Draft Open Letter to BKWSO

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post26 Aug 2007

It is in their best interest to cooperate since the book is going to be released sooner or later whether they like it or not. The best each and every BK can do is to create their on "private" usernames here in this forum, and present valid points, object in a way a point or question is to be included or not, or challenge some of the things that are going to be written as part of the book.
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Post26 Aug 2007

I'd like to suggest a working title. I am happy to do so with an open hand to give a good example to the BKWSU.
    "What the Brahma Kumaris Don't Want the United Nations to Know"
If nothing else, it will encourage them to focus more on practical projects to look good and get their house in order, before it comes out.
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Post27 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I'd like to suggest a working title ...

Excellent title. Looks more appealing. Is there any BK or forum members here who want to present something else. If it is "objective enough" then we can use it. Perhaps, to be fair with the juniors, we could put it this way,
    "What the Leadership of Brahma Kumaris Doesn't Want the United Nations to Know"
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Post27 Aug 2007

What is coming to my mind, more and more, is that there is "the Brahma Kumaris" and "the Brahma Kumaris Followers". Basically, what you say is correct. The rank and file are not given much of a clue what has and is going on.

In the old days, it used to seem much clearer. We were all Brahma Kumaris together. Now, I am not so sure. There has been so much of a diaspora. A body of individuals that want to hang on but cant cope with or be bothered with the principles. And so I separate the two.

It would be a lot clearer if there were some clear cut ceremony (and no way out). Perhaps getting your ring is that ... but I prefer to think it comes around elevation to a Shiv Shakti or Lakshmi and Narayan badge. May be they should set it for around 3 years because most of the drop out happens before that. So, I think of a "BK cult" within the "BK new religious movement" of followers. The Order members and its lay followers. We can chew things over as they arise.
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Post27 Aug 2007

BKWSU obviously has issues to do with this forum which it does not resonate with. It would be simple for THEM to send a list to .info outlining the things that they would like to be removed from the site so as the Godly knowledge in question can be available to all around the world.

I think .info would be willing to compromise some things, especially if it degrades or embarrasses. I cannot say as an individual.

The initial contact seems like a statement, that they are at least willing to acknowledge the site, for what ever reasons. Let them get back in their own time as their ego could become stubborn if they feel they are doing it because .info demands.

Their contact may have been to see how we react even. If they feel they can communicate without everyone responding, as with their original contact, they may feel more inclined to communicate.

It may make sense to have a separate area, or site altogether, to display this unique knowledge which God gave to all souls so that they progress spiritually and in understanding. For 25 years, I was of the impression that the pre 'last 5 years' of Sakar Murli's were of no interest to us due to the degree of Hinduism and related matter. Others are sounding as if there may be more in there which would be of interest to ALL, including practising "BKs".


I can see another book coming along, "What the 'BKs' did not know about the United Nations" ?
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Post29 Aug 2007

"What the 'BKs' did not know about the United Nations" ?

Its all true, the UN is run by a conspiracy of Satan, the Morphing Lizards AND the Grey Aliens ... and BK Raja Yoga is going to the official religion of the New World Order.
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Post29 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Its all true, the UN is run by a conspiracy of Satan, the Morphing Lizards AND the Grey Aliens ... and BK Raja Yoga is going to the official religion of the New World Order.

Is Baba Satan?


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Post08 Sep 2007

Not much news after being away for one week!! Does BKWSU get their way! By thinking ... Just ignore them and they (we) will stop asking for ... ??

Or did i miss something??
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Post08 Sep 2007

jannisder wrote:Or did I miss something??

You may have missed that the top or administrative head of BKs has passed away?
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Post08 Sep 2007

I guess jannisder is asking about the BKs response.

Do you think we are waiting until Janki returns and things settle back to normal or are the BKs playing the "never exaplin, never apologize" card of Kaliyugi royalty, as she suggests?


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Post10 Sep 2007

Or maybe they waited for ME to come back :lol:. WELL, I am!!! So where were we? And let's get on with it!! :roll:

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