Proof of Golden Age

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bro neo


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Proof of Golden Age

Post08 Aug 2007

Proof of Golden Age (almost)? Its only off by a few thousand years. Why hasn’t the BKWSU clamed this as their beloved land? Anyone know more info on this?

Ancient City Found In India Irradiated By Nuclear Blast 8,000 Years Ago ...
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Post09 Aug 2007

I found this from another website. Seems to me the story was a hoax; Best Evidence?.
Lonar Crater

So, let us discover what might be the best evidence. The first question is whether a Francis Taylor existed. There is a Francis Taylor, an American museum director, who died in 1957. He was not an archaeologist. There is a “Franciscio Taylor”, but he is not the above quoted Francis Taylor.

Not a good start. Sceptics have also wondered whether the ancient atomic warfare is not a modern invention, to deflect attention from a serious – modern – atomic contamination. In 1998, it was reported that an Indian power stations had some major problems. One had an incident in which 2000 workers became exposed to excess radiation, 300 of which had to be hospitalised.

Surendra Gadekar also investigated the conditions of villagers at Rawatbhatta in Rajasthan and discovered gross radiation-related deformities. We note that Rawatbhatta is in the same region as the discovery of the “ancient warfare” site. But Gadekar did not find evidence of ancient warfare, but evidence of modern negligence: wood that had been used in the power plant, had then “somehow” made his way into society, where it was subsequently used as wood for a fire. This in itself was a minor incident, but could there have been more serious incidents, whereby it was decided to deflect attention from the present to the ancient past?

We thus find that there no newspapers carried the story of the discovery. The Indian archaeological authorities are not aware of the story. And there is a government laboratory in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Might something have gone wrong in the latter?

The nuclear facility at Rawatbhatta

With the above objections, the case for the best evidence has become more controversial than a clean-cut case. But in a case such as an ancient high tech civilisation, this should not come as a surprise. Rome was not built in one day, and arguing for or against the case of an ancient highly advanced civilisation will not take any less time.

There should also not be a rush to judgment: the case for ancient warfare in India is currently better than any contradictory evidence. The bodies of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro remain a mystery, whether or not the other radioactive site turns out to be modern or ancient. The anomalous crater adds power to the possibility. Finally, the fact that all these enigmas are within one general region (as opposed to scattered across the world) adds further weight to the case ... but then this should be expected if we might consider this case to be the best evidence.

The problem of the “best evidence” is often that it sounds too good to be true. That is either because it is, or because it is indeed the "best evidence". And only careful analysis of the evidence will reveal what it is ...
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bro neo


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Post10 Aug 2007

Thanks tinydot. We're all probably part of some computer simulation anyways :lol: :cry:.
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Post10 Aug 2007

Did the BKs ever publish that book a London BK was working on to collate all the scientific anomalies with evolutions and carbon dating?

The timeline on the ancient Harrapanian cities like Kalibangan, Harappa and Mohendro-daro are generally between 1,000 BC and 3500 BC (which by 5,000 Year Cycle BK lore would mean that they exist in their prime populated state now). Some say 4,000 Years to 5,000 Years. This is generally dismissed with the old "Nuclear reactors and hi-tech war at the end of the Silver Age/beginning of Copper Age" theory. That matches this story above.

But, how could these cities be Silver Aged if they are built out of bricks and mud and have open gutters? Or if they are Copper Aged and on, how could they have existed for so many years and then been distroyed? Interestingly, they also have their own written language which is not Hindi. There is evidence they ate meat and fish and worshipped Mother Goddesses, Agni and Pashupati.

In India, much of recent archeological finds have not been fully published yet, and most of this is happeing in the Sindhi area just up the Indus River from Lekhraj Kirpalani's old house. Recently, in Europe, more than 150 large temples, constructed between 4800 BC and 4600 BC, have recently been unearthed in fields and cities in Germany, Austria and Slovakia which predate the pyramids in Egypt by some 2,000 years.
bro neo wrote:We're all probably part of some computer simulation anyways.

Its true. When we die, we do not see a tunnel of light ... this is what we get.



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Post10 Aug 2007

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Very GOOD.
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bro neo


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Post12 Aug 2007

I guess this means God really is Bill Gates.

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