogic states while falling asleep or waking, various erotic explorations.
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tripping in the right place+company

Post27 Aug 2007

One thing I would never do whilst in a BK gathering, is getting high on anything. All those mad frustrated people with such unhappy weird vibes, would make mine a "bad trip"!
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Post27 Aug 2007

I always thought there was more than just a "state" to those herbs but that one was actually interacting with things out there or going to other place.

And I am sure that BKs will be glad to know that you wont be whacking down DMT the next time you attended one of their 4 hour bhattis, alladin. It would be interested to know what was floating around in there.
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Post27 Aug 2007

Maybe we should revive the topic "sickness that's intoxication" in the ex-BK thread. More subtle and sly than any drug, more deceptive and more difficult to detect, define and get out of your system. Ironically, the first Double Foreigner BKs were hippies on drugs and mystic trips, seekers, that appreciated Raja Yoga meditation as a way upgrade and clean up from those "highs". So, the dangerous "intoxication" induced by brainwashing in sects etc ... could actually be a substitute of real illegal drugs.

In truth, I am "naturally high", and possibly that's why I lost interest in the artificial intoxication provided by the sect pushers. No harm to them: there are many clients ready to give it a try and they market it as a panacea capable of curing all illnesses!
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Mr Green


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Post28 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I always thought there was more than just a "state" to those herbs but that one was actually interacting with things out there or going to other place.

And I am sure that BKs will be glad to know that you wont be whacking down DMT the next time you attended one of their 4 hour bhattis, alladin. It would be interested to know what was floating around in there.

There is and some people experience deep things from one plant others don't. This is what the Native americans refer to as your ally. It's a personal thing.

Some people go a bit nutty when smoking weed whereas others experience insight.

It was Anslinger and his gang of money driven idiots who introduced the concepts of narcotics and drugs ... before that they were timelessly and naturally interwoven with all aspects of humanity.
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Post28 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:It was Anslinger and his gang of money driven idiots who introduced the concepts of narcotics and drugs ... before that they were timelessly and naturally interwoven with all aspects of humanity.

The Buddha, and many others spiritual leaders, pre-date him as to advising against use of narcotics. So were rape and war "timelessly and naturally interwoven with all aspects of humanity" ... it does not make them beneficial.

Here are a few of Ansligner's quotes!!!
Harry J. Ansligner wrote:There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use.

This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others ... the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.

Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.

The conspiracy theory is that it was all part of a wider political campaign against the non-psychoactive hemp plants that could have challenged the oil and many other industries.
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Post28 Aug 2007

Budda was a tosser like all the others.
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Post28 Aug 2007

Maybe we should explain the difference of some drugs effect to ex-l, since he hasn't tried any ... :?
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Post28 Aug 2007

freedom wrote:Maybe we should explain the difference of some drugs effect to ex-l, since he hasn't tried any ... :?

How kind of you. I am still reeling from discovering that some of it went on in the bhavans. May be we should organize BK Taboo Busting Seminars where floundering and ex-BKs get to do everything and anything they were forbidden, just to prove that it will not kill them. I think neo was on the case as far as this goes.

Its traditional "Left Hand Path" theory in Hinduism and so it must have started somewhere ... We all start off dressed all in white sitting in a fake BK center ... and end up re-enacting the Last Days of Rome. I'll be in charge of 'feeding the BKs to the Lions'.

Then we sell the DVD on the internet ... and you see, I can come up with this stuff sober for decades.
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last man standing...

Post28 Aug 2007

My record for being 'on one' is approx 6 1/2 days. Glastonbury week, some time in the mid nineties :D :lol: :P :wink: :idea: :shock: 8)
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Post29 Aug 2007

Do you think it was good to get it out of your system? Do you think that being straight for all of your life is more damaging than freaking out once or twice?

I think my reaction is based on the theory that the "spiritual aim" is a much higher, finer, sustainable experience. I understand and empathize with the confusion when one compares that to the unhealthy mire or madness it is all to easy to become sucked into in the BKWSU.

I don't have any moral or ethical issue with dope, or self-medication. I have a genuine interest in the "shamanistic" stuff and share a contempt for the establishment heavy handed and historically corrupt and exploitative interference in personal choice.

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