Hypnosis and the BKWSU

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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sin ma

Post18 Jul 2007

Hi, Eugene nice to see you.

Probably it's the BK sanskara of not documenting oneself through lokik publications. We were well programmed not to read anything, watch TV (personally I always disobeyed ... except for the very beginning!), get any info from other sources or continue our education.

Anything that could challenge BK beliefs was sin (sinma = cinema), a distraction from the most elevated study which contains the whole and only truth in the world, a total condemnable waste of time. We were told, instructed and threatened about we were allowed or not to do. What a pukka BK is supposed to do or refrain (or pretend not to!) from doing.

Or is it my personal paranoia and I misinterpreted some sweet suggestion SS gave for our spiritual benefit?
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Re: chakras

Post19 Jul 2007

alladin wrote: ... concentrating on the Ajna Chakra (at the center of our forehead), you are propelled into holiness ... As a matter of fact, most BKs are unhappy, frustrated and unbalanced. I know almost nothing about chakras but some people who teaches other kinds of Yoga, made me notice several times that BKs, by neglecting and not respecting all different energies, or let's say facets of human beings, deny wholeness.

This is perfectly correct. You have to start with the lower chakras and work up, being sure to balance each one as you go. You would not build a house starting with the roof beams!
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Post19 Jul 2007

This pic may help those interested in chakra work ...


As a suggestion only and for this who want to experiment with this work on themselves, I can suggest that one can perhaps print out the pic, write your name on it and then lay a clear quartz crystal on a specific chakra point shown on the picture and over the next few days try and sense the response from within ... for example if you place it over the heart area one may get an emotional response different to what one is currently experiencing ... to change the 'inner experience' simply remove the crystal or place it somewhere else on the chakra chart.

Please note that it is not recommended to do this on other people, i.e writing someone else's name on the chart ... I would say that only once one is certified to do so and you have permission from the other person then its permissible ...

Maybe those who want to do this 'tryout' could share their experiences on the forum ...???
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Post19 Jul 2007

hi paul,

she seems to have two extra chakras :-).

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Post20 Jul 2007

eromain wrote:sorry to take so long to get back to you. I would love an open-minded intelligent BK to read a book or two about hypnosis and self hypnosis and then come on here and say what you have said.

Umm. Well, I tick all the "BK" boxes in terms of lifestyle. I just do not choose to hand my power to the Seniors!! So maybe I do not count! :wink:.
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Post20 Jul 2007

Hi yudishta,

Well, unless i am mistaken you have never bothered to find out anything beyond the anecdotal about hypnosis and yet you are confident that it has nothing in common with BK practices.

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topless yogini

Post20 Jul 2007

How liberating it would be, having in a meditation room a poster made from the pic Paul sent !!
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Re: topless yogini

Post21 Jul 2007

alladin wrote:How liberating it would be, having in a meditation room a poster made from the pic Paul sent !!

Great Idea Alladin, its easy enough to do, just copy it onto disk and most print shops can make a huge version of it for a nomimal fee nowadays ... off to the print shop I go too ...
eromain wrote:hi paul, she seems to have two extra chakras :-).

Don't let them hypnotize you now! Focus on the Light Focus on the Light ~ out damned spot ...
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Post21 Jul 2007

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Post26 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:This pic may help those interested in chakra work ...

Thanks Paul. Nice Pic.
paulkershaw wrote:Please note that it is not recommended to do this on other people, i.e writing someone else's name on the chart ... I would say that only once one is certified to do so and you have permission from the other person then its permissible ...

Yes, I agree totally, ethics are very important in this type of work.
paulkershaw wrote:Maybe those who want to do this 'tryout' could share their experiences on the forum ...???

I have tried this sort of exercise many times in the past. So many times that it has become an ongoing practice. I find it very beneficial. The best effect that I can easily describe is that it helps me to feel the areas I need to work on and it brings my psychic energies into better balance.

But to come back on topic.
eromain wrote:First time I read a book on self-hypnosis I nearly fell off the chair. It is all exactly what we used to do. I think every BK and ex-BK should read a book on self hypnosis.

I could not agree more. I would say BK style so called Raj Yoga Meditation is a form of hypnosis or self hypnosis. I have found self hypnosis very beneficial to me, but when the hypnotic state is manipulated by unscrupulous, ill-informed, or mentally ill people in the BK centres then it becomes very abusive and dangerous. The emphasis should be on the self in self-hypnosis. Do it yourself, do not be done to by others for their own ends.

For example -
alladin wrote:About hypnosis, I have a strong gut feeling that there's a degree of it involved in the BK practises, even the drishti feels as an intrusion in someone else's energy. We may realize it, especially when there's a negative/wanting to control us vibe coming from the other person .

Do it for your own benefit and be well informed, if you do it at all. If you have been practising BK style Raj Yoga then you will find you can hypnotise yourself very easily. If you have been having profound "meditation" experiences then it would be a great eye opener and a good practise to try some self-hypnosis.

At the very least please do read a book about it or look it up on the internet. Knowledge is power. If you have no knowledge of this subject then you are giving away your power to those who will and do use these techniques on you.
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abrahma kumar

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Hypnotism vs RajYoga

Post26 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:O God! When the debate between hypnotism vs RajYoga will end? Actually RajYoga is the most elevated & advanced version of hypnotism. RajYoga is the complete realisation & visualisation of the inner self, which is not imposed on ourself like hypnotism. Most of hypnotic suggestions are illusionary, but RajYoga meditation depends on realisation & visualisation of the real self. Thus the depth & effects of RajYoga are much more than that of hypnotism.

Thanks new_world. Hi everyone. I am going to reveal just how "simple-minded" i am by asking a really dumb question; If Raja Yoga Meditation methods are not dissimilar to the practice of self-hypnosis why do not they come right out and tell us so at the outset? Even if I give some credence to what new_world shares there still remains an uncomfortable gap. What is the benefit to myself or the organisation of me being kept in the dark on this aspect?

Because I am coming across this useful information during my exiting phase, I wonder if the fact of the matter is that there are aspects of one's development that can not be explored or concluded whilst a part of the organisation (even if the BKWSU regards itself as being the seat of the highest learning). Is the spiritual stuff that new_world mentions nothing more than a convenient bolt-on to an area of self-development that is understood and much explored out there in the so-called Kaliyugi world? I do not get it.
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Post26 Jul 2007

If Raja Yoga Meditation methods are not dissimilar to the practice of self-hypnosis why do not they come right out and tell us so at the outset?

Hi abrahma,

In an extremely disfunctional situation, it is often the dumbest questions that are the smartest. If you persuade a committed hi-ranking BK to read a couple of books on hypnosis you might have a hope of an answer. Don't hold your breath.

The problem is that The Knowledge, beautiful as it is in some aspects, just doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up on its own. For example, look up into the sky tonite and you can see light that is older than 5,000 years. That alone proves that Raja Yoga is wrong about the length of any cycle.

Aside from The Knowledge, all that is left is the intensity of first person experience - that is what all BKs base their beliefs on. The power of our feelings and insights when we meditate persuades us that they must be fundamentally true. Because of this we accept and want everything else, and we do not even notice how plain wrong some (not all) of it is.

Hypnosis basically does away with any need for a metaphysical reality causing such experiences. Hypnosis reveals that the mind/brain is more than capable of making up all and, yes, I mean all of the experiences we had/have as BKs. Further than this hypnosis shows us that such experiences are inevitable if we structure our thinking in the right way.

Stare at a picture of a benign white haired man who you think is sending love to you and because of the way your mind/brain works you will sooner or later start to "experience" love coming from him. But you can do it with any picture of any nice looking person. Every religion throughout the ages has been doing it with literally thousands of saints, gurus etc.

In short Hypnosis destroys Raja Yoga's epistemology - the basis upon which it claims genuine knowledge.

And that is why I think they are so scared of it.

Cheers, Eugene
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Dreams, too, are of little worth, they say

Post26 Jul 2007

eromain wrote:In short Hypnosis destroys Raja Yoga's epistemology - the basis upon which it claims genuine knowledge. And that is why I think they are so scared of it.

Thanks for that lucid statement.

The BKWSU also teach to avoid remembering and analyzing dreams. According to them, dreams are just the sort of Maya we should be avoiding and allowing God to remove. Dreams happen to be an expression of the deepest self, so by following such teachings one is also separating from oneself.
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insights/ hypnosis

Post27 Jul 2007

Funny, Joel you talk about dreams and vivid, significant and pleasant dreams were and are the first gift and reaction I had when came into contact with the Forum. As if a whole stock of energy was released from the subconscious. And it's still going on because I nurture it every day. In fact, it's not hypnosis or self suggestion that made me feel good, that was artificial, rather the gaining of new insights and the challenging of old beliefs!!
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Post27 Jul 2007

Whereas I do actually still think we are spirits in a material body and their is a difference between a "spiritual" experience and a mental physical one; I do not also doubt that BKs are subjecting themselves to hypnotic devotional experiences.

I was also wondering the other day, given that there is no such thing as a "Yogameter" to test how "soul-consciousness" an individual is and no real checking of individuals once they are in the front door and wearing white, if the "BK soul-conscious self" is actually a mildly and self-imposed schizophrenic state.

You understand, there are so many little rules, unsubtle hints, deep and unrelenting social conditioning over "what is soul-consciousness", that we essentially split the self into a body-consciousness self and a soul-consciousness self.

The body-consciousness self being where we put our "bad stuff" and blame etc, our shadow self; and the idealised soul-consciousness self being the unrealistic angel. This splits and divides, instead of integrates ourself. This idealised soul-consciousness self is then easily controlled by the group and its leaders who are presented as "The ideal" when they are not, through continuous external conditioning ("That's not soul-consciousness! ... This is soul-consciousness ... that is body-consciousness" ... etc) and the persistent effort of self-affirmations and hypnosis apart from what any meditational experience one might have.

If we ask honestly, who can tell what level of consciousness or experience the self or especially any other individual is having? One cant. However, as alladin wrote in another thread, there is a "BK way, a party line, dogmas, fashions you have to mould to" and mould to we do to survive and integreate with which ever center or group we find our self in. We project ourself into being this BK self moulding by other "idealised other BK selves" rather than what might be trully spiritual.

What is "trully spiritual" might actually be a complete condemnation or refutation of "BK" ... especially as "BK" is increasing being based on unrealities. Generally, it appears that this schizophrenic state falls apart ... the individual leaves Gyan and faces sorting out or returning to a real self.

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