BK attitudes toward charity and emergency aid

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Post28 Jun 2007

Andrey wrote:Our interactions here should also correlate with the situation. And more such things are to happen. We are to experience them ourselves. But why aren't such pictures and information resctricted for kids? Why is not their mind protected, so that they not see suffering etc. because they are delicate, sensitive, easily impressed and can have nightmares afterwards? Now what happens is that the supreme Father protects us the unlimited children. He makes some transfromation that whilst we see, we don't see. Yes, indeed maybe even prior to carefree, association of Africa are [color=darkred]hungry children.

Oh yeah. Right. How can anyone even consider happiness when their stomachs are starving, not only just hungry. One of the things I remember most, in my early BK days. was being asked if I'd like some food before Yoga, as "one cannot meditate on a hungry stomach" ... that set the tone for my BK lifestyle, eh?

I can just imagine BK service in Darfur ... "Some large overweight person carefully picking ther way around the sprawling, starving, disease riddled, suffering masses saying "Such karma, such karma, Om Shanti, Om Shanti - Do remember Baba and you will be well ... here's a sweetie to sweeten your mouth"

At least the Hare Krishnas arrange soup kitchens in some poor areas they may work in as service to the communities around them ... The BKs just seem to provide toli (sugar and oil) in return for someone listening to them.

Yup, ones interactions should also correlate with the situation ...
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Post29 Jun 2007

Dear Brother,

I did not mean we should not eat, out of compassion. No, we live in this world. We should even smile sometimes superficially, dress according the situation and pretend. However, internally, we know what age we are in. It is said that to remember that we are now in the CA is also manmanabhav. Where we are, what is to happen, we know in advance and whilst we do everything we don't forget.

Whatever are the practices in BK, there is no need to comment how it should be. Then BKs also do some positive things also, is it not?
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Post29 Jun 2007

andrey wrote: No, we live in this world. We should even smile sometimes superficially, dress according the situation and pretend. <-----> Whatever are the practices in BK, there is no need to comment how it should be. Then BKs also do some positive things also, is it not?

How propagandistic Andrey ---- I cannot agree that the BK/PBKs live in this world. The majority of its members seem to live in a haze of a dream, all waiting for the Golden Age toarrive, and many refuse to even buy new vehicles because it'll be seen as a waste of finances (and Maya) but, meantime, don't seem to understand that what they're driving is completley unsafe and uninsurable too. There are so many other instances too, hopefully others will share them too, but I say there's a huge difference about living in the real world and living within some-one else's dream or purported vision.

I feel that many Spiritual New Age followers of various means and modalities - living on this planet - are doing much more to lift up the vibration and energy of humanity and if the BKs/PBKs think they are the (only) Chosen Ones, then they are working from an egoistical level of fantacism.

I'd even suggest that the true reason why the BKWSU removed themselves from the New Age philosophies/practices movement is not because of all the hugging and kissing they indulge in but because someone in the BKWSU realised that these people actually had the answers and would be able to disprove, though logic and reason, the teachings of the BKWSU to be untrue and outdated. Hence, it would have been that the BKWSU would have become obselete, so it became time of 'pretence' for them ... read about it all on this forum. It has been researched and offered with great clarity. It is provable.

And as to your shared thought that theres no need to comment on the BK practices, that's like saying an Ostrich doesn't bury its head in the sand ( Ostriches don't by the way, its only a false story that many people 'pretend' happens). Whilst I believe that many members of the BKWSU think, feel and act in the belief system that they are doing something positive for the planet, they are in fact not doing so and cannot do so whilst the fundamental information/knowledge that they share is flawed, incomplete and even falsified (and again I say and by the way, has been proved to be such within this forum).

This is not to say that the meditation that they teach is wrong, I am sure that it does wonderful enlightening 'service' to many but again only to those who are able to discern between what is right and wrong. For themselves. This has been a huge lesson for many people indeed.

It is also no good suggesting that we should 'pretend' that things are OK and that we should play the game with you. Fire burns one badly.No pretense needed in that, just plain old pain, suffering (and suicide in some cases). This is what I am personally against. I am all for the truth, as it is. The truth is the real world, as it is. Not some cooked up pipe dream that does not allow all of our planets people to live properly and in complete happiness. It is only blind pretence when we say that only so many people can go into the New World, because they believed in a, b or c, or because they remained without sexual interaction, or because they only ate lentils, etc. etc etc.

Pretense is for children, or for those who wish to remain blind to reality, or for those who ... ... you add in the missing bits if you like. I'd be interested to hear your comments but I know what I will read when you do reply. More pretense ...
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Post29 Jun 2007

Now you have put all the blame on some people as if they say, "No - don't go to Golden Age, don't belive The Knowledge, don't become a deity". We believe that at the end all will be happy with themselves, with their part. I mean that if the Murli are the words of the suporeme soul, who is benefactor, if we listen or not to this then the reward will be accordingly. We should discuss these and not the practices which are created by human beings in the BK which are not good practices.
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Post29 Jun 2007

Riiiiiiiight ... Now its the blame game, huh? And ex-l calls me a drag ... ( :shock: ).

Andrey should read Dr Wayne D Dwyers Murli, "there's a spiritual solution to everything" ... because his posts floats just like a brick flung into the sea, as he re-writes, "The Days of our Lives" ...

8) ... a reply is not worth ruining my Friday over... hope all have a fab weekend.

Mwaaahhh !!! xxx
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Post01 Jul 2007

Dear Brother paul,

We don't invent ourselves what God teaches. We don't invent it ourselves for our own benefit. We just learn and choose to follow or not. We cannot be hold responsible for what he teaches. If he teaches to remain pure then he has a plan about it. We can only say if it feels good or bad if we try. However, it is said that if we follow our own mind we'll also fall.
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abrahma kumar

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BK attitudes toward charity and emergency aid

Post01 Jul 2007

BK attitudes toward charity and emergency aid is ...
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Post01 Jul 2007

I distinctly remember being told by the Seniors Sisters that the Brahma Kumaris do not give to charity or do social work. The attitude with which they said it made be feel the senior thought was below "Royal Yogis" for whom teaching the course was the highest and most unique service.

Where does this attitude come from? Is it in the Murli? Is it Sistermat?
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Post01 Jul 2007

Twisting around Shrimat, or taking it literally, is a perfect means to justify our shortcomings. In this case, lack of generosity.

Baba says, "have a big heart", but sometimes center-in-charges don't want to share anything with students; premises, breakfast, Murlis or anything. They are just into taking "for God". And many a times I came across situations were a more senior or more pukka BK would say that even lending a shawl to someone who was shivering was against Shrimat, as it was "creating" karma.

These instances, made me think I was mixing with extremists and, little by little, I should save myself and better avoid them. Bad habits are easy to imbibe!!
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Re: BK attitudes toward charity and emergency aid

Post02 Jul 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote: BK attitudes toward charity and emergency aid is ...

... don't give charity because you don't want to get involved in someone else karma. Let them rather suffer through it because then they will learn how to change it ... besides what will Baba do without your money, if you give it someone else who doesn't deserve it?

In our weekly meditation group we put a little money into a box which is collected at month end and put into an envelope, marked 'miracle money' and a 'lucky draw' then takes place. The 'winner' then keep the money with them until they come across someone who desperately needs it. Here is an example:

Once, one of the 'Miracle Money' holders was driving along and saw an elderly (very distraught) lady stuck on the side of the road with a vehicle that had broken down. He stopped to see what was going on and then on discussion of the situation realised that she only had a bit of money on her and did not have enough to pay the tow truck that was on call.

The exact difference between what she needed and what she had on her was of course in the envelope which was left with her. The 'Money Holder', of course, donated it anonymously and left just saying to her that her belief in miracles had brought her assistance ... the local newspaper the following week printed a 'thank you' to the 'anonymous angel' who had appeared out of nowhere to assist and disappeared once everything was safe.

This kind of situation happens time and again. We even know of a case where a woman and two children were deperately selling pens in a shopping centre in order to try raise cash to buy food, and had said (after receiving the money) that she was going to kill herself and her children that very evening if they couldn't find the money they needed and that she had prayed to God that morning for assistance ...

I am not posting this info to have recognition thereof, but simply to say that in the right intent, charity will bring someone closer to God and so charity is not wrong, just sometimes misaligned or misunderstood.

Look at the immense life-changing work that Oprah's Angel Network does for instance ... change one persons or one family's life and soon many other lives will be changed too.
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abrahma kumar

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Re: BK attitudes toward charity and emergency aid

Post03 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote: ... don't give charity because you don't want to get involved in someone else karma. Let them rather suffer through it because then they will learn how to change it ... besides what will Baba do without your money, if you give it someone else who doesn't deserve it?

... Yes Paul, I foresee the same according to BK oblox. But what I can not see is why this is cast to one-side when the suffering skins are "brown". Or am i being racist?! Could it be because the suffering referred to is by dint of natural calamnity rather than human deed?? The same nature that we are asked to purify with our Yoga?

Maybe I miss the point that 'purification' or alleviating the suffering of our karmas is VERY possible through BK student donations to BK-sanctioned worthy causes; plus Yoga with the Supreme of course. :oops:
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charity and donations.

Post04 Jul 2007

Reading an AM today, dates 11/03/07, orig. 10/04/91, Baba was differentiating charity and donations. "an act of charity is not superficial, but is done from your heart. Donation can be either superficial or from the heart. Charity is an act in which we become cooperative with souls at a time of need, that is you become useful to them. A soul who performs charitable acts, always receives blessings from the hearts of many souls."

Good vibes to all
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Post05 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I can just imagine BK service in Darfur ... "Some large overweight person carefully picking ther way around the sprawling, starving, disease riddled, suffering masses saying "Such karma, such karma, Om Shanti, Om Shanti - Do remember Baba and you will be well ... here's a sweetie to sweeten your mouth"

*snort* :lol:.

Oh man :roll:, i have to admit that was my mental image too paul.
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Om Shanti to all those of Darfar

Post07 Dec 2007

andrey wrote:You have put me in an uncomfortable postion where I have to play the stone hearted one as I did not know about Darfur. Yes, I searched Google and saw ...

No need to be uncomfortable andrey. By the way, abe was wondering whether you had a chance to keep tabs on recent happenings in Darfur? Is the current drama playing out over there an illustration of hell on earth or what? Damn.

Peace be unto all those souls acting out their parts in that corner of the world.


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