Proposed BK "Cult" Television Documentary

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post25 Jun 2007

pbktrinityshiva wrote:I guess the religons that are so transfixed with blaming the devil for their problems and finding the devil in others differnt from them ... tend to become the creature they focus on.

Yes, I am glad we have proven it was not the Devil now. Why, it was just Maya all along! :shock:

It is sad to say that most Christians, especially career Christians with something to lose if their congregation defects to another religion, seem to live in a flip-flop or fear and aggression. It was only 5- or 70 years ago that they, the priests and bishops, had almost total control over the lives and minds of the working classes and served the interests of the upperclass nobility and landlords over them.

Society DOES need to investigate, analyse and understand the components of what this "Cult Experience" thing is, because it is strangely universal. Sai Baba, Moonie, Scientologist, BK Brahmin, Flying Saucer Cult ... they all seem to have SUCH a similar pattern. It almost seems to work like clockwork.

Honeymoon Period ... crash ... ex-s ... antis ... financial mischief ... sexual accusations ... dodgy documentaries ... academic interest. The dynamic is embarrassingly similar for anyone who thought they had really founder "The Truth".
Di alive wrote:Is not that what the BKs aim for? World domination?

Yes, they say they are conquering the world 3 feet at a time, e.g. the room it takes for one person to sit down and meditate. That is conquering the World one mind at a time. It is what the American Military and the New World Order call a "Hearts and Minds" campaign. A psyops (psychological military operation). You win the war without having to fight a battle. The "enemy", existent families and society in the cults' case, submit and surrender without putting up a fight. It goes hand in hand with picking off or converting the active components, e.g. the husband, the wife, the first child ... the popstar, the VIP, the Royal family member, which weakens the family or soceity unit even further and makes it easier to lead.

Why else do they go on about Shiv Shakti Army and Pandav Army? The clues are writ clear. If you reference this to my "Sexy Sadie" post about Dadi Janki and the Maharishi, it will make more sense. These spirits, for good or bad (as I do not know yet), are out to overwhelm, to make of their kingdom, as much of humanity as possible. And you see it in the BKs at you end of the scale and at BapDada's obssession with VIPs and "mikes". It is all very skillfully done ... but according to a simple, well tried script.

Just to frame that hypothesis, I am sure that there are other already established spiritual hierarchies controlling humanity through the other religions and traditions (the 'conspiracy buffs' allegorical "reptiles" or secret societies). How spooky and whacked does that sound? It does sound spooky and whacked but needs to be understood as a working model to test its validity, at least by allegory first.

Ach, to hell with the lot of them ... take them out and burn them at the stake!
Monty Python wrote:Sir Bedevere: Why are you trying to burn that woman?
Villagers: Because she is a witch!
Bedevere: How do you know she is a witch?
Villagers: Well, we wouldn't be trying to burn her if she weren't.

I was thinking here about Monty Python, but in Arthurian legend, Sir Bedivere is the Knight of the Round Table who returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake. Stick that in your Bhog dishes and offer it ...
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Post10 Jul 2007

Did anyone hear back from our intrepid TV researcher, or did she take one look at the various posts and run away? :lol:
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Post10 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:Did anyone hear back from our intrepid TV researcher, or did she take one look at the various posts and run away ? :lol:

She does not work for the company anymore ... and any idea is a long way from manifesting ... as far as I know they are just fishing around for ideas and have not funding.

But, yes, individuals on or around the forum are speaking to broadcasters generally.

Its only a matter of time. Its a toss up whether folks just go for "any media is better than no media" to start the discussion rolling, or folks should hold out for a proper in depth documentary.
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Post14 Jul 2007

Here is their update info request. This will give the BKWSU double agents some warning.
Monkey Kingdom wrote:Documentary research

We are developing a documentary series looking at cults, religious groups and the effects someone's involvement can have on their relationships with friends and family. At this stage we are just conducting research to help us understand this complex and sensitive subject.

We are keen to communicate with anyone who has or has had a loved one involved in a cult - particularly a son or daughter. Whether it's by phone or email - the communication would be completely confidential, off the record and can be anonymous if necessary. Here are the kinds of questions we will ask - anything you don't feel comfortable discussing, just ignore.
    Has anyone you know been involved in a cult? If so, what is your relationship to the person?

    How did they become involved in the group?

    How long have they been/were they involved?

    What are the main beliefs of this particular group?

    How do you feel about their involvement?

    How has their involvement in the cult affected your relationship with them?

    How has their personality been affected?

    Have you tried to intervene or convince them to leave the group at all? If so, what was their reaction to this?

    If the person you know has left the group - can you explain why and how?

    Did anyone help them leave the group?
Ideally we would like to have a confidential phone conversation with you, but if you would find it easier to write down your answers and experiences and send or email them - that's fine. My details are below;

Catherine Lynch, Monkey Factual

0207 7493132

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