What have these splinter groups got against the PBKs?

for members of the Vishnu Party, Krishna Party, Inadvance Party, PPPBKs & others.
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What have these splinter groups got against the PBKs?

Post10 Jul 2007

Although we may never know for sure who these individual are, what is it and why do these splinter groups have such bitter illwill for Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs? What need do they feel to turn the forum into their clumsy battleground? It even makes one wonder, and sympathise, with what the BKWSU must face at times! (No, actually it does not, to be honest. They started this craziness encouraging these people and have their own madnesses).

I understand from the Gyani point of view it is because a) "its the Mahabharata War" and b) "God comes to destroy all other religions and establish one religion". Therefore those involved in other religions will feel threatened by this. But this is itself a bit of a projection at present.

From an psycho-analytical point of view, could it just be a kind of jealousy? They all appear to have taken ideas from Virendra Dev Dixit and the "PBK model" to a greater extent, and the BKWSU to a lesser extent. They appear to "competing" for the same spiritual market place and appealing to disaffected BKs and PBKs.

It would be basic psychologically to suggest that some of these groups are a) indebted but b) have done bad things back and so therefore they feel that the only way to hide it is to attack the credibility of Virendra Dev Dixit in the first place.

What is strange is that it does not seem to be about money per se, but "ego"; status, position, regard in BK language. What? The desire to be king of a little dung heap and have a circle of followers/devotees? Of course, India is full of gurus and godmen of more shapes and sizes than one could imagine ... So why the ire against the very minor (small in number) PBKs?

Is this what happens to the human mind when you introduce such thoughts as "God comes and enters me" and the compression of an imminent End of the World? And why has entropy struck the BK World? I know the PBKs have answer ... The "shooting period" of the 4 Ages in microcosm in the Confluence Age but the BKs don't. The Knowledge said "establish one deity religion", the twigs of "cults and sects" are Iron Aged.

And how are the BKWSU responding? Well, they are the daddies of all suppression; ignorance and denial or engaging in even physical violence it seems. So the die is cast.
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Post10 Jul 2007

As is the Leader, so is the Follower? :?:
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Post10 Jul 2007

Although we may never know for sure who these individual are, what is it and why do these splinter groups have such bitter illwill for Veerendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs? What need do they feel to turn the forum into their clumsy battleground? It even makes one wonder, and sympathise, with what the BKWSU must face at times! (No, actually it does not, to be honest. They started this craziness encouraging these people and have their own madnesses).

Is this all not just human nature? Any spiritual organisation is going to have people who become distanced from it, and ****** off with it, after having trusted it to bring them some benefit in their lives?

So some BKs went to the PBKs and some found that it did not bring them everything they wanted; and they've found a new playground in some splinter group with a different channeled entity. Hoorah. Difference is that rather than starting their own website, they've come to play here instead. Although in fairness, the site does advertise itself as open to all and there is a seperate thread for splinter groups ... so we shouldn't be suprised its come to this really. At the end of the day, there will always be those who prefer to grouse about someone else to make themselves feel better about their own choices.


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Post10 Jul 2007

I wonder which desperate soul holds the record for the greatest number of "Gyan Jumps" from nonBK to BK to ex-BK to PBK to exPBK to PPBK to exPPBK to PPPBK to ... :P.
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Post10 Jul 2007

wonder which desperate soul holds the record for the greatest number of "Gyan Jumps" from nonBK to BK to ex-BK to PBK to exPBK to PPBK to exPPBK to PPPBK to ...

Indeed ... when in doubt, add extra Ps :lol:.
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Post10 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:indeed... when in doubt, add extra Ps :lol:

Has anyone worked out what the extra P's are for?


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Post10 Jul 2007

what the extra P's are for

You're right, I only picked this up from some other thread somewhere. I guess it means another "Prajapita" for each new splinter.
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Post10 Jul 2007

john wrote:Has anyone worked out what the extra P's are for?

Param Prajapita Brahma Kumaris? (Supreme/above PBKs) ...

Inadvance Party was the one that stuck me. It translates as "without advance" in Western/Latin languages.

Me ... I am headed back to my roots, man. I am a Prajapati Brahma Kumari. None of this neophyte Prajapita stuff for me.
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Post10 Jul 2007

Well, I am a Pink Floyd Kumari now **** off :lol:.
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Post11 Jul 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:I wonder which desperate soul holds the record for the greatest number of "Gyan Jumps" from nonBK to BK to ex-BK to PBK to exPBK to PPBK to exPPBK to PPPBK to ... .

Omshanti. I know an ex-PBK, whose name has been quoted by 'destroy old world', who has been through 4 parties and has now set up her own group. We had the fortune of hosting her at our home few months ago. She has been a BK, PBK, a Vishnu Party member, a Nagraj Party member and has now started her own group. But she still has connection with the members of the Nagraj Party based in Hyderabad.

Throughout her stay for about two days at our home she was cricisizing the PBKs (especially Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and Mama Kamala Devi Dixit). She was declaring herself to be the real Jagdamba/Sita who has had an experience of all the parties. But when I asked her about her family background she said she was separated from her husband and left one daughter with her in-laws and one daughter with her parents. She lives alone. She said ShivBaba has made her free from all worldly bondages to serve Him. And our dear 'destroy old world' is quoting such a soul to prove that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is a liar and cheat.

I am giving this information not to malign anyone, but only because 'destroy old world' has quoted the above ex-PBK to malign some helpless PBK mothers, who are now in their 60s or 70s and cannot come to this forum to defend themselves. Unlike the above mentioned ex-PBK, these PBK mothers still live with their families and do Godly service as much as their physical health permits.

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Post11 Jul 2007

Has anyone worked out what the extra P's are for?

Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers?
Practically Perfect (in every way- see Mary Poppins..)?
Well, I am a Pink Floyd Kumari now **** off .
Yay; a new one... the PFK!!
This is starting to get slightly farcical ... 8).

Reminds me in fact of "Life of Brian";
    "Are we the Judean Peoples Front or the Peoples Front of Judea? The JPF? Splitters!!!"
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Post11 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:This is starting to get slightly farcical ...

I would agree EXCEPT for the seriousness of some of the threats and conspiracies that are rattling around some of these groups and individuals.

I take them to be very serious and it perfectly illustrates a broader state of madness that is circulating within the BK family.

Are the BKWSU responsible for this? Probably not entirely but I think that their system is going to have to evolve a little further than just beating the psychotics up, chasing them off and milking the neurotics.

I am sure that there are threads of truth in some of what they say. Not necessarily in their philosophy (the latest splinter groups do not appear to have any but just appear to be a mega-case of guddhi-grab-itis) but in the hidden history of the BK family.

I am interested to discover the BKWSU being accused of beating Virendra Dev Dixit in the 1970 and then again still beating PBKs in the 2000s. A 30 year continuum of physical violence is a fairly deep, unspoken sanskar for an organization that promotes itself as the spiritual "Peacemakers" of the United Nations to the World.

Putting this into context with the situation in the Panipat center where a BK seems to have killed themselves, not the first in Gyan, the whole question on "mental health and Gyan" arises. Some women, as described by Arjun, that leaves her children and family and then decrees herself to be the World Mother is obviously mad ... although, actually, not that far off from where Dadi Janki is at.
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Post11 Jul 2007

Are the BKWSU responsible for this? Probably not entirely but I think that their system is going to have to evolve a little further than just beating the psychotics up, chasing them off and milking the neurotics.


There is no understanding or process within the "organisation" for dealing with folks who are a little "off-beam". The reaction is to ring JB in a panic and then get an instruction to lock the doors and call the police, rather than trusting the soul's innate power and using love and Yoga.

They trust the system more than Baba. Hence the bringing out of the money pot now at all major events ...
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Post11 Jul 2007

Side Note:

When in Gyan I used to joke that I was BKPK (my intitials) ~ maybe it was an intuitive connection of the future to be ... (hey, we haven't had a BPK party yet have we?)

Thanx Goodness I am only PK nowadays, and no need for an extra pppppp ...

Its seems to me like all these new parties are attracting many people who have a need to belong to something, or someone, (and take the title that goes with it) ... I am glad Admin saw fit to offer other titles for forum members a while ago, to offer new choices. Its given many the opportunity to position themselves differently. Unless of course you register as one or two under different titles :|.
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Post11 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:There is no understanding or process within the "organisation" for dealing with folks who are a little "off-beam". The reaction is to ring JB in a panic and then get an instruction to lock the doors and call the police, rather than trusting the soul's innate power and using love and Yoga.

Ah, yes, the old "Locked Center Trick" ... so know we know where that comes from. "Its-not-my-fault" of the center-in-charge, "its-your-karma" of the victim. And if we get it wrong, it does not matter because Shiva Baba takes responsibility for the all of the karma of Jayanti Bhen at all time ... so everything is OK.

Shrimat used to be that people with mental problems were not allowed in Gyan ... except, of course, where they made exceptions. For example, one mother had a severely mentally handicapped son. But where are the dividing lines and where are checking mechanism? Critics would argue you HAVE to be "mentally challenged" to believe in what BKs teach and do through what BKs do.
yude wrote:At the end of the day, there will always be those who prefer to grouse about someone else to make themselves feel better about their own choices.

But why the strength of opinion?

It we profile the majority of these individuals, what do we have? Lower middle class, middle aged, mainly but not exclusively male, conservative Hindus? ... Is it limited to Gujeratis? (A Patel thing?). What set their cymbals rattling?

I am wondering if it is merely the "sex issue", which is why I keep prodding at it.

By "sex issue", I am not suggesting rape. My guess that is a little too exaggerated. But if Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs have carried on liberal sexual relationships or experiments at some point and under whatever guise (even "spiritual growth"), I can imagine this is would be enough to blow the corks of these BKs, ex-PBKs. Remember what happened to Rajneesh on Mount Abu! Similar folks ran him out of India for daring to openly discuss and encourage others to practise happy sex. The indications that I have received suggest that this is so. But, frankly, India is/was a little ******* up about sex.

This also sits within the frame of my questions of the general attitudes towards and experience of sex in India. Its all a sub-set of widespread attitudes which is why I want to discuss them here. Has any India Brahma Kumari ever had an orgasm or experienced happy sex? Do Indian women in general merely suffer it? Liberal elite, but Bollywood stars included, the general attitude of Indian men towards sex appears to be half-way between a retarded adolescent and a rapist.

Frankly, from a Western secular point of view MOST "authorised" sex in India sounds like a little like rape. On one hand you have/had child brides, arranged marriages, priestly "interventions"; on the other, you have the quick 2 minute in/outs of the millions of prostitutes in seedy brothels. India has a growing AIDS epidemic second only to Africa.

"Mother India" seems trapped and crippled and victimized by outmoded thinking that would give Freud a field day.

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