Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post25 Aug 2007

Dadi PRAKASHMANI JI has played the role of a tireless powerful administrator for the Brahmin family. She is sure to continue that part in some new form. The soul always fufilled for me the living image of a saintly and holy yogi.
From: Baba ONLINE & TELE PORT OFFICE SHANTIVN [mailto:shantivanrosary@bkivv.org]
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 3:37 PM
Subject: Dadi Prakashmaniji ascends to the Subtle Region

Dear Divine Family,

Dadi Prakashmani Ji, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, left her mortal coil and ascended to the Subtle Region today (25th August, 2007) at 10.05 a.m. in presence of Dadijis and senior Brothers and Sisters and BK Family.

Now Dadiji's mortal body will be placed in Diamond Hall (Shantivan Complex) to pay tributes.

Love to the whole divine family

karuna@bkivv.org http://www.brahmakumaris.com
+919414153999, 9829221111




The mortal body of Dadi Prakashmani ji will be taken to Mt. Abu on its last journey from Shantivan complex at 9:00 am on Sunday, August 26, 2007. The journey will encompass all the prominent sites of the Brahma Kumaris in Mount Abu - Spiritual Museum, Pandav Bhawan, Omshanti Bhawan, Global Hospital and Gyan Sarovar and then back to the Diamond Hall at Shantivan.

On Sunday, August 26, 2007 from 1:00 pm onwards till 9:00am on Monday, August 27, 2007 Dadiji’s body will be kept in the Diamond Hall of Shantivan complex to allow students to pay final respects.

The last Rites of Dadiji will be at 9:00 am on Monday, August 27, 2007 (India time).
2007-08-25 13:49:48

Gujarat Global News Network, Ahmedabad

Head of Brahamkumaris sect, Dadi Prakashmani left for heavenly abode today morning. She was in coma since last three days.

Dadi 87 had a severe brain hemorrhage and was admitted to the Sterling hospital here. After she went into coma she was taken back to Mt. Abu the headquarters of the Brahmakumari sect, which has a large following.


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Post25 Aug 2007

Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 5:07 PM
Subject: Messae from Madhuban

Raj Yogini Dadi Prakashmani Ji, Chief of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya left her mortal coil today, 25th August 2007 at 10.05 am India time and ascended to the Subtle Region. Many Brothers and Sisters from Bharat and all over the world have reached Shantivan to offer their final tribute to Dadiji. Dadiji’s Chariot is now kept in Diamond Hall, Shantivan for the final glimpse (darshan).

On Sunday 26th August at 9.00am, Dadiji’s Chariot will be taken on a pilgrimage to the Spiritual Museum, Pandav Bhawan, Om Shanti Bhawan, Global Hospital and Gyan Sarovar. While on the pilgrimage, the Chariot will be kept in Om Shanti Bhawan (Mt Abu) between 10.30 and 11.30am for all Abu niwasi Brothers and Sisters to have a final glimpse and offer their tribute. From 2.00pm on Sunday 26th, the Chariot will be kept in Diamond Hall, Shantivan till 9.00am the following morning (Monday 27th) when the final rites will take place.

On Monday 27th August at 10.30am, the final cremation will take place in the complex of Shantivan. Blessings from Dadiji to all souls.

In Godly service,

BK Nirwair
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Post25 Aug 2007


For those who may be thinking of going to Mt. Abu to attend Dadi Prakashmani's funeral, I would like to remind of an Indian/Hindu custom that until a dead body is cremated the kitchen stoves are not lighted. I heard from an old/experienced BK that when Brahma Baba had left his body, no cooking was undertaken for four days from 18th January to 21st January. Since BKWSU has grown into a very huge organization since then, they might have foreseen all these circumstances and must have made alternative arrangements for all the BKs and guests (including VIPs) who might have started arriving at Mount Abu. I am writing this only for the benefit of those BKs from foreign countries (especially those who may be suffering from particular diseases where regular intake of food is compulsory) who might not be aware of such Indian customs and might be visiting India for the first time for such purpose.

PBK Earl wrote:Dadi PRAKASHMANI JI has played the role of a tireless powerful administrator for the Brahmin family. She is sure to continue that part in some new form. The soul always fufilled for me the living image of a saintly and holy yogi.

I fully agree with you and thanks to you and Sister Bansy for sharing all those official news bulletins issued by BKs from Mt. Abu. I have come to know that the funeral ceremony would also be telecast live on some spiritual TV channels, like Aastha, Shradhha, etc.

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Post25 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:I have come to know that the funeral ceremony would also be telecast live on some spiritual TV channels, like Aastha, Shradhha, etc

Yes, events like this are more and more good for PR, giving the media what it wants to show and creating a sense of importance around certain individuals. I wonder how that changes the atmosphere though? Is media attention soul-conscious or a test on one's soul-consciousness?

Frankly, I find all this "Wah, Dadi has gone to the Subtle Regions" a bit of a "Santa Claus" fairy story. I mean, do we "know" or has it just become the done thing to say to keep the myth alive? Of course, I do myself no favors at asking if the Emperors of the BKWSU have any clothes of truth on ... but someone has to. Is the womb she is heading into not a "prison" like its says in the Murli? Was her next body not procreated by the poison of lust? Did she die a yogi's death? Is she in the 'BK only' Subtle Regions or some "bardo", some in between spirit world? All these rational questions and more swept aside by the tide of body-conscious emotions and worldly convetions.
BKdimok wrote:A lot of poison in your words. It makes me think that you are snake rather than human being. As for Krishna's birth it will take place not earlier than 2036. So all these souls who left their bodies can see it. Of course, if they are from the beginning of Golden Age. As for coronation, it will take place not early than 25 years after Krishna's birth.

Is this the current "official line" within the BKWSU? If so, it has unsurprisingly been changed again.

It always used to be 2036 was to be the start of the Golden Age and that the start of the Golden Age was the coronation Lekhraj Kirpalani as Krishna as Narayan NOT the birth of Krishna. This was the 100 years of the Confluence (which was previous re-written because of the 1976 failed prediction which was previous re-written because of the 1950 failure ... or misunderstanding). So, essentially, they have added 30 odd years onto The Cycle because things don't look like they are going to happen.

So, is Dadi P going to take re-birth and will it be her first or her 84th birth?
yudhishtira wrote:Now we will see where the dice will fall and where everyone is at in the hierarchy ...

My bet is on Nirmala unless there is some other native Indian contender. Jayanti will have to wait until Janki dies. Mohini's status and territory is not important enough.
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Dadi Prakashmani’s greatest lesson

Post25 Aug 2007

Dadi Prakashmani

Perhaps Dadi Prakashmani’s greatest lesson to us will be in her last days. Humanity is about love, caring, and compassion for one another, not detachment as seen in the request for BKs to come to be with her in her last days and their yearning to be close to her indeed.

No one needs an invitation to be with her in thought and remembrance. Many were awake remembering her, the loving memories. As dawn broke loving thoughts rose. Those that loved her while in full spirit needn’t a call, they know.

So, we learn that Death can be a teacher, a teacher of how to love and how to live.

Bridge of Love

There is a Bridge of Memory,
From Earth to Heaven above.
It keeps you always near us,
It’s called the Bridge of Love.

May you always walk in

And God’s love around you

For happiness you gave us,
No one will ever know.

It broke our heart to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.


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Post25 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:A lot of poison in your words. It makes me think that you are snake rather than human being. As for Krishna's birth it will take place not earlier than 2036. So all these souls who left their bodies can see it. Of course, if they are from the beginning of Golden Age. As for coronation, it will take place not early than 25 years after Krishna's birth.

You seem to get irritated for "your theory" that has been misleading the BKs for many years. I suggest go get yourself informed.

It makes me think that you are a Devil rather than God, who still want to promulgate this lie of 5000 years. You don't care about knowing the truth of this establishment. If your theory has been circulating on for 70 years and you keep adding on many years to make up for your mistake, I am sorry to tell you that your method is not going to work out in the end.

Honestly, I thought of your idea of a good university, and I am under the impression that "you might have been being used by Shiva". Now I have seen your dark side, THERE IS NO WAY FOR ME TO BELIEVE YOU ARE THE SUPREME aka Shankar. I suggest you get yourself a shrink.

If you say Drama is fixed, there is no reason to get upset with people's comment and roles. I tell you, I will still do what I believe is in line with the truth and honesty for the benefit of the junior BKs. They deserve to know everything long time ago. And if this Seniors did not manipulate your history, how many do you think would have stayed in the BKWSU? I mean that is a fair question.

Minimum year 2036 ... birth of Krishna, I will definitely make it if I don't die early. I am still young. But meanwhile I will do what is necessary. I will join your group in 2035.


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Post26 Aug 2007

From: BK Mruthyunjaya [mailto:bkmruthyunjay@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 3:07 AM
Subject: letter from Madhuban

Dear Respected Spiritual Sisters and Brothers

All of you are aware that our most belowed Dadi Prakashmaniji has left her mortal coil and has ascended to the angelic region today at 10.05 am in the presence of Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzar and many senior Sisters and Brothers.

We are all amazed to see how the demise of that noble soul is creating ripples of service around the world. Many dignitaries from around the world are contacting Madhuban, we are receiving condolence messages from all corners. The President of India has personally called Dadi Jankiji and conveyed her condolences. She has also sent her written message. The Chief Minister of Gujarat is personally coming to Shantivan to pay his last respects.

We feel that it is our responsibility to communicate this news of Dadijis demise to all the VVIP’s and VIP’s in our contact who have met Dadiji before or those who are aware about her and are in close connection with our Institution. We are sending a brief sample letter of the news, you may kindly forward the same addressed in their name.

They may be encouraged to send their condolence messages. They can address their message in the name of Rajayogini Dadi Jankiji, Addl. Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, the natural successor of Dadi Prakashmaniji.

It would be nice to receive messages from every country where Baba’s Centres are existing. We appreciate if we can receive these messages before the cremation on 27th Aug. We have arranged to display the received messages for service.

Our email and Fax numbers are as under - conferenceofficehq@gmail.com or bkmruthyunjay@gmail.com or fax – 02974-228116.

On Godly Service

Bro. Mruthyunjaya
Dear Respected Divine Brother/ Sister ________

It is sad news that Rajayogini Dadi Prakashmaniji, Chief of Brahma Kumaris has ascended to the angelic region (left the corporeal body) on Saturday, 25th August 2007 at 10.05 am. She was 85 years old. Dadiji worked tirelessly in the service of humanity for the past 71 years, since the establishment of the Brahma Kumaris organisation. She is an angel of dedication, self less service and is a messenger of Peace. She is a source of inspiration to Millions of people around the world. Dignitaries from all over the world are sending their condolence messages, your good self may also wish to send your condolence message for the departed soul. Your message may be addressed in the name of Rajayogini Dadi Jankiji, Addl. Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu, Rajasthan.

our email – conferenceofficehq@gmail.com or bkmruthyunjay@gmail.com or fax – 02974-228116

On Godly Service,

Executive Secretary, Brahma Kumaris

Rajayogini Dadi Prakashmani, Chief of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya was instrumental in bringing this service organization on the world map through establishing over 8000 spiritual educational centres in over 130 countries. She was an embodiment of spiritual wisdom and towering personality of light and might. Through her personal example of devotion, dedication, determination and divinity, she guided this organization and created a spiritual army of peace, love and truth.

After ascension of Prajapita Brahma to Angelic world on 18th January 1969, she was the chief instrument to promote Godly knowledge and RajYoga Meditation by sharing, caring and inspiring Millions of people. She is a wonderful spiritual leader in giving practical shape to the visions of the founding fathers — Incorporeal Supreme Soul God Shiva and corporeal Father Pitashri Prajapita Brahma. Through her leadership and guidance, thousands of youth have dedicated their valuable lives to carry forward the Godly Message of truth, love, peace, unity and harmony in the society.
YSR condoles Dadiji's death

Hyderabad, Aug 25 : Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy expressed deep shock and grief at the passing away of Rajayogini Dadi Prakashmani (85), Chief Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation, at Mount Abu, Rajasthan this morning.

Rajayogini Dadi Prakashmani who dedicated her entire life to the spiritual service of humanity since the early age of 14 has been rendering noble and commendable services to the mankind with a missinary zeal, Dr Reddy said. Dadiji emerged as the harbinger of a new era to ensure sustainable peace in the society and the Brahma Kumaris Organisation had become an icon of principles worthy of emulation for one and all.

Dadi Prakashmaniji, was the guiding force behind the Brahma Kumaris Movement in spreading human, moral and spiritual values among the people of all walks of life, he addded. The 'Brothers and Sisters' that the Brahma Kumaris Mission put to the forefront have turned themselves into beacons of love, peace and happiness.

Under her able guidance and stewardship, the institution was inspiring everybody in the society to strive for national integration and universal brotherhood with a strong national character, Dr Reddy added.

The invaluable contributions of the great spiritual leader would be long remembered by the people of all walks of life, the Chief Minister said and hoped the institution of Brahma Kumaris would continue to inspire the humanity all over the world for a long time to come in the noble path laid down by Dadi Prakashmaniji.
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Post26 Aug 2007

Yup, thought it would happen ... that is the official green light that says;
Wring the old corpse out one last time girls ... spam the world, we will even write your letter for you.
    "Millions ... global ... pictures with VIPs ... Angels of light everywhere" ... I love it!!!
'Through her leadership and guidance, thousands of BKs have thrown away their valuable lives to carry forward the revised Murlis and re-written history of the BKWSU to society.'

I will go crawl back into my snake's nest now ... I am sorry but am I meant to take this seriously? Its the antithesis of what I understood Gyan to be. Any chance of a little soul consciousness in the proceedings?
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Post26 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Its the antithesis of what I understood Gyan to be. Any chance of a little soul consciousness in the proceedings?

Why begrudge them the way they choose to honor their dead?
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Post26 Aug 2007

joel wrote:Why begrudge them the way they choose to honor their dead?

I am not sure if that is a rhetorical question or not ... should we pretend? She was responsible for the organization that was apparently given the God and truth and turned it into string of falsehoods. And in those fateful words, its not according to the Murli we all died (alive) for.

Because it will all be done (train, air fares, ceremonies, hospitalities) off the back of donations that could have gone somewhere practical. May be I am short sighted ... someone correct me. Is it soul conscious?
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Post26 Aug 2007

No, it doesn't seem that soul-conscious :roll:. But thinking that things could be handled differently by an organization that disrespects its own principles at every step anyway, is utopia. After all, no similar religious group would handle the death of its guru differently. BKWSU's speciality is just calling old stale things with new names and market them as fresh.

So, it's no surprise. The problem is that BKWSU does many things exactly in the same way and with the same motives as Bhakti groups they despise do, but denies doing so. So, it's all about illusionism and believers. The masses enjoy circuses anyway!
"The Chariot will be kept in Diamond hall for a final glimpse (darshan..)."

When I told my parents about this, they couldn't help asking/ commenting; "Oh, so, just like the Pope??"
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Re: illusionism

Post26 Aug 2007

alladin wrote:"Oh, so, just like the Pope??"

I think that is it, Joel. Neatly summarized.

If I thought that I signed up to contribute to creating another Papacy, I would have never, ever done it. I believed the things they told us and that we were above it all!!!


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Post26 Aug 2007

Rakhi functions cancelled Tribune News Service Chandigarh, August 25

The local unit of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishva Vidyalya today cancelled all raksha bandhan programmes scheduled for the next three days following the death of the chief of Brahma Kumaris Dadi Prakashmani.

According to a press note, the RajYoga meditation programme was being conducted at the RajYoga Bhawan, Sector 33, and 15 other centres in the tricity to pay homage to Dadiji.

Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumari Sisters in large number are leaving for Mount Abu to participate in the last rituals of Dadiji to be held on Monday morning at 10.30 a.m, the press note added.



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Post26 Aug 2007

tinydot wrote:1. If your theory has been circulating on for 70 years and you keep adding on many years to make up for your mistake, I am sorry to tell you that your method is not going to work out in the end.
2. Honestly, I thought of your idea of a good university, and I am under the impression that "you might have been being used by Shiva". Now I have seen your dark side, THERE IS NO WAY FOR ME TO BELIEVE YOU ARE THE SUPREME aka Shankar. I suggest you get yourself a shrink.
3. If you say Drama is fixed, there is no reason to get upset with people's comment and roles. I tell you, I will still do what I believe is in line with the truth and honesty for the benefit of the junior BKs. They deserve to know everything long time ago.
4. And if this Seniors did not manipulate your history, how many do you think would have stayed in the BKWSU? I mean that is a fair question.
5. I will join your group in 2035.

Dear soul. I have to apologize for those emotions which i had expressed. Body conscious.
    1. I am not a God. It's not my theory. As for mistakes, there is no mistakes in that Drama at all. Everything what happens happens because of something. Every cause have it's own causes. I don't see the full picture to explain everything.
    2. I am a soul. Of course I am still impure. I did not ask for that role. And even now I am not ready for that role. But it's happening with me. I have nothing to do, but trying to adapt to all this.
    3. It happened because of my body conscious. Please forgive me. Yes, they deserve.
    4. I suppose very few. For example: prediction of end of the world in 1976. If knew I won't come.
    5. I hope it will be earlier.
With regards, Shankar


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Post26 Aug 2007

OK, finally this is the official press release so everyone will get it, and so I'll end my posting in this thread and let Dadiji rest.
Press Release

President Pratibha Patil and leaders condole Dadi s demise as a great loss - Thousands of devotees from across the globe descend at Abu for last rites on Monday

Mount Abu, Aug, 26: Mrs. Pratibha Patil, President of India and several other socio-political, religious leaders, statesmen, bureaucrats and judges have expressed grief and have condoled the demise of Dadi Prakashmani, the Chief of Brahma Kumaris as a great loss for the country and mankind.

President Patil in her message has termed Dadiji as one of the leading lights, who has always emphasized on empowering the self and others with practical wisdom for realizing constant peace, happiness and excellence in life. Dadiji would be remembered for her distinct contribution to the welfare of society at large, Mrs. Patil has said.

Gujrat Governor Naval Kishore Sharma and Chief Minister Narendra Modi have expressed their grief over Dadi s demise. Mr. Modi, who along with Governer will attend Dadi's last rites at instution's Abu premises on Monday. In his message he said, Dadi had always fought against the evils of society and succeeded in her efforts. The Governor also said Dadi was a living example of love and kindness and her death will be deeply felt by humanity.

Jagatguru Shri Shivratri Maharaj of Sutturmath, Maysore in his condolence message said that with Dadi s demise India had lost a spiritual ambassador who had love, care, concern and compassion for entire mankind.

Swami Bal Gangadharnath Ji of Adi Chunchungiri Math, Karnataka has said that it would be difficult to fill the vacuum created by passing away of Dadiji who was a unique torch bearer of humanity.

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Rajshekhar Reddy expressed shock and grief at passing away of the great spiritual leader Dadiji whose invaluable contributions, he said, would be long remembered by people of all walks of life.

Prominent among others who have sent their condolences are Shri D. Shrinivas, Andhra Pradesh, Minister for Higher Education; Mr. T. N. Chaturvedi, Ex. Governor of Tamil Nadu; Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, Andhra Pradesh Leader of Opposition; Shri Jasbir Singh, Chairman, Minority Commission, Govt. of Rajasthan; Sardar Buta Singh, Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Castes, Mr. D. R. Karthikeyan, former CBI Director; Justice Eishwariya; Judge Andhra Pradesh High Court etc.

Today morning, Dadiji s garlanded mundane body which was kept inside a glass casket and mounted on the top of an open carriage, was taken in a procession from institution's Shantivan premises, Abu Road to its Spiritual Museum, founder Prajapita Brahma's Samadhi Cottage, Rest Room and finally was kept at Om Shanti Hall at Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu where public and gentry paid tribute before the vehicular procession returned to Shantivan via institution s Gyan Sarovar Academy and Global Hospital at Mount Abu.

The final rites are scheduled to be held inside the premises of Shantivan, Abu Road tomorrow at 10:30 A.M. in which over 20,000 devotees including IPs, VIPs and VVIPs from India and abroad are expected to congregate to pay their obeisance.

Several private TV & Radio channels including Doordarshan & AIR are expected to cover the event. Some TV channels including Sanskar, Astha, Aaj Tak, Zee-Jagran, E-TV etc will provide live telecast of the program tomorrow.

B. K. Karuna, Media Spoksman, Brahma Kumaris, Hqrs. Mt. Abu, Cell: 09414153999

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