Official Contact with Sister Jayanti BKWSU (UK) - legal

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Repy from BK Jayanti

Post02 Aug 2007

A reply has been received from BK Jayanti copied in full. Can members please consider it and suggest what response we should make?

To enable her easy participation, we have made up an account for her. This should not be construed as an acceptance that she wishes or is willing to join us but is merely to remove any obstacle to her participation.
BKWSU wrote:Thu, 2 Aug 2007

Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for your communication. It is not possible for me personally to get into the technicalities of joining a forum. I am therefore requesting a face-to-face meeting with the senior administrator of your website. I do not wish to communicate anonymously.

Thank you for your kind consideration

Yours sincerely

BK Jayanti
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abrahma kumar

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A response to the Repy from BK Jayanti

Post02 Aug 2007

Dear Forum Admin,

Thanks for forwarding this to us. Your effort at creating a site profile for SisJ runs along similar lines as I had been thinking about for a few weeks now.

As I read part of her response: "It is not possible for me personally to get into the technicalities of joining a forum" it seems quite obvious that SisJ she does not want to engage with us posters here.

SisJ just wants to meet with YOU folks. Why? Is it so as to talk you into closing the site down as we heard happened with the administrators of the previous site which was dedicated to the matters that we discuss here? How typically BK! Anyway, each of us will do what we have to do. So good luck whatever the outcome and thanks as always for keeping us informed.

As for the flannel about: technicalities of joining the forum & not wishing to communicate anonymously. My response is: Bah humbug! Stuff and nonsense!

Being abek I feel the urge to put some Pink Floyd on my stereo. I wonder if our Senior Sister will care to listen?

Good luck people
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Post02 Aug 2007

If she or any other representative of the BKWSU is not prepared to discuss the issues directly with the people who want to discuss them then what value is there in humouring her request? It seems obvious to me she already has an agenda and is not to be trusted.

I know about these one to one face to face meetings, believe me it is a tried and tested technique for them to sweetly insert the dagger.

The only reason I can see that Jayanti wants to meet anyone from this forum is that she wants it stopped. So far, in their history, they have managed to bully people into what they want and cover it up. The internet enables us to have openness and everything can be revealed to everyone ... it seems Jayanti doesn't want this and wants everything secret as usual.

I say don't trust them. They're up to something, and so far I haven't been wrong.
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Re: Repy from BK Jayanti

Post02 Aug 2007

Admin wrote:A reply has been received from BK Jayanti copied in full. Can members please consider it and suggest what response we should make.

Well they contacted the website so ...

Do we know why she wants the meeting, I mean has she given a reason? Without knowing why they want the meeting how can we know what to do, if someone says "I want a meeting" Without giving a reason , sounds a bit like the mafia. Is she willing to travel to a location, that is not a BK property?

I think first thing is to find out exactly why they want to meet and 'if' there is a meeting hold them to whatever is agreed on the agenda.
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abrahma kumar

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Only your so-called friend knows your secret so only he ...

Post02 Aug 2007

Too right mr. green. And check out the oblox in her reply: "... I do not wish to communicate anonymously...". Yeah right! As if there is anything anonymous about communicating on the forum. What she really means is that she wishes to communicate only with those who she feels can do what she wants them to do.

The late Bob Marley did NOT sing: Only your so-called friend knows your secret so only she could reveal it! BTW Sister Jayanti see below and maybe you can tell us how your refusal to join the forum on the grounds of "not wishing to communicate anonymously" squares with Shiv Baba's incognito aka anonymous part? And even Shiv Baba, so we were made to believe, is bound by the drama. Come on SisJ, join with us, you know it makes sense. See the following:

    Main Entry: anonymous
    Part of Speech: adjective
    Definition: unknown
    Synonymous with: bearding*, incog, incognito, innominate, nameless, pseudo, pseudonymous, secret, unacknowledged, unattested, unavowed, unclaimed, uncredited, undesignated, undisclosed, unidentified, unnamed, unsigned, unspecified
    Antonyms: identified, known, named, showcased, spotlighted.
Maybe the reason for the meeting is to "contact and meet for mutual benefit", which does indeed sound like cloak and dagger stuff.

P.S. Language is so strange - a bit like statistics - one can prove almost anything by putting words in a particular order. Now, where's today's Murli ... I just went to look at the members list and saw the bk_jayanti profile - maybe some Yoga power will smooth the way for her to see the light ;).


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Post02 Aug 2007

face-to-face meeting with the senior administrator

Everyone on this site is the senior administrator. That is why it is called a forum.

If Sister Jayanti cannot spare the time, then I suggest she should try to find a representative(s) of the BKWSU who can be a liason between her/BKWSU and the forum. Why should there be any fear if they can answer the questions in an open and truthful manner. Maybe then they can provide "service" to the numbers of people who use this forum actively or passively. THERE ARE BKs WHO ALSO USE THIS FORUM.

After all, whatever the background we are all souls and children of God. Maybe these representatives can enlighten the many of us, rather than just the one "senior administrator".
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Post02 Aug 2007

There are also BKs that mail in asking for Murlis ... you do not see that on the official BK forums or sites.

I'd like to know, "what happened to". I heard it was closed down in a deal with the BKWSU leadership but do not know this.
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Post02 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:There are also BKs that mail in asking for Murlis ... you do not see that on the official BK forums or sites.

I'd like to know, "what happened to". I heard it was closed down in a deal with the BKWSU leadership but do not know this.

probably will never know, just the way they like it
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Post02 Aug 2007

The following reply was sent to BK Jayanti. wrote:02 Aug 2007


To ease matters, we created an account for Sister Jayanti.

user name; bk_jayanti
password; (undisclosed)

You can change the password to a secure one in your 'Profile' once you have logged on for the first time. Not even moderators can see what password she chooses. If Jayanti is unwilling to contribute herself, perhaps you can act for her and relay messages. She is welcome to contribute either on a personal or on an offical basis, as she so wishes.

As stated [in this topic], we do not have a senior administrator. BrahmaKumaris.Info exists as an online community only. A collective voice where each member is welcome to voice their own opinions. No one individual represents anyone else, nor any specific group.

The forum is run by a loose consensus. Members are guided by their own conscience to raise and discuss, in depth, topics. Topics that appear fairly universal to BKs, and their friends and family. It is a unique resource of personal experiences and historical revelations within "the BK family".

From discussions on the forum, it would appear that the common opinion and experience is too many discussions have been held, and unaccountable decisions made, behind closed doors and not documented. As another common theme raised is the revision of both the Murlis and the BKWSU history, it would appear to be more advantageous to both parties if communications were held in public and done in writing.

We look forward to resolving many of the issues documented on this community based website and wish to help create an environment in which the BKWSU, and its leadership, can develop a greater sense of transparency and accountability in their activities.

If you would like to fully identify which issues you would like to discuss, it would help us progress matters forward.

Thank you
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Post02 Aug 2007

This is like a game of chess. The players try to predict all the probable moves of his/her opponent many, many steps far ahead. So, why would the disadvantaged player take a weak move (i.e. answering all your questions), if he/she can quit and call it a draw? The winning player should just continue in the move of checkmate until his/her opponent is forced to move. I used to play this game when I was a kid, and my Sister used to turn the chess board upside down when she was almost losing.
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Post02 Aug 2007

Why would she be any different than us??

* no face to face meeting * (as if we say no, we would be punished by God).

She can not bear the fun, support and loving connection we are all having here, something that they don't have 'there' . Hey, we've got the power now !!! 8)
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Post02 Aug 2007

tinydot wrote:This is like a game of chess. The players try to predict all the probable moves of his/her opponent many, many steps far ahead. So, why would the disadvantaged player take a weak move (i.e. answering all your questions), if he/she can quit and call it a draw?

Interesting image ... would the balance of power not remain with the BKWSU? Do they not have many thousand times more pieces on the board than we do? Someone pull out a copy of the Mahabharata and tell me what scene we are at now.

Worse case scenario, I would say she is damned is she does not ... and so she may as well. But may be, to them, we are utterly insignificant and could just be swatted like a fly if they so wished.

To the real world, all it recognises and respects are the outwardly shows; the big names, the property, the much flaunted United Nations connections. So their sympathies are going to fall on her side and I am pretty sure that they must be working on them now. Poor her having to waste her time on some recalcitrant and disaffected failure BKs filled with hate and aggression etc ... as they are playing it. The Gyani subtleties will be entirely lost on them ... and let's face it ... we are all wrong and they are right. Are we not?

And, what could the worst case scenario be? It would not take long until our whinges were all over and there was nothing more to say. If they really care to, I am sure they could knock the forum dead ... you saw all that US Government and Pentagon waving bluster some supporter was willing to roll out for the sake of Dr Hansa Raval (who did use to say that kind of stuff). Could the BKs not call on their friend the President of India now and "cry wolf!"?

I say we should set a target at liberating the Murlis. Ask for copies of the oldest and most original Murlis in both English and Hindi and follow up on John's questions about what happened to the rest, and so on.

It would be worth holding the BKWSU, via her, to answers in writing for a change. "Collectively", we have unveiled too many anomalies and inconsistencies for them to be ignored. Although I emphasise I am not one of them, and do not know the whole story, I'd say we should also ask them to commit to stop duffing up PBKs and have them respect other people's religion as they would wanted respected. I'd listen to the whole story if she could put the official BKWSU side to it.

But what is her real standing within the organization? I mean, how much attention/respect/credence does "India" really give her? May be she is still quite a lightweight and more "one of us" than "one of them".

Some folks were telling me Jayanti is being lined up to be top dog with Big Mohini after the current Dadis die. Recently, ever since that Ramesh Shah stuff with the 1969 Trust Deed shocker, I am thinking that the Sisters are just a front and the real power lies with some Brothers at the back ... no evidence to support it, just queries in my mind. May be they operate like a Mafia and she is expected to "look after business" on her territory; so she has to deal with us :shock: !
    Could it be?
Well, mighty Pandavs, if it came down to a choice of Jayanti or the others, who would you back?
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SisJ, Why not liberate the Murli's?

Post02 Aug 2007

I say we should set a target at liberating the Murlis. Ask for copies of the oldest and most original Murlis in both English and Hindi and follow up on John's questions about what happened to the rest, and so on.

I agree wholeheartedly. This is my only request from them.


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Post03 Aug 2007

Any, just any organization has to be open in whatever they are doing (or believe). If i start a course, tell me what it is ALL about at day one. Just be honest. Do not suck me in first and then tell me what it is about. To me it is abuse to spirituality.

If i find out later that it all seems to be a trick to get me in to the organisation taking advantage of my good intentions towards the world, my good wishes toward family and friends, loved ones as real close friends ... questions arise. Then if none of the organisation is willing or capable of answering my questions, then what they do is spread disbelief and resistance.

This organisation is exposed because of that ... we want answers and they have to come up with it. We are all good educated people, and we know, so do not tell us that we don't know anything! Have the Godly courage to come forward an tell us were we are wrong, seriously, were are/were wrong.

Is your organization not all confused? Did you not tell lies? Did you not make us believe what is not worth believing? Many experience sorrow because of you, are you not to cause any sorrow??

Oh, its all us ... is not it? Here you are so wrong! It proves your ignorance and ego to feel all mighty authority. But the truth shall always win. This www address goes around the world so come forward and get it over with ... This is just a waste of my time.
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Post03 Aug 2007

You guys are expecting for nothing with regards to the release of all Murlis by the BKs. But go ahead, demand anyways as a matter of documentation. They won't release them in my opinion, only the last 5 to 6 years of Lekhraj Kirpalani's life. Why? They apparently got buried when they move to Abu. I think that will be the official answer we will get from them. This is a bloody game and they've got instruction from "God" to die alive.

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