The battle of the four Chariots

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The battle of the four Chariots

Post04 Aug 2007

bansy wrote:This and that meeting that and this is just a waste of time. The necessary step is to for the Chariot of BapDada to meet the Chariot of ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit) and maybe throw in an invite to the Vishnu Party and all the other chariots, all sitting on a stage. Then have a mixed audience and have the event broadcasted live (telecast/webcast/radio) so that as many of the worldwide audience can witness this event.

The four chariots, Gulzar, Veerandra, Patel, and Mehta, were brought onto the gaddhi as the final countdown of the impending Destruction was about to happen. There were hundreds of audience (BKs, PBKs, Vishnu members, ppbk and pppbks), sitting in the gathering. The gathering was being broadcasted across the globe. Millions if not billions of souls were watching live via internet and TV stations.

Everyone in the audience was at his/her maximum soul-consciousness stage. The audience just continuously exchanging drishtis with the four chariots on the Gaddhi. It was a totally powerful silence created and you could feel your spirit was being lifted to the Subtle Region. It was a half hour of intense Yoga coupled with sweet devotional song being played to Shiva to invoke His coming.

Then, Gulzar's shoulders jolted. Some of those BKs started becoming body-conscious and clapped their hands. Almost everyone started gazing at Gulzar, waiting to catch BapDada's powerful drishti. You could see Veerendra, Patel and Satish's faces slightly got off-balanced, lost soul-consciousness a little bit. Could it be Shiva was in Gulzar's body by then? The audience was not paying attention to the other three but Gulzar. However, you can hear some PBKs whispering ...

    "Ah ... only Brahma Baba ... only Brahma Baba".
Half hour had passed, and Veerandra started to speak.

    Virendra Dev Dixit: "Tum miteh, miteh bachucon kee ..."
The audience were amazed and started whispering,

    "Shiva is in Veerendra ... Shiva is in Veerendra".

Patel and Satish's faces even got more disorientated meanwhile Avyakt BapDada, slightly off-balanced started to grab his own microphone and spoke as soon as Virendra Dev Dixit finished his first sentence.

    BapDada: "Avyakt BapDada is happy to see all His loving Children in all four corners of the world ..." (IN Hindi).
The audience were even more amazed to deduce that Shiva was switching in milliseconds to and from Gulzar to Veerendra. They were whispering ...

    "Shiva is all-powerful, He is almighty power."
Then Patel interjected.

    Patel: "The Cycle is not 5000 years. I can prove that. What is the value of T? ha?"
Satish wanted to take this opportunity to talk and he answered Patel.

    Satish: "Ah ... eh ... the value of T ... Tantra."
You could hear Vishnu Party members saying booo ... wrong answer ... wrong answer! The Satish party members' faces were in deep red. Everyone was looking at them. They were murmuring but you could still understand what they were saying.

    Satish Group Members: "He is not my Father ... He is not my Father" looking at Mehta in great embarrassment.
The battle of chariots continued for hours. It was as if Shiva was switching from one mouth to another.

Then all of a sudden, a little girl stood up the gathering.

    Little Girl: "Hey Children ... look over here ... Shiva here! You 4 chariots on the gaddhi, please step down before I declare the four of you _____________ ..."
P.S. This is my original version. Please write a revised version and make me laugh, too.
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Post04 Aug 2007

Virendra Dev Dixit continued to talk in depth for hours but BapDada, from within Gulzar, kept butting in with stories from his business days and Bhakti when he was not distracted by meeting a growing line of politicians and VIPs wanting his blessings.

Patel and Mehta soon pulled out photocopies of old newspaper cuttings, attempting to show anyone in the audience that was interested in looking. Boli Dadi took them and started serving toli in them.

Half a dozen BKs started fighting over the BKWSU Wikipedia page denying that no such thing as mediumship happened in Abu and any such suggestion was motivated by hate and aggression but Brian Bacon immediately offered his professional services by running 'Self Mediumship Leader' courses for businessmen.

Soon every mutli-national corporation was to have its very own inhouse "Shiva Consultant [TM]" predicting Foreign Exchange Rates and future shares transactions which were said to be Cyclical in nature having 4 distinct phases but, for an additional $500, OLA alumni could access a securely protected improved "5 Phases [TM]" model.

Ramesh Shah's accountancy firm took on additional staff to handle the increase in business, the ex-ex-ex-BK website database crashed but the rest of the world carried on as usual. Sisters Jayanti and Maureen were heard to say in precise unison, "Its your decision. Anyone can leave if they want. It all depends on the way you want to interpret it ... so listen to your heart" and the bus from the Krishna Party left to look at the marbles of Dilwala Temple.
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Post04 Aug 2007

heheheh ... made me chuckle.
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Post04 Aug 2007

Oh ... and Destruction was still said to be two years away!
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Post04 Aug 2007



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Post04 Aug 2007

bansy wrote:This and that meeting that and this is just a waste of time. The necessary step is to for the Chariot of BapDada to meet the Chariot of ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit)

When I made the quote, I was thinking further along the lines of how faiths gather together in "World Faith/Religion Conferences" to discuss and work out their similarities and differences, enhancing each others trust, learn and churn, forgive and accept.

In another thread, there is the discussion of how powerful God is. Can the Supreme God bring these faiths together? Is the "God" of one party the Ravan of the other? In which case, does "God" exist in all the parties, or maybe not at all but Ravan exists in all? I would prefer the former as a measure of His power.

The BKs often send representatives to such Conferences but the PBKs, Vishnu Party, and splinter groups are not represented (as far as I know). Have the latter groups been invited to speak, or simply even attend as audience?
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Post04 Aug 2007

bansy wrote:When I made the quote, I was thinking further along the lines of how faiths gather together in "World Faith/Religion Conferences" to discuss and work out their similarities and differences, enhancing each others trust, learn and churn, forgive and accept.

I accept the seriousness of your suggestion but I made previously another jokeabout it elsewhere.

Its strange that the BKWSU wants to be seen as the peacemaking, interfaith organzations but it cannot interfaith, be seen alongside or tolerate its own bastard children. (No apologies for that language, it is used not as profanity but according to its accurate meaning).
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Post07 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Its strange that the BKWSU wants to be seen as the peacemaking, interfaith organzations but it cannot interfaith, be seen alongside or tolerate its own bastard children. (No apologies for that language, it is used not as profanity but according to its accurate meaning).

BKs are thinking their bastard spiritual siblings will spoil their look.

I think there are some scenarios by which the two groups can merge.
    1. BKWSO realized Shiva is in Virendra Dev Dixit.
    2. PBKs realized that Shiva is not in Virendra Dev Dixit.
    3. Both groups realized that Shiva is not coming in their mediums, and both of them realized that they are merely a religion.
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Post07 Aug 2007

I believe no one in the BK or any other believes, accepts or addresses Dadi Gulzar as Chariot. She seems to be just a normal person with the ability to go into trance, but i understand that for the sake of the joke it can be put that way.

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