Hypnosis and the BKWSU

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Post29 Jun 2007

Good, ex-l, you talk about "messing around"! The funny thing, is that BKs despise any other meditation group or technique and even tell students that some practises as taught, for example in kundalini Yoga, are useless or even worse; dangerous.

They claim that if you put yourself in the hands of BKs, you'll be safe, because concentrating on the Ajna Chakra (at the center of our forehead), you are propelled into holiness, the protective arms of God, no other effort or study needed.

As a matter of fact, most BKs are unhappy, frustrated and unbalanced. I know almost nothing about chakras but some people who teaches other kinds of Yoga, made me notice several times that BKs, by neglecting and not respecting all different energies, or let's say facets of human beings, deny wholeness.

My free interpretation of when Baba speakings about being masters and having obedient servants, is that he means balance, not denial or suppression. Martial arts and related philosophies such as Taoism and Buddhism, promote balance. I know teachers of African dance that lecture students about very spiritual implications in the connection of the body expressing its spiritual energy through movement and the earth.

This is relevant to the "low" Muladhara chakra that BKs are always busy in crushing. Possibly not catching the opportunity to understand, purify and utilize ALL of our energies, makes us less grounded, sends us in a space out of touch. Not to mention the neglected heart chakra.

Most lokiks accuse BKs for being dry, cold, selfish and not caring. Fanatics in love with themselves and the one perfect doctrine, who do not accept any criticism.

new world

Hypnotism vs RajYoga

Post30 Jun 2007

O God! When the debate between hypnotism vs RajYoga will end? Actually RajYoga is the most elevated & advanced version of hypnotism. RajYoga is the complete realisation & visualisation of the inner self, which is not imposed on ourself like hypnotism. Most of hypnotic suggestions are illusionary, but RajYoga meditation depends on realisation & visualisation of the real self. Thus the depth & effects of RajYoga are much more than that of hypnotism.
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Re: Hypnotism vs RajYoga

Post30 Jun 2007

new_world wrote:O God! When the debate between hypnotism vs RajYoga will end? Actually RajYoga is the most elevated & advanced version of hypnotism.

Never new_world. Can you see how your comment was just ridiculous advertising for BK Raja Yoga? A very BK kind of thing to say, typically used to put aside any honest attempt of critical discussion.

Everything BK is so wonderful, so elavated, so advanced, so beyond, so complete, so unquestionable, not worthy of any criticism whatsoever ... Sure. Do you really, honestly believe that?

If so, why after 70 years does it only produce an increasing corporate organization fueled by grandiose PR and lies about itself? Should not we be seeing some other kind of fruit than just real estate and an increasingly unaccountable leadership playing gods?

new world

Post30 Jun 2007

No, no dear Brother ex-l, RajYoga has nothing to do with BK, PBK meditation system. Actually the RajYoga, in its real sense, has to emerged yet. In the previous article though I've used present tense to describe RajYoga & hypnotism, it should be read in the future tense.

Only in the Auspicious Confluence Age, which will come in near future, RajYoga will emerge in its elevated format. For 70 years, BK & PBK meditation system is the shooting of various Yoga (Hatha Yoga) methods of worship cult which leads to degradation of the Brahmin community.

Only during the day of Brahma, i.e. during the Auspicious Confluence Age, through the real method of RajYoga, we will be uplifted.
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Post30 Jun 2007

new_world wrote:No, no dear Brother ex-l, RajYoga has nothing to do with BK, PBK meditation system. Actually the RajYoga, in its real sense, has to emerged yet. In the previous article though I've used present tense to describe RajYoga & hypnotism, it should be read in the future tense.

OK, I thank you for that and apologize. We can only live in hope and agreement that the real thing is yet to arrive.

Many Double Foreigner BKs have questioned about why they had to have Hindu Bhakti beaten into them by the Brahma Kumaris, only to have it beaten out of them again in the Murlis. I think this is on a par with what you are saying.
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Post30 Jun 2007

Did New world publish an article? In which magazine or newspaper can we find it?
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Post11 Jul 2007

Well, those in favour of the hypnosis theory seem to share common ground with those from "Islamic Voice" website; see below...Frankly; I do not look at anything when I meditate, so that aspect is so much bullsh**, probably because some fundamentalist Muslims are scared of any "new Religion" that will tempt followers away, but anyone interested in looking at the site can find it here; http://www.islamicvoice.com/august.99/dialogue.htm

I accepted The Knowledge because it immediatly resonated with me as being the truth; not because some soft voiced Sister (we didnt have any..) made me stare at a light bulb and said "you will believe in The Cycle, and now give me all your money"

Hypnosis theory is a cop out to avoid taking responsability for choices made by individuals.
This victimitus stuff is insulting and disempowering to the individuals concerned who chose to follow a path because it seemed right to them at the time; not because of some cosmic mind control.

Anyone up for virgin peacocks?
Self-Hypnosis By S. Adbdullah Tariq

Q. Recently a hypnotism expert came to our college and demonstrated various items that were remarkable. During his speech he said that a person who learns self hypnotism and undergoes the same process can know in which form he was in his last birth. As we Muslims know there is no rebirth, what should we think of the hypnotist and his statement?

Irfan Ahmed. A. Mulla ; Bijapur

Ans. Muslims have been taught self-hypnosis and they are required to practice it five times a day. Nearly all religious meditations are self-hypnosis in which the meditator hypnotises himself into believing something through a process called auto suggestions.

The most conspicuous example of self-hypnosis in religious meditations can be observed in the RajYoga of Brahma Kumari sect. To the beginners, they start teaching meditation in congregation. There is a discourse before the meditation describing the theory of Brahma Kumari mission. After that all participants are required to concentrate on a red bulb which glows over a Shiva sign (an elliptical shape). In the background is a picture of the founder of the sect who is referred to by them as Brahma Baba. As the devotees concentrate, some soft music with songs in praise of Baba is played. After a while, the songs and music stop and the tutor starts speaking in an impressive echo-like sound, what he/she wants the devotees to believe. With eyes fixed on the bulb, they listen intently to the suggestions of the tutor whose voice goes on slowing down and down and finally stops. By now the devotees are in a kind of trance and the message conveyed by the tutor reverberates in their mind.

After a suitable interval of time, the dim lights of the hall are replaced by full illumination and the end of the meditation is declared so that the meditators can come out of their trance. They feel an immense amount of peace and are very much impressed. After a few such practice sessions where the suggestion come from outside i.e. the tutor, the devotees are taught to practice RajYoga (the above meditation) on their own in their homes. They are given a set of suggestions that they go on repeating in their minds while they concentrate on some object (preferably a small bulb over the picture of Shiva Sign). Members of the mission are required to attend morning or evening session of about one hour of collective meditation in the nearby Brahma Kumari Ashram and practice in addition to it at least once in their seclusion.

Soon they firmly start believing in whatever is being suggested to them by the tutor (Didi of the Ashram) and their own auto suggestions. The belief through this process is so rigidly engraved in their minds that even scientists among them do not question such ridiculous things as the birth of a peacock without mating of its parents and the whole life cycle on earth consisting of 5000 years.
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Post11 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:Anyone up for virgin peacocks?

No, but I can confirm that is what they used to teach/believe unquestioningly.
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Post11 Jul 2007

Hang on, they read that peacocks do not need to have sex in the Murli?
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Post11 Jul 2007

I accepted The Knowledge because it immediatly resonated with me as being the truth

Hi yudhishtira,

Is it your position that there is no such thing as hypnosis or that there is simply no comparison between hypnosis and what the BKs practice?

Also perhaps you could explain what you mean by the above statement.

best wishes
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Post11 Jul 2007

Is it your position that there is no such thiing as hypnosis or that there is simply no comparison between hypnosis and what the BKs practice? Also perhaps you could explain what you mean by the above statement.

Hi Eromain! long time no see!

my position is that we can say a lot of things about what the BKs practice which are proveable and it isnt worth getting sidetracked trying to prove an issue like this which has little basis in fact. I do not believe the BKs practice hypnosis.
I accepted The Knowledge because it immediatly resonated with me as being the truth

I was trying to say, in the context of my post, that I didnt believe for example in soul, god and The Cycle because I was hypnotised into it. It immediatly felt familiar as the truth to me, it made sense. I do not know how else to explain it. If it was hypnosis, it obviously wasnt very good, as I was the only one out of the 20 in my class to become a BK ...
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Post11 Jul 2007

Thanks for the quick reply :-).

And last question:

Have you read any books about hypnosis, done any courses or ever been hypnotised?
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Post12 Jul 2007

Somebody did try to hynotise me once. It didnt work as apparently I was too "non suggestable" ... :wink:. It felt like a relaxation process at first, but then there was a sinking sensation that I did not like and so I got out of it.

With meditation, I am still aware of my concious mind butting in, and its more of an effort to go inside into spiritual silence, a random thought can quickly knock my concentration.
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Post12 Jul 2007

Hi Yudhishtira,

I had similar experiences to yours, when I came in Gyan. Many things sounded familiar, resonated in me. I even had the feeling I had seen Brahma Baba before. I believed in karma and reincarnation, used to wake up before dawn, meditate (Buddhist, Zen techniques), offered flowers to God, was born vegetarian, contrary to my parents, regarded platonic relationship as something of a higher level, etc ...

Now, I would like us to explore this "resonating" business further, possibly to see how it connects to the "honeymoon experience" and to the "Avyakt" birth we take, explained in Raja Yoga as some sort of "grace". The touching we get before coming across Raja Yoga that awakens us, prepares us to a new lifestyle and its principles and community.

For many years, I thought that all of this was a gift. Something that made my belonging to Baba very natural and steadfast, sustains me even now, and protected me from the organisation itself. In the sense that my spiritual awakening was prior and independent from the BK, I owe nothing to them but somehow brought me to them.

Over the years, as it happened to many of us, my mistrust in SS and the organisation grew. Now much evidence is being collected on the Forum about the lies and manipulation of events and souls, even the truth of "incorporeal God speaking through appointed "chariots" is being challenged and I have no interest in believing or following anything out of blind faith. The whole matter of spooks, is eerie + spooky :roll:. So, who came knocking at the door of my heart and what for?

But maybe this question is already overlapping with other topics. Any opinions or experiences would be very very welcome. We were instructed not to ask questions, but for the sake of spiritual progress and mental sanity, I think it is a good practise to keep on asking and possibly get some answers. Nice to see you, Eugene. About hypnosis, I have a strong gut feeling that there's a degree of it involved in the BK practises, even the drishti feels as an intrusion in someone else's energy. We may realize it, especially when there's a negative/wanting to control us vibe coming from the other person .

I read some books on the subject, especially to learn some more and I will share some points with all of you soon. Nothing exciting, in fact, I am telling you in advance. These books were part of some medical doctor training. So, nothing too "esoteric"in them.
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Post18 Jul 2007

Hi yudishtira,

sorry to take so long to get back to you.

i would love an open-minded intelligent BK to read a book or two about hypnosis and self hypnosis and then come on here and say what you have said.

i have heard lots of BKs claim that there is no similarity or that the comparison is just a cop out defamation, victimitus, etc etc but not a single one of these people knows anything about hypnosis.


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