Lokik or Orthodox view of History

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Lokik or Orthodox view of History

Post20 Jun 2007

I think it was 'new_world' that question whether there were any historical references prior to 2,500 ago ... here is an orthodox overview. Inexhaustive but with a special reference to Bharat. Note later reference to Sanskrit well before the time of Shankaracharya and Indian population 2000 BC. Baba says that each religious founder brings their own language and Shankaracharya brought Sanskrit.

I once met some Christians that told me with a straight face and complete faith that the bone of dinosaurs found in 100,000 of years old rocks were put there by Satan to deceive the non-believers into thinking the Biblical story of creation (which is a 7 Days and little older that 5,000 years ...) was wrong.

The BK version that I have been told by senior BKs is that at the end of the Silver Age beginning of Copper Age (2,500 years ago) there were natural disasters and then possible wars that destroyed the Silver Aged palaces and technology and that this is remembered in the Atlantis story. Atlantis was the Silver Aged world in Bharat. He told me that when the nuclear power stations that powered the deity world was destroyed, the radioactivity from them caused the carbon record and scientific calculations to be made worthless.

Having said that, there are a number of scientific anomalies in the fossil record that need a proper scientist to explain.

Dateline according to BC - (the Birth of Christ), e.g. 500 'ASA' (After the Silver Age)
    2,000,000 BC - Stone artifacts are made and used by hominids in North India, an area rich in animal species, including the elephant.
    500,000 BC - Stone hand axes and other tools are used in North India.
    470,000 BC - India's hominids are active in Tamil Nadu and Punjab.
    400,000 BC - Soan culture in India is using primitive chopping tools.
    360,000 BC - Fire is first controlled by homo erectus in China.
    300,000 BC - Homo sapiens roams the Earth, from Africa to Asia.
    100,000 BC - Homo sapiens sapiens with 20th-century man's brain size (1,450 cc) are in East Africa. Populations separate.
    75,000 BC - Last Ice Age begins. Human population estimated at 1.7 million.
    60,000 BC - According to genetic scientist Spencer Wells' research, televised by National Geographic, early man's first wave of migration from Africa occurred at this time to India, evidenced by the genetic makeup of Tamil Nadu's modern-day Kallar community, who are related to the Australian aborigines.
    50,000 BC - Genetic research by Richard Villems of the Estonian Biocentre concludes that the maternal lineages of modern-day India's populations are largely unique to India, and on the order of 50,000 years old. As a result, Villems said, "I think that the Aryan Invasion theory in its classic form is dead."
    45,000 BC - Seafaring migrations from S.E. Asia settle Indonesian Islands and Australia.
    40,000 BC - Hunter-gatherers in Central India are living in painted rock shelters. Similar groups in Punjab camp at sites protected by windbreaks. Cave paintings found in 2002 in Banda depict a hunter riding a horse in a group hunting scene.
    30,000 BC - American Indians spread throughout the Americas.
    10,000 BC - Last Ice Age ends after 65,000 years; earliest signs of agriculture. World population is 4 million; India, 100,000.
    10,000 BC - Taittiriya Brahmana 3.1.2 refers to Purvabhadrapada nakshatra's rising due east, a phenomenon occurring at this date (Dr. B.G. Siddharth of the Birla Science Institute), indicating earliest known dating of the sacred Veda.
    10,000 BC - Vedic culture, the essence of humanity's eternal wisdom, Sanatana Dharma, lives in Himalayas at end of Ice Age.
    9000 BC - Old Europe, Anatolia and Minoan Crete display a Goddess-centered culture reflecting a matriarchial order.
    8500 BC - Taittiriya Samhita 6.5.3 places Pleiades asterism at winter solstice, suggesting the antiquity of this Veda.
    7500 BC - Excavations at Neveli Cori in Turkey reveal advanced civilization with developed architecture. B.G. Siddharth believes this was a Vedic culture.
    7200 BC - War of the Ten Kings is fought (dating by S.D. Kulkarni).
    7000 BC - Proto-Vedic period ends. Early Vedic period begins.
    7000 BC - Time of Manu Vaivasvata, "Father of Mankind," of Sarasvati-Drishadvati area (also said to be a South Indian monarch who sailed to the Himalayas during a great flood).
    7000 BC - Early evidence of modern horses in the Ganga basin (Frawley).
    7000 BC - Indus-Sarasvati area residents of Mehergarh grow barley, raise sheep and goats, store grain, entomb their dead and construct buildings of sun-baked mud bricks. (S.D. Kulkarni asserts such refinements had existed for ages, though archeology reaches only to this period.)
    6776 BC - Start of Hindu king's lists according to Greek references that give Hindus 150 kings and a history of 6,400 years before 300 BC.
    6500 BC - Rig Veda verses say winter solstice begins in Aries (according to D. Frawley), giving antiquity of this section of the Vedas.
    6000 BC - Early sites on the Sarasvati River, then India's largest, flowing West of Delhi into the Rann of Kutch; Rajasthan is a fertile region with much grassland, as described in the Rig Veda. The culture, based upon barley (yava), copper (ayas) and cattle, also reflects that of the Rig Veda.
    5500 BC - Date of astrological observations associated with ancient events later mentioned in the Puranas (Alain Danielou).
    5500 BC - Mehergarh villagers make baked pottery and thousands of small, clay of female figurines (interpreted to be earliest signs of Shakti worship), and are involved in long-distance trade in precious stones and sea shells.
    5000 BC - World population, 5 million; doubles every 1,000 years.
    5000 BC - Beginnings of Indus-Sarasvati civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Date derived by considering excavated archeological sites 45 feet deep. Brick fire altars exist in many houses, suggesting Vedic fire rites. Earliest signs of Siva. This mature culture lasts 3,000 years, ending around -1700.
    5000 BC - Rice is harvested in China, with grains found in baked bricks. But its cultivation originated in Eastern India.
    4300 BC - Traditional date for Lord Rama's time (Kulkarni's date is -5500; see also-2040, and latest dating at -500).
    4004 BC - Archbishop Usher's (17th century) supposed date of the creation of the world, based on genealogies in the Old Testament.
    4000 BC - Excavations from this period at Sumerian sites of Kish and Elamite Susa reveal presence of Indian imports.
    4000 BC - India's population is 1 million.
    3928 BC - July 25th: the earliest eclipse mentioned in the Rig Veda (according to Indian researcher Dr. Sri P.C. Sengupta).
    3761 BC - The year of world creation in the Jewish religious calendar.
    3200 BC - In India, a special guild of Hindu astronomers (nakshatra darshas) record in Vedic texts citations of full and new moon at winter and summer solstices and spring and fall equinoxes with reference to 27 fixed stars (nakshatras) spaced nearly equally on the moon's ecliptic (visual path across the sky). The precession of the equinoxes (caused by the mutation of the Earth's axis of rotation) makes the nakshatras appear to drift at a constant rate along a predictable course over a 25,000-year cycle. Such observations enable specialists to calculate backwards to determine the date the indicated position of moon, sun and nakshatra occurred.
    3139 BC - Reference to vernal equinox in Rohini (middle of Taurus) from some Brahmanas, as noted by B.G. Tilak, Indian scholar and patriot. Now preferred date of Mahabharata war and life of Lord Krishna (see also -1424).
    3102 BC - Beginning of Kali Yuga (Kali Era) in Hindu time reckoning.
    3100 BC - Early Vedic period ends, late Vedic period begins.
    3100 BC - Indian culture in Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia.
    3100 BC - Aryans inhabit Iran, Iraq and Western Indus-Sarasvati Valley frontier. [Frawley describes Aryans as "a culture of spiritual knowledge." He and many Indian scholars believe 1) the Land of Seven Rivers (Sapta Sindhu) cited in the Rig Veda refers to India only, 2) the people of Indus-Sarasvati valleys and those of Rig Veda are the same, and 3) there was no Aryan invasion. Others claim the Indus-Sarasvati people were Dravidians who moved out or were displaced by incoming Aryans.]
    3000 BC - Weaving in Europe, Near East and Indus-Sarasvati Valley is primarily coiled basketry, either spiraled or sewn.
    3000 BC - Evidence of horses in South India.
    3000 BC - People of Tehuacan, Mexico, are cultivating maize.
    3000 BC - Saiva Agamas are recorded; time of the earliest Tamil Sangam (by traditional dating; see also -500).
    2700 BC - Tolkappiyam Tamil grammar is composed (traditional dating; see also -500).
    2700 BC - Seals of Indus-Sarasvati Valley indicate Siva worship, represented by Pashupati, Lord of Animals.
    2600 BC - Indus-Sarasvati civilization reaches height it sustains until -1700. Spreading from Pakistan to Gujarat, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, it is the largest of the world's three oldest civilizations, with links to Mesopotamia (possibly Crete), Afghanisthan, Central Asia and Karnataka. Harappa and Mohenjo-daro each have populations of 100,000.
    2600 BC - Major portions of the Veda hymns are composed during the reign of Visvamitra I (Dating by S.B. Roy).
    2600 BC - Drying up of Drishadvati River of Vedic fame, along with possible shifting of the Yamuna to flow into the Ganga.
    2600 BC - First Egyptian Pyramid under construction.
    2500 BC - Main period of Indus-Sarasvati cities. Atharva Veda indicates culture relies heavily on rice and cotton, which were first cultivated in India. Ninety percent of sites are along the Sarasvati, the region's agricultural bread basket. Mohenjo-daro is a large peripheral trading center. Rakhigari and Ganweriwala on the Sarasvati are as big as Mohenjo-daro. So is Dholavira in Kutch. Indus-Sarasvati sites have been found as far south as Karnataka's Godavari River and north into Afghanistan on the Amu Darya River.
    2500 BC - Reference to vernal equinox in Krittika (Pleiades or early Taurus) from Yajur and Atharva Veda hymns and Brahmanas. This corresponds to Harappan seals that show seven women (the Krittikas) tending a fire.
    2350 BC - Sage Gargya (born 2285), 50th in Puranic list of kings and sages, son of Garga, initiates method of reckoning successive centuries in relation to a nakshatra list he records in the Atharva Veda with Krittika as the first star. Equinox occurs at Krittikia Purnima.
    2300 BC - Sargon founds Mesopotamian kingdom of Akkad, trades with Indus-Sarasvati Valley cities.
    2300 BC - Indo-Europeans in Russia's Ural steppelands develop efficient spoked-wheel Chariot, using 1,000-year-old horse husbandry and freight-cart technology.
    2051 BC - Divodasa reigns to - 1961, has contact with Babylon's King Indatu (Babylonian chronology). Dating by S.B. Roy.
    2050 BC - Vedic people are settled in Iran (Persia) and Afghanistan.
    ca 2040 BC - Prince Rama born at Ayodhya, site of future Rama temple (this and next two dates by S.B. Roy; see also -4000).
    2033 BC - Reign of Dasaratha, Father of Lord Rama. King Ravana, villain of the Ramayana, reigns in Sri Lanka.
    2000 BC - Indo-Europeans (Celts, Teutons, Slavs, Balts, Hellens, Italics) follow social usages and beliefs that parallel early Vedic patterns.
    2000 BC - Possible date of the first formulated Saiva Agamas.
    2000 BC - World population: 27 million. India: 5 million or 22 percent. India has roughly one fourth of human race through much of history.
    1915 BC - All Madurai Tamil Sangam is held at Thiruparankundram (according to traditional Tamil chronology).
    1900 BC - Late Vedic period ends, post Vedic period begins. (Early dating; see also -1000).
    1900 BC - Drying up of Sarasvati River, end of Indus-Sarasvati culture, end of the Vedic age. After this, the center of civilization in ancient India relocates from the Sarasvati to the Ganga, along with possible migration of Vedic peoples out of India to the Near East (perhaps giving rise to the Mitanni and Kassites, who worship Vedic Gods). The redirection of the Sutlej into the Indus causes the Indus area to flood. Climate changes make the Sarasvati region too dry for habitation. (Thought lost, its river bed is finally photographed via satellite in the 1990s.)
    1728-1686 BC - Hammurabi, famous lawgiver, is king of Babylon.
    1500 BC - Egyptians bury their royalty in the Valley of the Kings.
    1500 BC - Polynesians migrate throughout Pacific islands.
    1500 BC - Proposed date of submergence of the stone port city of Dwarka near Gujarat. Residents use iron and employ a script halfway between Harappan and Brahmi, India's ancient pre-Sanskritic alphabet. [Findings from recent excavations by Dr. S.R. Rao, larger than Mohenjo-daro. Many identify it with the Dwarka of Krishna's time, suggesting possible date of Lord Krishna. Indicates second urbanization phase of India between Indus-Sarasvati sites like Harappa and later cities on the Ganga.]
    1500 BC - Indigenous iron technology in Dwarka and Kashmir.
    1500 BC - Cinnamon is exported from Kerala to Middle East.
    1450 BC - End of Rig Veda Samhita composition.
    1450 BC - Early Upanishads are composed during the next few hundred years, also Vedangas and Sutra literature.
    1424 BC - Mahabharata War occurs (dated from reference in the Mahabharata citing winter solstice at Dhanishtha, which occurs around this time). Reign of Kaurava king Dhritarashtra and of Pandava king Yudhishthira. Time of Sage Yajnavalkya. (See now-preferred date at -3139. Subash Kak places the battle at -2449. Others give later dates, up to 9th century BC[/b] - E.)
    1424 BC - Birth of Parikshit, grandson of Arjuna, and next king.
    1350 BC - At Boghaz Koy, Turkey, stone inscription of the treaty with Mitanni lists as divine witnesses the Vedic Deities Mitra, Varuna, Indra and the Nasatyas (Ashvins).
    1316 BC - Mahabharata epic poem is composed by Sage Vyasa.
    1300 BC - Very early date (by S.B. Roy) for lifetime of Panini, whose Ashtadhyayi systematizes Sanskrit grammar in 4,000 rules. (Western scholars place him at -400 BC[/b] - e, or as late as 300 ce.)
    1300 BC - Revisions are made in the materials of Mahabharata and Ramayana through 200 BC[/b] - E. Puranas are edited up until 400 CE. Early smriti literature is composed over next 400 years.
    1255 BC - King Suchi of Magadha sets forth Jyotisha Vedanga, dating it by including an astronomical note that summer solstice is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.
    1250 BC - Moses leads 600,000 Jews out of Egypt. (Early traditional dating.)
    1200 BC - Approximate time of the legendary Greek-Trojan War celebrated in Homer's epic poems, Iliad and Odyssey (ca -750).
    1150 BC - Nebuchadnezzar I of Isin, king of Babylon, throws off Elamite domination.
    1000 BC - Late Vedic period ends. Post-Vedic period begins. (Later dating, see also -1900).
    1000 BC - World population is 50 million, doubling every 500 years.
    1000 BC - Jewish king David (reigns to ca -962) rules a united kingdom in present-day Israel and parts of Jordan and Syria.
    950 BC - King Hiram of Tyre in Phoenicia, in treaty with Israel's King Solomon (son of David), trades with the port of Ophir (Sanskrit: Supara) near modern Mumbai. Same trade with India goes back to Harappan era.
    950 BC - Jewish traders arrive in India in King Solomon's merchant fleet. Later Jewish colonies find India a tolerant home.
    950 BC - Breakdown of Sanskrit as a spoken language occurs over the next 200 years.
    900 BC - Iron Age in India. Early sporadic use dates from at least 1500 BC[/b] - .
    900 BC - Earliest records of the holy city of Varanasi (one of the world's oldest living cities) on the sacred river Ganga.
    900 BC - Use of iron supplements bronze in Greece.
    850 BC - The Chinese are using the 28-nakshatra zodiac called Shiu, adapted from the Hindu jyotisha system.
    800 BC - Later Upanishads are recorded.
    800 BC - Later Smriti (secondary Hindu scriptures) are composed, elaborated and developed during next 1,000 years.
    776 BC - First Olympic Games are held and documented in Greece.
    750 BC - Prakrits (vernacular or "natural" languages) develop among India's common peoples. Already flourishing in 500 BC[/b] - E , Pali and other Prakrits are chiefly known from Buddhist and Jain works composed at this time.
    750 BC - Literary Sanskrit is refined over next 500 years, taking on its classical form.
    700 BC - Early Smartism emerges from the syncretic Vedic brahminical (priestly caste) tradition. (It flourishes today as a liberal sect alongside Saiva, Vaishnava and Shakta sects.)
    623 - 543 BC - Life of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, born in Uttar Pradesh in a princely Shakya Saivite family. (Date by Sri Lankan Buddhists. Indian and other scholars favor -563 to - 483; Mahayanists of China and Japan prefer -566 to - 486 or later.)
    605 BC - Nebuchadnezzar II is king of Babylon (-605 to -562). His building program makes it the world's largest and most magnificent city, slightly larger than present-day San Francisco.
    600 BC - Life of Zoroaster, founder of Zoroastrianism, original religion of the Persians. His Zend Avesta, holy book of that faith, has much in common with the Rig Veda, sharing many verses. Zoroastrianism makes strong distinctions between good and evil, setting the dualistic tone of God and devil which pervades all later Western religions.
    600 BC - Life of Susruta of Varanasi, the Father of surgery. His ayurvedic treatises cover pulse diagnosis, hernia, cataract, cosmetic surgery, medical ethics, 121 surgical implements, antiseptics, toxicology, psychiatry, classification of burns, midwifery, surgical anesthesia, therapeutics of garlic and use of drugs to control bleeding.
    600 BC - The Ajivikas, an ascetic, atheistic sect of naked sadhus is at its height, continuing in Mysore until the 14th century. Adversaries of Buddha and Mahavira, their philosophy is deterministic, holding that everything is inevitable.
    600 BC - Lifetime of Lao-tzu, founder of Taoism in China, author of Tao te Ching. Its esoteric teachings of simplicity and selflessness shape Chinese life for 2,000 years and permeate the religions of Vietnam, Japan and Korea.
    599 - 527 BC - Lifetime of Mahavira Vardhamana, 24th Tirthankara, renaissance Jain master who stresses vegetarianism, asceticism and nonviolence.
    560 BC - In Greece, Pythagoras teaches math, music, vegetarianism and Yoga, drawing from India's wisdom ways.
    551 - 478 BC - Lifetime of Confucius, founder of Confucianism. His teachings on social ethics form the basis of Chinese education, religion and ruling-class ideology.
    518 BC - Darius I of Persia (Iran) invades Indus Valley. This Zoroastrian ruler shows tolerance for local religions.
    ca 500 BC - Lifetime of Kapila, founder of Sankhya Darshana, one of six classical systems of Hindu philosophy.
    ca 500 BC - Dams to store water are constructed in India.
    500 BC - World population reaches 100 million. India's population is 25 million, 15 million of whom live in the Ganga basin.
    ca 500 BC - Over the next 300 years (according to later dating by Muller) numerous secondary Hindu scriptures (smriti) are composed: Shrauta Sutras, Grihya Sutras, Dharma Sutras, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas, etc.
    ca 500 BC - Tamil Sangam age (-500 to 500) begins (see -3000). Sage Agastya writes Agattiyam, first known Tamil grammar (Kulkarni places him at -8576). Tolkappiyar (Kulkarni says -2700) writes Tolkappiyam Purananuru, on grammar, stating he is recording rules on poetry, rhetoric, etc., of earlier grammarians, indicating prior high development of Tamil. Gives rules for absorbing Sanskrit words. Other similarly aged works are the poetical Paripadal, Pattuppattu, Ettuthokai Purananuru, Akananuru, Aingurunuru, Padinenkilkanakku. Some refer to worship of Vishnu, Indra, Murugan and Siva.
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Chinese History

Post22 Jun 2007

Chinese History

Chinese currently equates to one fifth of the human population, 70 years since the start of the yayga, there is basically no BKWSU penetration into mainland China. On the other hand, the History Of China, as documented in ancient writings, is said to date back some 3,300 years.

Modern archaeological studies provide evidence of still more ancient origins in a culture that flourished between 2500 and 2000 B.C. in what is now central China and the lower Huang He (Yellow River) Valley of north China. That is at the start of the Golden Age or 500 years after, according to the BKWSU.

What makes the civilization unique in world history is its continuity through over 4,000 years to the present century. The Chinese have kept voluminous records since very early times. It is largely as a result of these records that knowledge concerning the ancient past, not only of China but also of its neighbors, has survived. The given timeline is something like;
    7000 BC. Peiligang Culture
    5000 BC. Yangshao Culture
    3000 BC. Longshan Culture
    2852 BC. Five Emperors
    2650 BC. Legend of Cangjie, inventor of Chinese Character

    2205 BC - 1766 BC. Xia Dynasty. Most historians believed the Hsia to be a mythical dynasty, but recent archaeological findings have verified their existence.

    1766 BC - 1040 BC. Shang Dynasty. Excavations have confirmed descriptions in ancient Chinese literature of a highly developed culture. The Shang Dynasty was distinguished by an aristocratic government, great artistry in bronze, a writing system still in use today, an agricultural economy, and armies of thousands whose commanders rode in chariots.

    1040 BC - 256 BC. Chou Dynasty. The semi-nomadic Chou people from northwestern China overthrew the Shang king. The Chou court developed a feudal society in China.

    221 BC - 206 BC. Ch’in Dynasty. The Legalists strengthened state power and control over the people. Weights and measures, and the Chinese writing system were unified. Chinese defenses were strengthened by creating the Great Wall.

    206 BC - AD 220. Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty is often compared to the Roman Empire. It is considered the "Golden Age of Chinese History." Today the Chinese word for Chinese person means "a man of Han."
Now, "The Records of the Grand Historian" was a book written from 109 BC to 91 BC by Sima Qian, in which he recounted Chinese history from the time of the mythical Yellow Emperor until his own time. It was the first systematic Chinese historical text known. 30 volumes of text classify all information into several categories:
    12 volumes of Benji, contain all biographies of the prominent rulers from the mythical Yellow Emperor to Qin Shihuang and the kings of Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties. The biographies of four emperors and one empress dowager of the Western Han before his age are also included.
    30 volumes of Shijia, contain all biographies of notable rulers, nobility and bureaucrats mostly from the period of Spring and Autumn to Warring States.
    70 volumes of Liezhuan, contain all biographies of important figures including Lao Tse, Mozi, Sun Tzu, and Jingke.
    8 volumes of Shu, are the economic and cultural records of the time covered in the book.
    10 volumes of Biao, are timelines of events.
It is part of a series of volumes called "The Twenty-Four Histories". A collection of Chinese historical books covering a period of history from 3,000 BC (the start of the BK Golden Age) to the Ming Dynasty in the 1600s AD century. The whole set contains 3,213 volumes and about 40 million words.

It was officially considered as an officer in the Chinese rulers court's job failure for every factual error left in the published records. Therefore, compared to "personally history", these are considered as "credible history" by most professional historians.

Apart from pottery, tools, etc other religious artifacts exist such as "Oracle bones", animal bones or turtle shells used in divination and prediction. The vast majority of the such bones which record the divinations of the royal house of the late Shang dynasty, primarily at the capital of Yin, and date from around 1200-1050 BC. Otherwise known as the start of the Silver Age. A few are from Zhengzhou and date to earlier in the dynasty, around the 1600 BC to 1400 BC.
    Now, did the Chinese just have Maya and make all this up?

    Have they additionally been deluded by archeologists and scientist because, according to the BKWSY, it can only be Copper Age, i.e. dating back to 500 BC?

    Or were they operating to a different timeline, or in a different reality, than Bharat?
Probably not something that was widely discussed in Pre-War Sind. Its your decision ...
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Ancient Egytian History

Post25 Jun 2007

No answers, huh? OK. Let us try Ancient Egyptian History. You know, those rather obvious and large statues and pyramids in the desert.

500 BC equals the end of the Silver Age, 1,750 BC equals the end of the Golden Age. 3,000 BC equals today (approximately). Here we have list of kings and queens, carved in stone, to guide us back ... as well as Roman, Greek, Jewish, Persian and Egyptian records.

One thing to consider is that just as the Romans, who enter this equation, were rather keen on orgies and murdering every relative that moved, and the Greeks had a thing for young boys and, disgustingly enough, democracy; the Ancient Egyptians liked to marry off their sons and daughters in order to keep the family business, in the family.

How that squares with the BK concept that the world was much more pure at the beginning of the Copper Age than it was today (50% in comparison to 0%), I await to be enlightened too.

332 BC -30 BC Greek Dynasty
    Cleopatra VII
    Ptolemy I
    Arsinoe II
    Augustus Caesar
342 BC - 332 BC - Persian Period
    Darius III
    Artaxerxes III
425 BC - 342 BC - Late Period II
    Nectanebo I
517 BC- 425 BC - Persian Period
    Darius I
1069 BC - 517 BC - Late Period I
    Necho II
    Shoshenk I
    XXI Psusennes I
1550 BC - 1069 BC - New Kingdom
    Ramses III
    Ramses II
    Princess Ankhesenaton
    Tuthmosis I II III IV
    Ahmose I
1650 BC - 1550 BC - Intermediate Period II
2125 BC - 1650 BC - Middle Kingdom
    Senusret I II III
    Amenemhet I II III
2181 BC - 2125 BC - Intermediate Period I
    Mentuhotep I
3100 BC - 2181 BC - Old Kingdom
    Pepi II
    Pepi I
    V Sahure
    IV Chepheren
    III Huni
3414 BC - 3100 BC - Archaic Period
5464 BC - 3414 BC - Predynastic Period.
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Post04 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:Here I've tried to formulate the equation of cyclic world drama. Suppose you are a student of history. Then can you find any historical clue or residue of that event which occured before 5,000 years? Please reply.

Sorry for the delay but the posts above were in answer to your question new_world. Anything before 3000 BC should be included in your calculations BUT I really think anything before 500 BC should be addressed as it contradicts basic knowledge, i.e. there was no Silver Aged heaven on earth.

Please reply.
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ancient civilizations

Post04 Jul 2007

It does not square. I don't think there are many archeologists or historians in the BK ranks or as contacts, academics etc ... Guess why?

peter de


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Post21 Aug 2007

After 17 years of BK for me I still wonder (almost every day) how it can be possible that I am the only one between the Brahmins I met who questions some or the other about this topic!!!! Has it something to do with Baba's famous "stone intellect"? What kind of stone is it that is in the heads of most BKs?

The worst thing is the taboo attitude: don't speak, don't think anything except Gyan ... But it is just Gyan that brings me every day to this topic!!! I wasn't interested in history (found it rather dull) untill I start to listen to Baba's words. Sorry Baba but now at this very moment I like to call You a sadist! Voila.

And what concerns the Chinese: A time ago there was an important anniversary of their country, so I send a mail to the BK in some big city to congratulate them + to ask a question: Did your country came in existence 4,000 (was it this figure?) years ago? Never got a reply ...

Try to be a peaceful soul, Peter
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what's history for BKs?

Post21 Aug 2007

BKs pretend to ignore that many civilizations left behind written documents and history, thousands of years BC. I was surprised, months ago, visiting an Egyptian exhibit, to see some paintings dating 1000 BC or something, of people slaughtering bulls and armies. So, it was not Paradise on earth at all in those days!!

The BK organization is obviously based on denial of truth and fabrication of falsity. We are just lucky if we can realize that and save ourselves from further damage!!
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Mr Green


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Post22 Aug 2007

In the Murlis it says nothing exists from the Silver Age. I remember when I was BK hearing some coins had been found that were clearly dated as older than 2500BC ... A senior I asked about this claimed the coins were from the Silver Age!!!
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Post23 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:In the Murlis it says nothing exists from the Silver Age.

Yeah, did not you know things can magically disappear?
I remember when I was BK hearing some coins had been found that were clearly dated as older than 2500BC ... A senior I asked about this claimed the coins were from the Silver Age!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was just trying to help you stop your internal chatter.

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Post23 Aug 2007

I have no confidence in science when they speak about long time ago. I don't know what I have to think about Baba's world history. But one thing I know is that the BK in general have no right attitude towards this topic. They call themselves a "World University" but almost make no attempt to clear out the vast conflict between Gyan and science.

For what I know Jagdish Bhai (may he rest in peace or grow up as a solver of this questions ...) is the only one who made an attempt to clear things out by publishing a book, very interesting, called "The Eternal World Drama". But a lot more has to be done because this is a major subject that requires a lot of professionalism. And for me, that book was not convincing (but I have to read it again and more in depht this time).

So I make a Call here and now:

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New species of dinosaur found

Post12 Dec 2007

The BBC website runs a story on how the planet earth and mammoths waspeppered from space by comets. According to the BKWSU view of time, how can this happen Cycle after Cycle? This relates to other threads on Space Debris and Dinosaurs.

If The Cycle is infinite, would not space final empty out and the planet earth become infinitely large? How do the BKWSU's Advance Party or the deities put back the asteroids into space so that they can fall from the exact same place in the next 5,000 year Cycle? Is there somewhere is space that is generating NEW matter to fall from the sky, somewhere on the earth where it evaporates or sometime in The Cycle when it mysteriously disappears?

Scientists date the event to anywhere from 13,000 to 35-40,000 years ago.

Likewise, another story on a new meat eating dinosaur species. I mention this not to awaken the old carbon dating/dinosaur debate but to raise questions of the existence of Sub-Saharan Africa at whatever time these beast existed ... the Copper Age or around 2,500 years ago by BK lore. How long did it take for the dinosaurs to die out then?

Fossils of a massive dinosaur unearthed a decade ago in the Republic of Niger in Africa, have been recognised as belonging to a new species. Scientists say Carcharodontosaurus iguidensis was one of the largest meat-eaters that ever lived. The 95-million-year-old fossils are of one of the largest meat eaters that lived on the planet. The dinosaur had a skull about 1.75m long housing huge jaws armed with teeth the size of bananas.

It was a 13m long predator that still had to watch its own back because something bigger was out there - an animal called Spinosaurus. Also known as the 'spine lizard' because of its distinctive fin-like spines, the Spinosaurus grew to 18m long, and lived alongside a third mighty carnivore - the 9m high Abelisaurid theropod. "It was a very strange, very scary community at that time," a scientist added.

Certainly not the Silver Age then ... but a hell of a way to cut through early morning community traffic in the Copper Age.
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Post12 Dec 2007

peter de wrote:What kind of stone is it that is in the heads of most BKs?

In some of them its sometimes its just plain ole GALL stones ...

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Post13 Dec 2007

Ex-BKWSU: Baba says that each religious founder brings their own language and Shankaracharya brought Sanskrit.

Well, I never heard that.

Ex-BKWSU: The BK version that I have been told by senior BKs is that at the end of the Silver Age beginning of Copper Age (2,500 years ago) there were natural disasters and then possible wars that destroyed the Silver Aged palaces and technology and that this is remembered in the Atlantis story. Atlantis was the Silver Aged world in Bharat. He told me that when the nuclear power stations that powered the deity world was destroyed, the radioactivity from them caused the carbon record and scientific calculations to be made worthless.

Again, after hundereds of Murli's and BK-books, this is a new story for me. Bonafide?!

The disturbance of the carbon 14 methode can be as easy explained, I guess, by the vast nuclear war that is just ahead of us and will disturb the scientists of the future again by the end of the next iron age. I remember conversations between students in Antwerp some 15 years ago about 'dinosaurs'. We speculate then about the possibility that as a result of the coming nuclear war animals like salamanders, crocodiles ... will mutate very fast in real monsters! Ha, ha ... It's fun to fantasise like that. Baba is the cause but He Himself keeps silent about many wonders of the 'cycle', drama, the eternal nature of souls. What about my dog? Will he become 18 meters long? :D For those years I give him the best life I can offer ... maybe he will eat me alive?!!!
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Post14 Dec 2007

peter de wrote:Ex-BKWSU: Baba says that each religious founder brings their own language and Shankaracharya brought Sanskrit ...
    Well, I never heard that.
Ex-BKWSU: The BK version that I have been told by senior BKs is that at the end of the Silver Age beginning of Copper Age (2,500 years ago) there were natural disasters and then possible wars that destroyed the Silver Aged palaces and technology and that this is remembered in the Atlantis story ...
    Again, after hundreds of Murli's and BK-books, this is a new story for me.

Do you mean ex-l rather than ex-BKWSU and address me?

The first quote is from the Murlis and you underline again the need and reason for a complete, unedited Murli resource online for us to check immediately such queries. I am sure the more assiduous scholars amongst the PBKs can confirm this.

The second quote, re a mini-Destruction at the end of the Silver Age was not but was widely passed around the Western BKWSU, part of the active folklore that people keep themselves busy with answering all the unanswered questions.

You are right to say that the idea of a near future nuclear war and genetic mutation was also considered. However, it makes less logical sense (as far as logic, rather than faith, can be applied to BK Gyan) as it would mean the existence of dinosaur bones and radioactivity right through the prophesied Gold and Silver Aged heaven.

I think it is all ridiculous rubbish.

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Post15 Dec 2007

Yes, I meant ex-I.

When I now read 'language', I am inclined to understand it as their way of speaking, as their way of interprete and translate reality. The first time I read your sentence I literaly read 'language' like English, Hindi, Latin. I mean, it is not that Jesus of Nazareth suddenly began to speak another language, is not it? It is not that Baba means that the four main religious founders bring four main world languages, I understand.

I often hear in the centre nearby about the way Baba expresses Himself (contradictions, generalisations, etc.) that He does so because He likes that we think about and churn his words. So we do ...

About 'sanskrit': I thought that it is the naturally result from the - only spoken - language (Hindi, but pure and clear) from 'heaven' that we begin more and more to note down because of memory decline and life began to become more complex in the middle of The Cycle.
ex-l wrote:The second quote, re a mini-Destruction at the end of the Silver Age was not but was widely passed around the Western BKWSU, part of the active folklore that people keep themselves busy with answering all the unanswered questions.

You wrote: "was not" ... do you mean there was no mini-Destruction then? What you call "active folklore" is seemingly accepted by the institutions since you can find these ideas in BK books if I am not mistaken ...

Indeed, the dinosaur bones will be resting under the earth during these good ages. No one will bother ... what with radioactivity? Who will know for sure? Maybe when transformed or in the context of a perfect world it can be a power that serves us without harming ... ?

For me, what attracts me in this knowledge is the logic, the probably realistic explanations that it can offer us. But questions remain. "Rubbish" you say... What is rubbish?

For me this whole BK adventure is a challenge to live with the uncertainties of life. I have a book from the library for more than 3 months and read 155 pages (this to show that I can not read much more next to the daily Murli), it is called "The Atlantis Blueprint". I find it intresting (healthy too?) to compare Baba's thoughts with others.

What is rubbish? Is the carbon dating method rubbish? Is it trustworthy? I don't know. For me it seems to be not. There are scientists who believe that the ancient Egyptians made use of nuclear power (is there no mention in Indian scripture too? What are 'brahmastras' or something like that?). How can scientists then claim to 'know' time immemorial scince their knowledge depends on the history of radioactivity wich they presume to be stabel during millions of years ...


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