Law and order

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Post29 Jun 2007

Dear Brother paul,

If the world we live in was perfect and OK then no one would be unhappy with it. Even if some are happy in it many are not. This world changes every day and we are the ones to change it. We have to have some ideas that we like to achieve in it, we have to know how it should be, so that we can maintain some hope. And it will not change little by little to better.

No, now there are big, drastic changes to happan, everything to change upside down. It is not me who can create unity. I am not entitled to create unity. I don't know how. I am just different to anyone else. There should be someone who can have equal vision, also it is said that pourity makes unity.

Yes, maybe the "flirtplace statement" was bit too extreme. It was just to say that we live in a dirty place, where eyes for one another for vice exist everywhere. It is said that the Father has an eye for the daughter, teacher for student etc.

It is also said that the hero actor is such an actor that he can relate to anyone. A good actor can play small roles also. No matter the person he may meet, he can adopt the correspodning form to match him, to relate to him.
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Post29 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:maybe the "flirtplace statement"

"The workplace is a flirtplace". Its one of those little poetic ditties so beloved of the Indian BKs that embarrass the Western BKs who prefer cool quotes from Carl Jung or Jacques Derrida.
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Post29 Jun 2007

Dear Brother,

Please note that i have just made up this expression myself at the time of writing and have not heard it from anywhere. Altough we take account of the soul of being Indian or Western, there is some sense of separation which should not exist. I have been born in the West. If i can invent such things and be myself embarrassed in the workpalce when i have to relate to others, then why should it be diffferent to others?
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Post29 Jun 2007

I have definitely heard it before. Its not a Murli point though. So it probably just entered your sub-consciousness somewhere from a class or article.
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Post01 Jul 2007

We spend most of the time at work. We relate to colleagues more than to familly. Why is it like this? In the past family businesses, shops etc used to be more common. Now when we go to work we think of going home. At home also we don't feel at rest and go to vacation where we think about work. Its a whole cycle.
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Post13 Sep 2007

There was an example of the Emperor Caligula that he used to be impressed with the Pharaohs of Egypt and liked to set his empire in the same way. But there used to be a difference and he did not succeeded. In Egypt, the rule used to be very centralized, in the hand of the pharaoh who is thought about like a god. Caligula failed because everyone thought of him like "one of us". Maybe this is the two types of mind set with the two rules - kingdom and democracy. The king does not make effort for his kingdom (now we understand that he does). I mean there is always something extraordinary in his personality - he is born a king, or has some special boon - he is god.

In democracy, one just grows out of the masses. With the case with Caligula, it used to be the senators who used to oppose and not accept. After all they are competitors. But if we look from the point of view of the people then if there is division in the rule then there will be division in their life. Like if there is one truth and one comes and opposes it, the third one starts wondering if this is right or that.

Like also the rule now it is built on false values. All have suspicion for one another. Everyone is watching others with suspicion, because truth is a matter of how you put things. In the court the lie is proved true and the criminal is proved not guilty. Opposed to this it is possible to exist simple single dimensions of what is right and wrong, then can be the clear the most if they come from the mouth of only one and there is no mixture.

If we take the rule today, we also have law-creating power - the parliament. It can be still the same but in one hand - not many people can create laws. It is as if we play a game and everyone can change the rule, the game will be spoiled. We also have executive power and the supreme court - like the Trimurti. Brahma - plays the part of Dharamraj - Vishnu is practical part and Shankar is instrumental for Shrimat.

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