Bridge between Shankar Party and Vishnu Party

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sakshi delhi

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Bridge between Shankar Party and Vishnu Party

Post30 Apr 2007

Please read in Hindi

Dear Arjun Bhai,

as you know Murli ke maha vakya;

" jab tak advance and advijari ka brige bane Golden Age to kam khatam ho jayega "
" sanjivni tak ka Gyan ,but amar banneka Gyan maha Vishnu ke pas hota he"
"sankar ne jab ulta kam kiya to bichhu tindan peda ho gaye "
"yadav ka head he sankar to yadav kul huva na? to pandav kaha he?"
"bhrama ko to ap jante ho and sankar bhi he to Vishnu kahahe?"

"hum sab ak hone ke liye try krte he but thode log ye kam karne ko taiyar nahi he, but agar ap chahe to ye kam ho sakta he, brige banane ka kam apko hi karna hoga kyu ki ap intelegent ho."
"ahmedabad he sarva center ka bij, jab mala ke 100 manke tayar hoja yege"
"tab agor vardani sankar ka part khatam ho jaye Golden Age"
"ahmedabad he bij rup, bijrup se connection arthat Yoga"

Please send your view and email id to my email address: please also send your contact number to us.

Thank you, Sakshi
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Post01 May 2007

Sister Sakshi,

Omshanti. It would be nice if you could quote the dates of the Murlis/Avyakt Vanis from which you have quoted these extracts. As far as I know the first line that you have quoted is from a Trance message and not any Murli.

I think you have my emailid because I had received an email from you which you had probably sent to all the members when you joined this forum. Anyways, I will mail my emailid soon.


new world

Post11 Jul 2007

Dear Arjunbhai, though Sister Sakshi has not quoted dates of Murlis, I've gone through some of them, e g.

"Shankar nay jab ulta kaam kiya to bichchhu tindan paida ho gaye".
"Yaadaon ka head hai Shankar to Yaadav kul hua na? To Paandav kahaan hain?".

I'll quote dates of these 2 Murli points shortly.

* Arjunbhai, who is this Shankar to whome 1st Murli point (Shankar nay jab ulta ... ho gaye) is applicable?

* The head of Yaadav Kul is Shankar. It's not stated that Shankar is the head of Paandav Kul. Then who is the head of Paandav Kul. It would be nice to know who is the head of Kaurav Kul?
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Post11 Jul 2007

Dear bro. new_world,

Omshanti. When the Vishnu Party was formed in 1997/98, they had published a small book containing many Murli points, which in their opinion disproves Shankar or eliminates him. For the sake of those PBKs who were in a doubt after going through the book, ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) clarified all the Murli points quoted in the book. Since video recording of Murli classes had not started in 1998, the clarification on the book of Vishnu Party was recorded in about 6-8 (I don't remember the exact number) Audio Cassettes. The Murli points that you have quoted have been clarified in those cassettes. If possible I will quote from those Audio Cassettes or request Baba for fresh answers.


new world

Murli dates

Post12 Jul 2007

Arjunbhai, dates of Murli refered in previous articles are as:
    "Shankar nay jab ulta kaam kiya to bichchhu tindan paida ho gaye" (kampilbooks: Sachch Gita, Khand 2 page 66),
    "Yaadaon ka head hai Shankar to Yaadav Kul hua na. To Paandav kahaan hain" (Khand 1, page-13 26-5-71)

new world

The garden of only one tree...!

Post17 Jul 2007

Dear PBK Brothers & Sisters, all of us believe that the Supreme Father is the seed of the Kalpa Tree (the human geneological tree). And in Murlis, the Supreme Father is described as 'Baagwaan', i e, the Gardener. Even it's said 'Allah ka bagicha', i e, the Garden of Allah.

Then how many trees are there in the Garden of Allah? Only one tree or so many ... so many trees? Is any garden made of only one tree? Obviously not? To be termed as garden, there should be plenty of trees. Similarly in the Garden of Allah there must have to be more than one Kalpa Tree (the living world). And the Supreme Father is the final seed of all these Kalpa Trees & he is 'Baagwaan' who is responsible for the plantation of these Kalpa Trees.

All this churning of knowledge (which is based on Murli points) goes in favour of Vishnu Party philosophy which believes that there is not only one living world (on this earth), but there are millions & billions living worlds (Kalpa Trees) located at millions & billions Brahmaandas (Universes or cosmoses). And each living world has separate Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar.

Thus instead of multiple Kalpa Trees, how can we accept the concept of 'Allah ka bagicha'? It is also argued that the Garden of Allah is made of verious trees of various religions & cults (like Islam, Christian, Muslim etc). But this argument cannot be accepted, as in the picture of the Kalpa Tree various religions & cults are shown as the branches of the same Kalpa Tree.


This is a revolutionary point of view which goes in favour of Vishnu Party thoughts.
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Post17 Jul 2007

Is it really so unique ...

or is it just rehashed Vaishnaivism/Buddhism remarketed to suit BK, PBK tendencies?

new world

Post17 Jul 2007

What do you think dear Brother ex-l? My churning of knowledge about 'the Garden of Allah' by chance goes in favour of Vishnu Party philosophy. Please explain your views. What do you mean to say?
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Post17 Jul 2007

Sorry, short on time. Many, many worlds ... millions of year etc ... theory exits in Vaishnavite Hinduism, Buddhism and else where. Not new, so not "owned" by Vishnu Party. From what little sense we actually had from the followers, Vishnu Party seems to leans heavily on the Shastras and Vedas.

That is not to say either they or the Shastras are wrong ... only to question their ownership. We never actually got to hear who or where God Patel "realised" or was given his knowledge from which is a shame. Unfortunately, they made the big mistake of talking down to and at us rather than with us.

new world

Post17 Jul 2007

Dear Brother ex-l,

Thanks for feedback. I thought that you are the Master of Yagya-history, but really you are much more than that. I respect you very much. May I request you to understand me? Here we are discussing ONLY about multiple (millions & billions) life worlds (Kalpa Trees) located at verious Brahmaandas (Universes). So the nature of Vishnu Party members & their history is not the subject matter of our discussion. Let us discuss about the total number of life worlds, i.e. is there only one life world or multiple life worlds? OK?

Yes, you are absolutely write that the concept of millions of years & millions of life worlds is hundreds & thousands of times revised in various religious scriptures. Even modern astronomy believes in millions of years of the age of the universe. But since 70 years of Yagya, most of BKWSU cults like BK, PBK believe in only one life world (Kalpa Tree) limited to 5,000 of years of the World Drama. Therefore the perspective of millions of life worlds & millions of years works as a new & revolutionary paradigm in the BKWSU circle, though this an old concept.

Dear Brother ex-l, it would be nice to know your views about the number of life worlds. Do you believe in only one life world (like BK, PBK) or multiple life worlds?
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Post17 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:Dear Brother ex-l, it would be nice to know your views about the number of life worlds. Do you believe in only one life world (like BK, PBK) or multiple life worlds?

I am going to fail your expectations of me. I know nothing of other worlds except for what I see and dream at night. But history and world religion interests me.

I am loathed to give any group of individual ownership of spiritual concepts by which they empower themselves or increase their status in others eyes, so please understand where I am coming from.

Without knowing the seed, one cannot know The Tree. Any further examination would be premature. Without knowing the source, any proposed destination can be misleading. As of present, it appears to be the Vishnu Party's knolwedge is a synthesis of traditional vedic knowledge appealing to BKs and, hence, beyond my knowledge and interest.

Theoretically, I see no reason why there were not many, many world. Indeed, it would appear to be much more likely that the limited BK model. One thing we have debated previiously, is whether the BK model and the BK channelled entity is actually attempting to limit and "trap" human souls to its "one world", 5,000 year cycle model. I could agree with that proposal. It is both possible and likely.

Alternatively, it, BK Shiva, could just be trying to keep we monkey focused on what is important. Here and now. I have often thought much of BK Gyan is mere mental plugs designed to limit our minds for whatever reason.

new world

Post17 Jul 2007

Yes, the concept of multiple life worlds is of not any practicle use. We have nothing to do with other life worlds except on the earth.

But to interpret Murli statements & thoughts of BKs, PBKs, the concept of multiple Kalpa Trees plays the major role, which cannot be avoided? If really there are more than one life worlds, then what about BK, PBK philosophy which believe in only one Kalpa Tree only on this earth? Then ... then the whole BK, PBK philosophy would be totally changed. Therefore it's very important to think over whether there are multiple life worlds, or only one (though we have nothing to do with other life worlds)?

Vishnu Party is not the only one BKWSU cult who believe in multiple Kalpa Tree, but some other BKWSU cults like Super Inadvance Party of Ramakantbhai (Aurangabad) also believe that there are 64 life worlds. But I don't trust that party, as Ramakantbhai daily changes his views & thoughts. But here it's clear that Vishnu Party is not only one BKWSU cult who believe in multiple life worlds.
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Post17 Jul 2007

new_world wrote:But to interpret Murli statements & thoughts of BKs, PBKs, the concept of multiple Kalpa Trees plays the major role, which cannot be avoided? If really there are more than one life worlds, then what about BK, PBK philosophy which believe in only one Kalpa Tree only on this earth? Then ... then the whole BK, PBK philosophy would be totally changed. Therefore it's very important to think over whether there are multiple life worlds, or only one (though we have nothing to do with other life worlds)?

If its really that interesting why do not you go and explain your theories in all the other multiple life worlds?

new world

Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar - worth not a penny!

Post18 Jul 2007

PBK Brothers & Sisters, in Murlis it is stated that Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar are worth not a penny. If Shankar is the Father, the seed of humanity, then who is this Shankar who is described as worth not a penny?
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Post18 Jul 2007

In the Murli it is said that our body will become like the Kalpa tree.

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