Bad vibes and psychic attacks

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Chanelling Entities

Post26 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote: ... if we as BKs were actually being taught how to 'channel' through the practice of BK Raja Yoga and now that one has started one cannot close it ...

I was hoping you would know how to close it.
paulkershaw wrote:Another reason why the BKWSU should be more open about their practices and also institute a clear and decisive exit programme policy in place should anyone decide to leave ...

That would be wonderful, but I do not think it is on their agenda at all. It seems we will have to do it for ourselves.
paulkershaw wrote:Probably though the majority of practicing BKs do not even consider their experiences as such and only once they allow in other belief or lifstyle considerations do they start to question what is up with their heads and hearts. For most its perhaps easier not to have to do so.

I would have to differ with you slightly here and say that most BKs are not having any experiences. I think people like us who are affected profoundly by the so called meditation are very rare, and almost always leave sooner or later. The good side of this is that we may have found a way to directly experience other dimensions. The down side is that those dimensions are inhabited in part by malign entities. No names, no pack drill. :lol:
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about the negative side..

Post26 Jul 2007

I recall "Murlis" that made statements like:
    "I (meaning "Shiv"..??) have come to make the number one sinful soul into the number one flower ..." (Or something like that).
Many times is clearly stated that "Baba" is not here to deal with the righteous but the sinful ... and if you push me it is obvious that the number one sinful. Sort of like the "Black Krishna". So. It makes sense!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

If God can change the hearts of the "demons" then ... what else is needed to make a righteouss world??

... Just kind of off the track but not to be ignored :D :P.
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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post27 Jul 2007

Proy wrote:I was hoping you would know how to close it.

Personally speaking, I do know and choose how open I wish to be, after years of practice and experience I s'pose. I know many people who've suddenly opened up to their psychic and channeling abilties and it drives them nuts for a while, but eventually seem to manage to control it according to their needs ... or drop it altogther as something 'ungodly' ...
I would have to differ with you slightly here and say that most BKs are not having any experiences. I think people like us who are affected profoundly by the so called meditation are very rare, and almost always leave sooner or later.

Perhaps one of the reasons we leave is because we know that we can have deeper experiences than what's 'allowed'? As a BK I had many WOW meditative experiences but maybe thats because I was already psychically open when I joined?
The good side of this is that we may have found a way to directly experience other dimensions. The down side is that those dimensions are inhabited in part by malign entities. No names, no pack drill. :lol:

Hmmm, interesting, but it does open up the question about the Subtle Regions as taught by the BKWSU (I think theres another thread somewhere re: this though) . On one ,I've come to believe that the 'ordinary' BK is only taught about the Subtle Regions in order to 'control' and limit their experiences (i.e only 'taught' to visit the Astral Plane which contain entities of various types and style and of different intentions) whilst the channellers of the BKWSU actually go into deeper dimensions, the others do not know anything about ... it could create a system where it keeps the 'humble ordinary' BK staring in wonder :roll: at what's being told to them and have no way themselves to disprove it ... and keep the 'senior' on a pedestal as well ...
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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post27 Jul 2007

[quote="paulkershaw]Hmmm, interesting, but it does open up the question about the Subtle Regions as taught by the BKWSU (I think theres another thread somewhere re: this though) ... I've come to believe that the 'ordinary' BK is only taught about the Subtle Regions in order to 'control' and limit their experiences[/quote]
An interesting idea I have no objection to. What I wonder about are the conversations that go on but are never recorded where all this stuff is discussed and decided. Just as the issue of training up mediums is not. In other words, another Papacy.

Of course, I consider much of the theodicy to be deliverately limiting. Despite the PR theory of all BK being equal and BK Raja Yoga not being about all this stuff, for sure the mediums and those most closely attached to them occupy the positions of highest status.

What position does, say, an intellectual or philosopher within the family have? They are more likely to be minimised as a danger and their thoughts dismissed as manmat whereas the most garbled and imaginative "trance messages" be hailed at God's emmissions. In other words, another Papacy.

Look at Anthony Strano's or Anthea Church's books for an example of this. Both of they were many times more intelligent that the vast majority of Senior Sisters but their published thoughts are reduced to greeting card-style poetic platitudes.


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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post27 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:What position does, say, an intellectual or philosopher within the family have? They are more likely to be minimized as a danger and their thoughts dismissed as manmat whereas the most garbled and imaginative "trance messages" be hailed at God's emmissions. In other words, another Papacy.

Only the little ones are front, because the scientists cannot fully accept Gyan as they would ... I was told this more than once. "They are only there as support for BK". They are not to be anything but pawns. "Their intellect is not wide enough. In Golden Age, they are supposed to become the teachers and tell us everything we need about this world. They study Gyan so they can become pure enough to serve us in Golden Age".

There is one issue I would like to raise. Most of BK are women whose "experience" of the world remains limited (family, and then BK family). They never get to travel, rarely get an education, and are sometimes malnourished. If I taught such a person how to meditate, they would want to experiment the realms of meditation, they would eventually find out about the astral realm (which description is really close to what's given in Gyan about the 3 worlds).

The way I learned about astral traveling was because of sleeping after intense meditation. Hey, imagine, you can still be with Baba and think straight while your body sleeps (told you I bought the package deal). And there's no better way to realize you are bodiless than when you actually are ...

Leaving a regular spiritual practice as intense as BK or PBK life cannot go without consequences, and the psychic attacks that you feel are one of them. I remember I had people visiting me, begging me to give them knowledge. It's not that weren't there before, I just did not see them because I focused on one goal. Just as others focus on their daily lives. I would have nightmares, and heavy ones too. There are nights I wouldn't sleep without a light on. (Nearly burned down the appartment with candles. hihihi :D ).

Also, in meditation, we are told to focus on Baba's love and protection. When you leave BK life, you are in spiritual and emotional turmoil, and that makes you an easy target. The "love and protection" is still there, but you refuse it because you think you're not worthy. Or, you're scared of talking about it.

If I think of all the people I thought myself superior too, or tried to convince so hard in my dreams that BK was the only thing real, or beat up because they were trying to induce me into vice ... this was a just return. When in BK life, you don't experience that because you think you're on the right path ...
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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post28 Jul 2007

malachiel wrote:When you leave BK life, you are in spiritual and emotional turmoil, and that makes you an easy target. The "love and protection" is still there, but you refuse it because you think you're not worthy. Or, you're scared of talking about it.

Have you left? Do you talk from experience or theory?

One thing that divides this forum is the question of whether BK Shiva is "god" or not. Frankly I could not give a toss about what he/she/it/they think or feel towards me ...

I have no problem if you are a card carrying BK or not ... but I would prefer that you spoke from and of your own personal experience rather than project fairly typical mushy emotions BKs theories on we others.

You personal experiences sound valid enough to be. If you feel the need to discharge some of the Dadi classes you have lsiten to, that is fine. Overal, leaving BK life is a huge relief and was great thing to do.

Yes, there is turmoil and I look forward to discussing that with you. One faces unpicking all the conditioning out your system, entirely cut off and inable to accept human support. And I agree, there are psychic implications ... the BK do not give up or let you go easily. I am not sure that they are entirely for one's own good though. I tend to think that they are attached and want and need to you and your energy.


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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post28 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote: Have you left? Do you talk from experience or theory?

Yes I do. As I have posted in another subject, I have 12 years of on and off experience now with the BK (3 years totally off now). I have family members that are still in and not thinking of leaving. I am not thinking of going back. Therefor, I am an X-BK.

I do talk from experience. I still use astral traveling today. When I was younger, I would have small sessions of automatic writing, but since I would only ask about personal matters, like how can I be closer to Baba, I don't feel like sharing them with the WWW. Sorry.
One thing that divides this forum is the question of whether BK Shiva is "god" or not.

I understood that. I think that would make a great topic to post about. And I wouldn't mind making the honours, if yudhishtira hadn't already opened one (Commonroom, Who's God to you?). I still like to call my Supreme One "Baba" or "Shiva". I've never had a problem with the Divine. It's men "with" the Divine I cannot handle :D. And I don't see why they should be the only ones using the names. If you prefer, I can switch to Allah, or She. It's a pretty name too ...
I have no problem if you are a card carrying BK or not ... but I would prefer that you spoke from and of your own personal experience rather than project fairly typical mushy emotions BKs theories on we others. You personal experiences sound valid enough to be. If you feel the need to discharge some of the Dadi classes you have listened to, that is fine.

The stuff I said about the scientists was true, and confirmed to me many times. If you do want references, look in the book reuniting Murli quotes about the Golden Age. No, leaving BK life at the time was not a relief, as you say. It was frightening. In the group, I had the security of belonging somewhere. Of being able to find material support when needed, even physical protection. As the spiritual turmoil; well, when you don't find yourself worthy of something good, you usually find yourself calling for something bad (self-punishment). I am not saying it IS the case. It is possible.

Unfortunately, these emotions that you call "mushy" are typical. Very much. That's the sadness of it. You feel like you are the only one feeling it though. YOU HAVE NOBODY TO SHARE THEM WITH (and no, a Dadi that tells you you shouldn't be feeling sad doesn't count). And you fall off your chair when you find out you aren't. That is the point of mentioning them. I am sorry if you find this repetitive, for it is. And it has a relationship with psychic attacks, because the offenders want you to feel isolated and ressourceless, especially when you are not.

Do you know what it feels like when your mind tells you, "well, you won't spend Amrit Vela with Baba, so now you are going to sleep with Ravan!"? I'll tell you, you don't sleep at all :D :lol:. And I am certain I am not the only one who's had that happen. I am the sleep loving type, this shouldn't have happened to me.

I concede this point; you do not need to be vulnerable to receive a psychic attack. But being vulnerable increases the chance of getting one, or being affected be one. In the situation we're in, as in BK life is lived to become God-like, the assertions I've made are realistic. I have lived that and they have been mentioned in other cases. And a person, living or else, is more likely to use what's already there to help them attack you, something like your own feelings of uneasiness.

It's not necessarily an attack, sometimes it's just "something" passing by, something you know should not be there. I used to love watching horror movies, now I don't even dare look at previews. This is especially difficult in Halloween, were I just have to turn the TV off. Science fiction at most, no cutting heads off and the hero has got to save the world.
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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post28 Jul 2007

malachiel wrote:I do talk from experience. I still use astral traveling today. When I was younger, I would have small sessions of automatic writing, but since I would only ask about personal matters, like how can I be closer to Baba, I don't feel like sharing them with the WWW. Sorry.

Rather I should have said, "please talk of your experiences". Sorry, I would like to put this down to use of language. Some people use 'you' to mean 'me' or 'one'. You were talking of your own experience, I thought you were defining our experience.

I do agree with you. I did go through a maelstrom after leaving and took years to get any sense of bearing backs. I know what you mean but guess I am further out of their orbit than you. Overall, leaving did feel like a great thing to do. I was very glad to get the whole system out of my life and all these people I never wanted or invited into my life ... nevermind my head. I tried ... I was wasting my life.

More later ... please contribute more to the other thread on the Psychic Dimension of the BKWSU.

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