Dadi Janki and the Janki Foundation

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Post15 May 2007

ex-l wrote:Do you mean usual that folks get to ask questions or usual that she stays up that late?

I mean does she she usually have a Q&A session or is it just for these paid events. What's to stop anyone asking her about the missing Murlis?

If someone had a private interview with DJ would she answer honestly without tricks? How open would she be?
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Post15 May 2007

john wrote:What's to stop anyone asking her about the missing Murlis? How open would she be?

Please do ... and get it on video! The Murlis ... the history ... the Shiva incident etc ... My guess is it will only start to unravel when it does come up in public.
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Post15 May 2007

Yeah, that's it. Get it on video!

Or if they are not allowed, a small discreet digital recorder (mp3 player, mobile phone).
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Mr Green


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Post15 May 2007

Dadis Q&A sessions are a farce John, always have been

At BK classes the questions are vetted beforehand and given to Dadi before the session. You would go to one of her cohorts and present the question.

But what she is famous for is just taking the questions then rammbling on in her usual style. Then she will look at the individual who asked and say, "did that answer your question?" implying there was something cryptic you should have picked up on. Invariably people are too embarrassed at this stage to say no!
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Post22 May 2007

john wrote: What's to stop anyone asking her about the missing Murlis?
If someone had a private interview with DJ would she answer honestly without tricks? How open would she be?

Oddly enough, I wrote a little cartoon satire years ago called, "The Mystery of the Missing Murli's" by E NOD LIGHTON. It never got finished, we'll see.
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Mr Green


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Post22 May 2007

Whatever next ... Dadi does Dallas?
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Sexy Sadie

Post21 Jun 2007

Some acid humor etching away at a little truth. You know, now and again I am haunted by something very evil. Some terrible waste thought, like ... like this. Please look for the serious edge. There is reason to my ribald.

Sexy Sadie was a song written by John Lennon about the Transcedental Meditation founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , 'The Maharishi', after he and The Beatles had visted the Maharishi's ashram in Rishikesh. Like it, them, and the 60s or not, but it was very much The hippie Beatles that brought India, and even Hinduism to the West, first by their flirtation with the guru and then by their relationship with the Hare Krishnas. Strange they never get a mention in the Murlis.

Though there had been early travellers, thanks to the rise of TV and the influence of the Beatles, who were at that time "Bigger than Jesus", it was also the Maharishi that very much laid down what was yogi for the West.

There was a falling out though. The rumor that spread was that the Maharishi had tried it on, or touched up either the actress Mia Farrow or a pretty Californian hippie chick that had gone out with the Beatles in order to transfer his spiritual energy. In return, the ascerbic Lennon wrote this song. The Maharishi being given the nickname "Sexy Sadie".

I just had a thought, that given all that and what else we know, from a Gyani BK point of view, it would kind of suit Dadi Janki and so I wrote this sone in rememberance of her. Tune about ... follow the link if you do not know it. To be honest, I think it is better that Robin Gibb's number, "Mother".

"Dadi Janki" (Sexy Sadie Lyrics by The Beatles)
Lennon and McCartney did not wrote:Dadi Janki what have you done
You made a fool of everyone
You made a fool of everyone
Dadi Janki ooh what have you done.

Dadi Janki you broke the rules
You layed it down for all to see
You layed it down for all to see
Dadi Janki oooh you broke the rules.

One sunny day the world was waiting for a lover
She came along to turn on everyone
Dadi Janki the greatest Trimurti Dadi of them all.
Dadi Janki how did you know
The world was waiting just for you
The world was waiting just for you
Dadi Janki oooh how did you know.

Dadi Janki you'll get yours yet
However big you think you are
However big you think you are
Dadi Janki oooh you'll get yours yet.

We gave her everything we owned just to sit at her table
Just a smile would lighten everything
Dadi Janki she's the latest and the greatest Trimurti Dadi of them all.

She made a fool of everyone
Dadi Janki.

However big you think you are
Sexy Sadie.

There is reason for this connection. I knew an old timer TM follower that got on their bus early on and had close access to the Maharishi who told them many things that he would not, or could not say in public. In many way the dynamics were the same as what some of experience in the older days of Gyan.

One of the things that the Maharishi said, was that in the cosmic order of things, he was not a "Brahmin", part of the priest caste, despite being a worldly yogi rishi. He said he was a Kshatrya, a warrior. A spiritual warrior fighting in the West to establish a kingdom. What he was ighting for or with, I do not know or cant remember. But I distinctly remember this issue of being a warrior on the spiritual level.

I am relating this too to the nature of the senior BKs; their Empire establishing, their Kingliness, all the talk about Mahabharat and armies and so on ... and may be too many of our own feelings about sucking up and seeing others suck up to "her table" and am wondering what is really going on. Is our show really that much different from his? The Maharishi had the Beatles, Janki has Robin Gibb. In 1968 the Rishi had a private helicopter, now he even has a real University now, she still has a fake one ... and he is only a dirty impure Shudra.

Still, we know by Gyan what rules have and are been broken ... Sexy Sadie, a Trimurti Dadi indeed.
When The Beatles left early, John was elected as spokesman, although he hated the task.
"We're leaving, Maharishi," he said.
The little man looked pained.
"But why?" he asked.
John did not have the courage to confront him. Evasively, he said,

    "You're the cosmic one, you should know."
The Maharishi looked as if he wanted to kill him.

The Maharishi who was already surrounded by early European ladies that had surrendered their wealth ... and who thought young people should stay in school and obey their parents and obey the leaders of their country who were more informed and qualified than they also disagreed with nuclear disarmament but ... expected the Beatles to tithe over 10 to 25 percent of their annual income to a Swiss account in his name.

I wonder percent Robin Gibb is on?
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Post21 Jun 2007

You see, for me, after discovering all the deceit and corruption of the history, teachings and form of BK-style Raja Yoga, all I am left with is one big question mark where God should be. And, no, I cannot just stop thinking and trust.

The rest of the world is fairly simple and manipulatable. To me it just appears that Janki has been marketed well and fits well in the market place that wants, demands or expects a certain characters ... visually, in our superficial sound bite world ... she fits in well somewhere between the Maharishi and Mother Theresa and has even been "sold" as similar to the latter - which is a joke.
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in the night

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Post27 Jun 2007

Don't mean to upset anyone: But we should show a bit of respect for the elderly!

In my personal research, and PBKs would probably agree, Janki has lost control of the BKWSU long ago. It is probably true of other elderly female leaders which are being used to keep the show going, and interests of course. Not necesarily money but power in general.

I would like to relate a wierd happening during the meetings with "BapDada" in "Peace Hall" - Mount Abu. One of the senior Brothers (I will not mention the name for obvious reasons), was called and was asked by the "BapDada" why he was not obeying his orders concerning the building of a BK property. I remember how the subject was so quickly ignored by the Toli, dinner breaks, and no printing in the post day "Avyakt Murli".

I think the Pope in Rome is also suffering from this. He may be a good guy but the Vatican Bank only needs him because of his sort of "holiness".

Is not all clear yet, and if you high-up good hearted BK souls happen to get the courage to speak up, and Baba is real, then what is there to worry about?. Or have you lost faith like I am beginning to. Need you now or never.

Love ALL OF YOU anyways.

In the night :evil:
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Post27 Jun 2007

Thank you very much for raises this matter of a senior Brother receiving an ear pulling from BapDada ... and it not being reported. I think there is a geneal consensus here that it is a handful of senior Brother that have been at the heart of the BKWSU for a long time and possess the real power. "He who holds the purse strings...", and all that.
in the night wrote:Don't mean to upset anyone: But we should show a bit of respect for the elderly! In my personal research, and PBKs would probably agree, Janki has lost control of the BKWSU long ago. It is probably true of other elderly female leaders which are being used to keep the show going, and interests of course. Not necesarily money but power in general.

I would like to relate a wierd happening during the meetings with "BapDada" in "Peace Hall" - Mount Abu. One of the senior Brothers (I will not mention the name for obvious reasons), was called and was asked by the "BapDada" why he was not obeying his orders concerning the building of a BK property. I remember how the subject was so quickly ignored by the Toli, dinner breaks, and no printing in the post day "Avyakt Murli".

Should we show a bit of respect for the elderly? Why?

Like it or not, King Janak Kripalani takes the fruit and carries the legal and spiritual responsibility of her title "Chief Administrator of the BKWSU". If one does not like that, do not take the title.

You are talking about someone here that has corrupted the teachings, enforced her own will against Baba's and under whose responsibility the BKWSU has engaged in cover ups, media manipulation, propogation of historical lies and re-writing of the Murlis. Even her own history!!!

If you want to take it further, and of course the BKWSU leadership excuse themselves for the same type of accountability any Kali Yugi lokik, religious or political organzation would, she share responsiblities for any of the minor atrocities carried out in the name of the BKWSU.

Would you show respect for an old priest that had messed around with young kids? These crimes above are surely worse?
Shakespeare wrote:Friends, Romans, Countrymen, I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do live after them. The good is oft interred with the bones,
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus, hath told you Caesar was ambitious ...
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Mr Green


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Post27 Jun 2007

Respect where respect is due, my grandmother is the same age as Jankers and has more virtue in her little finger than DJ.

Everyone knows she is without basic manners, yet people still chose to believe she is all virtuous.
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Post27 Jun 2007

30 years of BKWSU corporate PR lies exposed ... well done to Capt Porridge whose good work on the likes of this no doubt was!

Now, do we really believe it as beyond the capacity of Jayanti, Janki, Brian, Neville et al to spot and stop this having gone on for the best part of 30 years ... I must go back and check her biography.

With regards to Dadi Janki being "The Most Stable Mind in the World", the BKWSU London in a remarkable turn of affairs now official says,
    "This has never been said by any scientist".
But, yet a simple Google reveals that elsewhere the BK machine still milks the fairystory for all it is worth.

BKWSU Australiaregarding her book;
The BBC (again!)
The BK's Global Executive Retreat ... (aka the Brian Bacon Show)|
Her own websiteThe Companion of God
And The Times of India website along with the usual BS about her role as a founder and the "ancient eastern principles of Raja Yoga".

Sigh ... I guess instant reform was to much to ask for. I wonder when they will start to get to work on all the rot about Lekhraj Kirpalani?

But, let us give Google the last word ...
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in the night

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Post28 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:Like it or not, King Janak Kripalani takes the fruit and carries the legal and spiritual responsibility of her title "Chief Administrator of the BKWSU". If one does not like that, do not take the title.

Maybe she can renounce and we'll see what happens to those who are benefiting from her title.

Anyways, I was just wanting to focus on this important matter and have no special interested in saving her butty :P.
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Post28 Jun 2007

in the night wrote:Maybe she can renounce and we'll see what happens to those who are benefiting from her title.

If I was in her position, I would absolutely do that. Step back, let go, refuse to play the game, see how the family copes without have a Guru-God to worship, exploit and depend on for service.

At some point not only the Father, but also the elders, have to let go and allow others to grow up. This "work until you die", "hold onto the guddhi until you go" is strangely redolant of 3rd World Dictatorships. But, I still think it is the old Brother behind the old Sisters that pull the strings in their strange marriage.
mr green wrote:Everyone knows she is without basic manners, yet people still chose to believe she is all virtuous.

Can you explain what you mean or give examples?

I am utterly sure that she is not "without basic manners", it is just that she is so wise that she realises its your karma to be treated like **** and, as a servant of God, she does so for your highest benefit!
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Iron Aged manners

Post30 Jun 2007

What's Dadi Janki like? Iron fist in a velvet glove, or no need for a velvet glove even?

Yes, there's some space for people like her in the market of spiritualism. I have the impression that the BKs manage to take advantage of volunteer members better than many other similar groups. So, iron fist has some appeal to a certain category of souls.

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