Meditation Experiences When in a Group versus Being Alone

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Meditation Experiences When in a Group versus Being Alone

Post18 Jul 2007

This topic has not been discussed in detail so far it seems, sporadic here and there maybe. In another thread
pilatus wrote:2) On the day after my one and only BapDada encounter, I had one of the most intense mediation experiences I've ever had at a session led by Sr. Maureen at Gyan Sarovar.

What are other folks most memorable meditation experience in a collection situation? In what centre, with who, what happened, when?

I had a few but maybe the most memorable was in Pandav Bhavan, Madhuban. A post breakfast class session led by Sister Sheilu, and for a long period it seems I was flying around even when the class re-continued, I was still floating and "refused" to come back down to earth. It was only when I felt a budge, then heard a small crackle on the earphone, before coming to the senses, the pulse between the eyes was still pumping.

Usually I may have very "light and white" experiences whilst meditating on my own, rather than in groups, whether at home or alone in Baba's room. Is this what others also experience, on their own versus when in a group ?

Amrit Vela also brings the best experiences, once the sleepiness is overcome.
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Mr Green


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Post18 Jul 2007

I NEVER had good Amrit experiences, and I had sit one on one with Dadi !!!!!!!!!!!

For me, they happen when I am on my own or conducting meditation.

But I don't believe your experiences have anything to do with external influence of any kind, how can they??? That is just a sensory perception of the material world ... Sister Maureen is a physical object, whether that object is floating or not has nothing to do with her being there.

It is not her that is the powerful yogi, it is the one having the experience that is powerful ... all that "I had this experience here with so and so" is pure Bhakti.

Meditation or Yoga is the conscious realisation of the non-physical aspect of existence of the self. Within this sphere of being, any so called physical thing can be experienced in the depth of one's own consciousness.

Please ... sometimes you lot are just so body-conscious.


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Post18 Jul 2007

To add :

The topic is not specifically about the reasons or causes surrounding the meditation itself (there's much talk about this elsewhere). It is only about the differences had when in group or individual experiences at the time. In addition, it is much easier to "analyse" what happened afterwards as this forum is doing, but during the time, it was "accepted". So could it be that other souls around you created more vibrations? Did you feel the person on the gaddhi helped? Was sitting on Baba's rock in a group just simply windy and cold, or was the best time happened when in your home? And what about in BapDada's presence ?

This topic could also apply to other forms of meditation as in other non BK practices.
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Post18 Jul 2007

When teaching the 7 Day Course to newcomers.

I never did any of those wussy "BK diffusion" courses. This is where I differ from mr green as who ever it is, or what ever it is DEFINITELY uses the individual, overshadowing, channelling, whatever you call it. "It" does stuff I cannot/could not do and it is just not the circumstance or hypnosis!

Perhaps it is as simple as some BKs being better psychic transmitters than others?
    Now, whether this is "Raja Yoga" or something else ... that is another question.
I just think we were being set up to be channels for some other entities/beings be it a Shiva or not.
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Chanelling Entities

Post19 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:I just think we were being set up to be channels for some other entities/beings be it a Shiva or not.

That is why I and many of my friends who are ex-BKs may still meditate, but avoid classic so-called Raj Yoga. Personally I have returned to Zen Buddhist meditation. I feel it is much safer as there are no chanelled entities involved.
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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post19 Jul 2007

proy wrote:That is why I and many of my friends who are ex-BKs may still meditate, but avoid classic so-called Raj Yoga.

Point of order, your honour!

Let's call it BK-style Raja Yoga because what the BKs do is certainly not "classic Raja Yoga".
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Re: Chanelling Entities

Post19 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:Point of order, your honour!
Let's call it BK-style Raja Yoga because what the BKs do is certainly not "classic Raja Yoga".

Agreed. Most of them probably never heard of Patanjali.

And "Classic Raja Yoga"
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Post19 Jul 2007

Mr.Green wrote:But I don't believe your experiences have anything to do with external influence of any kind, how can they??? That is just a sensory perception of the material world ... Sister Maureen is a physical object, whether that object is floating or not has nothing to do with her being there.

Brother Green,

Like ex-l, I would also like to differ with you. Sister Maureen's body (or for that matter the body of any 'XYZ') is indeed a physical object which by itself cannot affect the level of others' meditation/soul consciousness (unless someone looks at her in body consciousness), but Sister Maureen's soul can definitely have an effect on the mind of others, both in negative and positive way. If she has a powerful soul conscious stage she can definitely help others in attaining that stage to some extent.

In fact, it is not just with BK/PBK RajYoga, but with any other form of meditation as practiced in other religions/cults. But when one is sitting in the gathering/collective meditiation, then it is not necessary that only the Sister/Brother, who is giving drishti will have an influence. It may be possible that someone in the gathering may have a higher soul conscious stage than the Sister/Brother leading the meditation.

Suppose the Brother/Sister leading the meditation sleeps off physically or mentally while conducting the meditation, whatever may be the reason, and if any or many of those in the gathering have a powerful experience of meditation, then it is possible that it is either through their own effort or because of the experience of any/many of the others sitting in the gathering.

The Murlis and Avyakt Vanis also support the above view.

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Mr Green


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Post19 Jul 2007

bansy wrote:To add :

The topic is not specifically about the reasons or causes surrounding the meditation itself (there's much talk about this elsewhere). It is only about the differences had when in group or individual experiences at the time. In addition, it is much easier to "analyse" what happened afterwards as this forum is doing, but during the time, it was "accepted". So could it be that other souls around you created more vibrations? Did you feel the person on the gaddhi helped? Was sitting on Baba's rock in a group just simply windy and cold, or was the best time happened when in your home? And what about in BapDada's presence ?

This topic could also apply to other forms of meditation as in other non BK practices.

Well, I still disagree.

true you can allow others to control you if that's your bag, but your experience is your own existence. The power of another soul has nothing to do with your own meditation experiences

I give you an example, I have taken drishti on stage in abu, people tell me it was god there,
    so how come God was unable to affect my consciousness at all???
I am telling you folks it is all self hypnosis and self-conviction.

Please don't quote Murlis at me, I spent many nights studying them and will always be able to counter quote you ... that is just like bible bashing ... your experiences are your own creation. It even says this in the Murlis!!!!! If you have Bhakti with something long enough you will have a vision of it!!!

Yes, you can ALLOW the power of others to affect you, and you can be affected by the atmosphere of a group or place, but the flavour and type of experience you have will always be individual!!! Your own flavour.
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Mr Green


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Post19 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:When teaching the 7 Day Course to newcomers.

I never did any of those wussy "BK diffusion" courses. This is where I differ from mr green as who ever it is, or what ever it is [you]DEFINITELY[/you] uses the individual, overshadowing, channelling, whatever you call it. "It" does stuff I cannot/could not do and it is just not the circumstance or hypnosis!

Perhaps it is as simple as some BKs being better psychic transmitters than others?
    Now, whether this is "Raja Yoga" or something else ... that is another question.
I just think we were being set up to be channels for some other entities/beings be it a Shiva or not.

I was what they call an instrument, a surrendered teacher. I did all this stuff. I sat on the Gaddi conducted Yoga, read the Murli had golden light coming out of my forehead all that stuff.

I don't believe for a second I was channeling anyone or anything. I was told by the Dadis I was a powerful yogi, I was asked many times by Dadi P to sit next to her and conduct meditation in Abu.

I think these powers are within us and nothing to do at all with God or spirits, you cannot use the word definitely underlined ex-l!!!!!!! I love you dearly but that is just your belief, it is not definite at all.

Another reason I have this opinion is I had all these experiences and meditative abilities before I joined Gyan!!!!!!
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Post19 Jul 2007

OK. I get your point. Yes, I accept that some of these abilities/experiences etc are latent within in.
mr green wrote:I give you an example, I have taken drishti on stage in abu, people tell me it was god there, so how come God was unable to affect my consciousness at all???

Its an interesting question and i know it can be true ... but them some would say that it is not god on the stage at abu, including the PBKs.

But then I know that I had extraordinary experiences teaching the course and students had wonderful (and weird) experiences there too. The had not had Bhakti with me. Sometimes on their very first lesson they would go out of the body, see white light, be blown away by an incredibly powerful experience. The variability of the experience is worthy of discussion.

This is why I say something psychic can also happen. My bottomline is that we were - at times - being used as channels. But, I accept not, always. And not necessarily of god. It might be worth your while, out of interest, to go and explore what the rest of the world understands as channelling.

Are you saying that there are no such things "spirits", channelling etc?
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Post19 Jul 2007

Thanks bansy for using one of my quotes to trigger off an interesting debate ...

After the event, I'd agree with most of you that what happened did reflect to some extent my own ability and inexperience with BK raj Yoga (in fact, I said pretty much the same to my other half at the time).

On the other hand, I identify a lot with bansy's "and 'refused' to come back down to earth" - apparently they switched the lights on and off a couple of times without any result - I was still "away with the fairies". As the rest of the class left, one Brother snapped his fingers in front of me and that brought me back to earth uttering, "Jesus ...".

While I don't have the depth of BK experience of ex-I, arjun or mr green, I agree more with the former - it's not all "all self hypnosis, self-conviction or body-conscious". Some part of it is related to the shared experience with other souls including BapDada whatever he/she is ...

Best wishes to you all.
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Post19 Jul 2007

pilatus wrote:As the rest of the class left, one Brother snapped his fingers in front of me and that brought me back to earth uttering, "Jesus..."

Ha! Wrong God!!! That is you condemned to the Copper Age now ...

Me? Blondes can never be deep. I am only opinionated.

Never mistake the two!
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Post19 Jul 2007

No, i only knew how to fall asleep :lol:.
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Post20 Jul 2007

It is said in the Murli that when good service is happening then we should understand that it is BapDada who is doing it. Some children feel proud that they did good service but it is BapDada that enters and gives power of vision, speech, virbration. We believe that we are impure, degraded souls who are incapable of doing service. So the soul of Bap (incorporeal Shiva) enters to do service or the soul of Krishna enters to do service, or of Mama or other souls of The Inspirational Party.

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