World Renewal Spiritual Trust Deed

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World Renewal Spiritual Trust Deed

Post17 Jul 2007

"Mostly the mothers are such that – just as Brahma believed his children and the children secretly established the World Renewal Trust. They got the property of the entire Yagya registered in their name, or in the names of their accomplices and companions and Brahma did not come to know of it at all. He continued to have faith on them till the end. And when he came to know that – Arey! These children have turned out to be very fraudulent children, he left his body; he had a heart attack."

For download - Link to the Trust Deed, the basis of the World Renewal Trust, registered with the sub Registrar Bombay on 16 January 1969, revealed to Brahma Baba on 17 January 1969; Brahma Kumaris - World_Renewal Trust Deed


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Post17 Jul 2007

Very interesting.
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Post17 Jul 2007

Wow. A bit of a smoking gun, that
    ... so there we have it folks. They showed Lekhraj Kirpalani and he died the next day.
And good old Bhai Ramesh, (is that not the same one BapDada was pulling his ear over not following instructions just recently), has his name on the leadership of the "Women led" organization. For a mere 2,000 Rupees, he - AND HIS HEIRS AND EXECUTORS - gets his name on the Trust as Trustee.
    Is Ramesh the accountant whose company does the accounts for the Yagya?

    Are there more pages to this, signatures etc?
Of course, it raises equally interesting questions about any previous contracts/deeds they might have had. From a legal point of view, this current one does not cancel any previous one, which is what one might expect if there was one. And we should start to look for any transfer documents, moving property, funds and personal bank accounts into the Trust's name. Where were they before, in Lekhraj Kirpalani's own personal name? We need to know. May be they operate parallel accounts/businesses ...

And smell the usual bullshit about poverty relief and "ancient India culture" ... On the basis of the later documents I have seen, that has been the model for the BKWSU ever since. Who are these other BKs ... and the one without a BK title?

In case folks don't get this, The World Renewal Trust is the legal name/body for the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. I'd like to know if there are other legal entities controlling the BKWSU.

Do the BKs read this positively, e.g. "Lekhraj Kirpalani's job was finish and so he could leave"?

I do agree that one would have thought someone that was karmateet and completely perfect should not have died in such a manner ... meaning Lekhraj Kirpalani dying by a heartattack.
    Was there Shrimat for Ramesh to put his name on the Trust? (I do not suppose so, I just have to ask).
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Post18 Jul 2007


I think there are more pages of this document. I too have a similar document which also contains the names of the trustees. I will check up if these two documents are the same.

I think there is another thread on the same topic. So, both the threads could be merged.

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Post18 Jul 2007

For those younger BKs that do not know it, the stories goes that the 84 year old Lekhraj Kirpalani wanted to, or had, written to the Indian Government saying that if Destruction did not come by 1976, he would donate all of his wealth to them.

Because the individuals in the BK camp did not believe that Destruction would come, and did not wish to risk losing all the money, they set up this trust to practically safeguard the property and wealth of the BKWSU.
    From a lokik point of view, Lekhraj Kirpalani was just mad, or going senile.
    From an alokik point of view, he was entirely inspired by God at all times and almost karmateet. Then why did a mere Brother step in and set up a business? It does not fit.
It is an interesting story for a number of reasons;
    it exhibits the usual shadowy grey areas that surround the BKWSU, its leadership, history and financial existence and proves the official story is an immature fairy story.
    it exhibits the usual tendency to re-write, re-invent and pull the wool over the BK followers, including the "Sisters run" rubbish.
    it raises an number of anomalies in the teachings and predictions that the BKs want to brush under the carpet and ignore and then the PBKs documented and try to resolve, e.g. if God said "Destruction in 1976", what did it mean and how could it be wrong?

    I also note that Janki Kripalani is not on the list of the trustees which is interesting. It suggests to me some politics between the parties involved at that time.
I think we still need to dig deeper to find out Lekhraj Kirpalani's will, the ownership and transfer of property and wealth, and see if it is all true.

It also raising smaller questions about "the money", e.g. Lekhraj Kirpalani was meant to have run out at some point during "The Beggary" (some say it was just a trick to test the followers), what was there left then to give to the Government? If I was serious involved, I want to know all this and be able to know all this in clear simple language, not rebuffed by spiritual platitudes.

May be we should change the name to RKWSU ... The Ramesh Kumaris World Spiritual University. Is this the same Ramesh (pictured center)? The one that married Usha Bhen to "save" her in a Yagya marriage;

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Bro. Ramesh

Post18 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:... Is this the same Ramesh (pictured center)? The one that married Usha Bhen to "save" her in a Yagya marriage;

Thanks ex-l, The picture you enclosed is of the same Bro. Ramesh that 'heads-up' the BKWSU SPARC department. The following blurb is given by the BKWSU about SPARC form one of its Activities Worldwide web pages.
Working with the Sciences

During the past decade many scientists in mainstream scientific research have begun to encounter and recognise the role and influence of consciousness in their work. Following four international symposia focused around Science and Consciousness in Greece and Mexico, the University has initiated a specific research project entitled SPARC (Spiritual Application and Research Centre) to explore the subtle mechanics and influences of the human mind.

I wonder if what you are uncovering here represents the one of the real reasons why students are warned-off getting too close to SPARC by certain Seniors, namely Dadi Janki.
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Madhuban class on trusteeship

Post18 Jul 2007

Looks like Ramesh to me. Is it a recent pic? Did he loose some weight? Beautiful tan he has, though!

I have to dig out for an old Ramesh Bhai's class titled something like" Becoming a Trustee"! How innocent we all were ...
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Post19 Jul 2007

Before we make any false accusations, does anyone know if the Trust was official and Shrimat inspired?

What is the BKWSU version of the events?

It is funny how he and Usha are still paraded around and do events together as a "couple".
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Post19 Jul 2007

Before we make any false accusations, does anyone know if the Trust was official and Shrimat inspired? What is the BKWSU version of the events? It is funny how he and Usha are still paraded around and do events together as a "couple".

Although I read the biography/book written by Dada Vishwaratan in Hindi long ago, but I remember that it has some mention about the trust in the latter half, most probably in the chapter on Brahma Baba's last days. Since the English translation of the above book is already available on this forum, someone could be generous enough to do some research for the sake of others like me.

The book containing only the photographs of Yagya history contains one or two photographs of BK Ramesh and BK Usha along with their family and Brahma Baba.

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Post19 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:Although I read the biography/book written by Dada Vishwaratan in Hindi long ago, but I remember that it has some mention about the trust in the latter half, most probably in the chapter on Brahma Baba's last days. Since the English translation of the above book is already available on this forum, someone could be generous enough to do some research for the sake of others like me.

I just checked but I see no mention in there. On page 62, it mentions that on the 19th, 20th and 21st January BapDada gave specialist instruction on the leadership, constitution and by-laws. Dated after this Trust Deed. Vishwa Ratan claims his name was on the management committee and so it is worth looking for copies of those too. Was the World Renewal Trust ignored or is it still active? Didi M and Dadi P were said to be named leaders ... but their name was already on the deed.

In fact, it also says that Lekhraj Kirpalani had asked Ramesh to arrange the purchase of a building was that he was in Ahmedabad on the 18th January to negotiate it. Could he had gone from Abu to Bombay on the 16th to Abu on the 17th to Ahmedabad on the 18th?
    Something does not seem right here.
The quote regarding the government demands etc comes later in 1973 (approx). It is to do with accounting not the Trust Deeds.

OK, so Vishwa Ratan's book has been proven fictious. So who told/showed Lekhraj Kirpalani the deeds on the 17th, if it is true? May be it is not ...


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Post25 Aug 2007

Poor old Baba Dixit went to jail because he did not pay taxes yet it seems if you're rich and close to powerful politicians you still don't pay taxes just the government give you the OK.
Circular No. 3 of 2003, dt. 11th March, 2003
Sub: Deduction of income-tax at source under sections 193,194A, and 194K of Income-tax Act - Payment to World Renewal Spiritual Trust, Mumbai whose income is exempt under section 10(23C) of the Income-tax Act, 1961
The matter regarding grant of exemption from deduction of income-tax at source under sections 193,194A, and 194K of the Income-tax Act on the payment of incomes to World Renewal Spiritual Trust, Mumbai whose income is exempt for assessment years 2002-03 to 2004-05 under section 10(23C)(vi) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, has been examined by the Board.
2. It has been decided by the Board that in the case of World Renewal Spiritual Trust, Mumbai the incomes by way of -
(i) interest on securities,
(ii) dividends,
(iii) interest other that 'income by way of interest on securities', and,
(iv) income in respect of units of a Mutual Fund specified under section 10(23D) or of the Unit Trust of India
may be paid to the Mission without deduction of income-tax at source.
The provisions of this circular shall be applicable for the financial years 2002-03 and 2003-04 (assessment years 2003-04 and 2004-05).
[F. No. 275/113/2002-ITB - From Central Board of Direct Taxes]

Indian Income Tax records

The Nirmala in question is none other than Dr Nirmala Kajaria in charge of Asia/Pacific Zone for the BKs. She was a close friend of Ramesh and Usha in Bombay and did the course after Mama died in 1965. Dada Lek Raj told her to continue with her work as a young doctor but that it was OK to break off an engagement for marriage. She later surrendered and assisted Dadi Janki in founding overseas centres from the early 70's.
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Post25 Aug 2007

lalita wrote:Poor old Baba Dixit went to jail because he did not pay taxes yet it seems if you're rich and close to powerful politicians you still don't pay taxes just the government give you the OK.

It also helps if you have a good accountant on board (Ramesh Bhai) which I suspect Virendra Dev Dixit did not. Also, as far as I understand, Virendra Dev Dixit follows the Murli where it says "do not register with the government" etc which probably also cost him a downfall. As an aside, I wonder if Virendra Dev Dixit went to see the Tax department/court as himself or as Shiva Baba?

This is what caught my eye
(I) interest on securities,
(ii) dividends,
(iii) interest other that 'income by way of interest on securities', and,
(iv) income in respect of units of a Mutual Fund specified under section 10(23D) or of the Unit Trust of India may be paid to the Mission without deduction of income-tax at source.

What we seem to be talking here are interest on investment funds, stocks and shares etc.

It would be very interesting for someone to dig out the BKWSU financial records, which will be public and I suspect as a charity legally open to be investigated and queried, and see how much they are sitting on in the bank and what it is they are investing in.
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Post26 Sep 2007

Just revisiting this topic, I have to ask. The PBKs make an issue of the 16 January 1969 date but on the trust deed, it also mentions an "original 28 November 1968" deed.
    What is the provenance of the January 17th story?
Do we know what happened between the two and why Lekhraj Kirpalani's signature or name is on neither?

Did he have any fortune left, was it ever signed over? Do we know if he had a Will? I wonder if he made provisions for his lokik family?

It would be funny if he did whilst they encourage folks to give everything to the Yagya. Its a wonder that all this is not documented. I would still like to see the last pages and signatures, please.
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Post27 Sep 2007

It also helps if you have a good accountant on board (Ramesh Bhai) which I suspect Veerendra Dev Dixit did not. Also, as far as I understand, Veerendra Dev Dixit follows the Murli where it says "do not register with the government" etc which probably also cost him a downfall. As an aside, I wonder if Veerendra Dev Dixit went to see the Tax department/court as himself or as Shiva Baba?

Yes, following the directions of ShivBaba 'not to register with the government' has led to a lot of difficulties for Baba Virendra Dev Dixit as well as the AIVV. Had he registered AIVV as an institution with the government, AIVV would have been flourishing worldwide like PBKIVV.

Baba Virendra Dev Dixit used to go or may be still goes to the Tax Dept./Court as an individual and not as ShivBaba.
Just revisiting this topic, I have to ask. The PBKs make an issue of the 16 January 1969 date but on the trust deed, it also mentions an "original 28 November 1968" deed. What is the provenance of the January 17th story?

Do you have a copy of the original deed dated 28th Nov, 1968? or is it a revised deed of latter years?

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Post27 Sep 2007

arjun wrote:Do you have a copy of the original deed dated 28th Nov, 1968? or is it a revised deed of latter years?

No, I was just reading the Deed at the top which states that date. I am supposing that was when a first draft was first written and not registered. Perhaps Lekhraj Kirpalani was becoming ill already. It often happens that people make an "unofficial will" just in case before they can make an official one. Were their power struggles and opposing groups at that time? Did BapDada instruct this? ... we always heard the opposite, that he was going to give it all away to the government.

    ... What I wonder is where are the documents showing that Lekhraj Kirpalani signed over all his property, including intellectual property (which would include the Murlis) to the 'World Renewal Trust'?
More and more I am thinking of that lot as being a separate offshoot from the 'real' or Avyakt "Godly University". It is like they know a change is coming and so they ran ahead setting up a trust and businesses trying to capture all the souls and land into them ... before the real thing comes along.

Perhaps they did their best according to their abilities/mentality ... but is time not over for what they have created? Do we not need some new and unlimited? Hierarchies ... power structures ... the need for property and centralized wealth ... is that REALLY the Godly vision?

In the Murlis it is said that "there will be a center in every street" ... is that going to happen if they have to own it? Does God really need everyone to leave their houses and properties to them in their Wills? 70 years later and where are we?

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