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abrahma kumar

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The demise of the Forum as we have known it?

Post08 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:We will not state like God ( Mr. Patel). We will say Parampita Shiv Baba (You should understand yourself) and Paramatama (Supreme Soul, Brahma, Big Mother) You should understand Sushama Maa). So in Ahmedabad both Parampita and Paramatma ( Mat Pita ) are there. We will not quote them as you wish. Please do not dictate Mr. Administrator BBYSOP.
beejroop wrote:The forum protocol is not acceptable to Vishnu Party

What?! Am i seeing right? Somebody is telling the forum adminstrator that the forum protocol is unnacceptable? Jesus H Christ! Well I never. I am sorry but that just is not on. Yes, the answer is to ignore such bigoted nonsense but I am done with staying silent in the face of such pig-headed ignorance. It is our silence that allows these fraudulent God-men to ride roughshod all over us.

So if you do not like the rules go spend some money on a loud hailer and spout your oblox elsewhere out in the physical world. Who the **** do you think you are to come over here and tell them what should happen? Do you think that by prefacing your address to the administrator with the word Mr. it makes you appear mannerly?! Who on earth is gonna join your party when your bigotry is so nakedly displayed. And yes the forum Admin may ban me from posting stuff like this, so be it.

Only yesterday i was observing the goings on on this topic and felt like ironically posting a remark to the effect that the Vishu Party should upload a picture of a plaque celebrating the fact that the forum is now an officially sanctioned Vishnu Party Centre; the BKs have such plaques maybe Sakshi Delhi can ask her minions to put a picture together so that we can all see that this part of the web site belongs to them. What nonsense. Anyway i did predict that this would become a ghetto. It stinks.
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Post09 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Brother John, the term 'Supreme' indicates 'uniqueness', so when we call 'the Supreme Father' then it means there is only one Supreme Father, then it is not necessary to idenfy him by his bodily name.

The thing is not everybody has accepted Mr Patel as the Supreme Father. Therefore it cannot be used as a universal term on this forum like, say for example, "the Queen of England" which would be acceptable because everybody accepts who is the Queen of England.

If there were more than one Queen of England a name would have to be added with it to clarify which one was being talked about.

new knowledge

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Post09 Aug 2007

Dear bro John, if I use the terms like ShivBaba (the Supreme Father), God (the Supreme Father), then it would be sufficient, as there may be no any confussion to understand the meaning of 'the Supreme Father'.

Please let us permit not to personify Him, though He is in corporeal state now. Respected administrators may suggest substitute name for Him, without using bodily names. Newcommers may confuse & misunderstand Him by bodily names.
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Post09 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Respected administrators may suggest substitute name for Him, without using bodily names. Newcomers may confuse & misunderstand Him by bodily names.

How about this: "Supreme Father in a body named Patel"


Post09 Aug 2007

tinydot wrote:How about this: "Supreme Father in a body named Patel"

Not accepted


Re: The demise of the Forum as we have known it?

Post09 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:What?! Am I seeing right? Somebody is telling the forum adminstrator that the forum protocol is unnacceptable? Jesus H Christ! Well I never. I am sorry but that just is not on. Yes, the answer is to ignore such bigoted nonsense but I am done with staying silent in the face of such pig-headed ignorance. It is our silence that allows these fraudulent God-men to ride roughshod all over us. So if you do not like the rules go spend some money on a loud hailer and spout your oblox elsewhere out in the physical world. Who the ****

We are not going to be dictated by your administrator and mind your language.
do you think you are to come over here and tell them what should happen? Do you think that by prefacing your address to the administrator with the word Mr. it makes you appear mannerly?! Who on earth is gonna join your party when your bigotry is so nakedly displayed.

Whether you join or not joined , we are least bothered, at least message of Parampita ShivBaba has reached your dullhead. And yes the forum Admin may ban me from posting stuff like this, so be it. Well that forum Admin has to decide.
Only yesterday I was observing the goings on on this topic and felt like ironically posting a remark to the effect that the Vishu Party should upload a picture of a plaque celebrating the fact that the forum is now an officially sanctioned Vishnu Party Centre

True, each day of ours is a celebration and we celebrate trillion of years in Paramdham and in divine lok. If you are also interested to celebrate your everyday meet Parampita and Paramatma in Ahmedabad.
the BKs have such plaques maybe Sakshi Delhi can ask her minions to put a picture together so that we can all see that this part of the web site belongs to them. What nonsense. Anyway I did predict that this would become a ghetto. It stinks.

So you are repenting now to unlock Vishnu Party's posts. You did it. We did not ask for it. Means unconsciously you are accepting us.
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abrahma kumar

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Abek's language towards the Vishnu Party

Post09 Aug 2007

My vocabulary is far more extensive and my imaginative more creative than those bleeped words that you no doubt guessed it. However, I felt no reason to sugar-coat my outrage at the bare-faced cheek of your communication with the forum Admin, and by extension with every one of us here who abides by the rules. I knew that the forum software was going to edit my words.

Once again I offer the opinion that the Vishnu Party's behaviour on this site is very, very informative. Every time I look at what is going on over here I marvel at the insights that you all are giving us into the real truth behind the facade of your enlightened demeanor and knowledge. For all your mathematical formulae and theories, you are a still a bunch of people who believe in belief and it is this alone that forms the basis of your convictions and answers to the questions that are put to you.

If the forum Admin wishes to entertain folk like you here then it is up to them, however you have got to understand that by having a presence on this site you are 'fair-game' to any crackpot that comes along and chooses to contribute. If I so choose I can play the role of that crackpot. Anyone who reads your Vishnu Party reply can see that all you folk are interested in is broadcasting your oblox. I will not allow my mind to deterred from the opinion that you are a danger to humanity.

Once again, it is so informative the way that you god-obsessed folk bandy about the assertion that those who question your views are somehow 'repenting' or will one day repent if they do not see the light. Human fear is what you all feed upon and become intoxicated through. However I have no fear upon which you can fatten yourself and so i will not back down from engaging with you.

As for me repenting about the re-opening of the Vishnu Party topics, please do not kid yourself. My views about you all are expressed very publicly on the site. Actually, I can take a bet that you Vishnu Party people will forever be walking a very fine line in terms of your conduct over here and whether or not you continue to be welcome contributors. If ever this topic is closed again it will be because of your own conduct. So be sure that your fortunes over here are in your own hands.

I do not want to get a reputation for conducting some sort crazy, obsessive crusade against the Vishnu Party but of all the organisations represented on this forum i find your style most repulsive. So go in peace and recruit those who have got more sense than me.
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Post09 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:Not accepted

If it's not accepted, then why did your ShivaBaba get a name like Patel?

Does he get lokik mail and correspondence as ShivaBaba Supreme Father or Mr Dashrath Patel, please try and be honest with your reply. Only Vishnu Party members will Say ShivaBaba, of which I am sure there is only a handful.

The rest of the 6.5 Billion in the world will only say Mr Patel, only we on the forum will allow more and that is ShivaBaba (Mr Patel).


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Post09 Aug 2007

Humble pie is hard for some.


Post09 Aug 2007

john wrote:If it's not accepted, then why did your ShivaBaba get a name like Patel? Does he get lokik mail and correspondence as ShivaBaba Supreme Father or Mr Dashrath Patel, please try and be honest with your reply. Only Vishnu Party members will Say ShivaBaba, of which I am sure there is only a handful. The rest of the 6.5 Billion in the world will only say Mr Patel, only we on the forum will allow more and that is ShivaBaba(Mr Patel).

Whether you accept him as ShivBaba is immaterial for me. But do not dictate us as you are also not listening to us and just confronting us.


Post09 Aug 2007

bansy wrote:Humble pie is hard for some.

Why should you expect humility from us when you are not displaying the same?

We are divinely powerful and we are going to be divine. This statement does not need humility in front of you confrontationists


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Post09 Aug 2007

Why should you expect humility from us

So are you able to read my mind, who says I am or no expecting any humilty from you?

BTW, just assisting in your need to shout by using large bold fonts.
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Post09 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:Whether you accept him as ShivBaba is immaterial for me. But do not dictate us as you are also not listening to us and just confronting us[/b][/color]

It seems like you have made you mind up to come onto the forum to do battle, I think you are being extremely defensive without realising it.

All Admin is really saying is that there is a rule to help ALL forum users find clarity and be able to follow the threads.
We are divinely powerful and we are going to be divine.

Then why not use your divine powers to create a VishnuParty forum and draw in everyone that way?

In the UK there is a gesture that womenfolk do to men who try to parade a powerful status, it is waving the little finger with a grin.


Re: Abek's language towards the Vishnu Party

Post09 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:My vocabulary is far more extensive

Keep it with yourself.
and my imaginative more creative

I do not bother your creativity if you do not accept ours.
than those bleeped words that you no doubt guessed it. May be bleeped for you However, I felt no reason to sugar-coat my outrage
I expect bitter coat only from you.
at the bare-faced cheek of your communication

Yes I need not be articulate if I am speaking truth
with the forum Admin, and by extension with every one of us here who abides by the rules.

You follow the dictation.
I knew that the forum software was going to edit my words.
Once again I offer the opinion that the Vishnu Party's behaviour on this site is very, very informative.

So what!!
Every time I look at what is going on over here I marvel at the insights that you all are giving us into the real truth behind the facade of your enlightened demeanor and knowledge. For all your mathematical formulae and theories, you are a still a bunch of people who believe in belief

Yes, mathematics and belief both are required to understand total knowledge. Whats harm in it and it is this alone that forms the basis of your convictions and answers to the questions that are put to you.
If the forum Admin wishes to entertain folk like you here then it is up to them

Why are you cribbing?
however you have got to understand that by having a presence on this site you are 'fair-game' to any crackpot that comes along and chooses to contribute.

So are you.
If I so choose I can play the role of that crackpot.

Please play and confirm that you are an Asur.
Anyone who reads your Vishnu Party reply can see that all you folk are interested in is broadcasting your oblox. I will not allow my mind to deterred from the opinion that you are a danger to humanity. Once again, it is so informative the way that you god-obsessed folk bandy

Yes, we are.
About the assertion that those who question your views are somehow 'repenting' or will one day repent if they do not see the light. Human fear is what you all feed upon and become intoxicated through. However I have no fear upon which you can fatten yourself and so I will not back down from engaging with you. As for me repenting about the re-opening of the Vishnu Party topics, please do not kid yourself.

You may think I am kidding
My views about you all are expressed very publicly on the site. Actually, I can take a bet that you Vishnu Party people will forever be walking a very fine line in terms of your conduct over here and whether or not you continue to be welcome contributors.

We know for irrational guys like you we will never be welcomedBecause you are behaving like kauravas who do not want to listen to Pandavas
Please do not preach conduct to us. Correct your conduct first
If ever this topic is closed again it will be because of your own conduct.

We do not bother and we are not dependent on site. Please do not overrate yourself
So be sure that your fortunes over here are in your own hands.

Do not threaten us
I do not want to get a reputation for conducting some sort crazy, obsessive crusade against the Vishnu Party

Thank you very much for the courtesy offered but you have already got that reputation
but of all the organisations represented on this forum I find your style most repulsive. So go in peace and recruit those who have got more sense than me
Please do not advise whom to recruit and whom not to recruit. We are not marketing ourselves as you think. You are judging my style . Thank you very much. It may be repulsive for you as I am very straightforward to guys like you.You are still at a very shallow level as your negativity is being reflected from yourown style itself.


Post09 Aug 2007

john wrote:Then why not use your divine powers to create a VishnuParty forum and draw in everyone that way?

It is working silently. You will see the results in time. Everyone will not come to Vishnuparty. We are not willing to rule the earth like PBKs and BKs.

In the UK there is a gesture that womenfolk do to men who try to parade a powerful status, it is waving the little finger with a grin.

You may like to quote anything you want. Up to you.

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