Indian Presidential candidate and her BK connections

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Post05 Jul 2007

Its funny how most of the time they give non-BKs, and specifically rich or well-off non-BKs, such things ... attraction ... bansy, next time i'll throw you the gold ... just cut off the red soul symbol and throw that away ... then you'll be really rich.
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Post05 Jul 2007

We raised this issue of gold rigns and chains before. We discovered where they get them from too. They demand them of their followers (naturally, it is not their own money that buys them. My guess is they do not even declare or pay tax on them.

Its a wonder in a country like India that they have nothing better with their money to do than give out chains to VIPs and important people.

I have nothing against the BKs mugging their followers for money and jewellry IF they were going to do some social good with it, e.g. clean air, clean water, sewers, food etc. But to use it in this manner stinks. It is really unclassy. Honestly, who is really going to be attracted by that. Oh, I saw some Western VIPs wearing the jewellry too ...

Its funny, but this mania goes right back to their founder Lekhraj Kirpalani who used to waste tonnes of money sending VIPs what must have been very expensive books and presents with crazy predictions in them, e.g. End of the World in WWII or 1950 ...


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Post06 Jul 2007

It's all a bunch of BULL ****!!!!!!! ... and fools like my mother fall for it!
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Post06 Jul 2007

sweetsajani wrote:It's all a bunch of BULL ****!!!!!!! ... and fools like my mother fall for it!

I don't think it's bull****, you do really need gold chains to get the attention of VIPs.
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Post07 Jul 2007

I had to smile, it was not me, honest ... nice quote from blog discussing this issue;
"…Should a President be seen in close proximity to godmen and godwomen, many of whom are sleazeballs using education and health as a cover for their nefarious activities?"

Includes the CNN video.
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abrahma kumar

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The BKWSU circular Re: Ms.Pratibha Patil

Post16 Jul 2007

Posted as a "free" service to the community :oops: the following "Breaking News" correspondence details the BKWSU pronouncement on matters regarding the Presidential Candidate topic:
Breaking News: BKs on TV/Media

The leading Presidential Candidate in India, Ms.Pratibha Patil, is in the news for claiming divine premonition on greater responsibility. That divine inspiration was given by Baba in Mt. Abu. Her claim received coverage in the main stream media in India (the Times of India Newspaper, and the CNN-IBN news network). Here are the links:

One of the top news papers in India: Times of India ... er_role/ar

Here is the link to the TV coverage on CNN-IBN: ... o-spirit.h

As many of you may know and remember, Ms. Pratibha Patil visited Mt. Abu and met Baba in February 2007. She was the Governor of Rajasthan then. Now she is the presidential candidate backed by UPA, and is the leading candidate to become the first woman president of India in July. She was commenting on her meeting with Baba and getting the blessing from Baba that a greater role and responsibility awaits her ... Now it is coming true.

Interestingly, the current (outgoing) President, Dr. Abdul Kalam, also visited Mt. Abu and met Baba a few months before he became the president. At the time of his visit, Dr. Kalam was a very well known scientist but was not at all into politics or power. A few months later, out of the blue, he was chosen to be the next president of India.

Prior to that, the current president of the Congress Parliamentary party, Mrs Sonia Gandhi visited Mt. Abu and met with Dadiji etc. At that time she was leader of the opposition party. After some time, she led her party to a surprise victory in the elections and became one of the most influential women in the world, and the most powerful woman in India. She could have become the prime minister, but she relinquished the opportunity and made Dr. Manmohan Singh, from her party, the current prime minister of India!

That's three in a row. Wonder what else is in Baba's mind and drama!
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Post16 Jul 2007

I suppose BKs are banned from using Google? (Website care of the BJP).

You know, now that the veil has been lifted form my eyes, I seriously wonder if all this BS is just designed to encourage the faith of the followers in the leadership of the BKWSU for delivering such wonders ... along with the ubiquitous grainy pictures of glum Indians with tired eyes in World Renewal. The good things about an independent website, such as this, is that we can keep documenting it all, to build up an overall, continuous picture. Otherwise, as BKs come and BKs go, all these predictions, their failures, their hypocrisies will be forgotten.

Look at this woman and have a sniff around. It makes you wonder how it fits within the bigger picture and why "God" has any interest in her. A Rajput married to a Maharata, I liked the bit about starting a bank to "help women" and then writing all her family members loans and using it to pay expenses for her Brother's business.

Accused of tokenism over her pro-women stance, one critic wrote; "... nobody cares, nor is anyone convinced with the overnight ‘image makeover’ attempts to position and sell her as the ultimate Bharatiya Naari — a shining symbol of women’s empowerment. What a bogus claim. And as phony and suspect as the nomination itself. Let's face it, Pratibha Patil has been pulled out of her mothballed existence and shoved into the spotlight for one reason alone — she is the most accommodating and pliant of the uninspiring bunch that make up the list. She will ensure the safety of the seats of her political masters if it ever comes to that.". So, yes, she will fit in fine with the good Sisters of Abu.



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Post21 Jul 2007

Well there you have it folks. Considering the main opposing contender was 84 years old, the result was inevitable;India elects a female president.

Good luck on her as she now tries to follow in the footsteps of the popular APJ Abdul Kalam. Anyway, politics stink wherever in this Kaliyug.

Note : One has now to NOT watch her but rather to watch if APJ Abdul Kalam will now go to Madhuban now he no longers has the presidency.
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Jul 2007

bansy wrote:Well there you have it folks. Considering the main opposing contender was 84 years old, the result was inevitable;India elects a female president. Good luck on her as she now tries to follow in the footsteps of the popular APJ Abdul Kalam. Anyway, politics stink wherever in this Kaliyug. Note : One has now to NOT watch her but rather to watch if APJ Abdul Kalam will now go to Madhuban now he no longers has the presidency.

Yes bansy. Wow. Congratulations President Patil. The Presidency appears to be a largely ceremonial role.

In the meantime we await the next email telling us that Baba's work continues: Drama is moving very fast; Krishna will be born soon; The handover is but years away, blah, blah, blah.

Maybe Mr. Kalam can visit over here and set up an EX-Presidential Brahma Kumarses topic. We would get lots of BKs contributing wont we?! Or will War break out between the parties (BKs/PBKs) over rights to the EX-PBK monogram?

Anyway, just in case it ever happens, I Abek, take this opportunity to welcome Ex-PBK Kamal to forum. :oops: .
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Post22 Jul 2007

It's the same as politics here. There is a list of things you have to do to get voted in.

Kissing babies and kissing Babas.
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abrahma kumar

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things you have to do to get voted in

Post22 Jul 2007

mr green wrote:It's the same as politics here. There is a list of things you have to do to get voted in. Kissing babies and kissing Babas.

And wear the Biggest Badges.
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Post13 Aug 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:Good luck on her as she now tries to follow in the footsteps of the popular APJ Abdul Kalam. Anyway, politics stink wherever in this Kaliyug.

Note : One has now to NOT watch her but rather to watch if APJ Abdul Kalam will now go to Madhuban now he no longers has the presidency.

"(The President always asks for a message from Baba, asking what Baba has said.) He always remembers that a message has come. Look, this one is the only President who is from all three authorities: Science, Politics and he also has an interest in religion. Of all the Presidents so far, no other President has been like this. So, this one has a special part. He has interest in the spiritual path and he is therefore your companion on the spiritual path." (Avyakt Vani dated 21.10.05, page 7, published by BKs in English and narrated through Gulzar Dadiji)

Note: When the above AV was narrated, Shri APJ Abdul Kalam was the President of India.

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President of India Converses with Dead BK Founder

Post25 Aug 2007

Have you guys seen this?
The milder criticism of her comes from a curious admission that a dead guru had given her a "premonition" that she was destined to become India's first citizen.

Is she still heavily involved?

PS I am back!
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Post26 Aug 2007

Welcome back ... did you read the comments about the video? so true !!! 8)


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Post27 Aug 2007

On Wednesday, President Janki delivered what The World Renewal Spiritual Trust billed as a "major foreign policy speech" to the international convention of VVIP's meeting in Madhuban.

The purpose of the speech, given, as is the president and vice president, before a military audience, was to set the tone for the report on the spiritual military's "surge" in India to be made to Indian Parliament next month by President Pratibha Patil and BK Ambassador to India Brian O’Porky.

The address featured Janki's standard litany of banalities and lies, portraying The BK development devastation in Mt Abu as The "front line" of an "ideological struggle" to defend Indian civilization against Islamic terrorism and extremism, to safeguard the security of the Indian people, and to spread the blessings of Democracy and religious free enterprise capitalism throughout the World.

It was directed against all those calling for an early end to the war, whom Janki alluded to as those succumbing to The "allure of retreat," and employed The BK's usual fear-mongering ploy of invoking 1969 and claiming that if BK troops left London and Australia, The terrorists would "follow them home" and convert more Brahmins in India.

The centre of the speech, however, was a potted history of BK World Service. On The basis of a wretchedly distorted and ignorant presentation of the World Renewal Spiritual Trust's success in UN, Interfaith and VIP Service, Janki attempted to provide a measure of historical legitimacy for her rule.

In something more akin to a twisted fairy tale than a historical review, Janki argued that the World Renewal Spiritual Trust's monetary and military interventions in Asia, motivated by the most noble and beneficent aims, had produced a flowering of democracy and spiritual prosperity throughout the region, and strong pro-BK regimes in Malaysia and Russia - a precedent for the bright future the people of India and the broader world would enjoy if only The BK's stood firm and continued to wage the twenty-first century "war on terror" as prescribed by the World Bank.

"I am going to try to provide some historical perspective," Janki said, "to show there is a precedent for the hard and necessary work we're doing, and why I have such confidence in the fact we'll be successful ..."

The manner in which Janki began his pseudo-history established the method of a historical analogy and crude amalgam that she employed throughout. "I want to open today's speech," Janki said, "with a story that begins on a sunny morning on 16 January 1969, when Brahmins were converted to Raven's armies in a surprise attack - and our family was propelled into a conflict with Maya that would take Baba's Children to every corner of the globe ... Didi Nirmala nodded in agreement.

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