Vishnu Party Ahmedabad

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Post05 Jul 2007


I accept that I am 100% impure and need saving. And I am not a PBK, so any allegations against Virendra Dev Dixit do not bother me. Who believes what they read in the newspapers!?! I would need to see or hear further evidence if you have it. Newspapers are so limited and easy to corrupt.

What I heard, but do not yet know if it is true, was that Mr Patel admitted in front of Virendra Dev Dixit that he "cleaned" dirty money by putting it through court cases because any money recovered by a court case would becoming "official" and free from tax.

As I understand it, if I had a lot of money I wanted to hide from the tax man, I could pay an advocate to run a court case and then whatever I won out of that court case would become official mine with no worries. I would lose some money to the advocate but that would be his commission for cleaning it. It used to be a fairly common fraud for criminal organizations that most legal systems have put a stop to.

So, given the track record of Vishnu Party members on this forum and the problems with the PBKs, I think we need to deal with Mr Patel's and the Vishnu Party's history before we can dive in blindly. It may have been that Mr Patel has had a "Damascus Road" conversion, or a Buddha-like enlightenment. If so, let us also hear about that.
    How and when did he discover he was God?
If you cant answer, then it sounds like you are just setting up a derivative sub-franchise business based on the PBK model, which is based on the BKWSU model.

The PBKs target disenfranchised BKs and you target disenfranchised PBKs ... and someone else targets disenfranchised Vishnu Party members ad finitum ...

I underline that I am not a PBK member and so do not blame them for my action. The internet is awash with talk about the Vishnu Party and I have just picked up some of that. Oh, I did hear that his son went back to the PBK center to remove items, is that true as well? Money struggles appear to be a repeated issue here.

Are Virendra Dev Dixit's tax problems connected with a building that Mr Patel gave money to build? It sounds to me that someone went to the tax office to try and stitch Virendra Dev Dixit up deliberately. May be they just wanted to destroy him to take over his "business", or may be they just wanted to get their hands on the building. I do not know but it all sounds suspicious.
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abrahma kumar

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The History of Vishnu Party is ...

Post05 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:History of Vishnu Party is history of we all souls. Vishnu Party tells us the history of creation of souls, nature and various lokas. How we were created and how we have lost our supreme state gradually is detailed by Vishnu Party. ...

Beejroop thanks for attempting to answer the clearly stated and direct question. However, were i the one with the query, I would not be satisfied with your response. You have failed to answer but succeeded in seizing the chance to "edify" us with Vishnu Party oblox (about which you are no doubt convinced). No problem. Likewise, I am convinced that the manner in which you tout the wares of the Vishnu Party is similar to that employed by countless others.

Your opening 3 sentences make grand claims that the Vishnu Party is of relevance to all of us earthlings. Then you let fly with the typical left-right combo: follow thee and live / reject thee and wither (ouuch!). All enthused you then get up on your toes and start to show-boat, winking in the direction of He who could be your saviour but perhaps not mine unless I have Him in my corner too. Who do i mean?

Why, I am talking about the indespensable cutz-man of course! The one whose pockets are fillied with all sorts of ointments, cotton-swabs, plsters; assorted flattening irons setting on ice because, for sure, you hope that your blows will result in a swelling of the Vishnu Party membership!

Yes, beejroop, we know that you mean business because in your corner you have as your cutz-man none other than God, Supreme Father Himself. He is your armour-plating. Absorbing any and every jab (sorry, I meant question) thrown your way. With Him on your side who needs to go to the judges scorecards?!

And then you say: Do not wait till the door of direct teaching from God closes. To which Abek responds with a quick rumage around in his record collection hoping to find and play for his own listening pleasure a track entitled: Close the Door performed by Teddy Pendergrass. Found it!

(do not take life so seriously. Good music can heal battered souls)

P.S History of Vishnu Party is ...


Hell bent to disbelieve

Post05 Jul 2007

Dear Abrahmakumar,

You seem to be hellbent to disbelieve whatever is being said by the Vishnu Party and discard it as sales talk, business talk etc. I think your mind is full of impurity. It cannot have clarity howsoever you try, or anybody else tries, as your statements clearly say that you are not going to be convinced. But this invitation to join Vishnu Party is not for you only. This is for all others who are more intelligent than you, so why I should pinpointedly answer your garbage mails in future? Its simply a waste of my energy. But I shall continue posting the invitation to join Vishnu Party to all others.

I can count that yourself, Bansy, John, Ex-BKWSU, Mr. Green, all are over-enlightened, so they act very smart on this forum. No God can appease you all as you think that your minds are very open to criticise everybody out here. YOU GUYS THINK THAT YOU ARE ABOVE GOD (LITERALLY YOU ARE SUPREME DEMON AS YOU KEEP ON DOING USELESS ARUMENTS). NOBODY has ever won in the arguments related to spiritual matters. Only heart wins. Your knowledge is limited to the neural fires in brain and we are relishing the cool stream in the heart.

You guys are real stumbling blocks for others who would like to understand new knowledge and do not want that this should be reached to other worthy souls. Please do not indulge yourselves into unnecessary arguments.

If you do not want to join Vishnu Party, please do not join but why are you stopping others from doing so and why are you trying to stop me from spreading the new divine knowledge?

In fact, this kind of negative discussions was not expected in this forum. You guys are street smart and nothing else. You take enjoyment in leg puling others. But your irks and negative comments will not stop me to talk about good things about Vishnu Party.

I am very positive. I know you guys will pick up some selective sentences from my letter and, without understanding the full context, will pull hair, here and there.

Street Smarts are good parliamentarians everywhere in the globe but very least respected.

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Post05 Jul 2007

What is the use of this topic?


Post05 Jul 2007

You can ask the Street smart Bloggers the usefulness of wasteful arguments. For me it is spreading the true divine knowledge for everybody's benefit, so that you do not repent.



Post05 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:I accept that I am 100% pure and need saving.

It cannot be true that you are a 100% pure soul, you are simply egoist
And I am not a PBK

More Egoist
so any allegations against Veerendra Dev Dixit do not bother me

Still More Egoist as if you are something great.
Who believes what they read in the newspapers!?

No body can satisfy you!
I would need to see or hear further evidence if you have it

Why should energy wasted on you.
Newspapers are so limited and easy to corrupt

Your mind is also corrupt.
What I heard, but do not yet know if it is true

If you do not know exactly please do not overreact
was that Mr Patel admitted in front of Veerendra Dev Dixit that he "cleaned" dirty money by putting it through court cases because any money recovered by a court case would becoming "official" and free from tax.

Its all baseless
As I understand it, if I had a lot of money

Its like a fool's imagination
I wanted to hide from the tax man, I could pay an advocate to run a court case

Who bothers what you would have done Street Smart
and then whatever I won out of that court case would become official mine with no worries. I would lose some money to the advocate but that would be his commission for cleaning it. It used to be a fairly common fraud for criminal organizations that most legal systems have put a stop to. So, given the track record of Vishnu Party members on this forum and the problems with the PBKs

You are hellbent to fabricate the track record as bad
I think we need to deal with Mr Patel's and the Vishnu Party's history before we can dive in blindly. It may have been that Mr Patel has had a "Damascus Road" conversion, or a Buddha-like enlightenment. If so, let us also hear about that.
    How and when did he discover he was God?
If you cant answer, then it sounds like you are just setting up a derivative sub-franchise business based on the PBK model, which is based on the BKWSU model.

I am answering
The PBKs target disenfranchised BKs and you target disenfranchised PBKs ... and someone else targets disenfranchised Vishnu Party members ad finitum ... I underline that I am not a PBK member and so do not blame them for my action. The internet is awash with talk about the Vishnu Party and I have just picked up some of that.

Half knowledge of yours will harm you
Oh, I did hear that his son went back to the PBK center to remove items, is that true as well? Money struggles appear to be a repeated issue here. Are Veerendra Dev Dixit's tax problems connected with a building that Mr Patel gave money to build?

What a rationale!! Street Smart!
It sounds to me that someone went to the tax office to try and stitch Veerendra Dev Dixit up deliberately. May be they just wanted to destroy him to take over his "business", or may be they just wanted to get their hands on the building. I do not know but it all sounds suspicious

May be for you.
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Re: Hell bent to disbelieve

Post05 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote: I can count that yourself, Bansy, John, Ex-BKWSU, Mr. Green, all are over-enlightened so they act very smart on this forum. No God can appease you all as you think that your minds are very open to criticise everybody out here. YOU GUYS THINK THAT YOU ARE ABOVE GOD (LITERALLY YOU ARE SUPREME DEMON AS YOU KEEP ON DOING USELESS ARUMENTS). NOBODY has ever won in the arguments related to spiritual matter. Only heart wins. Your knowledge is limited to the neural fires in brain and we are relishing the cool stream in the heart. Beejroop

Dear Beetroot

You forgot about me in this moral policing posting!? :?: I feel so left out now ... and who are the Street Smarts - is it a another new BK splinter group I haven't heard about yet? Do they go by the abbreviated name of SS :?:.
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abrahma kumar

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Do these groups not ever update they methods?

Post05 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:You can ask the Street smart Bloggers the usefulness of wasteful arguments.For me it is spreading the true divine knowledge for evrybody's benefit so that you do not repent. Beejroop


any repentance that i may do ought not to be any business of yours, nor the business of any of your kind.

Your God may have given you a mission to save souls more worthy than me from repentance, but i have said elsewhere on this site to someone who was offering some form of heart-to-heart blah blah blah: I reject the offer.

As for the rest of your post, cant be bothered to reply at length. But in essence you are right. I am NOT all doe-eyed and clueless hanging on your every word in the hope that some light is going to go-off in my head so that i see the Vishnu Party as holding the keys to my salvation. Anyway I did ask if I could be a member and no-one replied to me.

Did you never read a Murli in which Baba likens this whole game to a boxing match? Can i not borrow a little of Baba's analogy, even if i relate it in an unorthodox style?
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repent now!!! could we at least change into regret?

Post05 Jul 2007

REPENT? I am in trouble. I think I need many hours of private tuition in order to avoid regret and punishment. Maybe too late!

In anycase, I think we have all tried our best as effort makers and still are trying, maybe not to impress or please others, but with honesty. So, I think God can see and appreciate that more than debating or proving oneself right.

There are words such as; "surrender", "repentance", "sacrifice", "renounciation", that are not very appealing to human souls, or even animals, plants or minerals I guess, because they are contrary to the very principles of life; love and happiness. They are a product of impure Copper Age and Kaliyugi minds and relate to fear, guilt and other negative emotions. I don't think you can inspire or educate any child, or adult, through such concepts.

This is why, these days, horse whisperers are becoming more sought after as trainers and methods of threats and sticks to "break" horses, are really going out of fashion, even among unenlightened souls. So, shouldn't we be better examples and become a little bit fresh, new and refined? Or do we want to hold on to medieval systems?

Best wishes to all.
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abrahma kumar

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Hellbent on disbelieving untill reason says otherwise

Post05 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:You guys are real stumbling blocks for others who would like to understand new knowledge and do not want that this should be reached to other worthy souls. Please do not indulge yourselves into unnecessary arguments. If you do not want to join Vishnu Party , please do not join but why are you stopping others from doing so and why are you trying to stop me from spreading the new divine knowledge.


I have not tried to stop you from spreading the divine knowledge - in fact, the post pinpointed and commented on your eagerness to do so - rather than answer a direct question. Your guru will be pleased at your diligence in this regard. Nor have i asked you to desist from spreading divine knowledge.

So, I confess that I did comment on the manner in which you avoided answering a direct question. The answer to which many would find more interesting than the Vishnu Party oblox that you responded with. My post also highlighted that what you actually did was to spew-forth a stream of Vishnu Party dogma.

In simple terms, we all know that the Vishnu Party will have a particular way of seeing and explaining God, Souls, Drama etc, etc but what is the History of the organisation?

Do you understand the question and how it differs from you replying with points about what the Vishnu Party believes or what you have found yourself believing having been taught by the Vishnu Party?
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Re: Hell bent to disbelieve

Post05 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:Streer Smarts are good parliamentarians everywhere in the globe but very least respected.

Are they also very good at avoiding giving answers?

Face it beetroot, you've been sussed :lol:.
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Post05 Jul 2007

I did, of course, mean to write that I was "100% impure" but I am kind of glad that I made a mistake ...

OK, I promise to back off beetlejuice. I want even ask how long you have been a member of the Vishnu Party. BUT I think that we do deserve to start with a basic history of the Vishnu Party describing his time with the BKs, PBKs and his "enlightenment experience" when he discovered that he was God, what he understands that to mean, and so on.

The problem is really only that you are brushing aside some very major details in a hurry and we asking you to stop, slow down and address matters in a logical fashion for our impure minds. You have to appreciate that it is an extraordinary claim to make and so requires some extraordinary proof.


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Post05 Jul 2007

alladin wrote:What is the use of this topic?

We will find out.
shivsena wrote:All I can say about the Vishnu Party that it is to be ignored. I have been very close to the so-called founders of the Vishnu Party and now the less said of it, the better it is. The whole party is on the verge of collapsing and there are many sub-divisions within the Vishnu Party itself.

Shivsena Bhai, Brother new-world.

As two of the knowledgeable members who have had some experience with the Vishnu Party, given recent events on this thread, was this expected and not surprising?
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Post05 Jul 2007

Yes, behold ... I AM THE SUPREME DEMON.

Be careful or my wraith will be unleashed on the unworthy.

I have achieved the state of over enlightenment, so don't mess with me baby.

At least I don't make statements like you have to understand quantum mechanics to know God!!!!!!

The BKs have been and still are banging that drum for ages now. What makes me laugh is the perverse desperation people like you exhibit, it's a bit like frantacially masturbating in public ... a bit seedy and grimey :lol:.
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Post05 Jul 2007

beejroop wrote:God Father will directly teach to only 108 souls. And others will not hear the true knowledge from him. So before he stops inducting fresh souls into his college of supreme teaching, it is an open invitation to you all. Otherwise you will regret and repent which we as divine Brothers and Sisters do not want. So, why wasting your time in arguments, debates and cynicism. Come on, let us together transform the world under the aegis of "Param Pita".

People close to me, including some of my PBK friends who joined Vishnu Party in 1997/98, also warned me in a similar fashion. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Vishnu Party constructed a building consisting of 108 rooms to accomodate these lucky 108 souls at Chainpur, Ahmedabad.

In 1997, I was warned that there was hardly six months time left for the recruitment of the 108 souls that you are referring. I thank my stars for not getting attracted by this advertisement for the induction of 108 souls. Otherwise, I would have continued to wait till this day. All of my ex-PBK friends who joined Vishnu Party in response to this advertisement and were also given some titles of deities (that they would become in future), have long back left even the Vishnu Party and gotten married. At least one of them has become a Father too. I visited him soon after his marriage.

I know that people come and go from this path of knowledge (including Vishnu Party). But I have related the above experience only because I see you passing through the same phase as me. This is for your kind information.

I also heard a rumour that the above mentioned building was also used for marriage parties. Being the official representative of Vishu Party, you would be able to give clarification about this rumour.


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