Channelling and Psychics

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double light


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Post06 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I asked once, and was informed that this Destruction was the case a long time ago, but because humanity's consciusness had evolved more the opportuity to Ascend is greater nowadays ... does that sound right? I also must acknowledge and recognise the immense physical changes and upheavals on our planet, that will continue to do so too for a while anyway. I believe this to be a releasing of energy by the earth.

Thanks for exposing it in such way.

As changelings is concerned, as long they inspire Love, illumination it’s sure taking you in the right way. When there is fear and guilt in the blend than it’s probably a warning sign! We're definitely in the middle of an ascending process.

I work with children and I feel very blessed that in this way I can interact with these “new children”, indigo and crystal. Many of them it’s impossible to don’t acknowledge there inner wisdom. They go home and tell their parents how to treat nature, how to recycle and save nature resources, how to be kind with other human beings.

I see it in my daughter as well, she's just 14 months and everyone comments her kind and peaceful nature, her joy, her big eyes. They are becoming more and more and it's our responsibility to support them in the establishment of the new era. :)
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Post06 Jul 2007

double light wrote:As chanellings is concerned, as long they inspire Love, illumination it’s sure taking you in the right way. When there is fear and guilt in the blend than it’s probably a warning sign!

Oh yes! When there is fear and guilt involved then there is defitnley a human being involved in that channeling, as fear, ego and guilt all belong to this 3rd dimension we inhabit. The physical body only exists in 3rd dimension.
I work with children and I feel very blessed that in this way I can interact with these “new children”, indigo and crystal. Many of them it’s impossible to don’t acknowledge there inner wisdom. They go home and tell their parents how to treat nature, how to recycle and save nature resources, how to be kind with other human beings.
I see it in my daughter as well, she's just 14 months and everyone comments her kind and peaceful nature, her joy, her big eyes. They are becoming more and more and it's our responsibility to support them in the establishment of the new era. :)

That's awesome insight Double Light and I now know why you chose such a 'name' to use on this forum. Did you know that Indigo and Crystal children all work spiritually with the Archangel Michael and often with the Ascended Master Kuthumi? (all of higehr dimension ...).

The Rose Quartz crystal and an Amethyst crystal are ideal for these young beautiful and sensitive children (who by the way are often diagnosed with ADD or as hyperactive and placed on Ritalin drugs to control them?) Take great care of them and they will take care of you too ... for they are indded the foreunners of the New Age we all seem talk and dream about.

I've hear mention too of the new 'pearl' children now being born, even more advanced in spiritual ability than the crystals and indigo's ...

Much light to ya ...
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Post20 Aug 2007

From, My Mother, Myself: Female Mystical Identity in Bengali Shaktism by June McDaniel, College of Charleston, Mysticism Group, American Academy of Religion.
In West Bengal, Tantra is a style of worship involving special bija mantras,
visualizations, localization of deities in various parts of the body, sacred objects and
places, and control of natural and supernatural beings and worlds. In the rare situation in
which sexual ritual is practiced, it is performed to conquer desire. According to female
tantrikas interviewed, it is generally needed by males rather than females, as males are
indulged and spoiled as children, and hence they have less ability at renunciation.

Women are more prone to states of love because they are understood to be more permeable than men, being dominated by blood and soft tissue rather than semen and bone. They must try harder to avoid impurity, especially because menstruation is believed to be death impurity, the death blood of the potential fetus.

However, because Bengali Shaktism involves the transformation of death into transcendence- especially in rituals like sava-sadhana or the corpse ritual- death impurity is not a problem for women, and they can participate freely in Kali’s power or shakti. The realization of the goddess’ presence in the woman’s body, as the movement within the heart and the blood in the veins, is a mystical state in itself.

This permeability also makes women more prone to possession, for as women can
be vessels for children, they can also be vessels for deities. The issue is partly who is
possessing a women (some deities are more valued in some villages than in others), and
partly the nature of the possession
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trapped in the medium role

Post20 Aug 2007

Ex- L, as I was reading your post, I remembered an old black/white Indian movie - don't know the title!!, I may still have it on tape- about an Indian young wife that lives in a wealthy extended family. Whilst the husband is away on biz, relatives, and the Father in law in particular, start to believe that she's the incarnation of a deity and that she can perform miracles.

Soon devotees and sick people start queueing up in order to get healed and receive blessings. At his return from a trip, the husband has to face all this madness that's going on. He's skeptical and will have to go against his Father in order to "liberate" the spouse from the spell and role they trapped her into. He lost all conjugal rights, since the wife is no longer such, she 's embodying a goddess. He's a "modern" educated rational guy surrounded by fanatics. He has a hard time convincing her that they should run away together. The lady seems to have lost her will power, she's in between two worlds.

Anyway, right now, the point I find interesting in the story, is the fact that putting a woman on a pedestal in order to worship her, expecting her to play a role assigned to her from which she cannot escape, is another form of slavery. She is forced to play the part and if she fails to perform miracles, she gets abused. A total victim with no free will, no choice. So, like you said in the female gurus topic, educated liberal men, can play an important role as well in women emancipation. At least to open a breach in the old system.

There has been, and there is still in India, a certain number of minor "sandeshi", messenger BK Sisters. I met at least 2. Officially, channelling is not encouraged in the Yagya but it is an undeniable phenomenon. One of those that are accepted or even appreciated by Indian folks but is kept hidden from Western onlookers because it would discredit the organization or raise a lot of suspiciousness in important places. And the BKWSO cannot afford that to happen.

A multifaceted organisation trying hard to keep everybody happy and not to loose consent in the "4 corners" of the world. Tough, risky job.
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Post28 Sep 2007

This is non-BK stuff ... weird, freaky possession and channelling of "Gods" in Thaliand.

What is going on? Is the BK's "God" any more or less than these "Gods" ... even if just a more benign one? I have to admit I lean towards BapDada being a god from some "God Realm" rather than "The God" at present. Similar stuff goes on in India.

double light


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Post28 Sep 2007

Probably ancient cults or rituals created by human beings ... There are very strange things going on on the world. But the human being has free choice to do it or not. To call it God or devil, it's just a way to deny our power and responsability.

The real God, it's the one within, the one that brings joy and enlightenment. As soon as there is suffering and confusion in the blend, then I believe it's the human mind playing it's roll.

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