The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism and Channeling

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post15 Jul 2007

Arjun in the thread Sevak Ram, Piu Vanis and the history of Om Mandli wrote:Thanks for the efforts. Anyways, I will produce a gist of the articles contained in the January edition of the Gyanamrit magazine published by the BKs. Today, while travelling to the local mini-Madhubans by bus, I could read almost the entire issue and came to know of the experiences of many senior BKs and many interesting aspects of the Yagya history, which I shall share with everyone.

And I got the fruits of reading that magazine when, to my surprise, I found Baba giving drishti at the mini-Madhubans after many years. He narrated a clarification Murli and also answered some questions during the discussion class, but because of the unsavoury behaviour of two PBK mothers (one of whom is almost a psychic patient), he had to leave the discussion class midway. Anyway, we all enjoyed the class as well as the discussion.
abrahma Kumar wrote:Arjun Bhai, do you use the word "psychic" as an adjective relating to some abilities or events that cannot be explained by natural laws, especially those involving telepathy or clairvoyance? Or do you imply that these PBK mothers claim to have psychic and or clairvoyant abilities?

Arjun Bhai, seeing you have followed-up psychic with the word "patient" my mind wondered whether we were to understand that you were of the opinion that one of the Sisters was in need of "psychiatric care"? Or was it just a casual, individual turn of phrase which we ought not to think too deeply on?

As an aside: The issue of duty of care has come up on numerous ocassions on this site. What do others think about the information contained in Arjun's post? Maybe I misunderstand completely.

Yes, the mother referred to above is somewhat a psychiatric patient (Sorry for using the wrong word). She is a widow and senior citizen (may be aged above 70) She does all her work meticulously. When she is normal she speaks nicely and relates her experiences to all the new PBKs who meet her. But sometimes her mind is not in control and she starts abusing PBKs. She does that even when nobody is listening to her.

Most of the PBKs who visit the mini-Madhubans where she stays, know about her mental condition, so they (and even Baba) do not mind about her abnormal behaviour. In fact, even today, when she and another mother started speaking loudly, Baba took it in a light mood and said that these were two Dadi Ammas (grandmothers). But he knows that once she starts speaking she would not stop and hence he left the gathering.

One of the factors that contributed to her present state of mind was that her only son fell into bad company many years ago, when she was in the intoxication of knowledge, and he started taking drugs, alcohol, and started smoking. For most time he would be unemployed and misuse her hard earned money and the small amount of pension that she receives.

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Post21 Jul 2007

Regarding the evil souls entering etc., it is said we are the ones to make these evil souls good. It is our duty. The example is with the fire brigade and a fire. When there is fire they don't run and hide but perform the duty to put it off.

Maybe our mistake is we fear these evil souls. All people fear them, from which they don't get any better. We are the ones to liberate them from sorrow. It is a matter of consciousness. Whatever the consciousness, so we will develop such qualities accordingly. If we are normal and weak, then they will torture us. If we have mercy for even them that we will bring their benefit then we will be strong.
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Witching hour

Post21 Jul 2007

Just a little note here.

I posted a new reference to the Om Mandli in the history section. It talks about Lekhraj Kirpalani taking the girls out to practise Ras Lila at Midnight on the beach.

That is a bit freaky, really. Was this trance dancing? Who knows the steps?
andrey wrote:Regarding the evil souls entering etc., it is said we are the ones to make these evil souls good. It is our duty ... Maybe our mistake is we fear these evil souls. All people fear them, from which they don't get any better.

Good God ... something we actually agree on, Andrey!

There is, of course, more to it than just that but may be we can spin off a little to cover soul rescue work for disincarnate spirits.
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Post23 Jul 2007

It is also said that if there is an evil spirit we should move, so that it does not enter us.
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Mr Green


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Post23 Jul 2007

andrey wrote:It is also said that if there is an evil spirit we should move, so that it does not enter us.

That is a quote taken out of context from Murli, which is about the vices.
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Post25 Jul 2007

I think that the author of Harry Potter, e.g JK Rowling is an incredible channel for Higher Spirit. Perhaps though without knowing where she's getting the stories and detailed information from, she's changed the face of spirituality a great deal. In the new movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, oh getting to be so cute H P is talking to Sirius in a secret meeting house and on the walls of the room a 'family tree' is depicted with many names and planets shown, including those of Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus etc.

In channeling processes, I've often come across these planets/star formations and the 'spirit' beings associated and aligned with these planets, all who have specific roles to play in supporting our planet and humanity at this time.

So this brings me to another point: In just ten years, one single parent namely; JK Rowling, seems to be able to produce more spiritual information to change the consciousness of this earthplane than the 70+ years that the 'professional' and powerful world master yogis of the BKWSU have been able to do so. Furthermore, is their 'knowledge' of The Tree (as discussed in other threads) limited and incomplete and/or biased? It seems to be so eh?

Or perhaps why channeling, as such within the BKWSU, is only permitted by the one or two who do so, or maybe if everyone 'did' it, the regular class members may just download more info than the BKWSU could handle and take energy away from the current teachings. "Hey Sista - Look at the light, look at the light, do not think anything else than what you have been taught, etc ... all other things do not exist, only what we teach is is the truth ... " blah blah blah.

NO wonder the Reality TV show "The Fear Factor' is doing so well. It's relevant.
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Post25 Jul 2007

Interesting angle. Just an aside, one of the BKs on the Wikipedia wrote that it appeared that "only Hindus" within the BKWSU could be channels.

Tell me what is going on there!?! Afraid of a power swing away from the Indian leadership, or is there something inferior and too impure about white, yellow or black people?

To me, this is another example of how the process must on a lower psychic level to be limited in such ways.
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Post25 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:Tell me what is going on there!?! Afraid of a power swing away from the Indian leadership, or is there something inferior and too impure about white, yellow or black people?

White, yellow or black people may not be able to speak Hindi and therefore ...


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I remember that....

Post25 Jul 2007

I was told first that I should not try trance all, that it was impure and dangerous, that there was a safer and more effective way to meet Baba in the meditative state.

I was also told that the people with the closest connection with ShivBaba were the people in India, and they alone would form the court of Radhe and Krishna. I asked if there was any chance one day that I would be able to be a Chariot ... Boy, do I like to put myself in trouble ...

Thought about it though: If the person giving The Knowledge or the instructions wasn't Indian, a lot of people would drop it, Indian people, same goes for PBKs. Buisness is buisness after all, God or else. I also remember a prophecy saying that Madhuban was to be destroyed and that then there would be foreing channelers. Is my memory faltering? Can somebody, oops, some soul answer that?

You would think that this powerful of a being would have had others (other than Indian) acknowledge him and come from from all directions ... Channelers, mediums and else ... We'd have infomercials by now ... :lol:.

I am a fan of Harry Potter, but if we are to consider every author of inspirational stories who tells us to strive for ourselves instead of victimizing ... well, they just might be ... What was J.R.R. Tolkien channeling then? Or Frank Herbert? Are all of the best authors just channeling, or printing stuff that's really theirs?
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Post25 Jul 2007

Welcome to the forum malachiel - I am also a Harry Potter fan and it's nice to meet yet another angel.
ex-I wrote:"only Hindus" within the BKWSU could be channels
paulkershaw wrote:white, yellow or black people may not be able to speak Hindi and therefore...

This was one of the key points in my breaking away from the BK:

    1) God doesn't "speak" (only) Hindi - he/she communicates whatever and in whichever way you need to understand him/her
    2) If Shiva Baba/BapDada speaks Hindi, then this can only be because BB and/or Dadi Gulzar as the channeller have this limitation
    3) Therefore, Shiva Baba/BapDada is not God whoever/whatever else they may be ...
Love and best wishes to you all.
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Post25 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:White, yellow or black people may not be able to speak Hindi and therefore ...

Should not be a problem for the so-called "Shiva". How many so-called Ascended Masters have communicated in English?

Its a problem for Lekhraj Kirpalani because he was not/is not Ascended, IMHO.
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Post26 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Or perhaps why channeling, as such within the BKWSU, is only permitted by the one or two who do so, or maybe if everyone 'did' it, the regular class members may just download more info than the BKWSU could handle and take energy away from the current teachings. "Hey Sista - Look at the light, look at the light, do not think anything else than what you have been taught, etc ... all other things do not exist, only what we teach is is the truth ... " blah blah blah.

That's an interesting thought. Considering the ramifications of the channelings conducted by the BKWSU’s mediums so far, The Supreme Soul seems to only be able to acquire the language capacity of the corporeal mediums It uses. This appears to also limit the frame of reference in which the Supreme Soul can communicate and understand information; this makes The SS limited to certain language.

NLP was developed from the frame of reference that we humans each have our own neuro (brain) language and chemistry for interpretation of and communication with reality and its inhabitants. Language not only of words, but of modalities; color, sound, size, imagery, physical sensations, etc. If The SS is limited to oral language, does it mean that The SS is also limited to the brain language of the (duh) mediums It goes into?

2 angles appear to me now. The scary angle is The Supreme Soul Shiva really is The Supreme Soul Shiva and that all the imperfections within the Chariots and the BKWSU is not just acceptable but a must have do to the limited neuro linguistic and problem solving capacities of the human chariots The Supreme Soul Shiva has access to.

Now in regards to past predictions of the date of Destruction (the unforgiving mistake of Gyan), I want to share an explanation that could make some ex-BKs go back to the BKs.

I have had the opportunity to see the future (vision of the future) during a trance state. It was when I had a near death experience. The way it worked, in my experience at least, is that the future is shown in a flash as clear as a conscious dream and it is determined by the current situation of relevant forces. If important variables from the present reality are changed, say someone's will or belief for example, the vision becomes invalid.

This could explain Brahma Baba's problems with predictions; the limiting skills of the Chariot, in regards to interpreting the whole truth and relaying detailed information before and even after the false prediction. In my experience, I was guided to understand that the visions of the future could be changed, and I was also informed how to do this during my trance session. BB may or may have been informed about this fact of his future vision.

Brahma Baba has lied to his children at least in one aspect of Gyan, according to one of the Avyakt Murlis right after his corporeal death, where he said, before he said there was no Subtle Region but it does actually exist. He also said he lied for the good of the children. This shows some of the moral language Bap Dada, in regards to Brahma Baba’s moral language, uses to interpret and communicate things; lying is acceptable for the greater good.

Perhaps, as with all religions, this was for the benefit of exoteric Gyan, where as only the inner circle of the BKWSU was given the esoteric truth (or not).

The other angle I see is that, I think someone above mentioned this, "Who knows what is really being channeled?" There are accounts of cases where people supposedly possessed by demons were first told by the personalities that possessed them, that the possessor was an Angel of God. And, of course, there are some possessed who say they were possessed by God.

So where's the beef? We can, I have done this in the past, create an alter ego and will it to control our body and mind, for a period of time at least. A technique used by some practitioners of alchemy and white magic to represent a death of the old self and a new spiritual transformation and identity. This creation or conjuration is usually a psychological creation or isolation. It can be called God, or Shiva, or Lindsay Lohan, but where is the proof that it really is who it claims to be? Again, as with the first angle, the proof of the possessing personality could be limited to the skills and language of the one it possesses.

To summarize; perhaps the BKWSU is channeling the One Supreme Ocean of Infinite Knowledge, and that The Ocean is limited by the neuro linguistic language and psychological and psychic skills of the medium. If this is true, I see no possible way it can be proven that The Supreme Soul Shiva is who it says it is. Not only that! Everything that The Supreme Soul Shiva says, all of Gyan, is in some way limited and could even be violently flawed! So for the whole truth and nothing but the truth, we are going to have to look else where.

However if the Supreme Soul Shiva is right, there is no where else to look. Everything is too corrupted! What a horrible reality this could be. Ah, this was the seed emotional feeling I had when I left Gyan, I just never put it into words before. So if the greatest and most profound truth we humans in this time can ever know is the extremely flawed and limited truth of The SS, people centered well in reality and demanding facts, common sense, logic and evidence are absolutely screwed!

The other side of the coin is that the BKWSU could be channeling something else, either another personality that exists or one that was created by BB and his children. If this is the case and we (I did) surrendered to it completely ...

In most types of Reiki, there are initiations required to progress. There are also rituals-ceremonies to renounce the initiation if the initiate ever decides to leave the energy. The renouncing ritual supposedly removes the psychic-energetic connection between the initiate and the master and energy acquired through the initiation. A personal ceremony of this sort might be something one would be interested in doing if they desperately wanted to separate from the psychic-energetic bond that lasts even after leaving Gyan.

I worked my hienie off while in the BKWSU and there are a lot of good fruits from my labor. It's not all good though. If I was to do a renouncing spell, I would be careful to word it so as not to renounce all the good things I have worked for and acquired from the BKWSU, real; character, knowledge, self awareness, etc and seemingly more fantastic fantasy with no supporting evidence and is probably not real; 99% corporeal immortality in the form of rebirths, going to the Golden Age, etc :lol: (just to be safe).

Seemingly, there is no possible evidence that can supports The Supreme Soul Shiva is who It says It is if The Supreme Soul Shiva is truly limited to the language of It’s medium (or by Drama, as has been said). On the other hand the evidence (inconsistencies within Gyan and moral behavior of the BKs) does support the second angle of looking at things.

In the real world, where history has shown that blind faith has lead to countless disasters and the death of millions, maybe its time that as a people we accept the mystery that life is and just live with reason, common sense and the pursuit of more facts.

"Philosophy is masturbation of the mind" - Anonymous
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Post27 Jul 2007

Any Ascended Master (A M) that I listen to or connect speaks through their medium in the language of the medium (sometimes simultaneously), so we know it is possible for the A M to do so. No reason why G-D couldn't do it either, is there?

But we should also remember, as Neo has pointed out, that perhaps G-D speaks His/her own language and one should be open to non-vocal connections being made, the point of sitting in meditation I s'pose ...

Often my 'guide' delivers info in non verbal ways, offering imagery and 'visions' instead of words ...
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Post27 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Any Ascended Master (A M) that I listen to or connect speaks through their medium in the language of the medium (sometimes simultaneously), so we know it is possible for the A M to do so. No reason why G-D couldn't do it either, is there? Often my 'guide' delivers info in non verbal ways, offering imagery and 'visions' instead of words ...

Hey, you're not into all that 'I am' stuff are you?????

I know someone who's gone to their headquarters in California.


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Post28 Jul 2007

bro neo wrote:That's an interesting thought. Considering the ramifications of the channelings conducted by the BKWSU’s mediums so far, The Supreme Soul seems to only be able to acquire the language capacity of the corporeal mediums It uses. This appears to also limit the frame of reference in which the Supreme Soul can communicate and understand information; this makes The SS limited to certain language.

In Tibet, at the Drepung monastery, there are masters that teach you how to create a God for yourself. They teach you how visualize this entity, give it a corporeal form, communicate with it, have it move objects around. Then they ask you to destroy it. All that to show you what powers your mind has. People that pass this test are given initiation. People that don't leave the place with a creation of their mind.

If a single individual can do that, imagine 900,000 people meditating on Shiv Baba. If He exists, He has to maintain his own spiritual level while doing spiritual service and fight the barriers of limits that their limited minds impose on him (worthy of being called God) which would explain what is going on at BKWSU: when they are being teached about Shiva, they would see him through the limitations of their teachers on top of their own limitations. That would also explain

if Shiv Baba doesn't exist, then he would be the result of 900,000 and + people regular visualization. He would be destroyable, but pretty much real or close to be, in the collective unconscious. He would have the same effect as the real one, but, very limited action range, due to the limited point of view of the visualizers. Is this whole lot really ready to accept an all-loving and totally unlimited God with all that it implies? Doubt so! But they still define him and visualize him as such, so that He could alter everything surrounding them, because they want him to. They don't want to be wrong, so there has to be a result for all this meditating.

They would "create" the whole Cycle, and create an unconscious spot where the end of the world would be an acceptable fate, joining all the other religions that tell you that. They would be able to alter the course of history. What a beautiful spiritual mass weapon! Controlled once in a while by a new Murli, giving the main course of action ...

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