The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post11 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:a PBK mother complained to Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit on video that Satish Mehta had quoted her name in his book without consulting her

Is there an English translation to this? What is the name & title etc?

Even if it is rubbish, it is still a useful start.

Destroy, is there anyone in your groop that can supply a god translation?
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Post11 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:Is there an English translation to this? What is the name & title etc?

I had requested the nimit Sisters to provide the Discussion CD number in which the PBK mother had complained about the Satish group printing her name without her permission. I have been informed that the above discussion is contained in the Discussion CD No.72 which was recorded long back (6.2.06, at Ahamadnagar, Pune). Now there are more than 300 discussion CDs available.

The English translation of the above CD is not available, but if you wish the relevant extracts could be reproduced for the sake of record.

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Post11 Jul 2007

Sorry, I meant is there an English translation to the Satish Group's book?

Not Virendra Dev Dixit's VCD*. A question for 'destroy old world'.
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Post11 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I don't understand how this works, but I am noticing a trend on the forum that as a new poster arrives and delivers really strong and forecful wording (with guns blazing as said), an existing illogical, unreasonable and senseless member seems to leave (or stops posting).

The problem also being, if you try and engage them in dialogue and ask questions, they will never answer, become defensive, insulting, then leave.

It does sound like a ploy and some BKs have also tried it on occasion. The irony of it all, is that we are willing to listen and talk.
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Post12 Jul 2007

Let's face it, these groups are a different kind of breed.
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in the night

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Post12 Jul 2007

Come-on ...'! dear bro.: "destroy-old-world" ... where have ya gone?

I know Virendra Dev Dixit personally and he's not such a bad guy. Ravan??? (I hope NOT!! :roll:) ... so ... Just one simple and not-to-miss question. Just a trivia TV show type :shock:. Why do you want him dead??? (... by this I mean in the metaphorical sense: gone, discredited, "in jail"... ect).

Why do you not just tell your "Baba" to show his face in the forum. That is, if he wants my colaboration in getting "the work done" ... I will otherwise, get your dirty trousers published "here", eventually (waiting for the bank to finance my drill).

Love you ... don't worry!!! I MEAN IT :lol:.



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Post01 Aug 2007

Social reformers like Veerendra Dev Dixit or Dada Lekhraj will always to get defamed unfairly in this dirty old world. Veerendra Dev Dixit and Dada Lekhraj are spiritual heroes who bravely act according to their convictions for a better world.
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Post01 Aug 2007

earl wrote:Social reformers like Veerendra Dev Dixit or Dada Lekhraj will always to get defamed unfairly in this dirty old world. Veerendra Dev Dixit and Dada Lekhraj are spiritual heroes who bravely act according to their convictions for a better world.

So you are saying the accusations towards Virendra Dev Dixit are false?

How do you know, do you have access to knowledge of all the circumstances? Have they been directly denied?
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Post02 Aug 2007

This kind of posting - this story resembles a scared, barking dog. Someone must have set the dogs so that they come with such information. They are even not courageous to maintain the opinion. Generally, if someone is scared he keeps dogs for protection. They come here to bark and then curve tail in front of the guru, lick his hand when he is feeding them such information, but you know that animals cannot resist watching human beings in the eyes, they turn vision away or become aggressive.

Someone used to make a remark that why do PBKs receive the support of the forum members, because they have kept the company on an equal base, participated in activities as everyone in a way that with their behaviour they have won their approval. Although they may have faced difficult questions and situations, they realise they are not all knowledgeful and ordinary human beings, and keep the faith that ultimately everything will be fine.
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Post02 Aug 2007

I am sure andrey knows more than he is willing to say. We call it "keeping up appearances".

new world

Dublicate forum member!!!

Post02 Aug 2007

Respected bro ex-l, I think possibly destroy old world is a dublicate member of the Satish Group. Actually, there is not any BKWSU cult entitled 'Satish group'. Satish Mehta is the founder of Inadvance Party, i.e. PPBK party, i.e. Vishnu Party (Mumbai).

If Satish Mehta is the spiritual Father of destroy old world, then destroy old should have to be respectful about his spiritual Father Satish Mehta. But he calls his Father, Satish. Can anybody call his Father by name???

Why he has not presented any philosophy of the Inadvance Party???

And he has not defenced his Father Satish against my criticism in this forum. Why???
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Re: Dublicate forum member!!!

Post02 Aug 2007

new_world wrote:Satish Mehta is the founder of Inadvance Party, i.e. PPBK party, i.e. Vishnu Party (Mumbai).

I am confused here. Are there two Vishnu Parties? I thought Mr Dashrath Patel was the leader of the Vishnu Party.

Perhaps you can clarify and define each group, their founder and philosophical differences. It does seem that they have all been inspired by but reacted again the example Virendra Dev Dixit has set that splinter groups can survive and succeed.

I do not mean to disrespect Virendra Dev Dixit, and am not bringing into question his philosophy here, I am looking at it purely from an analytical point of view. If all the running around did not involves crimes, violence and allegation; it would sound like a Keystone Cops adventure.

To keep this thread on topic, how does this fit into the story of Virendra Dev Dixit? Can you fill us in on details of his life and keep the other founder/splinters to other topics?
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Re: The Story of Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post10 Apr 2008

I was throughly entertrained by this story ...

Man, what paper clippings and downright insults at VD ... I am a practicising BK and any spiritual person cannot go so low and start to talk of another person in such a demeaning manner.

I also see ex-l saying that the BKs used these paper clippings to ask BKs not to join the PBKs ...

In the West, the Shankar party was always a mystery and people would speak in hush hush whenever they raised the topic ...

So to go back to the BK kingdom ... if someone decides to take a look at Virendra Dev Dixit why should they stop them?

Or are all of them the same anyway ... BK, PBK, SatishBK, Vishnu BK ...

I am now thinking we should also start splinter groups ... MrGreenBK, EXLBK,NEOBK etc ...

Friday is coming up, let's all take things in a lighter vein.
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Re: The Story of Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post11 Apr 2008

yogi108 wrote:I am now thinking we should also start splinter groups ... MrGreenBK, EXLBK,NEOBK etc ...

I am terribly sorry to inform you but you cannot use the term ex-l BK [tm] as I have trademarked it for an online shopping website where you can buy enlightenment (with a 1500% markup) and I fully intend to offer franchises in the business to other authorised ex-l BK [tm] center-in-charges offering them a 30% profit share PLUS ... I will throw in 2,500 years of eternal salvation for free IF they make effort and attract enough customers, ahem, students. Terms and conditions apply.

In our center, from time to time, some dodgy pieces of Indian paper (thin, yellowy) would arrive. Like you say, the Sisters would only speak in whispers about them not telling us anything. I think there is a trauma in the family going back not just to Virendra Dev Dixit being booted out by ... whoever (Ramesh and co ... I do not know ... please tell us) but also going back to the split at the time of the Golden Circle and all. As it seemingly involved LR partner AND Janki Kripalani's family, it cannot have been invisible. Any family which does not address the skeletons in the cupboard are going to be haunted by them.

Yes, I am absolutely sure Virendra Dev Dixit has faults and has suffered but, come the end of the day, at the very least he is "one of us" [tm] AND an interesting churner. I am absolutely sure that there is some awful poison being thrown around in India that portrays the stinking underbelly of the BKWSU in all its unholy light, although I do think the PBKs would loosen up their trauma and discuss more openly some of the chapters.

It would probably do him some good having people NOT think God is in him too. My apologies to arjun and others BUT at least as the first stage, we should see and accept each others as humans ... and that along takes a lifetime or two to master. May be then we can work our way up to dealing with 'the gods'. Its a shame he cannot come on this forum, I think he would enjoy being amongst us. ... And it would wind the BKs up.
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Re: The Story of Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post11 Apr 2008

EXL... you have so much to offer.. I have always dreamt of a spiritual leader without the long flowing beard, white clothes and artificial smile and conny ways of answering questions from the public.... and give the "evrything will be alright" kind of wibes... a young yuppy corporate looking guy/gal who speaks Gyan and walks the talk....

I was quite impressed by Abdul kalam... but he is no spiritual leader... he was in fact impressed by the BK's ...

Does anyone know what actually happened to the German Sister Heidi??


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