Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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new knowledge

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Post17 Aug 2007

john wrote:Then why is the Vishnu Party very reluctant to answer questions that have been posed to them?

My bro John, I personally will answer your queries. Please let me go deeply through Vishnu Party philosophy, as I've recently joined Vishnu Party.
Should your walk not be like your talk?

You quote in such a manner that you live in Ahmedabad nearby Vishnu Party headquarter & you've observed that their walk is not in accordance with their talk.
If you do not show that you answer questions why should anyone believe you do?

My bro, it's very difficult to discuss Godly Divine knowledge in this forum, as most of this knowledge is beyond BKWSU concern & here only BKWSU context is permitted to discuss. Again true knowlegde cannot be discussed on paper or internet & we believe in face to face communication. Even Shrimat is also received by sitting before the Supreme Father face to face & not by reading paper Murlis.
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Post17 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:My bro John, I personally will answer your queries. Please let me go deeply through Vishnu Party philosophy, as I've recently joined Vishnu Party.
You quote in such a manner that you live in Ahmedabad nearby Vishnu Party headquarter & you've observed that their walk is not in accordance with their talk.

This comment was connected to the one before about answering questions, many, many , questions have been left unanswered, but if you are prepared to start answering the matter will get resolved.
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Post18 Aug 2007

new_knowledge wrote:To improve my General knowledge, please tell me the names of that subgroups within Vishnu Party. Dear shivsenabhai, we are not PBKs who have no answers to your queries. This is a foolish quotation from an intelligent person like you.

Dear Brother, Omshanti. It has been written several times on this forum that the ex-PBK group under the leadership of Shri Nagraj from Hyderabad has emerged exclusively from the Vishnu Party. Shri Nagraj had been a BK, a PBK, a Vishnu Party member (who visited Ahmedabad more than twice as far as I know) and now leads a group consisting mainly of ex-Vishnu Party members and also some ex-PBKs. According to Shri Dashrath Patel is a name sake Vishnu and a seed soul of Buddhism. At present he (and his wife) is in US taking care of his daughter's children for a few months. Like you, probably the members of that group also believe that Shri Nagraj is himself Shiv, Father of Brahma (Dada Lekhraj), Vishnu (Shri Dashrath Patel) and Shankar (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit).

I am not aware if the groups led by Shri Satish and Shri Ramakant have had any past association with Shri Dashrath Patel or not.

As regards PBKs not having answers to Shivsena Bhai's querries, I think you have not taken pains to go through the various threads in the PBK Section. The maximum number of questions that have been officially answered by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) came from Shivsena Bhai. Whether he or other members accept the answers or not is a different issue.

It has been a considerably long period since Vishnu Party stepped into this forum. But so far they have not provided a single official answer from Shri Dashrath Patel to the numerous querries raised on this forum, although he has so many English speaking souls to assist him in this task. But they have enough time to provide scanned copies of newspaper cuttings about Baba Virendra Dev Dixit's arrest and the related incidents (as it has been pointed out by the Admin).

You are asking about the bad experiences that some souls might have had with Vishnu Party or its head. Some such issues have been raised in this thread itself. But none of the Vishnu Party members answered them. Instead, they get extremely angry on being asked such questions. That is why most members have stopped asking such questions and have concentrated on the questions related to knowledge.

By the way, I did not expect you to adopt the language of Brother Beejroop.


new knowledge

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Post18 Aug 2007

john wrote:many, many , questions have been left unanswered, but if you are prepared to start answering the matter will get resolved.

Most of Vishnu Party knowledge is based on non-BKWSU context, so it's not possible to satisfy your queries in this BKWSU forum. And you're not in a position to look beyond BKWSU circle. YOU CAN TRACE THE ULTIMATE REALITY WITHIN THE UNLIMITED BACKGROUND OF BROAD DRAMA & NOT WITHIN THE LIMITED BACKGROUND OF THE Confluence Age DRAMA.
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Post18 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:it's not possible to satisfy your queries in this BKWSU forum.

Many of the questions that were asked were about the conduct of the Vishnu Party founder and members, particularly his son. Especially towards the PBKs. Its perfectly possible to address those but as you say you are a new member, I am not placing that burden on your shoulders. However, if you are a new member, then I suggest you look into it yourself.

Based on the conduct of the family, I would say there is a very high likelihood that these allegations have some truth to them and that there has been a good old fashioned BK Bharatwasi squabble and fight going on.

Putting aside the contentious aspects, we also asked about the general history about Dashrath Patel. Why he left the BKs, what he did and saw in there that put him off and so on. The generally response we had from other Vishnu Party members was for them to go crazy suggesting their was stuff to hide.

What is strange is HOW steeped he and his followers are in BK and PBK language and, for me, how much he has adopted the "business models" that he saw with Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBK. It is almost as though he took the language from the BKs, went to Virendra Dev Dixit to study how to run the business, and then tried to destroy Virendra Dev Dixit because he was competition. He is obviously aiming at ex-BKs and ex-PBKs to make his business.

Perhaps he took a moral offence at something he learned Virendra Dev Dixit did. I do not buy into the whole "rape charges" story. I think that is just being used by the Vishnu Party to discredit Virendra Dev Dixit because it is so offensive to Indians and would frighten them off. There is more to it than meets the eye. It seems that Indians don't want to or cannot discuss this in a mature open fashion.

We also asked about Dashrath Patel's "awakening" and abilities ... we asked him to ask questions to Lekhraj Kirpalani (who he says he meets and teaches regularly on a spiritual level) ... nothing but crazy, aggressive, insulting contempt back in return from individuals that I understand to me his family. I think there is a caste issue at play here (demanding, talking down) but I certainly do not accept them as being above me.

I agree that some members on this forum were insulting to them and it did not help conversation ... but that is a way to test out another's spiritual status, to see how patient, compassionate, intelligent and composed they are. Others did attempt to get into the depths of it all. I respect your attempt at good reason.
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Post18 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Most of Vishnu Party knowledge is based on non-BKWSU context, so it's not possible to satisfy your queries in this BKWSU forum. And you're not in a position to look beyond BKWSU circle. YOU CAN TRACE THE ULTIMATE REALITY WITHIN THE UNLIMITED BACKGROUND OF BROAD DRAMA & NOT WITHIN THE LIMITED BACKGROUND OF THE Confluence Age DRAMA.

ex-l has said it all really, but to add I don't think any of the questions were difficult to answer in a strange metaphysical kind of way. They were pretty much down to earth common sense questions. Which, let's face it, seem to be the most difficult to answer for spiritual groups, or maybe the type they want to avoid.

sakshi delhi

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visit link

Post28 Aug 2007

Thanks Brother,

this is first English VCD*. Please visit this site; VCD* link.

Please visit this link. How our 3 bodies are created, how its works, what is the effect of sankal sakti, what happens when you remember some one, how we save our power, how we get power, what is effect of negative sankalp.

param shanti.

new knowledge

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Original nature of souls in Paramdham

Post28 Aug 2007

Okay Brothers ex-l & John, now I'll discuss Vishnu Party knowledge within the context of BKWSU, though I'll quote some references from ancient Indian scriptures like Ved-Shashras & Upanishadas (as Vishnu Party respects both Murlis & Ved-Shashras). This will be a new paradigm in BKWSU.

So let's start with the concept of the Supreme Abode (Paramdham). Vishnu Party believes that the Supreme Abode is neither just a concept (as believed by shivsena - a forum member) nor a location of 'dead silence' where souls (after liberation) reside in unconscious or inertial stage as believed by BKs & PBKs. Vishnu Party believes that long long ago, we souls reside in the Supreme Abode in our full consciousness with complete peace & bliss. There we souls were beyond personality traits, emotions, feelings & actions. We were complete soul conscious & thoughtless. In the Supreme Abode, we were unlimited celestial degree complete.

"Paramdham ko praapt hokar yah jeev apne vaastavik swarup se prakat hota hai" (BrahmSutra: 4-4-1 ) meaning after going to the Supreme Abode, the living being (the soul) reaches its original nature.

Now which is the original nature of souls??? - Dead silence? Or unconsciousness? No, no - BKs & PBKs also believe that peace, bliss etc are original attributes of souls. Then this is logically acceptable that if in the Supreme Abode we souls reside in our original nature (attributes), ie, peace, bliss etc, then it's not possible that in the Supreme Abode, souls are in unconscious, inertial stage.

new knowledge

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Paramdham - birthplace of the Kalpa Tree

Post29 Aug 2007

Before millions & billions of years, we (souls) lived in the Supreme Abode (Paramdham) with our highest original attributes like complete sweet (& not dead) silence & bliss. All souls emerged (in this Supreme Abode) from the huge ball of Supreme Light & Supreme Power (Might) which is known as:
    1) MahaJyothi,
    2) ParamJyothi &
    3) ParBrahm.
Initially, our Supreme Father & Mother were combined in the form of this huge ball of Supreme Light & Supreme Power. There was no any other soul or any element (like space, air, fire, water, earth etc) in existance except the Supreme Father & Supreme Mother, who were combined & their combined form is entitled as:
    1) Shiv-Shakti,
    2) Light-Might &
    3) Purush-Prakruti.
And souls emerged (created) through this huge ball of Supreme Light-Might ie, through the combined form of our Supreme Father & Supreme Mother. Initially, 12 souls were created which are the ancestors of the founders of verious religions. These 12 souls are also remembered as Dwaadasha Jyothirlingam. Then these 12 souls splitted into 24 souls. And then number of souls multiplied as 108, 1,008, 16,108 & finally 9,00,000. Thus the final soul population of the Supreme Abode was 9,00,000. Then after completion of period in the Supreme Abode, we (souls) descended to the Casual World (Mul Watan) from where the Golden Age started.

Thus the Supreme Abode is the birth place of all the Kalpa Trees & the very first step of evolution of the Universe took place from ParBrahm (ie, combined form of the Supreme Father & Mother). I've already mentioned that as the Supreme Father is the final seed of all the Kalpa Trees, all Kalpa Trees must have to be emerged through Him (in the Supreme Abode).


This idea of evolution of the whole Universe through the Supreme Father (huge ball of Supreme Light-Might) is mentioned in Ved-Shashras.
"Wah Paramatma samast vishwa ka srashta hai"(Shwetaashwaropnishad: 6-16 ) meaning that Supreme Soul is the Creator of the whole Universe.
"Is jagat ke janma aadi (utpatti, sthiti & pralay) jisse hote hain, Shashra (Ved) me us Brahm ko jagat ka kaaran bataaya gaya hai" (BrahmSutra: 1-1-2 & 1-1-3 ) meaning Shashras (Ved) entitle that Brahm as the Prime Cause of the world, through which birth etc. (i e, creation, operation, destruction) takes place.

This fact of the creation of the Universe is also indirectly supported by 'the Big-Bang Theory' of origin of the Universe postulated by some scientists. According to this theory, the whole Universe originated through 'Nebula' - energetic huge ball of light-might. ie, the evolution of the Universe in the form of galexies, stars, planets etc took place through Nebula. The concept of Nebula is analogous to ParBrahm ie, huge ball of Supreme Light-Might from where all souls & all elements of the Universe were created. But ParBrahm is much more than Nebula. Scientists do not believe that the living beings (souls) were created through Nebula, but Vishnu Party & ancient Indian scriptures believe that all living & non-living entities were created through the ParBrahm (the Supreme Father-Mother in the combined form).

dear Admin, please do not edit 'Supreme Father' as 'Supreme Father (Dashrath Patel)', as for this article, the terms 'Supreme Father', 'ShivBaba', 'ParBrahm' etc are refered entirely to the ParBrahm in the Supreme Abode which is not related to the corporeal form (Dashrath Patel) of the Supreme Father (ShivBaba\ParBrahm). I'll quote the name as Supreme Father (Dashrath Patel) where it's necessary, if that quotation is refered to the corporeal part of the Supreme Father.

new knowledge

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Post31 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:If you compare the BK and PBK knowledge you would appreciate that it is in the Advanced Knowledge only that The Knowledge about the shooting or rehearsal of all the religions within the Brahmin family was given.

PBKs believe that the shooting or rehearsal of the broad drama takes place in the Confluence Age drama & they interprete the broad drama with respect to the Confluence Age drama. But the shooting or rehearsal of any real fact is not the exact representation of that real fact. Reality is another fact & its shooting or rehearsal is another fact.

The shooting or rehearsal of a real fact (or event) is like a model or sample of that fact or event. And the study of samples or models of reality do not include all-and-all aspects of that reality. Sample study technique has its own limitations. The reality could be interpreted if it is studied as a whole & not with respect to its samples or modeles. And as the Confluence Age is the shooting or rehealsal of the broad drama (as believed by PBKs), the Confluence Age drama is the ideal sample or ideal model of the broad drama. So PBK interpretation of the broad drama with respect to the Confluence Age drama (which is nothing more than a sample of broad drama) is incomplete interpretation. Actually the broad drama should be interpreted as a whole & not only with respect to the Confluence Age (which is a very small part of the broad drama). The interpretation of the broad drama as a whole includes the complete understanding of the Confluence Age, but the study of merely Confluence Age do not include the complete understanding of the broad drama.

It's stated in Murli that
    1) only ShivBaba (the Supreme Father) is permanent for ever &
    2) He is the oldest of all.
Thus only the Supreme Father is witness of each & every point of time of the broad drama. So only His Shrimat has potentiality to interprete the broad drama as a whole. The Supreme Father (Dashrath Patel) & His Shrimat do not depend on sample study technique (which is applied in clarification CDs of PBKs).

As the study of PBKs about verious religions is generally limited to the shooting or rehealsal of that religions in the Brahmin community of the Confluence Age & as they do not give equal importance to the entire history of that religions in broad drama, their view about historical as well as philosophical aspects of verious religions is not the comprehensive point of view. But Vishnu Party gives importance to both the broad drama & the Confluence Age drama. We talks about verious trends & modes of the World Drama, instead of just the Confluence Age of 100 years. So the Vishnu Party perspective works at a much more macroscopic level than that of PBKs. In other words, Vishnu Party present unlimited sense of meaning about verious religions at even more broader level than PBKs.

Before that BKs used to think that they establish only the Sun Dynasty, the Moon Dynasty and the Brahmin religion.

To some extent I agree with you. Whether BK point of view about verious religions is correct or that of PBKs, this is a separate research topic. But ... even then I argue that BKs are ahead of PBKs at least with respect to the fact that they interprete verious religions with respect to the broad drama (& to a very little extent also with respect to the Confluence Age), but PBKs generally concentrate on the Confluence Age. I do not claim that PBKs don't talk anything about the broad drama, but they do not give sufficient importance to the broad drama.

I cannot understand why PBKs consider the interpretations of anything with respect to the limited period (of just 100 years) of Confluence Age as the unlimited sense (Behad) of meaning & the interpretations of anything with respect to the broad drama (which is of very very large time period compared to that of the Confluence Age) as the limited sense (Had) of meaning???
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Post01 Sep 2007

new_knowledge wrote:I cannot understand why PBKs consider the interpretations of anything with respect to the limited period (of just 100 years) of Confluence Age as the unlimited sense (Behad) of meaning & the interpretations of anything with respect to the broad drama (which is of very very large time period compared to that of the Confluence Age) as the limited sense (Had) of meaning???

Because neither God nor Godly knowledge is present in the rest of the broad drama (i.e. 4900 years).

new knowledge

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Post01 Sep 2007

arjun wrote:Because neither God nor Godly knowledge is present in the rest of the broad drama (i.e. 4900 years).

My dear Arjunbhai, any fact should be interpreted with respect to the whole time period of its existance & not with respect to the time period during which that fact is interpreted or studed. God incarnates as a corporeal being only in the Confluence Age & Godly knowledge is delivered in that age. But this does not mean that all and all aspects of reality could be traced in the Confluence Age. Reality is occupied through the whole broad drama & it cannot be bounded within the limited period of the Confluence Age. So the reality could be interpreted with respect to the broad drama, though we receive Godly knowledge only during the Confluence Age.

So for me, interpretation of any fact with respect to the broad drama is unlimited sense of meaning & that with respect to the Confluence Age drama is limited sense of meaning.
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in the night

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in the common room

Post01 Sep 2007

Dear friends (i hope),

... by friends i mean all; (BKs, ex-bks, PBKs, ex-pbks, Vishnu Party, ex-vishnu, non-bks, and many) ... perhaps i will not be in touch with what you are or wish to be ... but I am all fed-up with the low class attempts to put all your knowledge forward. Just wandering ... are you all not in the night??? ... you are.

There's one and simple truth about all this; the common beliefs among all parties, sympathisers, and even VIPs who have felt something:
    1. something is happening
    2. it's a Confluence Age
    3. Shiva means something
    4. Lekraj Kripalani had something to do with all this
    5. BKs know more than they claim
    6. I am fed-up
So, you figure it out.

No more,

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Re: in the common room

Post01 Sep 2007

in the night wrote:are you all not in the night??? ... you are.

Are we all not still in the night ... pleases allow us to stumble on, to fumble our way across the darkness until one of us finds a candle or a lightswitch.

If we do, we will let you know. When we do, we will all be able to see who or what it is we have gotten into bed with.

In the meantime, sweet dreams. And I mean that sincerely.

sakshi delhi

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English animated cd link

Post06 Sep 2007

Param shanti,

Gift for all world.

1) [url=]Animated C.D.(Discovery of new world)
In this VCD* through animation it is depicted when, where, how and why souls were created. How did souls take subtle form and how did the same souls come into the physical world of five elements. Why the gods, who were driving the world, become ordinary mankind. What they are doing today. Where they are. What happens on this earth due to thoughts of 108 seed form souls.

Now, Satyug will come after Kaliyug, so in that yuga (age) how many souls will be eligible to enter? How the power to enter into the Satyug will come inside the souls? How the whole world will be transformed? The concept of Yoga, its method and good or bad fruits of Yoga (meditation), everything is depicted in the VCD*. These all contents have been shown in this animation CD.

It is an English animated CD. Please visit our site.

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