Who is the God of Gita - Krishna, Ram or Shiva Baba?

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new world

Murli proof

Post14 Jun 2007

Dear Andreybhai, I've already quoted the Murli point (with date) in an previous reply of this thread, which states that Krishna will be Narayan at the age of 20-25.
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Post15 Jun 2007

Someone should confirm this Murli quote.
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Post15 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:If I come across to any reference as particular quote from the Murli then I may post it.

We were told 30 - 35 in the BKWSU. I have no Murli points to sustain this but it was as told. Marriage at 30-35, children as 70 - 75, dead at 150 (like clockwork).



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Post17 Jun 2007

arjun wrote:The assumption that Krishna would be born in 2018 is based on the Murlis that say that the Confluence Age is at the most for 100 years and that Lakshmi Narayan would be coronated by then. So, in order to get coronated Shri Krishna should at least be 18 years old.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Can you quote the Murli date which says that Krishna has to be 18 years to get crowned?

arjun wrote:As regards the question that whether the old world would exist or not at the time of Shri Krishna's birth in 2018, ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) has said that it would definitely exist.

Dear arjun Bhai.

Shivbap's Murli says that, "patit duniya mein koi bhi pavan ho na sake aur pavan duniya mein koi bhi patit ho na sake" (meaning that no pure soul can exist in the impure world and no impure soul can enter into the pure world); and Advanced Knowledge teaches that both impure souls and pure souls like child Krishna (16* pure) will co-exist. So which is to be believed?? Shivbap's Murlis or Krishna's teachings through the Advanced Knowledge????

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Post19 Jun 2007

Dear Brother shivsena,

yes, it is said that the gates to the home of peace and home of happiness will open for everyone at the same time and that all accounts will finish for everyone at the same time. Still, the Supreme Soul, who is everpure, can come and stay in the impure world.

It is also normal to believe that all will not become pure at the same time, but one after another. I don't know how far this interpretation is correct, but maybe there cannot be anyone pure in the impure world and anyone pure in the impure world can be for the Confluence Age where both worlds exist for comparison.

No one can enter the gathering of the new world that is pure - no impure one will be able to enter and no pure one will be able to stay in the impure world - like a separation of the two worlds.

It is also said in the Murli that at the end half pure and half impure souls will remain. In the bible also it is said that God to begin with his task of creation separated light from darkness, day from night.
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Post19 Jun 2007

shivsena wrote:Shivbap's Murli says that, "patit duniya mein koi bhi pavan ho na sake aur pavan duniya mein koi bhi patit ho na sake" (meaning that no pure soul can exist in the impure world and no impure soul can enter into the pure world); and Advanced Knowledge teaches that both impure souls and pure souls like child Krishna (16* pure) will co-exist. So which is to be believed?? Shivbap's Murlis or Krishna's teachings through the Advanced Knowledge???

Here, what is the world being discussed. It is the inner world of vibrations.

A soul in a pure stage would not have weak thoughts of impure souls, they would 'see' them in an elevated form, ie 'no impure soul can enter into the pure world'. Thoughts of impurity do not arise in the mind of an elevated soul.

So a soul in an elevated stage, perhaps in the bodiless stage could co-exist in the impure world with impure souls without the foot (of intellect) touching the old world, even whilst living in the impure world.

It is the unlimited nature of vibrations being discussed here, not the physical timeline.



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Post19 Jun 2007

button slammer wrote:It is the unlimited nature of vibrations being discussed here, not the physical timeline.

Dear slammer Bhai.

If everything has to be interpreted in a subjective manner, and not objectively, and is related only to the inner world, then the Laws of Physics become redundant. The Laws of Physics says that whatever happens at the micro (subtle) level is then manifested at the macro (gross physical level) and that is what the Murli also says, "pahele har cheez sukhma mein hoti hai; phir sthool mein hoti hai"; (everything happens first at the subtle level and is then manifested at the physical level ). Things do not happen and stop at the subtle level of vibrations only and then vanish into thin air without manifesting externally.

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Post20 Jun 2007

shivsena wrote:If everything has to be interpreted in a subjective manner, and not objectively, and is related only to the inner world, then the Laws of Physics become redundant. The Laws of Physics says that whatever happens at the micro (subtle) level is then manifested at the macro (gross physical level) and that is what the Murli also says, "pahele har cheez sukhma mein hoti hai; phir sthool mein hoti hai"; (everything happens first at the subtle level and is then manifested at the physical level ). Things do not happen and stop at the subtle level of vibrations only and then vanish into thin air without manifesting externally.

Subjectively and Objectively speaking, modern Quantum Physics teachings too all point to 'subtle' vibration manifesting into 'physical' vibration in order to come into its own experience. They just tend to call it inter-dimensional work ... but probably is the same thing in essence.
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Post29 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:Dear shivsena,

I have to make sure no one believes you. According to my understanding you put people to sleep. You try to create the unity around the expectation of the future incarnation of RamShivbaba, whilst I think he has already incarnated etc. You also relate many points under the name of the Murli which are not correct according to my understanding, so I have to make the effort the bring the correct ones.


please excuse me interrupting your Holy War with andrey. I just wanted to clarify one thing here about your hypothesis.

andrey states that you are talking about a future incarnation of "RamShivbaba", which suggests the incarnation of another soul.

As far as I understand, you are not talking about a future incarnation of another soul as such but rather the "awakening", the "manifestation of a stage of enlightement and perfection", in the existing souls.

I always understood that it was your opinion that 3 separate souls were involved in this play;
    the soul of Virendra Dev Dixit
    the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani
    the soul we call Shiva
I am not aware that you ever suggested that there was ANOTHER souls to become involved in this cosmic dance. Is this correct?



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Post29 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote: please excuse me interrupting your Holy War with andrey. I just wanted to clarify one thing here about your hypothesis. andrey states that you are talking about a future incarnation of "RamShivbaba", which suggests the incarnation of another soul.

As far as I understand, you are not talking about a future incarnation of another soul as such but rather the "awakening", the "manifestation of a stage of enlightement and perfection", in the existing souls. I always understood that it was your opinion that 3 separate souls were involved in this play;
    the soul of Veerendra Dev Dixit
    the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani
    the soul we call Shiva
I am not aware that you ever suggested that there was ANOTHER souls to become involved in this cosmic dance. Is this correct?

Dear ex-l.

You have described my thoughts perfectly. I could not have put it in a better way. Andrey Bhai has no idea of what he himself is speaking, so it is most unlikely he will ever understand what i am trying to say in these last 9 months. It is no use speaking to him or writing to him. It is like bashing your head against a stone wall, where the only possibililty is to break your own head, nothing will happen to the wall.

God save me from souls like andrey. He is the most persistently incorrigible irritating soul i have ever met.

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Post29 Jun 2007

shivsena wrote:You have described my thoughts perfectly. I could not have put it in a better way.

To be honest, I find that a perfectly logical and reasonable suggestion, that has no grounds to cause offense to the faithful and which would only be appealing to rational non-believers.

The PBK Army should stand at ease, they are not underattack.

And thank you for confirming that my 99.99% impure brain is still functionable.



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Post29 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote: The PBK Army should stand at ease, they are not underattack. And thank you for confirming that my 99.99% impure brain is still functionable.

Dear ex-l.

The PBKs were never under any attack from me. PBKs on this forum were under their self-made illusion and they considered me a rebel, when i presented my views, which were contrary to what they were taught. But my aim was to make the PBKs (recent as well as those who were not in touch with the family and were living abroad) aware about the happenings in the PBK family and to awaken them to a possibility which could very well happen in future, i.e. the true Gita Gyan is still not forth-coming and that the real knowledge will come only when Ram achieves the 100% incorporeal stage (combined with Shiv) and becomes living ShivBaba.

This small churning made such a flutter in the PBK family that all started considering me a rebel. I just do not understand this. Have i defamed the Father by combining Ram and Shiv? Have i defamed Krishna when i said that Advance Party is passing through the night of Brahma (which even Baba has acknowledged in cassette no 151-152)?

Can any PBK please tell me what wrong have i done to deserve this? (That souls do not want to remain on this forum and have a healthy discussion so that everyone can be benefitted.)

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Back on track

Post05 Jul 2007

Just to get back on track, this is a definition taken from the polish PBK site that helped me and may help others. I take it to be more of an "official view" than shivsena's proposal.

It does talk about the involvement of the soul of Brahma (Lekhraj Kirpalani), so it is difficult to see what the problem is for non-PBKs. Especially as I think we are fairly united in accepting Lekhraj Kirpalani is not completely perfect as yet.

There was always the other reported issue of BKs seeing/meeting ANOTHER Lekhraj Kirpalani in the Subtle Regions, e.g. Avyakt Brahma, and I know this caused difficulties in conception but has largely been forgetten in the push away from theology and towards evangelism within the BKWSU.

Shankar cannot be called Prajapita. Shankar is only name of the part and the meaning of the word Shankar is “mix”. There is not only one soul doing the work, the soul of Brahma is working through that body and the soul of Shiva is also doing the work. The symbol of that is the third eye in the picture of Shankar and the half moon is shown on the forehead of Shankar, which is Brahma. And there is also the soul of Ram through whose body this Shankar part is being played. The combined pert of the three souls in one body is called Shankar. This is mixed part. [...]

Now the soul of Brahma or call him the soul of Krishna who has been given sorrow by asuri children enters into the body of a Brahmin child and having done so settles the accounts with these devilish children who have accumulated hundred fold burden of sins on themselves. So whose part is that of Shankar? The soul of Brahma, he enters the body and plays the part that is why it has been said in the Murli: what does Shankar do? – he does nothing. Shankar cannot be called an impure soul, Shankar is a dweller of the Subtle Region.

Shankar cannot be called patit and Shankar does not anything because the actions (karm) are performed by the organs (karm indrya). [...] In reality Brahma’s soul enters and does all the work. [...] You can not tell which soul is playing the part because there is one body and there are three souls playing their parts through it, Shiva the Supreme Soul, Prajapita the soul of Ram and the soul of Brahma and the name for that part is Shankar.

Shankar means mixed or combined part; it cannot be seen which particular soul is playing which part, yet on the basis of Gyan the Gyani souls can know. At that time (when Murli was spoken through the body of Brahma) the signal was being made for the future part to be played through Shankar.

The Brahmin world was established through Brahma. Later when that world becomes devilish (asuri) and sinful, it has to be cleansed (destroyed) through the preordained part of Shankar who does not pick up any sins through this act. Shankar is just a medium (instrument). God Shiv gets it done through him.

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Re: Suryavanshi Ramchandra

Post09 Sep 2007

new world wrote:In Ramayan & old Indians literature, the word 'Ramchandra' has been used thousands & thousands times. The word 'Ramsurya' is not in use. But story of Ramayan depicts that Ram belonged to the sun denasty (Surya vansh). Then if Ram was 'Surya Vanshi', then he should be called as 'Ramsurya' & not as 'Ramchandra'. If Ram belonged to Moon Dynasty (Chandra Vansh), then its right to call him 'Ramchandra'.

Even PBKs consider Ram as 'Sun of Knowledge' (Gyan Surya) & 'Surya Vanshi'. Then why 'Ramchandra' & why not 'Ramsurya'?

Okay. This is a very good article to be churned. Let's discuss about it.
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Report on Hindu god Ram withdrawn ...

Post14 Sep 2007

Report on Hindu god Ram withdrawn ... The Indian government has withdrawn a controversial report submitted in court earlier this week which questioned the existence of the Hindu god Ram ...

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