Is an impartial website?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Do you consider to be impartial?

Yes, it is impartial.
It is impartial as it is possible to be.
It could be more impartial.
No, it is not impartial at all.
Total votes : 36

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reforming BK

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Post10 Jul 2007

I remember asking the question sometime ago about why there were no ex-pbks posting; and now here we have one! But it seems as though there is the greater tendancy, as you are saying, to go and "grow your own Shiv Baba" if you leave the BKs/ PBKs in India, rather than taking a step back and seeing where you are going ...

Are we going to have to change the name to BrahmaKumaris/ Or are we saying that some organisations are OK to criticise and others aren't? In which case this forum would definately not be impartial would it?

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Post10 Jul 2007

It is difficult. Where do we draw the line?

With the PBKs it is quite clear, they think that they and the BKs are one family, they uses or recognise the same Murlis and Knowledge, they claim mediumship of the same god or spirits.

The Vishnu Party were news to most, or all, Westerners and there was historically some interest. I think quickly the consensus arose that they had crossed over the line and were pushing some other religion altogether. Some branch of Hinduism. Especially when it turned out Mr Patel was God. No one has clarified whether he is also a medium ...

None of the rest have come forward and said, "Yes to Knowledge, Lekhraj Kirpalani, Murlis etc". They seem to exist as a reaction against and to hate the PBKs! Do the BKs don't want them back?

The BK have never really explained the difference in character of spirit speaking the Sakar Murlis to that of the Avyakt Vanis. Although I am not taking sides, I would say that the character of Virendra Dev Dixit's Clarifications is a lot more like the character of the Sakars.

But, hey ho, what a can of worms to drop on the United Nations Organization doorstep. Reality here we come ... But, remember, we are not here to criticize but support and hold open discussions.
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reforming BK

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Post11 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:But, remember, we are not here to criticize but support and hold open discussions.

Well, that's not quite so clear ... obviously there is a lot of open criticism/critiques of the BKs on this site and we do not need to be shy about that, as well as performing a support role. It doesn't exactly sit on the fence!

I guess the question is more of making sure people understand a code of conduct with discussions and also being transparent. There seems to be a lot of groups masquerading as other groups going on, which is wierd. I do not think they realise that most people come here with a desire to be open minded, not to join another group ... Maybe they think they can start recruiting here and also get more exposure for their views.
With the PBKs it is quite clear, they think that they and the BKs are one family, they uses or recognise the same Murlis and Knowledge, they claim mediumship of the same god or spirits.

If this is the case; why are the ex BKs not as openly critical of the PBKs as they are of the BKs? and why are you so keen to defend the PBKs from attack from these other folks; are they not doing the same to the PBKs as this site is doing to the BKs, ie exposing issues?

Why is one to be automatically defended and the other automatically assumed guilty?

As you know; I do not sit on the fence on these matters, I have issues with the BK structure. I know very little about the PBKs other than what I have observed here.

I just think that if this site is to have respect as being impartial, and not being a "front" for the PBKs, we all need to be aware that all have an equal right to whinge; whether it be about the PBKs or the BKs or PPPand a Half BKs.
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Post13 Jul 2007

Sister Yudhishtira wrote:If this is the case; why are the ex BKs not as openly critical of the PBKs as they are of the BKs? and why are you so keen to defend the PBKs from attack from these other folks; are they not doing the same to the PBKs as this site is doing to the BKs, ie exposing issues?

Omshanti. I don't think there is any lack of criticism of PBKs by ex-BKs. Actually, the PBK knowledge may appear complicated to many ex-BKs and hence they do not show much interest in PBK topics. But PBKs have been criticised to the maximum possible extent by some PBKs as well as ex-PBKs. It has gone to the extent of personal allegations against Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, Mama Kamala Devi Dixit and many other PBKs. One member has said to the extent that the entire BK and PBK knowledge is false.

If there is any more criticism yet to be recorded on the forum, it is welcome. Some ex-BKs who have studied the PBK knowledge ever since the PBK knowledge began to be discussed on the net, have also criticised it to the extent they could understand it. One ex-BK said that the PBKs are also going the BKs way and said that the PBKs are also hiding many things like the BKs.

If you feel that the PBKs are not being criticised to the extent that BKs are being criticised then I would say that BKWSU itself is to blame to a certain extent. They neither want to answer any question nor wish to provide the information that they have. Whereas PBKs have provided almost all the information that they could including the PBK Murlis, which they have uploaded on a website for the entire world to see. PBKs have tried to answer any kind of difficult question that has been asked on this forum.

Even ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has answered most of the important issues raised on this forum. But the silence of BKWSU towards the issues raised on this forum about them would only add to the doubts that have been generated in the minds of many souls of the world through this forum and

I hope that more participation of BKs on this forum would help ease the atmosphere.

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Post13 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:I do not think they realise that most people come here with a desire to be open minded, not to join another group ... Maybe they think they can start recruiting here and also get more exposure for their views.

That is certainly true of the Vishnu Party ... but let's put it down to the immaturity of the individuals that posted. The forum is whoever turns up and how they act, afterall.

There is an open door policy, which goes against ex-BKs just wanting to share and support each other like on XBKChat but if you act like an idiot with no conpensating merit, then you will probably get treated like one sooner rather than later. Supporting individuals discharge/let off steam should one role of the forum, IMHO. I suppose that you have to be culturally evolved enough to take benefit from therapy.

I am not sure I know which direction this forum is going on. Arjun walks a fine balance between presenting a positive impression of PBK, using it to promote the PBK philosophy to a wider audience and showing personal interest. I hope that he enjoys it and it is not just "service" to him. These splinter groups do not!

I am very happy that other independent BKs find a little bit of home here but we have had some "challenged souls" too who find the forum too difficult to manage ... or that standard BK spacepilot or condescension mode does not work here.

I find it the funniest things that the official view can only see us as "defamation" when some of the quality of thought, the entire ethos of unity, the research and service here is actually very good.

How do you explain or compare this site and the official online forums?

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