Meditation Experiences When in a Group versus Being Alone

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Post03 Aug 2007

Thank you andrey for having the courage to say this
andrey wrote:I don't have a lot of experience of meditating in a group

I probably don't have as much experience with group meditation as other forum members, but I've tried both individual and group techniques over the last six years or so. For me the results have been mixed.

I've mentioned elsewhere my one and only Mt Abu experience. Like others I tended to have more vivid, visual experiences at Amrit Vela or early morning "beaming" (my first being with Br Marek at GRC during a Spirituality and Men retreat).

On the other hand, I identify a lot with what paulkershaw said about it sometimes (in my case often) being hard to remove from my mind the (supposed) influence of others.

Best wishes to you all,
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Post04 Aug 2007

In my experience meditation alone and mediation in a group both provide similar experiences and depth of Yoga, the main exception being where drishti is involved in the group experience.

Without drishti, the discipline of being in a group may help you focus more strongly, or alternatively, members of the group may distract you. Also, if there are powerful meditators in the group then they may lift the 'vibe' of the meditation room, making it easier for others to meditate.

With drishti, whether someone who is in a yogic state is giving you drishti, or you are in a yogic state and giving someone else drishti (including "conducting"), then the experience of blissful energy can intensify considerably. Sometimes it can go the other way and become hideous - it all depends on the quality of the drishti! The most powerful experiences I have had have been where is a drishti interaction / connection between two souls who are both in a yogic state - I assume that the BKs would class this as 'Yoga with others', and denigrate it, even though their systems promote such psychic connections on an everyday basis (in a way I have not encountered anywhere else). Personally I miss the drishti and conducting from my BK days - I don't miss much else.

There is another factor relevant to the meditation experience: the atmosphere of the place of meditation. It is far easier to meditate in a room which has been used effectively for this purpose over a period of time - the spiritual energies accumulate. I have found most BK meditation rooms to serve well in this respect, also Buddhist meditation places, Hindu temples, and even some Christian holy places - one of my most powerful meditation experiences to date took place in the little chapel above the Guadalupe cathedral in Mexico City - interestingly, another took place in the living room of an old psychic Catholic mexican lady, where meat was being cooked and eaten on a daily basis ... (I remain vegetarian, but not so convinced of the BK dogmas on that issue)
Mr Green wrote:I was what they call an instrument, a surrendered teacher. I did all this stuff. I sat on the Gaddi conducted Yoga, read the Murli had golden light coming out of my forehead all that stuff. I don't believe for a second I was channeling anyone or anything. I was told by the Dadis I was a powerful yogi, I was asked many times by Dadi P to sit next to her and conduct meditation in Abu.

Mr Green - how do these statements square with your treatise on channeling in the wikipedia pages? What were you doing when you were conducting, if it was not channeling? If you were not channeling, then you were not conducting IMHO (many of the BKs that 'conducted' were IMHO not conducting at all, but just sitting in Yoga - or in many cases without Yoga ... ).

I do agree with you though, Mr Green, that "these powers are within us" and not gifted to us by God or other spirits, but there were clearly (in my experiences) other beings involved in some of the BK shenanigans, and some of these were IMHO bodiless beings. I had conducting experiences when some being was trying to manipulate my face and speak through my mouth - in these cases I always resisted the invasion ...
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Mr Green


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Post04 Aug 2007

Well, on wiki, the point is just trying to be made to the BKs themselves ffs! that they believe in and attempt to practise channeling and spirit possession ... for some reason they feel reluctant to admit publically that their into all this stuff.

Whereas I think they try with all their hearts to do this. I just don't believe in it ... yes, it might happen in individual cases ... I just feel able to state categorically that it has never happened to me ... and I don't for a second entertain the idea that some spirit is using people there for its own ends ... I used to read a lot of science fiction but I just do not think this is happening ... I believe it is just good old self-hypnosis and self-delusionment.

I mean we do at some point allow ourselves to suspend our normal beliefs for things like The Cycle ... if we're prepared to do that we probably prepared to believe anything.
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Post04 Aug 2007

howiemac wrote:Mr Green - how do these statements square with your treatise on channeling in the wikipedia pages? What were you doing when you were conducting, if it was not channeling? If you were not channeling, then you were not conducting IMHO (many of the BKs that 'conducted' were IMHO not conducting at all, but just sitting in Yoga - or in many cases without Yoga ... ).

Ah ... you see ... now mr green has been possessed by another spirit that does not beleive in possession and is channelling through him. The spirit of common sense.

(Just trying to be helpful ... the Psychic aspects of BKWSU went that way --> ).

I think we lack a proper, defined technical language for all this. Perhaps channelling for what Gulzar does and "transmission" for what happens when guiding group meditations.

One of the other words used was "overshadowing". I heard of that being used elsewhere as when the individual/their self/aura is overshadowed by another spirit being (or perhaps part of themselves) and used to channel energy. I definitely felt things like my head being moved or stopped when leading mediation. No idea what.
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Mr Green


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Post04 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Ah ... you see ... now mr green has been possessed by another spirit that does not believe in possession and is channelling through him. The spirit of common sense.

(Just trying to be helpful ... ).


I wouldn't want to be possessed by anyone else :lol:.

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