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Post24 Aug 2007

Many complaints are about hierarchy. There is even a thinker (maybe Churchill) who used to say that the one who is not socialist at young age is not idealist, but later one comes to churn about if social equality is ever possible.

I used to listen once to a lecture of the leader of the Krishna consciousness, before Gyan, when i got to know about the "variety form image" - where the castes are compared to the parts of the body. He said that communism (equality) is man-made idea that can never become practical. This was new idea for me.

I used to believe, or rather desire, that all people are equal. Now i still desire it, but i understand they cannot become equal in their way of life, achievements or many others, but only in their rights and even these rights all take "numberwise". So the idea of numberwise is like a more real, corresponding to reality. Do you believe in equality?

There is a story about the parts of the body, that legs said "why should we do the hardest work all the time carrying the whole body", the other parts also complained, "we'll also stop performing our tasks", so the body were lying idle. What is the condition of the body of the community of the world today? Is it well? Is it proper that there are variety of duties and each one performs its own duty, or should all sit on the head to rule? Which is the natural community system where one will feel like most well. How many are needed to do the rule.

And is God not the geatest elistist? He is solely the greatest.

I mean is it possible that elitism and hierarchy could be avoided. Is it something man-made and unnatural?

In my opinion, there are and there will always be difference in people but we should aim to belong to the elite. Elite, or the chosen ones have always been the few. Majority is always controlled, following the mass current.

So, in short, elitism is to have some hight standards for yourself and aim to fulfill them.
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Re: Elitism

Post24 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:There is even a thinker (maybe Churchill) who used to say that the one who is not socialist at young age is not idealist, but later one comes to churn about if social equality is ever possible.

The quotation usually attributed to Churchill is,
"If you're not Liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not Conservative when you're 35, you have no brain."

However, the attribution is false and there is no record of Churchill ever speaking these words. Churchill himself did precisely the opposite. He entered politics as a Conservative and was a Conservative at age 25. He switched to the Liberal Party at age 29 and was a Liberal at age 35. (He returned to the Conservatives at age 49.) His wife was a life-long Liberal. "Liberal" and "Conservative" are the proper names of British political parties and do not translate precisely to the left and right wings of, say, the American political spectrum. SO he might have meant something else.

I believe the elite are those that accept most accountability over their own actions and towards others. Are the most open, honest and truthful. And so, yes, I agree we should aim to be part of the elite. One of the problems in discussing such a valid topic is that most individual has a VERY limited impression (prejudice) of what these terms means.

I believe in utter equality of opportunity. No secret societies controlling the access of the proletariat. I do not believe in representative democracy for all societies. I think it is only good for holding down or pulling down corrupt elites but after society has been levelled, then it only starts to serve those that are good at it.

BKs are blinded by another layer of BS that democracy is a Kaliyugi cult and inferior to their dynastic oligarcy. For example, Gopala was the first independent Buddhist king of Bengal and came to power in 750 AD by democratic election, the Janapadas states, the Vaishali, Sabarcae and Sambastai all had elements of democracy. Elsewhere; the Greeks, Romans, Iroquois ... there are countless records. Unfortunately, when one starts to get real about such things. BKs eyes glaze over or they run because "Baba says".

All the same, practically all evolved structures of power have thinktanks, councils etc. This is where I think our job arises and it is only one role in a healthy society ... a kind of garbage collector's duty. To observe, analyse, document and discuss the BK Gods ... not every one is cutout for it.

I am also great believer in collective rights. That the land, resources and elements belong to everyone (and no one) equally. Land rights are much more important than political theories. First they steal the land, then the resources, then they tax the peasants; and when and only when they peasants finally rebel, then the elite offers a political system that is made sure it cannot be used to challenge "them".

In Gyan, for "Land Rights" substitute "Knowledge Rights".
First they steal The Knowledge, then the resources, then they tax the BKs; and when and only when the BKs finally rebel, then the elite offers a political system that make sure it cannot be used to challenge "them".

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