Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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Post13 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. You are free to think that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit is the Kans, Ravan, Jarasandh, etc. But I would prefer to be silent on this issue otherwise it would increase your anger and frustration.

No, No, please be open. It will not even slightestly provoke us to be angry with you. We will suitably answer you.
But please think why in spite of all the negative propaganda about Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit and despite his being in jail for a few months, the number of PBKs, including the surrendered Sisters is increasing?

They are not going to gain anything. It is only numbers increasing. In today's kaliyuga garnering numbers is not difficult. Even the most dubious netas collect people.
Why would they like to dedicate their life for someone who is charged with such serious offences and why would they become ready to live at a place which offers negligible/minimum facilities when compared to the BKs? There are such surrendered PBK Sisters also who were offered to be made zonal/center-in-charges by the BKs after they underwent the bhatti at Kampil.

Any change in rut can entice anybody. That's what is happening in Kampil.
Happy bomb-blasts :lol:

Yes it should be really matter of happiness for you. We are ever happy whether on silence or bomb blast. New Knowledge please come back to the forum until they remove your id. Bomb Blast will be over soon. Do not get scared by PBKs. You have to go to truly Divine Lokas.
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Post13 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:Find below the translation of Murli points posted by Sakshi Behn as desired by you. These are some Murli points I m quoting to you do you have the answers to these?

Thank you Beejroop for interpretation. These points I have only seen for the first time. For me it is more reason to have Murlis available for all to study.

Can you tell me which quotes are from Sakar Murli and which from Avyakt Vani? Would the Vishnu Party be willing to make Murlis they have available for all to study?

new knowledge

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Post14 Aug 2007

Dear Admin & respected members of this forum, as the Father Bapuji (Dashrath Patel) ordered me to rejoin this forum, I'll continue posting articles. Really I've got Divine Knowledge from Him & how can I live without sharing that knowledge with you? Sad to say that very few members are interested in new knowledge necessary for the new world. I've not joined this forum for entertainment or time-pass. I am serious here.

Actually you cann't believe that I am 75% blind & I access internet on a mobile phone. Please visualise how difficult & irritating it would be to type lenthy messages on a slow-speed & small device like a mobile phone, especially for a 75% blind person like me. It's really challenging to access internet on a very small screan of mobile phone for a blind person. But for the goodwill of all you & to share divine knowledge with you, I've rejoined this forum.


Post14 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Dear Admin & respected members of this forum, as the Father Bapuji (Dashrath Patel) ordered me to rejoin this forum, I'll continue posting articles.

Well done new knowledge. Keep posting. Your posts are very nice and you can be able to open eyes of many ignorants.

All the best

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abrahma kumar

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Yep, it sure seems like a "good cop/bad cop" situa

Post14 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote: Well done new knowledge. Keep posting. Your posts are very nice and you can be able to open eyes of many ignorants

IMHO it sure seems like a "good cop/bad cop" situation, seemingly ordered by none less a personage than the Supreme Father in Corporeal Form himself. How grand it must be to be ordered about by such a one. In our ignorance we ought to feel truly honoured, I suppose.

Well new knowledge, now that you are back, which one of the previous questions are you going to answer? Or shall we stick to Vishnu Party history lessons? What is the relevance of "Vishnu" in the name of your organisation? From what i have read so far I feel certain that any BK/PBK oriented person would get a very clear at-a-glance appreciation of where you all are coming from if you called yourselves the Sakar Supreme Father Party.

Any chance that Father Bapuji (Dashrath Patel) be asked to consider this name change? Anyways, I guess that nowadys there is nothing much in a name. Even G-O-D gets hijacked by all sorts.

Looking for ward to your continued contributions.


Re: Yep, it sure seems like a "good cop/bad cop" s

Post14 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:IMHO it sure seems like a "good cop/bad cop" situation

So u decide who is good and who is bad. Go within yourself first to see how good/bad u are?
seemingly ordered by none less a personage than the Supreme Father in Corporeal Form himself. How grand it must be to be ordered about by such a one.

Why not? Why are you getting jealous of his personage.
In our ignorance we ought to feel truly honoured, I suppose.

Oh is it tom tomming. We really honour you, my dear, for your grand words( Sarcasm)
Well new knowledge, now that you are back, which one of the previous questions are you going to answer? Or shall we stick to Vishnu Party history lessons?

What history do you want? the one which is preoccupied in your mind. If you know Vishnu Party's history, please come out with proofs.[/quote]
What is the relevance of "Vishnu" in the name of your organisation?

You think yourself
From what I have read so far I feel certain that any BK/PBK oriented person would get a very clear at-a-glance appreciation of where you all are coming from if you called yourselves the Sakar Supreme Father Party. Any chance that Father Bapuji (Dashrath Patel) be asked to consider this name change? Anyways, I guess that nowadys there is nothing much in a name. Even G-O-D gets hijacked by all sorts. Looking forward to your continued contributions.
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abrahma kumar

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Vishnu Party bangs discordant notes against Abeekay's tomtom

Post14 Aug 2007

Beejroop, why do you presume that I know something about the hostory of the Vishnu Party? Beejroop, I know nothing about the Vishnu Party except for that which is discussed on these topics on this forum. It is proving very hard work trying to discsuss anything with you guys because you seem only intent on spreading the Vishnu Party gospel.

I am not interested in becoming a member of the Vishnu Party. I feel no jealousy towards your God. I feel no jealousy towards you for having found your God. I will not apologise for the fact that my "good cop / bad cop" reference went above your head. It was NOT an insult nor was i saying that you or anyone else is a 'bad soul'. I was referring to the roles that yourself and new knowledge seem to be playing over here. Go ask G-O-D if he can explain the good cop / bad cop analogy.

I commend new knowledge on his efforts considering his visual impariment.

I am too soul-weary to say more.


Re: Vishnu Party bangs discordant notes against Abeekay's to

Post14 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Beejroop, why do you presume that I know something about the hostory of the Vishnu Party? Beejroop, I know nothing about the Vishnu Party except for that which is discussed on these topics on this forum. It is proving very hard work trying to discsuss anything with you guys because you seem only intent on spreading the Vishnu Party gospel.

Yes we will talk only Vishnu Party Knowledge for the benefit of millions of viewers
I am not interested in becoming a member of the Vishnu Party.

Most Welcome. One day u will have to surrender in front of Sakar Baap
I feel no jealousy towards your God.

Very Good.
I feel no jealousy towards you for having found your God.

Very Nice.
I will not apologise for the fact that my "good cop / bad cop" reference went above your head.

I very well understand what u want to say. I am not asking an apology from you. Go introspect yourself.
It was NOT an insult nor was I saying that you or anyone else is a 'bad soul'. How shall I know its not an insult. Even if it is an insult , I am immune to it. I was referring to the roles that yourself and new knowledge seem to be playing over here.

So you are perturbed with our role and tend to define it.
Go ask G-O-D if he can explain the good cop / bad cop analogy.

I know your good/bad intentions. No need to ask him.
I commend new knowledge on his efforts considering his visual impariment.

Yes he is commendable.
I am too soul-weary to say more.

I feel pity on your soul-weariness. Why not get some zest by doing Divine Lok Meditation which is being taught by Sakar Maa and Baap (No promotion, just a well wish).
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Post14 Aug 2007

john wrote:Would the Vishnu Party be willing to make Murlis they have available for all to study?

And not forgetting the questions in the midst of the posts.
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Post14 Aug 2007

Can you tell us about the PBKs and the events of 1997? What cause it?

No cheap slanders and attacks please, just the facts.
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Post15 Aug 2007

new_knowledge wrote:Actually you cann't believe that I am 75% blind & I access internet on a mobile phone. Please visualise how difficult & irritating it would be to type lenthy messages on a slow-speed & small device like a mobile phone, especially for a 75% blind person like me. It's really challenging to access internet on a very small screan of mobile phone for a blind person. But for the goodwill of all you & to share divine knowledge with you, I've rejoined this forum.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. I am sorry to hear about your visual problems. I can understand how difficult it could be for you. I would suggest to you to use internet on PCs rather than using internet on mobile phone as it would aggrevate your problem of eyesight. Besides some yogic exercises would also be helpful.
Take care of your eyes.
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Post15 Aug 2007

Dear beejroop Bhai,

Omshanti. I appreciate your love for The Knowledge of Vishnu Party's knowledge and Shri Dashrath Patel. But the kind of language that you have been constantly using has forced me to decide that I would not respond to your posts until I feel the necessity.


new knowledge

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Post15 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I am sorry to hear about your visual problems. I can understand how difficult it could be for you. I would suggest to you to use internet on PCs rather than using internet on mobile phone as it would aggrevate your problem of eyesight. Besides some yogic exercises would also be helpful. Take care of your eyes.

Thanks Arjunbhai.

new knowledge

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Post17 Aug 2007

shivsena wrote:Dear BKs and PBKs.All I can say about the Vishnu Party that it is to be ignored.

And all I can say about your pholosophy of Bindi Shivbap, that is to be ignored. Who is this Bindi Shivbap???
I have been very close to the so-called founders of the Vishnu Party and now the less said of it, the better it is.

! Sorry my Brother. Please share with us the tragedy of your experience with Vishnu Party founders.
The whole party is on the verge of collapsing

Visit Ahmedabad & check out whether Vishnu Party is collapsing or strengthening?
and there are many sub-divisions within the Vishnu Party itself.

To improve my General knowledge, please tell me the names of that subgroups within Vishnu Party.

Dear shivsenabhai, we are not PBKs who have no answers to your queries. This is a foolish quotation from an intelligent person like you.

Take care.
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Post17 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Dear shivsenabhai, we are not PBKs who have no answers to your queries. This is a foolish quotation from an intelligent person like you.

Dear new_Knowledge

Then why is the Vishnu Party very reluctant to answer questions that have been posed to them? Should your walk not be like your talk?

If you do not show that you answer questions why should anyone believe you do?

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