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Post05 Aug 2007

It is said that in the mind there is victory and defeat. No matter whatever can happen through the body, due to some accounts we may have to tolerate everything through the body, but no one can bind our mind. Whatever may happen but we should never change our mind. We should never accept defeat in the mind and become influenced.

No matter we may taste defeat sometimes, because all do, it is not a single fight but a whole war and sometimes we win and sometimes Maya wins. But the outcome of the whole war is victory for us, and if there are some failures we don’t give up. The example is like we learn riding bicycle and we fall, but we don’t lie down, we get on the bicycle again and try again. Or if two people fight and one makes a strong resolutions that i have to win, nomatter he may fall down defeated externally and leave the body, the body may remain or not remain, but the striving for victory remains and he continues to fight in the next body.

It is said that final thoughts lead us to our destination, and they are based on the practice over a long period of time.
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bro neo


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Post06 Aug 2007

I don’t know about all that andrey ...

But, all the tapes I've been listening to about how to become a superstar lately all talk about how we should create the belief that there is no such thing as failure (or defeat). Instead we should interpret these incidences as learning experiences on our path to achieving the goal. Remember Edison and the light bulb.

I think this is great in theory, but sometimes a failure or defeat is also a time to reflect on the importance of achieving the goal in light of the price that must be paid. Perhaps the price is not proportionate. Sometimes it’s just better to cut our losses and crawl under a nice cold slimy rock.
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Mr Green


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Post06 Aug 2007

Depends what you mean by defeat ... or victory for that matter.
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Post27 Aug 2007

Yes it is said we should see victory in victory and victory in defeat. I agree. Sometimes we have to hide and lick the wounds to heal them. Sometimes we severely become defeated.

Like the body needs rest we cannot always be right win or move forward, somtimes we have to fail, to wait, to gho back. That's wy even God (from the mythology - Shankar) is shown hiding from the devil (Basmasur) and taking up tactics, and Rama taking up tactics.

Victory and defeat in the mind. We should not be overexcited when we achieve something, because failure will come, and not too low when we fail, because victory will come next. Some apathy.

There is this story for the childhood of Rama, you know he used to be the best in everytjhing, so he used to play with his Brothers and, his brothert Bharata runs to his mother with tears in his eyes. "Mother we were playing with Rama a ... certain game and i won and i felt offended, because i know he is better than me and just let me win to please me." Then Rama came with his always-smiling face and said he is very happy that Bharata has won.

It is not said whether Rama has let him win or just lost. i belive it is possible that he has lost, because maybe winner and looser is not some sort of account of winnings and loosing in the life, but the alway-smiling face of Rama. Some felling that victory, success is my birthright, it is not a gift, but also that failures are part of life, they are not punishments.

Yes, i agree that sometimes we have to learn how to loose, how to accept defeat, to retire, but this is also a winning tactic.

It is also said in the Murli that Ram has failed. Then it is explained that everyone fails. But it is good to fail in the beginning and become experienced.

If the role of the Surpeme soul is to take us back to our original, initial, Satyug stage of the soul, then this is to make us victorious over the vices. In the beginning we used to be pure, then there is the practice to become once again this, through rememberance.

It is said that it is in the rememberance where Maya comes, not in The Knowledge, this is where there is victory and defeat.

I have seen Baba (via Virendra Dev Dixit) in VCD* 705 to give this meaning to the popular statement.
    Doubtful intellect will get destroyed - the happiness will get destroyed

    Faithful intellect will be victorious - it will be full of happiness
He said that we should not have negative thoughts about ourselves.

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