Psychosis for what?

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Psychosis for what?

Post17 Aug 2007

I believe the BKWSU ruined my life. I was psychotic after 6 months. I went to Madhuban to sort it out. I came back, in retrospect, a nutter and disgraced my fine traditional family religion for that cheap bull ... religion. I had to flee my country and find low paid work in the 3rd world. I am not bitter, we all have free choice but they should accept some responsibility for their nutty teachings. Utter bull ...
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Mr Green


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Re: psychosis for what?

Post17 Aug 2007

jakeyboy wrote:I am not bitter we all have free choice but they should accept some responsibility for their nutty teachings.utter bull/

My friend, all of us here agree with you. Responsibility is what they lack most of all.
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Post17 Aug 2007

jakeyboy wrote:I am not bitter, we all have free choice but they should accept some responsibility for their nutty teachings.

Why not be bitter? ... Try it out ... feel free to express it and see what happens. Just aim it at them not us here! Anger is a natural reaction to be cheated and the fact are, you have been to some degree. We are just trying to work out to what degree.

I mean this seriously. If there were a family of thieves in your community, the community would rise up and chuck them out. People would think that you were good for looking after them. I just feel that all this goodie-goodie-two-shoes stuff is more mind control.

If someone rips you off deliberately ... traumatize them and make sure they do not do it to someone else. Accidents and one thing, the BKWSU operate a concerted plan of action; "secret service" type infiltration, double-speak, dishonesty to dupe folks about who they are and what their agenda is. Blow their cover.

But, please, tell us about your experience. Document it so others can learn from your mistake. What happened to you mentally. This could be very important because we have documented other cases where people went mad.



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Post17 Aug 2007

I am not taking it out on you or anyone else. I went to Madhuiban, realised it for what it was and went straight to Buddhism where there are no lies. So, yes, in a way it was good for me. Madhuban is a prison. No questions, obviously, because there's no answers to non-rational beliefs. Just to see all those sheep to the slaughter blindly following that nonsense makes me fire up.

I am a Catholic but i respect all the old religions and for me Buddhism is true. What i resent is that they can advertise meditation and they are so superior even to Jesus and Buddha are waiting for them. What a joke. What about all the children thay are BRAINWASHING just because they are fried.

Having said that ther was a moment in the canteen at Madhuban where all the old women were preparing vegetables for us to eat that i thought ... this is karma Yoga. But that you can see in many homes in Asia.

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