BKWSU Russia

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BKWSU Russia

Post12 Aug 2007

From the Brahma Kumaris Russia website thanks to the wonder of Google Translation Tools

Questions and answers
Can permanent happiness and satisfaction in a world where so much poverty and violence?

Yes. If human beings full of all forces and virtue, it can bring happiness and satisfaction with their own and other people without being under the negative influence of others. For information on how to bring real benefit to everyone, including himself, can be found in various courses University, and published literature on the subject.

World Spiritual University is a religious organization?

None. The University is a training organization for their work and structure. It is open to people of all religions. The word "spiritual" in the title of the University means that it is knowledge of the soul, its character and role. This knowledge scientifically substantiated and confirmed by experience

All I can learn in the University? And if I average abilities?

The University successfully learn as young as well as older people with a variety of education and attitudes. The proposed method of learning improves memory and understanding of new features. Generally, in any academic success depends on the regularity of the chosen occupation, as well as the determination to achieve the goal.

What is the source of knowledge?

Knowledge Source-immortal, as the eternal human soul. Who is understanding of the world knows that the method of how to make the intelligence people could perceive knowledge. This person is the Supreme Father Superior soul.

How many years has trained at the University and are there any certificate or diploma?

An introductory course lasts for 1.5 months, then one-year intensive course. After graduation rate should be the main course for life and self-development. Duration of course mainly depends on the goals that you set for ourselves.
The University does not issue any certificates or diplomas. Life itself spiritually enlightened person will be the best indication to the other.

Can I improve their health by attending classes at the University?

Health body only if your soul healthy. Spiritual knowledge with practical application makes his mind clear, harmonized relationship with the surrounding community, exempt from the negative habits. These changes, in turn, are a solid foundation of good health.

History and Development
Pradzhapita Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University was founded in 1936 in the city of Hyderabad, Sindh province (now the territory of Pakistan).

Founder of the University - Dada Lekhradzh, better known as Pradzhapita Brahma. Dada Lekhradzh was successful jeweler, with a high moral character, strong character. At 60 years old, he devoted his life to the service of humanity and wealth, becoming a facilitator of the Father Superior Showers for new knowledge.

On the visit of a Japanese opera singer Kayoko Amano
Didi Santosh: Prior to the concert, we showed our guest the art gallery, located in the centre building. When we went into the hall, restaurant means painting the future better world, the Golden Age, which (we know!) will come on this earth, I thought : in the Golden Age is not so much that surrounds us today. There will be violence, cruelty, evil. But there will be? Golden Age, it is simply impossible to imagine without music and singing. And I think that Kayoko play a very important role.
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Post12 Aug 2007

Big BKWSU push on Russian Youth, here (Translation here).
Regional cultural and educational community-based organization, the St. Petersburg Center Brahma Kumaris is active, aimed at social rehabilitation society, the revival of values, harmonious relationships in the family and community, to make moral culture of life.

Youth wing is Petersburgers in age from 18 to 35 years, students and employees, teachers, doctors, businessmen and cultural figures. His spare time was devoted to selfless educational work aimed at spiritual and moral rebirth of the city and the country.

Address : 194354, St. Petersburg, North Avenue, 125438, and Reinsurance
Tel. : 554-88-44, fax : 553-19-14
Internet : http://www.brahmakumarisru.com
E-mail : youth@peterlink.ru


reforming BK

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Post17 Aug 2007

Om Shanti! So what is wrong with Russian BK? I mean what is especially wrong with Russian BK?

Shiv through Shankar.
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Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:So what is wrong with Russian BK? I mean what is especially wrong with Russian BK? Shiv through Shankar.

Beyond indiscriminately accepting the general historical and Murli revision and promoting the usual fictional version the BKWSU has created, the only query I would raise is the "Russianisation" of the imagery, e.g. Golden Age, and the calling on Russian mythology. Is this inline with Shiva's Shrimat? I am suspicious of the removal and hiding of information from large posters such as The Cycle. Beyond that ... My sympathies for being stuck in a cold, mainly poor nation rather than a hot, mainly poor nation.

Its a tough environment where for a long time people were denied spiritual expression. I hope that hunger is not sucked up unethically. I do not blame you for repeating the "received version of the Yagya's history but now that discussion has opened up ... I hope that you can join us attempting to re-create an accurate picture.

If you speak Russian, can you tell us what this is all about? Hey! What horse-radish throw out posts???!!! I AM Shankar !!. I might not seem quite as crazy in Russian and it does in English and it does not seem to be anything to do with the BKWSU. Thanks.


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Post17 Aug 2007

Om Shanti, dear soul. Don't know about Russian mythology etc., it has no sense for Me. Russia is in the middle of two cultures: East and West. They can accept material world as well as spiritual life. Russia is the bridge. That's why there will be a lot of kings among soul in Russians bodies in the next age.

Shiv through Shankar.
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abrahma kumar

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Me & Shiv through Shankar

Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:Om Shanti, dear soul. Don't know about russian mythology etc., it have no sense for Me. Russia is in the middle of two cultures: east and West. They can accept material world as well as spiritual life. Russia is the bridge. Thats why there will be a lot of kings among souls in russians bodies in the next age. Shiv through Shankar.

Dear BKdimok, have been reading your posts with interest.

Is there any significance in the fact that you have used uppercase M in the word Me? And the Shiv through Shankar signoff at the end of your posts, is it a mere affectation?
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Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:That's why there will be a lot of kings among soul in Russians bodies in the next age.

Is that what the BK Sisters tell you? You have Indian BK Sisters out there, don't you?

How much room for how many Kings are there? I have a feeling that there are 'too many chiefs and not Indians' in the BKWSU model.

I was wondering about stuff like this; blond sacred warriors, white and blond deities etc. What feminists would make of this image of heaven ... but let's hear about your time at the have Krishnas, did you still go to the BKs too? Do the two groups get on in Russia?



reforming BK

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Re: Me & Shiv through Shankar

Post17 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Is there any significance in the fact that you have used uppercase M in the word Me? And the Shiv through Shankar signoff at the end of your posts, is it a mere affectation?

Dear soul, Om Shanti. You have intellect and time to find it out.

Shiv through Shankar
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Mr Green


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Re: Me & Shiv through Shankar

Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:Dear soul, Om Shanti. You have intellect and time to find it out.

Give me strength.


reforming BK

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Post17 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Is that what the BK Sisters tell you? You have Indian BK Sisters out there, don't you?

Dear soul, Om Shanti. There will be no Indians or Russians in Golden Age. But here in Russia there are a lot future kings. It depends on individual's personal efforts. May be you was born in a poor African family. But if accordig to Drama you'll get Knowledge, you can achieve king status in Golden Age. It's up to you: make efforts or not.
mr green wrote:give me strength

Ayushtam bhava, dear soul.

Shiv through Shankar
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Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:But if according to Drama you'll get Knowledge, you can achieve king status in Golden Age. It's up to you: make efforts or not.

Dimok, I'd appreciate if you answer my question properly rather than spitting basic Gyan at me. I know Gyan very well.

Let us examine your statement, you say there are going to be many Kings from Russian BKs, so how many Kings are there going to be in the Golden Age?

Is this what the BK Sisters tell you?
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Mr Green


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Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:Ayushtam bhava, dear soul.

It's not working, you sure your doing it right?


reforming BK

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Post17 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Let us examine your statement, you say there are going to be many Kings from Russian BKs, so how many Kings are there going to be in the Golden Age? Is this what the BK Sisters tell you?

Dear soul, I don't listen Sisters from the centre of this town. There will be 16,108 kings in the Golden Age.
mr green wrote:It's not working, you sure your doing it right?

Dear soul, you already have all you need. You have brain, will, body. But also you have one useless thing: a lot of doubts. I hope you will leave them after some time. So, once again, ayushtam bhava. All blessings to you.

Shiv through Shankar
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Mr Green


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Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:Dear soul, you already have all you need. You have brain, will, body. But also you have one useless thing: a lot of doubts. I hope you will leave them after some time. So, once again, ayushtam bhava. All blessings to you.

You also have one useless thing, your mouth.
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Post17 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:There will be 16,108 kings in the Golden Age.

Are you sure?

No. Actually, according to the BKWSU, that is members of all royalty at the start of the Golden Age. So how many are kings and how many queens ... and how many each generation over how many generations?

So how many Kings will there be?

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