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Re: Secret Of Miracles

Post04 Aug 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:If God had come in only one religion, he would have shown miracle in only one religion.Why He would have shown miracles in all the other religions?

But you've just said miracles are performed by spirits?

Are you saying your God Mr Patel has performed miracles?


Drama is of 2 ,24,2560000

Post06 Aug 2007

Dear Brothers,

The Drama is not of 5,000 years old. It is a 2,242,560,000 year old cycle.

Devtas reside in Divine Lokas, not in the Gross World on the earth.

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Re: Drama is of 2 ,24,2560000

Post06 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:The Drama is not of 5,000 years old. It is a 2,242,560,000 year old cycle.

Does that include Leap Years, which system of intercalation have you used?

Has a year always been 365.2425 days for the last 2,242,560,000 years?

How was that figure culculated and why does the sun, which is a very minor solar system, play such in important role in defining the age of the entire cosmos?

I am concerned because, obviously, if you have missed out the leap years the Kalpa will actually be 2,786,380,800 years not 2,242,560,000 and if the earth's orbit has shifted, a tiny change over that period of time will make millions of years of a difference.


Valid Point based on solar year calculation

Post06 Aug 2007

You have rightly asked based on Gregorian or solar year calendar. These number of years are based on divya drishti (Divine Vision) of Sakar Shiv Baba.
john wrote:But you've just said miracles are performed by spirits? Are you saying your God Mr Patel has performed miracles?

Its only spirits performing miracles to keep their followers attracted towards their belief system. God (here Sakar ShivBaba) is performing transformation by making us realize our own divine form, by opening up recording inside we souls.

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Re: Valid Point based on solar year calculation

Post06 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:You have rightly asked based on Gregorian or solar year calendar. These number of years are based on divya drishti (Divine Vision) of Sakar Shiv Baba.

Actually, I asked a whole lot more than just that, so;
    did he count them all, a spirit tell him, did he read it in a book or did just guess?
I am always bewildered by how God or Gurus prefer nice round numbers ending in zeros and not messy ones like "2,545,649 years, 35 days, 21 hours and 43 minutes".

Equally, I am bewildered how something of such recent human invention (artificial segments of time) can determine the entire cosmos.

To be honest, mythic or astrological language such as Nostradamus is probably equally accurate ... and equally prone to failure.
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Drama is of 2 ,24,2560000, oh yeah?

Post06 Aug 2007

Click here for some 2 ,24,2560000 oblox found on the world wide web.

It was written: "Beings stayed here for 2242560000 years. During this time 20 lakh souls were created. For creating souls and Brahamands 5 per cent power was spent ..." Blah, blah, blah. Maybe the site Admin will check see if the document is worthy of being uploaded on the site.


(P.S. Apologies if this posting cites a document that is already available on the site)
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Post06 Aug 2007

I am God, I cannot hide the light under my bushel any longer.
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Post06 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:I am God, I cannot hide the light under my bushel any longer.

The last we heard, mr green, you could not find either your lighter or your bushel to return to your God-like stage ... so I do not know what you are talking about!

Beejroop, my questions were serious; did he count them all, a spirit tell him, did he read it in a book or did just guess? I am bewildered by why such round numbers ending in zeros and not messy ones and how something of such recent human invention (artificial segments of time) can determine the entire cosmos.

An answer like "divine vision" is hardly an answer. Its like saying, "go asleep" or "shut up". There are obviously other roots to this line of thought.
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Re: Secret Of Miracles

Post07 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:Its only spirits performing miracles to keep their followers attracted towards their belief system. God (here Sakar ShivBaba) is performing transformation by making us realize our own divine form, by opening up recording inside we souls.

OK, thanks. Can you tell me what Mr Patel thinks of the Sakar Murlis? Did he study them as a BK?
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Post07 Aug 2007

bansy wrote:
I am always bewildered by how God or Gurus prefer nice round numbers ending in zeros and not messy ones like "2,545,649 years, 35 days, 21 hours and 43 minutes".
I get bewildered about the measurement of accuracy of the atomic clock.

Since when did scientists find out that 1 second 6 billion years ago is the same as 1 second this present moment. Time and space are relative. They don't have absolute existence.


Re: Secret Of Miracles

Post07 Aug 2007

john wrote:OK , thanks. Can you tell me what Mr Patel thinks of the Sakar Murlis?

Sakar Muralis have been quoted through Dada Lekhraj himself based on his understanding of the original divine knowledge.
Did he study them as a BK?

Yes, he was number one BK. He was chief of Jurist wing. He donated lot of money to centres. He was VVIP of Brahmakumaris. He used to correct Dadi Prakashmani on her misgivings. He always used to tell World drama is trillion of years old and Devtas never reside in Sakar Lok.
ex-l wrote:Beejroop, my questions were serious; did he count them all, a spirit tell him, did he read it in a book or did just guess?

It is neither counted by him, nor a spirit told him (He is super spirit himself), he did not read in a book, nor it is his guess. He himself is Sakar God, so whatever He is telling is being told by Sakar ShivBaba as you know ShivBaba himself is Nirakari, then Aaakari then for children he has to be Sakaari. All knowledge is embedded in him. Its only corroborated by Shastras and Geological ages.
I am bewildered by why such round numbers ending in zeros and not messy ones and how something of such recent human invention (artificial segments of time) can determine the entire cosmos.

I have only told you drama upto Shivpuri. Paramdham is still longer. It is Trillions of years. All counts are divine. No science applies here as Science is also about limited wisdom. God is Unlimited (Behad Ka Baap Behad Ke Bachhon ko Behad Ka Gyan Deta Hai). Behad in Hindi means Unlimited.
An answer like "divine vision" is hardly an answer. Its like saying, "go asleep" or "shut up". There are obviously other roots to this line of thought.

Divine is always supreme than Science. No Scientific and mathematical rule applies here. Only trust and immense faith in the Unmilited will help. Do you want to remember your divine form in Divine lokas? You realise " Tatvam Asi" and that's what God is making you realise.
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Re: Secret Of Miracles

Post07 Aug 2007

beejroop wrote:Sakar Muralis have been quoted through Dada Lekhraj himself based on his understanding of the original divine knowledge.

What do you mean by the original divine knowledge?
He used to correct Dadi Prakashmani on her misgivings.

What misgivings?


Re: Secret Of Miracles

Post07 Aug 2007

john wrote:What do you mean by the original divine knowledge?

The one which was told by ShivBaba through Divine Vision to Piu's soul and later Dada Lekhraj
What misgivings?

Misgivings like why she is misguiding poor BKs by not making them understand the true knowledge.

new knowledge

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new_knowledge for new_world

Post07 Aug 2007

Dear administrators & respected members of this forum, I am (better to say 'was') 'new_world' converted into 'new_knowledge', due to changes in my attitudes after my one day visit to Vishnu Party headquarter, Ahmedabad on 3rd August 2007. Dear administrators please permanently freeze my membership in the name of new_world.


Re: new_knowledge for new_world

Post07 Aug 2007

new_knowledge wrote:I am (better to say 'was') 'new_world' converted into 'new_knowledge', due to changes in my attitudes after my one day visit to Vishnu Party headquarter

Congratulations Brother to join Vishnu Party.


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