Emotional Mental and Psycho-Spiritual Technology

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Emotional Mental and Psycho-Spiritual Technology

Post12 May 2007

Something I’ve been working on. This is a systematic comprehensive course of the best technologies I have encountered on my path for the truth. Some of them as they are and some of them with a twist.

I have put them in an order that I feel is best digestible and beneficial for people with problems due to the whole not knowing what the full dynamics of reality are. Me included. EMP can be done by anyone as a means of self exploration and spiritual enlightenment as well.

As best as I could, I kept anything and everything that had to do with dogmas and non-empirically experiencible truths out of this; everything in this course can be validated by our own experience. Thus this course is truly gnostic in the since that we seek to uncover the truth inside our selves. This is not to be confused with Gnostism although I have incorporated some elements from that spirituality here.

I expect EMP to go through some alterations as it is being developed and improved. I would be delighted to see others making their own technology in this way. The format of EMP as I see it now is a journey of self exploration going through 3 levels (emotional mental and psycho-spiritual) 3 times. Each time there will be different technologies to learn and put into use, and after all levels are completed we can always start from level 1 again for a more profound experience.

I expect a graduation to be possible from this course. The graduation is when an individual starts to receive insights via dreams, meditation, trance etc, and they are compelled to have faith in these insights above all logic. This is called a graduation because the insights gained from this point on is outside the experience of EMP and falls into a category of a spiritual guru, shaman, medium, false prophet, con-man etc. I also call this a graduation because it’s a nice way to define someone who has either gone loony or has becomed enlighten, who really knows. Once someone starts talking about stuff we can’t verify from our own logical experience it is outside EMP and we should be very judgmental and discriminate, e.g. past lives, heaven and hell, God, visions of the future, etc.

Level 1 EMP
    Emotional Development:
    Sedona Method basic (in original format)

    Mental Development:
    12 step work with related 12 step meetings (modified)

    Meditation experience of self (specially developed)
Level 2 EMP
    Emotional Development:
    Sedona Method advanced (in original format)

    Mental Development:
    Einstein Factor (in original format)

    A specially developed system similar to Fung Shui
Level 3 EMP
    Emotional Development:
    The secret
    Relative study on how emotions effect reality and self : (more references with good scientific research needed)

    Mental Development:
    Self programming (Brain wave generator plus recorded guided self hypnosis recording)

    Energy Healing (modified)
    Out of body experiences (Brain wave generator or possibly Hemi-Sync)
Discussion and explanations will come.
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Post26 May 2007

The more I thought about it the more complex it got. I realized that the EMP lacked 2 fundamental levels: physical reality and personal relationships. I also thought of some other stuff that should be included within the other levels. Way to much

EMP, as par the Matrix definition, is meant to be quick, easy and super effective. So scrap the above.

Yeah, its way to complex for anyone whose not sold their soul to an NDE. A much simpler version would be just a round of Emotional: Sedona method, Mental: Einstein Factor, and Personal Relationships: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

That's an EMP that can sort out any fresh meat on the ex-cult circuit. All the other stuff is just for perfectionists who need to know.
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Post08 Jul 2007

Do you have panic attacks? I thought I did not. Then had a chance a month or so ago to listen to some of Lucinda Bassett's tapes on anxiety and stress.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is something that supposedly a lot of people suffer from and it's really hard to diagnose. Sure, it may just be another label for people who don't feel perfect but I am really glad I white-knuckled through listening through some of the material.

GAD, (he he, next they’ll have GOD, Generalized Odor Disorder) is basically people who just either get really depressed, stressed out or angry, and then get physical symptoms due to it.

A lot of doctors cannot find the cause for problems (such as passing out all the time, have IBS and not being able to leave their house without freaking out) people have so the docs just give the people tons of medications. The problem, as Lucinda and all the docs and research behind her says, is about negative self talk. (I just know a BK is going to read this and have a field day with creating a new version of the positive thinking course.) :evil:

But yeah, it's pretty much the positive thinking course. I tend to get really down, when I do get down, and loose my luster for all things under the sun. Just getting this tiny bit of scientific info has helped me realize what my cause was. The inner talk. So anyways, I've been more cautious about minding the way the language is in my self and it has helped a lot.

The stuff I listened to was a bit hard to sit through, but this one insight was as valuable as the Sedona method for me. Hope it can be of use to you too.
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inner talks

Post10 Jul 2007

Thank you! Good tip, paying attetion to our inner talk.

If I quickly do some self observation about that, I can immediately notice I am not that sweet or empowering to myself. And also, I tend to be repetitive and boring. And inner talk can be very subtle, is not it? Like the internal images we have of ourselves that can work as curses to get us stuck. So, once more, before expecting anything from friends, I should make sure that my mind should be my best friend!!
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Post10 Jul 2007

Yeah alladin, most people focus almost all of their attention on the external world with most of their actions a manifestation of their inner programming. We meditators who have spent hundreds of hours trying to understand, classify and manage our inner worlds are different in the sense that at least we are much more aware of these 2 aspects of reality.

When I first took the 7 day course I thought I had found the absolute understanding of inner reality.

What was the secret of the Holy Grail according to that movie that was made in the 80’s, Excalibur? Something like, "That the king and land are one."

When I finally let myself see that in the BKWSU so much perfection lacked in the external form of the teachers who have been practicing Raja Yoga their whole lives, I was immensely disturbed about the validity of the teaching of Raja Yoga as being a sound map of the internal worlds of human beings. The land (bodies and actions) lacked supreme order in my mind so the king (souls governing the bodies in question) must lack the level of order that Raja Yoga claims to have as well.

OK, Raja Yoga explains this with Karma. Sorry I don't buy it. Show me the reincarnation theories of Karma in a controlled laboratory experiment and I might take out my American Express.

I have maintained the same view of Raja Yoga and its theories ever since I decided to part from it. It could be real. I could be wrong. But it is not for me. Not right now. I need to find truth that I can hold, that can answer my questions, and can satisfy my gonads.

I used to teach others about the facts of reincarnation and karma, (most of which was from Jagdish's books) but now a days as I look at it with a critical eye, these 'facts' can be explained away with the concept that perhaps people are just connecting to some aspect of the collective unconscious or some emotional or psychic energy which is residue in matter.

This is why I am sharing with others some of the mental, emotional and relationship technologies that I have found to have a very sound basis in which we can experiment and experience for our selves a hands on level of what reality is and how to thrive and flourish in it.

In regards to GAD, I listened to another tape (part of it) yesterday which was about expectations. People who have GAD or just get stressed our frustrated or depressed a lot tend to have unrealistic expectations for the 2 levels of reality. This is a huge problem. Expecting too much is the problem, the solution was just letting go of expectations or making them more realistic. Again the problem is about our inner programming, our map of the world.

What I loved contemplating on when I was in Raja Yoga was the Trimurti Stage and the Karmateet Stage. Seeing the 3 aspects of time and being Egoless, Viceless and Incorporeal. I also loved the stage of being detached and loving, which I tried to practice as much as possible.

When I left Raja Yoga I stopped thinking about these stages for the most part partially maybe because I wanted to just disassociate myself from all things Raja Yoga and partly because of arrogance and hubris. But Detachment is a huge quality to nurture, and being able to be Loving at the same time is truly great.
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Post08 Aug 2007

First the E in EMP.

IMO, the emotional aspect of being is the most important. It seems to have the most hold over our perceptions and decisions. It is very true that a lot of people consider themselves to not be very emotional or even unemotional, but this doesn’t mean emotions don’t play a huge part in everyone’s life.

Our emotions are controlled by a sorta primitive brain at the base of neck or something, I am just saying this from memory, but its what I heard on a tape about emotional intelligence from that famous guy… what’s his name. Anyways, I also heard on a Deepak Chopra tape that it’s taught in medical school that the lymphatic brain controls our 4 basic needs that all begin with F: feeding, fighting, fleeing and the act of procreation that males and females do with one another and is associated with baby making. So even if a person may consider him/herself unemotional, the emotional brain is still a very dominate force when it comes to where our impulses and desires come from.

Emotion (energy in motion) is indeed chalked full of information. When emotion is suppressed it doesn’t move and seems to just accumulate. In Reiki and other energy healing therapies, we are taught that emotions cause energy blockages in our bodies, and by releasing the negative energy and restoring balance to our energy field we can find peace, joy and good health. This may be all very abstract, by who can say stress isn’t a prime cause of heart disease?

Sedona Method is an excellent technology that teaches a very good, simple (and over priced) technology for how to get valuable insights from the emotions we have trouble feeling and/or are dominated by. It also theorizes how bad habits are fuelled by emotional patterns and how by being free of these emotional patterns we gain freedom from addictions.

My favorite thing about Sedona Method is that it teaches about the 3 main desires/belief systems in us humans that are the source of emotions: survival-security, approval-love, and control. I remember as a BK listening to Jagdish Bhai’s classes on these types of topics absolutely spellbound as he would classify these seemingly intangible things into nice neat little categories. Needless to say, my neat little classifications of what is, flew out the window when I left the BKWSU. Sedona Method is a tec that I see doing this to our emotional aspect of being. There are others of course, I think Brian Tracy has something, but this is the best I’ve found so far.
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Post08 Aug 2007

bro neo wrote:OK, Raja Yoga explains this with Karma. Sorry I don't buy it. Show me the reincarnation theories of Karma in a controlled laboratory experiment and I might take out my American Express.

I keep asking this same question to stunning silence; not 'what is karma?' but 'Where is Karma?'

Through which medium does karma work and how does it effect? I do not deny Newtonian physics but there is no imperial medium present for it to work. I think it has been misplaced in the West as the Gurus piggybacked onto scientific cause and effect ideas. Newtonian mechanics do not always work in the quanta, so what does where?

For me, the theory of "Karma" is a sign post that says, "You can stop thinking here and go back to Yoga/sleep". A mental-plug, a worthy tool of social control but, frankly, no more real as described than the bogeyman living under your bed and who is out to get you if you are bad.

Its probably off topic but I am interested in individual's visions and understanding of it. The truth has to be deeper but my feeling is that as we atoms, not atmas, are propelled through the cosmos by some tremendous explosion half an eternity ago ... I think life is a lot more random and out of our control than folks realise.
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Post09 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I keep asking this same question to stunning silence; not 'what is karma?' but 'Where is Karma?'

I don't know either. The only thing I know is it works through our conscience. And people with little conscience may be affected by karmic effects a little, also. So if those BKs were not affected by the deceit they have created, it is because they have little conscience. The only HOPE I have is that conscience is eternal and it carries the negative impressions of karma.

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Post10 Aug 2007

Karma is definitely a very successful psychological remedy for countless psychological disorders for those who believe it. There is no inner child work, preying for the willingness to forgive, talk therapy about the past etc. Just, "You did this to them in a previous life and now they’re getting back at you so just accept and be good from now on and in your next life you will be royalty. In the meantime we won’t have to worry with your psychoses and you can clean our toilets in peace."

God forbid believers start questioning "The Law", then all hell will break loose.
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Post10 Aug 2007

bro neo wrote:Karma is definitely a very successful psychological remedy for countless psychological disorders for those who believe it.

Karma is definitely a very successful psychological technique for inducing countless psychological disorders for those who wish to cripple others.
    "The bogeyman is out to get you for being bad"
    "Your karma is out to get you for being bad"
What is the difference?

Note, I am not say that there is not some kind of effect at work; I am just pointing out how superstition is used in cultic environments by a few to control a many. If individuals within that many, say the community of Brahma Kumari followers, suffer from psychological disorders such as ADHD, compulsive obsessiveness, neurosis, pathologic insecurities or religious supersitious; an ethical question arise about its use. That is to say, the exploitation of mental illness or conditioning within the followers. Statistically, at least, we can be assured that there are such individuals within the Brahma Kumari followers. I know of number of such cases within the BKWSU sphere.

Note also that I include "religious supersitious" as a mental disorder often deliberately induced by families and other communities. Of course, it is a very profitable mental disorder for those in positions of power within religious communities who lead their followers to believe that by giving them their money, it and "their karma" can be purified. Here I am questing the exploitation of the Hindi sanskar to give money to "the temple" or "priest"
    So where is this "karma"?
    Where does it go after it has been "purified"?
    What gives these specific individuals the ability to purify money and others karma when others do not have it?
    Are the Brahma Kumaris proven to "purify" money better than others?
Please note, I have been empowered by the administrators of this website with the elevated gift of being able to purify you and your money. All you have to do is send me used, unmarked $100 dollar bills, one for each year of your physical age, to the following PO Box number ...

As an aside, I would like to underline that the Brahma Kumaris have not miraculously made new money from this "Karma cleaning project", what they mainly have done across their organization is remove it from the "Hindu Temple Economy" (and probably other religions or charities) where, my feeling is, at least some of it went to practical projects such as feeding and educating the poor. Sometimes in quite considerable lumps.
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Post10 Aug 2007

Good point.
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excuses for abusing others

Post10 Aug 2007

I totally agree with Tinydot:

Any philosophy can be misused, and BKs are masters of manipulation.
In Buddhism too, there's the teaching that we do not have to "accept" any garbage or sorrow from others. Well, if I live in a refugee camp in Darfur, there is not much that I can do in order to be happy and not take sorrow. Although on a subtle level, it's true that I can control my mind and decide to limit the damage I am suffering. I can be in jail or wherever , and try to make the best out of it or allow depression to take me over. So, we should be kings of ourselves and feel our cleanliness and happiness regardless of the s*** others throw on us.
This does not authorize abusers to mistreat anyone. But for BKs, good Gyan points such as " self sovereignity" becomes twisted and provide plenty excuses for the powerful ones to abuse others. So, I have been a bastard, I used u, ill treated u, slandered u, stolen from u, cheated u, made u suffer? I can get away with it, no responsability! It's your problem if u took suffering, it's your karma. And God will put it all right. Eventually.... Look for benefit in that scene of the Drama! Every one has a different part in the play, I am the bad one, u are a buddhu. U clean the toilets and I eat the whole pie, with SS approval. If u are stuck in a child role and used as a doormat by those who are acting as "masters", it's your choice, your own interpretation of humility+obedience. :roll: See, there's a lot of cynicism, in this sect, better not to imbibe it!!

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