Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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sakshi delhi

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welcome to new member

Post07 Aug 2007

param shanti,

welcome to this forum dear Brother "new world" and beejroop .

Dear administrators & respected members of this forum, you always complain that this party never give answer due to poor English. Now you will glad to see these post by our member. i hope we can discuss only point of divine knowledge.

Now our site is going to convert in English so that you can get benefit of new knowledge for new world.

param shanti
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Re: new_knowledge for new_world

Post07 Aug 2007

new_knowledge wrote:I am (better to say 'was') 'new_world' converted into 'new_knowlfge', due to changes in my attitudes after my one day visit to Vishnu Party headquarter, Ahmedabad on 3rd August 2007.

Congratulations ex new_world, now new_knowledge on becoming Vishnu Party member
Misgivings like why she is misguiding poor BKs by not making them understand the true knowledge

Is she purposefully hiding knowledge to misguide students?
The one which was told by ShivBaba through Divine Vision to Piu's soul and later Dada Lekhraj

So you mean ShivBaba only gave Divine Visions rather than speak Murli himself and the souls of Piu and Dada Lekhraj gave their own interpretation? Was Piu SevakRam, the business partner of Dada Lekhraj?


Re: new_knowledge for new_world

Post07 Aug 2007

john wrote:So you mean ShivBaba only gave Divine Visions rather than speak Murli himself

the souls of Piu and Dada Lekhraj gave their own interpretation?

was Piu SevakRam, the business partner of Dada Lekhraj?

That's not sure, PBKs claim him to be Sewak Ram who is currently Veerendra Dixit. Will tell you at right moment who Piu was.
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Re: new_knowledge for new_world

Post07 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:I am (better to say 'was') 'new_world' converted into 'new_knowledge', due to changes in my attitudes after my one day visit to Vishnu Party headquarter, Ahmedabad on 3rd August 2007.

I do not want to spoil things but its was pretty obvious from the start 'new knowledge' ... Let's be honest, the PBKs and Vishnu Party has "history". I hope you guys can get over it, be open and become normal. The Vishnu Party has to realise that they did themselves no favors by their initial conduct which was, I believe, caused by all this previous "history". I guess you just wanted to keep it quiet because you thought we would reject you if you were Vishnu Party. Its not true. It was the conduct of others we rejected.

We appreciate your involvement but please understand our attention is mostly regarding the BKWSU and help us document it. This is not a rejection of your beliefs nor "The Truth". The best example to give is often to help others which the burden they are carrying ... not give them a new one.
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Re: new_knowledge for new_world

Post07 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:
john wrote:So you mean ShivBaba only gave Divine Visions rather than speak Murli himself

What Visions did Piu have ... and has anybody got/read any Piu Vanis?

In what year did Mr Patel realise he was ShivaBaba?
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abrahma kumar

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Yes, I am breaking the rules by duplicate posting

Post08 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:We will not state like God ( Mr. Patel). We will say Parampita Shiv Baba(You should understand yourself) and Paramatama (Supreme Soul, Brahma, Big Mother)You should understand Sushama Maa). So in Ahmedabad both Parampita and Paramatma (Mat Pita) are there. We will not quote them as you wish. Please do not dictate Mr. Administrator BBYSOP.

The forum protocol is not acceptable to Vishnu Party

What?! Am i seeing right? Somebody is telling the forum adminstrator that the forum protocol is unnacceptable? Jesus H Christ! Well I never. I am sorry but that just is not on. Yes, the answer is to ignore such bigoted nonsense but I am done with staying silent in the face of such pig-headed ignorance. It is our silence that allows these fraudulent God-men to ride roughshod all over us.

So if you do not like the rules go spend some money on a loud hailer and spout your oblox elsewhere out in the physical world. Who the **** do you think you are to come over here and tell them what should happen? Do you think that by prefacing your address to the administrator with the word Mr. it makes you appear mannerly?! Who on earth is gonna join your party when your bigotry is so nakedly displayed. And yes the forum Admin may ban me from posting stuff like this, so be it.

Only yesterday i was observing the goings on on some of these topics and felt like ironically posting a remark to the effect that the Vishu Party should upload a picture of a plaque celebrating the fact that the forum is now an officially sanctioned Vishnu Party Centre; the BKs have such plaques maybe sakshi Delhi can ask her minions to put a picture together so that we can all see that this part of the web site belongs to them. What nonsense. Anyway i did predict that it would become a ghetto. It stinks.

new knowledge

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Parmatmic Bonb

Post08 Aug 2007

Baba Virendra Dev Dixit for the first time in the history of BKWSU world declared that Avyakt Vanis are not direct spoken versions of God Shiva (the Supreme Father). Now the time has arrieved to go a step ahead. As a member of Vishnu Party (Ahmedabad), I dare to declare that not only Avyakt Vanis but Sakar Murlis are also not direct spoken versions of ShivBaba (the Supreme Father). Avyakt Vanis as well as Sakar Murlis are\were delivered by Lekhraj Brahma (through God rays).

I do not wish to dominate Sakar Murlis & Avyakt Vanis, but they are not direct Shrimat. It is stated in Murli that 'Murli Baap ko pahechaannay kee laathee hain' means through Murlis (& Avyakt Vanis) we can identify the Supreme Father, but all and all secrets of knowledge are not hidden in Murlis & Avyakt Vanis. So many times it is stated in Murlis 'Baap baith samjhaate hai' meaning the (Supreme) Father teaches us face to face. Thus Shrimat is received from the Father sitting before Him face to face. Now is reading printed Murlis & Avyakt Vanis equivalent to direct versions of the Supreme Father, i e, Shrimat, received by sitting before him face to face???
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Re: Parmatmic Bonb

Post08 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:I do not wish to dominate Sakar Murlis & Avyakt Vanis, but they are not direct Shrimat. It is stated in Murli that 'Murli Baap ko pahechaannay kee laathee hain' means through Murlis (& Avyakt Vanis) we can identify the Supreme Father, but all and all secrets of knowledge are not hidden in Murlis & Avyakt Vanis. So many times it is stated in Murlis 'Baap baith samjhaate hai' meaning the (Supreme) Father teaches us face to face.

If Sakar Murli and Avyakt Vani are not Shrimat, then why bother to quote from them?

If they have no authority why even bother wasting your time reading them?

new knowledge

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Post08 Aug 2007

My dear bro John, the Confluence Age comprises of Adi, Madhya & Anth (beginning, middle & end). And it is stated in Murli that 'Anth me Baap baith ek-ek bachon ko sab Ved-Shaashron ka saar samjhaayega', meaning at the end (of the Confluence Age) the (Supreme) Father will tell the essence of Vedas & Shaashras (through Shrimat). Thus only at the end of the Confluence Age, we can receive direct Shrimat.

But to sustain the Confluence Age Drama at Adi & Madhya, Murlis and Avyakt Vanis are delivered by Lekhraj Brahma (through God rays). So reading Murlis is not waste of time, but Shrimat is Shrimat. OK?
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Post08 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote: Lekhraj Brahma (through God rays). So reading Murlis is not waste of time, but Shrimat is Shrimat. OK?

What do you mean by 'God rays'? If Shiva had nothing to do with Murli, then I see no point in reading them. What you say just doesn't add up.

What authority does Dada Lekhraj have to speak the Murli?
And it is stated in Murli that 'Anth me Baap baith ek-ek bachon ko sab Ved-Shaashron ka saar samjhaayega' meaning at the end (of the Confluence Age) the (Supreme) Father will tell the essence of Vedas & Shaashras (through Shrimat).

Again you are quoting Murli? If The Knowledge is not from God Father Shiva, then what is the point of it?
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abrahma kumar

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What does F (t) = F(t + IT) add up to?

Post08 Aug 2007

- what do you mean by 'God rays'.
- If Shiva had nothing to do with Murli, then I see no point in reading them. What you say just doesn't add up.
- What authority does Dada Lekhraj have to speak the Murli?

Very good questions john and worthy of repetition.

new knowledge

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Post08 Aug 2007

Bro John, as I am new to Vishnu Party, all your queries will not be answered by me. I'll discuss with Vishnu Party authorities. But it is common sense that if Shrimat is received only by sitting with the Supreme Father face to face & there is no any other way to achieve Shrimat, then how printed Murlis could be termed as Shrimat?

But as long as we do not receive direct Shrimat, we should depend on Murlis for our spiritual sustainance, as they are delivered through God-rays. So Murli reading is not waste of time. Murli is gate-way to God, though it is not Shrimat. I'll discuss Dada Lekhraj's role to deliver Murlis (through God-rays) with Vishnu Party authority. Thanks.
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Post08 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Bro John, as I am new to Vishnu Party, all your queries will not be answered by me. I'll discuss with Vishnu Party authorities. I'll discuss Dada Lekhraj's role to deliver Murlis (through God-rays) with Vishnu Party authority. Thanks.

OK, but could you just give an explaination of what God rays means?


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Post08 Aug 2007

Brother new-knowledge,
Happy for you to find a new path in the Vishnu Party. Are you attending the centre every day ? As you are new, can you share with us what it is at the centre. And also meeting the Supreme Father?

new knowledge

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Post08 Aug 2007

Sorry my bro John, without confirmation it would be a silly job to answer your valuable queries & waste of your time. Please let me respect your queries & give me some time to discuss with Vishnu Party authorities.

Just as God delivers Shrimat face to face, He also works through His divine rays. But Shrimat is not delivered through touching & divine rays. We have to sit before Him.

No, my Sister bansy. There is no any Vishnu Party center in my city, Dhule (Maharashtra), & I've visited Ahmedabad only once on 3rd August 2007. I'll share my experience from time to time in this forum. I've quoted some articles about Vishnu Party in the threads 'Bridge between Vishnu Party & Shankar Party' & 'Vishnu Party Ahmedabad' in the nickname of 'new_world' & 'new knowledge'.

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